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UFOs are UFOs not Alien Space craft

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posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I have no doubt UFOs are for real.

That people are actually seeing and experiencing
Physical crafts that hover from a few feet to high up in

Yes. Abductions are also real. The probing, the DNA
slicing, the implants are also real.

But what is not real is that they are Alien.

We all know dinosaurs were for real. Why?

Because we have dinosaur fossils from across the world.

Where are the Alien or Bigfoot fossils?

According to UFO researchers Aliens have been here
since for thousands and even millions of years ago.

When we can have dino fossils from 65 million years,
why not Alien fossils? From anywhere in the world!

The reason is simple. Both UFOs and greys and other
Aliens that are being projected in our minds are all
Terrestrial. A smoke screen by the powers to be who
keep controlling the world to hide the knowledge of
advanced technology such as anti-gravity propulsion,
Time Travel devices, illegal genetic and mind control

After the disclosure by Edward Snowden and the fact
that military and government can lie under oath over
peeping into each of our lives gives us reason enough
to believe that they are also lying about the existence
of these advanced technologies.

Now here is why UFOs cannot be Alien Spaceships.

Any extra-terrestrial civilization that has the technology
to travel through time and space as well as dimensions
do not need saucer shaped spacecrafts or use crude
intrusive devices for genetic experiments.

Any such advanced civilization has long shed their
physical form and exist as pure consciousness that
I call as the neu.

The neu is a particle like the neutrino with consciousness
attached to it. The neu is the real you. Not your body.

I have already discovered the technology to convert
matter to neutrinos in 1987 and shared it with the top
US universities.

This is the technology that the powers to be who
control our planet do not want us to know.

Therefore the smokescreen of UFOs and Grey Aliens.

I have now revealed all of this on my blog that you
can find at

Yes. The UFOs are real. The Greys are real. The
Abductions are real. But they are all tools used by
the powers to be humans who control us.

They are part of Governments, the military, the scientific
Community, financial markets.

The reason to hide this advanced technology is
obvious. If each one of us learn about it we would
demand to experience it.

And once we are in control of our neu, no one
can control us.

In 2003 I tried to share this knowledge. I was
diagnosed with diabetes.

But this time they cannot touch me as I have
learned the technique to control my neu and
thus what happens to my physical self.

So do not be distracted. Go to my site and
learn all about the neu, Gravitatiinal Electrical
Effects (GEE) technology, neu Energy meditation.

It is all for Free. There is no book to write or start
any organization or new age religion. It is pure
sharing of knowledge.

I have got everything in life. Money, Recognition
and Love. So focus not on me but the knowledge
I shared with you today.

My website has been put down now and then for
past few days. It may be put down permanently.

Make a copy if it. Share the content freely on your
website if needed. Just do not misuse it to make
a profit.

The real profitable thing to do is to awaken your
neu and get back control of your self.

Scientists who wish to learn more about GEE
Technology can contact me. I have not posted
the details on GEE on the website deliberately
so it does not fall in the wrong hands.

Thank You.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:54 PM

Scientists who wish to learn more about GEE
Technology can contact me. I have not posted
the details on GEE on the website deliberately
so it does not fall in the wrong hands.

i'd like to have a look at GEE.. but how do i know if my hands are wrong?

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:05 PM

Any extra-terrestrial civilization that has the technology to travel through time and space as well as dimensions do not need saucer shaped spacecrafts or use crude intrusive devices for genetic experiments.

That is quite a statement ... the motives or intentions of any alien race is most likely far beyond what any human can imagine...who are you to say what they may need or not need?

It is intellectually arrogant for any human to suppose they know everything about ufos or aliens...

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by 0pass

Well GEE, Thank the Good Lord we all know dinosaurs "were for real"

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by coastlinekid

Any extra-terrestrial civilization that has the technology to travel through time and space as well as dimensions do not need saucer shaped spacecrafts or use crude intrusive devices for genetic experiments.

That is quite a statement ... the motives or intentions of any alien race is most likely far beyond what any human can imagine...who are you to say what they may need or not need?

It is intellectually arrogant for any human to suppose they know everything about ufos or aliens...

There is no arrogance. This is my inference after researching this
Subject since 1987 as also researching on topics such as
Time Travel, neutrinos, anti-gravity.

Also from recent events on evolution of technology.

My other technoligy called password less authentication got
a gold medal from none other than Lockheed Martin.

So I feel the other knowledge that I have is also not just
out of the blue.

I making my statements here after making a detailed and
Scientific analysis.


posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:23 AM


posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by 0pass

A true scientist never speaks in absolutes...


posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
reply to post by 0pass

A true scientist never speaks in absolutes...


Yeah. But I am not the traditional scientist. I only said I follow
Scientific methods rather than assuming things.

