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The "End Game"

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posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by Dianec

What will happen in large urban areas will be different than what will happen in smaller, rural areas.

My God - we see what happens in Chicago on a good day - hate - really hate to see innocent children be sacrificed to the gods of hell.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

Boy did that answer suck!!

That's ok though I can sorta see the logic in why they would use that rather than other methods. Tactically it would result in more "Pro's than Con's".

It's still only something a totally f**ked up, sick piece of sh*t would ever think about actually doing, but since we are talking about those who control this planet that should already be assumed to be true.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by mOjOm

Well you also have to keep in mind that this was 2004 and then this is now.

I am sure they are more capable now.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

I'm sure they are, however, the dirty bomb approach does have one major benefit over Nukes, or Chemicals or whatever. That benefit being the fact that a dirty would still be enough to cause the desired effect while being easily blamed on their favorite boogeyman, Al-Quida, or just Terrorism in general.

Any other method would be too difficult to shift blame away from themselves. There are of course other reasons, but I think that is near the top of the list for sure.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by mOjOm

Its enough to declare martial law.

This is how it will be done and its been in the works for decades. Even some of the militaries top brass are in on it.

But unlike a nuke, where everyone gets smothered. There will be martial law meaning that all cities will be closed in.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

Right, but it can't exactly look like it was done by us to ourselves. It still has to have the look of being an attack by some outside enemy.

But you're right. It renders those areas as toxic, although not so much that it can't be cleaned up after a short time and without complete destruction of the area. It will however be enough to enact martial law. It will cripple the those within the surrounding area without movement since nobody will be allowed out of a restricted area and no body will want to go in or through there either. This would allow for them to basically block off those major areas while those trapped inside them basically killing themselves off and keeping the military presence down to a minimum. Just enough to keep it contained.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by mOjOm

You're exactly right.

Its not meant to look purposeful at all if not pointing the fingers at a nation that hates us. Or we hate them?

Either way your right.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 04:54 AM
Meh, already happened on 9/11.
Continuity of government protocols kicked in on that day and have been in place since.
We still live under a declared state of national emergency.
The dirty bomb part is believable though maybe it's just because of the whole Operation Blackjack thing.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 05:15 AM
And what would be the purpose of them doing this? What would they hope to gain by doing this?

you saw how people acted towards bush after Katrina, so I`m pretty sure that any politician that allows rioting to go on for weeks and months, will be lynched in the nearest town square when they come crawling out of their bunker.

What do welfare checks have to do with dirty bombs? a couple of dirty bombs won`t prevent the government from printing the checks and sending them out as usual.

What do foreign troops in mexico have to do with dirty bombs?

If they have already announced to the media that they are going to do this then how do they plan on stopping the people from lynching them after they do it? obviously they won`t be able to cast the blame on terrorist because they have already announced that they themselves will be responsible for it.
They will all be arrested, given a fair trial and then executed. Is this some massive suicide pact?

This whole scheme sounds like a poorly written script for a low budget T.V. show.

edit on 9-8-2013 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 06:27 AM
I thought that I would post this here because it was highly relevant to the information you provided, and indeed involves Operation Blackjack.

Operation Blackjack - The Telegraph

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 09:27 AM
with all due respect to the OP and the one knows exactly how things are gonna go down....has somethin to do with 'the best laid plans of mice and men' or something like that....

you see....theres one thing that a certain book called the bible does really well that no other thing or person can come close to....and thats foretelling the future......just read revelation.

Dont believe me? I could tell you some things that would make your collective heads spin....but whats the point...if you dont discover it...and make it your own youll just dismiss it out of hand....thats how most revelations work if its not the right time for the person.

Ill throw you all a bone though.....if you want to get a lead on the right track like a good blood hound sniffin out a coon, then check this out. Its about the ROMAN catholic church. Thats the key to everything. These guys are the puppet masters behind almost everything......and i know that may sound rediculous to alot of ppl....but its the truth. Rome was the Iron legs of the statue in the book of turns into the iron mixed with clay in the toes of the statue......'but they shall not cleave one to another' is the prophecy.....because it has always been the wet dream of man to have a one world government......Rome is as close as it will ever get.....though they will try again one more time right before the very end....and it will even appear successful for a very short amount of time.....

Rome is the deadly wound that was healed after Napolean took the pope captive and he died in prison.....

study bible prophecy......everything else is mere speculation and the thoughts and desires of man

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 10:20 AM
Hate to be the party-pooper but all this is nonsense. Bad things might happen in the future but it won't be this delusion.

GPS on every vehicle? So what? GPS isn't a tracking system or a two-way communication system. It's doesn't even work when the vehicle is garaged. I am a subject matter expert on this so I know what I'm talking about.

Government transfer payments stop? Why? They print the funny money.

Chaotic transition to a new government? I think that's where the nihilism really shows itself. It's a doom fantasy. Tactically its unnecessary and stupid. If TPTB let order fall apart, it's extremely counterproductive. It will be that much harder to restart the worker class.

The best war is the one you don't have to fight. They know that. The trick is to keep the workers going to work and and feeding the banks. Without the hands of humans producing things, the whole construct disintegrates.

"A" for sincerity, but it's sincere fiction.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:41 AM
That sounds about right...."Fear... Reaction... Solution". Order out of chaos...."The New World Order"!

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by InverseLookingGlass
turn the electricity off for 3+ days and watch how people react i have seen that and it is not pretty it scared me to see the change in people who had no power and had not washed for a few days in freezing cold while my home was running on 12v plus a coal fire i felt like young frankenstien with villagers banging on my door demanding to know how i had electricity and the t.v on

edit on 9/8/13 by geobro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

The end game is the end of America

What kind of an end game is that? To what end, for what purpose?

