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Radioactive water overruns Fukushima barrier - TEPCO

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posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by kmb08753

I haven't actually seen evidence of elevated levels of radiation on the US Continental West Coast. I don't know about Alaska or Hawaii for specifics. I was one of those that watched the radiation monitors people had set up with web cams all over as well as the official feeds that run through the present. I just haven't seen it?

I have certainly read about radiation being found and all over the place after Fuku, but that always (as I'd seen the stories) led to local sources that people with their brand new Geiger counters hadn't possessed the tools to find before that. If Fuku did anything positive, it was that for people buying them and wandering out to find things to do with them.

I think the most meaningful impact is going to be local and regional. The sources of the radiation are heavy metal that doesn't really travel. Not across oceans in our lifetime anyway. The radioactive water is a real pain....but that's 10,000 miles of ocean to cross, 30,000+ feet deep. I don't fear the US coasts on this one. (Unless these go BACK into an ongoing melt down....then all bets are off) I DO fear we'll have seafood from the LARGE contaminated areas getting into the food supply by greed and pure self centered humanity though...and the poor Japanese have lost a fair part of their heritage and homeland.

I have spent the last couple of hours searching and I haven't found any data regarding this contaminated run-off reaching the west coast. I trust your information is better than mine.

However, I AM more concerned now. What I did find was a lot of contamination reports from the initial disaster. Across the US radiation levels have increased. Drinking water and food supply has been affected. Milk as far as Arkansas has been reported. I saw some crazy tracer projection that show contamination across the entire pacific within ten years. I am stammering a bit because of the overwhelming amount of info I just read. Seaweed off the coast of California with like 400 times the amount of radiation from pre-fukushima. Again, this was all from the initial meltdown, not the current run-off.

Scarier might be that our government is not investigating it. Yah Uncle Sam!

I will continue to dig. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 07:47 PM
We're all going to diiiie!........sooner or later.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 08:08 PM
..i dont want to push the vieuw
but they did it on Purpose, 11 march 11

...the caused tsunami was but the excuse for the breakdown was Ment to leak steadily and continuously

in order to Dilute the Pacific, as largest body, first,
enough Diluted with active material to can Ignite [ by a Dimension - not by 'bombs'] the water on earth, any day now -

to spin the atoms Core of water just a bit Faster
so the water can contain another Dimension

does that make sense

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Lone12


posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by tinyDAWK
reply to post by Lone12


water, like crystals, can store memory, holograms, emotions

...your body is made of 60+ % water

increase the Energy [Dimensional Energy] upon the water,

..and you will Rule the physical body and its mental + emotional functions

... sad regards

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

@Wrabbit, you are partly right about the amount of radioactivity being released by this into the vast Pacific Ocean might not harm us North Americans all that much, but what happens when a US reactor has some catastrophic accident? Then it won't be so far away. Also keep in mind how Japan's nuclear power program has long been touted as a paragon to follow, even when they have smaller, yet still disconcerting incidents in the past?

To say that the US nuclear industry is so much safer than Japan's flies in the face of the history of safety violations, screw-up and defective plants here. Just thinking of nuclear plants on the west coast, the San Onofre plant in California has now been permanently shut down early because of safety violations and apparently unfixable problems with it. The same happened to the Trojan plant in Oregon. There was some fairly bad accident at an experimental government reactor in Idaho in the 1960s (I think was the date) as well. Now the NRC is extending the life of other plants throughout the US another 20 years past plants' original 50-year lifespan; that's just asking for material-failure accidents to happen.

What Fukushima is showing us is how bad such accidents can be and how difficult and expensive they can be to take care of.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

turn the area into glass right

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Lone12

you're the one who asked if what you said made sense. it didn't. doesn't mean you aren't on to something it just means you have to work a little harder to make your point coherent to others. Try to string those fragments together and explain what you mean. Communication shouldn't become a guessing game if you want to be understood.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by shaneslaughta

Who couldn't imagine a tsunami in an area as seismically active as japan, when they built it.

They did.
Just not one quite as big as the one that broached their seawall.

They also didn't account for the possibility of the bulk of the coast line that was affected by the tsunami to sink 1-2 meters due to the 9.1 quake. Which frankly I think you can give them a 'pass' on, considering just how mind boggling the whole thing is.

Obligatory link

I think one of the problems with the ground water influx is due to the fact that the sinking of the coastline changes how the aquifers and subsurface water table got violently altered.