THAT is your endgame, if you assume it to be true.

So, for anyone claiming the powers that be have an endgame to end America, you'll also have to provide the REASON for it. How do they plan to be BETTER OFF with this done? That is of course, what everyone seeks right, to be better off tomorrow than today? So HOW does the death of America accomplish that?

Answer that, and maybe you'll have an audience.....

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 12:30 PM
Throughout history, countless regimes have risen and fallen and broken like waves on the shore. Nearly all of them have been brought down by the same deciding factor... greed, otherwise known as the pursuit of power.

America is reaching its coda, and it’s eerily similar to the last days of previous “world powers.” Many of the greatest empires throughout history were not conquered by outside forces. Rather, they crumbled inwardly as extreme social decay set in. The end game is about the preservation of the status elite. That is all. These people will happily destroy a nation if it means they can maintain themselves through the rise of a new one.
They. do. not. care.

This, of course, isn’t the purpose of the OP. We’re not discussing the how's and why's that lead us down this road; we’re trying to determine the final years, months, weeks, and/or days, of this Republic. What will happen? Was the coming collapse orchestrated, and if so; how will those in power try to maintain control during an erosion of order, and how will they reestablish power once things settle down?

If it hasn’t been planned? Will they try to salvage the situation, or will they allow things to play out and then pick up the pieces later?

Whatever you decide, certain contingencies and consequences will remain unchanged during a societal collapse. [Many of these have already taken place, and many more we're seeing the beginnings of now.]

First off; the protection of the “elite.” In order to keep them comfy in their luxuries we’ll see a rise in prices met by stagnation, or even a dip in wages. This inflation imbalance will lead to a more desperate populace; desperation that will only rise as time goes on and the gap between the wealthy and the poor widens.

These economic woes will lead to an increase in the need for Government assist programs; programs that will weaken the middle class further as they take on the added costs of paying for the poor. In order to protect the wealthy (the “job creators”), they’ll likely see little-to-no change in their own taxes. In fact, corporations that provide low cost products will see a spike in revenue, which will force many more small Main St. businesses to close shop. This will boost unemployment and raise taxes further, which again will be passed on to the Middle Class.

As the corporate bubble swells and costs continue to rise, draining State and Federal funds to their last pennies, politicians will be forced to choose between housing the poor, or imprisoning criminals. Slowly, we’ll begin to see more and more prisons early-releasing inmates to reduce costs. This will create a spike in crime as violent offenders and thieves are released into a world with a dwindling job market and ever-increasing inflation.

The crime spike will lead to further police militarization as States struggle to control the people, which will lead to more reports of “trigger happy” boys in blue abusing their power because, after all, they’ve got to get home to their loved ones; the innocent be damned. In order to protect their assets, the government will keep tight tabs on its own resources, this will include heavily armed personnel at food banks, hospitals, and government buildings, GPS devices in all government vehicles and valued shipments, and fear tactics and/or rewards for government personnel. We'll also see an increase in military-style vehicles and weaponry within our police departments.

This abuse of police power will cause a rift between Cop and Citizen, which will lead to more paranoia on both sides. At some point, at some rally, the wrong person in the wrong situation is going to do the wrong thing, and someone, either cop or citizen, will get killed.

That community will explode and a local curfew and possible disarmament will commence. Through the fear of repeat events, these “temporary” policies may spread throughout the county, state, or region.

The demonstration of this sort of crushing power will only succeed in dividing the country further, which will only lead to more rallies, and more government action against the people as the war for the Constitution escalates.

To slow the spread of “propaganda” by our side, the censorship of Internet and telecommunications will be implemented. Television broadcasts will be completely monitored, and “live feed” will be complete abolished. Communication Policing Technology will take effect. (Apple is already developing such technology).
Climate change, natural disasters, and the world market can exacerbate, and ultimately speed up this process.

From this point, it’s hard to say what direction this country will take, as it will be left up to the people.

We're not talking about the end of the world here. We're not talking about some doomsday scenario. This is just the end of a regime. It happens all the time. America isn't immune.

edit on 9-8-2013 by Garkiniss because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by txinfidel

The end game is the end of America

What kind of an end game is that? To what end, for what purpose?

THAT is your endgame, if you assume it to be true.

So, for anyone claiming the powers that be have an endgame to end America, you'll also have to provide the REASON for it. How do they plan to be BETTER OFF with this done? That is of course, what everyone seeks right, to be better off tomorrow than today? So HOW does the death of America accomplish that?

Answer that, and maybe you'll have an audience.....

Self preservation.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Garkiniss

If anything, the death of the world's largest single nation economy would be directly COUNTER to the goal of self preservation....going to have to do way better than that....

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

It already is as a script for a low budget tv show, that show would be Jericho. When they specifically called out dhs thats when the show got pulled. They were actually planning a few more seasons at the time and stopped mid season. They did however continue telling the story through other means.

The purpose is "continuity of government." Those are the words they used. And it was broadcasted on the local news not as this will be the end of America and this is how it will be done. As it was explained to me it was planning to use continuity of government in the event of a terrorist attack in which dirty bombs were used.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

I dont know how anything or anyone would be better off.

As it was explained this tech was developed to aid for continuity of government during a full collapse so the government could still function.

I think that it would be safe to assume that if this did happen and there was no law and order for weeks at a time. We might wake up one day to find that the government had been transformed into a dictatorship.

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