Also, the buildings were constructed and 'level' before the 9.1. Now, there is a very good chance that the structures are no truly level; which would change how the load bearing walls and such endure over time.

edit on 10-8-2013 by Moshpet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Nope, won't work. Nukes do a whole hell of a lot of damage (see: LSM-60 at the Crossroads Baker test, 200-foot landing craft used to anchor a 23kt fission device, was literally obliterated by the blast and no part of it was ever found), but the effects on hardened structures like a reactor plant would be very difficult to determine. In addition to that, you wouldn't actually get rid of the radioactive material at all (although it wouldn't, as one member suggested, boost the blast). The end result of nuking the Fukushima facility would be much like setting off a "boosted" nuke or enhanced radiation warhead, spreading contamination further. Nuclear devices also aren't that efficient at truly destroying matter, a typical nuclear weapon will only convert 0.03%-0.05% of its mass into energy (the Hiroshima bomb is estimated to have converted 700 milligrams of uranium into energy).

Theoretically if you could generate and contain enough antimatter to completely annihilate the 1700 tons or so of uranium (spent and live) at the Fukushima plant, you could destroy it. But this raises several huge problems, not the least of which being the amount of energy that would release: 1700 tons of antimatter annihilating with 1700 tons of matter would release more than 66,000 gigatons, or over 66000000 megatons of force. A conservative estimate would put the size of that fireball at around 1.5 times the size of Rhode Island, or enough to turn most of northeast Japan into a smouldering crater. The overpressure would be enough to flatten everything within 225km, which leaves Tokyo a devastated ruin. So yeah, there's no bomb that will solve this one.

That said, I don't believe this is 1/10 of the issue ATS makes it out to be. Nature has recovered before, and will recover again. Sure, the short-term (say next 20 years) effects won't be pleasant, but look at Chernobyl and how the wildlife there has returned. This planet's seen a whole lot worse than a little radiation, we'll be fine.
edit on 10-8-2013 by ShadeWolf because: Missed a word.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Atzil321
Around 300 tons of highly radioactive water has been flooding into the pacific ocean on a daily basis for the last 2 years... Tepco only admitted that last week. I am still trying to make sense of that information, the blatant cover up and the almost suicidal lack of action on the part of the Japanese government.

how can attacking Pearl Harbor lead us to war but this doesn't?

I am sorry but this is way worse than P.H., Lusitania, and 9/11 ........combined.

If it takes the world to nuke japan, then what are we waiting for?

I KNOW the fact it is America getting hit with radiation by the Japanese is part of their lack of urgency..
payback for Hiroshima/Nagasaki?

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'm going to suggest the unthinkable again

*** BIG Question ... would the material at Fukushima act to amplify the blast or would it be irrelevant for just more debris being atomized at the center? Castle Bravo showed some metals can radically increase a yield ..even by accident in that case. I'd hope someone thought to test that with the other endless testing back when it was regularly done.

That would be a bad gamble, in my book.

Because the resulting blast would not be limited to the the 100kt explosion you are initially releasing, there is a real and definite likelihood that the initial reaction before the blast effects would also cause all the fuel rods to go boom too. (Spent is a misnomer to some extent, as there is still viable fuel in them, they are just 'cold'.) You are discounting the many tones of stored fuel in the 6 reactors, not just the 4 pools that are severely damaged. Then there is the combined storage pool which holds all the prior years worth of fuel rods as well.

The physics of it are pretty simple, even if the math would be harder to lay out.

The hard radiation pulse released in the first moments of the nuclear blast would trigger the fuel rods into total criticality. Basically a sympathetic explosion if you will. So all those rods would go 'bang' too.

While the initial nuclear explosion requires precise calculations and timing to explosively hyper compress the fissile material during the bare instants of initial criticality.... The following 'cascade' of hard radiation would hyper excite all the fuel rods in the blast radius as no amount of water, steel, concrete etc. would stop that radioactive pulse from initiating the fuel rods into all out criticality.

Then there is also a side issue in that no one knows if the resulting echoes of hard radiation would change or reshape the nuclear fission under such conditions. Where the echo is the instantaneous counter release of hard radiation from the fuel rods hyper criticality moment(s) that 'strike' the expanding compressed fission source.

It's quite possible that the hyper criticality of the fuel rods, might act as either a focusing lens making the fission event in the blast almost laser-like channeling the destructive force into unplanned directions.

Or if these echoe would act as an accelerant magnifying the eventual 'blast' by an unknown magnitude.

Or into something we have no way of understanding or predicting at this day and age.

The thing is, all of this would happen in an infinitesimally small space of time, likely a tiny moment of the speed of light; which is where fission reactions travel.

Then there is the whole issue of quantum effects of which we can only guess at. We do know that electrons can tunnel between 'spaces' in matter; at super cold temperatures. (Quantum Tunneling, look it up.) However everything at happens in the superheated moments of a nuclear fission explosion is all theory and guess work.

Given that this is entirely hypothetical, and just my best guess as to a few of the myriad possible disastrous outcomes, I'm going to say that in my best judgment given what I do know of physics; this would be a very dangerous plan of action.

I can envision all sorts of ways this could go wrong, even if the mostly likely outcome is 'just' an amplification of the blast, no one can predict the magnitude of change it would add. Hesitantly I might suggest that it would be bigger than the Tsar bomb test.

I'm not comforted by what my mind pictures as to some of the other potential outcomes.

Let's just say it's bad.

edit on 10-8-2013 by Moshpet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Lone12

is dimensional energy a thing? that is where im getting lost. that and now "water and crystals storing memory". what kind of memory. ive got a good imagination.. ive been waaay out there
but im not smelling what your steppin in, got me?

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 12:46 AM
Gonna be alot of fish and seafood ruined and contaminated.Sharks and what not and ocean life as well.

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 01:00 AM
To everyone in the nothing that can be done dept :

1. The Russians sacrificed hundreds upon thousands of pilots which brought Boron to the Chernobyl reactor and stopped a runaway event. It can be stopped, they just chose not to do it. Why?;
2. A real inquiry with judges and forensic scientists needs to find out exactly why this happened, who is at fault, what design changes must be made for all future plants (if any);
3. A Trillion dollar fund and team should be created to stop the event using all available technology including black budget tech.. ;
4. There are and have been patented technologies to cancel radioactive waste for many years. They have not used them in the past because the industry was making too much money bilking the public for storage. It is time to use this tech. Also, John Hutchinson has stated that advanced version of his scalar tech can cancel the radiation.

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by fleabit

I don't think it's true that no-one cares, it's simply that they are helpless to do anything about it.
The planet is run by a bunch of criminal cartels who really don't give a flying f*ck about what the future looks like, so long as they can get mega rich in their own lifetimes. There's nobody to turn to to put things right, because the whole show is corrupt.

It's a power company - not a "criminal cartel." Why do folks have to exaggerate to the n'th degree any time something bad happens? No one has any personal responsibility. No one complains about all the nice power they have - they want the benefits, but are ready to ravage a company if something bad happens.

Actually I was referring to governments as much as I was to corporations, as they're all in bed together. To allow something as dangerous as nuclear power to be put in the hands of private corporations, where safety will be compromised in the pursuit of greater profit, is willful negligence at best.
As for people wanting the benefits, well they don't really have a choice do they? The system is structured in a way that prevents people from choosing where their power comes from. If people were free to choose power that is produced by non-nuclear means, I'm sure many would.

edit on 11-8-2013 by thoiter because: Typo

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 02:19 AM
Any man-made radiation being dumped into any body of water is not a good thing. Period. Having said that, some sanity:

300 tons of water per day. That is 600,000 pounds of highly radioactive waste being dumped into the pacific. Not gallons, pounds. Using rounded math: 1 gallon = 5 pounds. 600,000 lbs of water = 120,000 gallons. The average American backyard pool is 10,000 gallons. That is, 12 average backyard pools of highly radioactive waste into the PACIFIC OCEAN every day.

As others have said, this is a drop in the bucket.

Again, any man made waste dumped into any body if water is bad. Radio active waste is far worse. I'm not making light of the situation. I do think taking a deep breath is in order. I think the far worse threat is the airborne radiation that was sprinkled all over mainland Japan.

Just one guys opinion, nothing more.

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by abeverage
So I guess all those "Conspiracy Nuts" that said the Plant was leaking and this was worse then we were being told were right?

Hmmm does anyone really need any more proof of the MSM and lies we are told?


posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by shaneslaughta
I have been following fukushima since the start. I have been making update posts about how bad it was but no one cared about i gave up trying to open peoples eyes.

We are totally destroying this planet. We are ruining our only home. This madness needs to stop, we need global energy reform. Hydrogen generators have come along way. People build them in their garage at home.
I think its high time someone started making the tech commercially available.

i know the feeling. noone listens to me either regarding the things i post.. not limited to and including the topic of fukushima and its possible relation to mass sealife and possibly wildlife deaths. in my home country i am ridiculed on public forums for voicing my point of view. and stigmatized for advising ppl to turn back to God.

this is what we have done with our world. those who are saved have nothing to fear of this world. not even apparent death from the destructive nature of mankind which we have allowed to go unchecked in not aspiring to please God in our actions and way of life.
edit on 11-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by FyreByrd

You brought up something I have been thinking but not said-yes the Japanese are supposed to be the national personification of honor and duty.Also common sense and wisdom.WHY has been on my mind-why has one company been allowed to let this situation drag on for 2 years-WHY has the imperial family,the government,the Japanese scientific community,the press-why have they all let this drag on? It is unlike the Japanese,I have often thought,in the past 2 years.

And you are so correct about the heroes of Chernobyl-most of those men had wives and children,all had loved ones-they were absolute heroes,the definition of bravery is to feel the fear and yet do what you have to,anyway.I hope that in their own country at least,they are revered and never forgotten.

The inexplicable and baffling way the Japanese has Not dealt in a concentrated and ceaseless and urgent manner with the Fuku crisis is something I will never understand.

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