Yes. Nothing is absolute. But I predicted a few things back in 1987
that is now considered a fact or certainly theoretically possible.

Like. Supernova explosion results in burst of neutrinos. This was
proved with evidence from SuperNova 1987A.

I also predicted a multi dimensional universe. This is considered
a possibility.

Neutrinos travel faster than light. Though one experiment
proved this but was later said it was a false alarm.

My scientific conclusions are based on what is observed in nature.

Like Sunspots, the massive hole on suns polar region that was
recently in the news to name a few.

The Bermuda Triangle is a Earth Spot similar to a sun spot.

Formed by concentration if GEE forces in that area.

So yes. Nothing is absolute. Yet all hints so far suggest that
it is worth my time investigating and sharing the knowledge.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by 0pass

Oh,... I guess it's a good thing your not a traditional scientist...

Thanks for blowing me away with your scientific prose...

Maybe you should try sharing it in a less know-it-all way...

You should start a series of threads expounding on the revelations you just shared with us...

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by 0pass

Back in 1987 did you predict things that were wrong or abandoned research because it led to a dead end?

It is important you share your errors so others do not follow the same flawed path.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
reply to post by 0pass

Oh,... I guess it's a good thing your not a traditional scientist...

Thanks for blowing me away with your scientific prose...

Maybe you should try sharing it in a less know-it-all way...

You should start a series of threads expounding on the revelations you just shared with us...

I do not have so much time to spend. I have already created
a blog which has all the topics covered
including how to have your wishes come true by meditating.

Now there is no scientific explanation for that sort of experience.

But I have created a thread for that in the religion, faith forum
titled Alternative to Religion and Spirituality.

I also manage an information blog to earn a living. Much of my
time goes in that field.

I created this thread so there could be a discussion on the
truth about all these paranormal activities that has led to
a kind of feeding frenzy recently with people holding
disclosure events, writing books, undertaking expeditions,
starting radio talk shows.

I felt the need to share my thoughts on this in more or less
scientific manner though I too agree there is nothing
absolute about what I say. It is for everyone to debate
and find out instead of yapping about the type of
Aliens or UFOs that have no scientific proof as yet no
matter how many photographs or videos or indirect
evidence is out there.

Once again I am not saying UFOs are not real as also the
associated events such as abductions and Bigfoots.

My conclusion is that they are not E.T. It is just the
Military Industrial and now after the Snowden episode
the Political Nexus that is doing this and encouraging
the paranormal theories as a smoke screen.

And how I conclude they are not ETs? By putting forth
my hypothesis that for ET to travel to planet Earth they
would need to invent and develop Time Travel technology.

And if they do develop it, they will first need to learn how to
control their conscience or soil or spirit. I call it neu.

And once they learn to control their neu, they basically
do not need a body and yet be everywhere and experience

So fundamentally all these things that the Greys and other
Aliens do to us humans on abduction are more earthly
Fantasies than Extra Terrestrial.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by mirageman
reply to post by 0pass

Back in 1987 did you predict things that were wrong or abandoned research because it led to a dead end?

It is important you share your errors so others do not follow the same flawed path.

Yes. Not errors but I faced lot of problems in real life. You can
call it Bad Luck. Those with whom I shared the knowledge
also had to face bad luck. One guy had an accident but he
did not die. Another Lady who read my thesis lost something

I developed allergies that still affect me. In 2003 when I posted
the GEE theory on a blog. I was diagnosed with diabetes.

Whatever I think the opposite used to happen.

However in 2012 I got rid off all of these negative influences
by discovering and practising neu energy meditation.

Whatever I predicted has come true or theoretically now
considered a possibility.

In 1987 I conducted the first GEE experiment in my backyard.
More details of this on my website

And in January 2013 I conducted the second one. Both were
a success considering the scope of the experiment and
the results to be expected.

Between 1987 to now I had to stop my research to focus
on my education or professional life.

If you do not want bad luck and not ready to do
neuEnergy meditation to counter it, then my advice is
to keep away from this thread.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 09:51 AM
Anyone who says don't Aliens build saucer shaped craft must have obvious extensive experience in Alien technology.
Why not saucer shaped? Saucer shaped is perfect for travel, you can change direction really quickly especially if using an energy field to propel the craft where as we know planes have to face the direction of travel right? Saucers are very drag efficient in my humble opinion. but what do I know, I';ve only seen ONE UFO and I'm pretty sure it wasn't human built, as it split into 3 and disappeared in 3 different directions.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:00 AM
How the hell do you know what they want us for?!??? Sorry this is a completely ignorant post/theory

Originally posted by 0pass
I have no doubt UFOs are for real.

That people are actually seeing and experiencing
Physical crafts that hover from a few feet to high up in

Yes. Abductions are also real. The probing, the DNA
slicing, the implants are also real.

But what is not real is that they are Alien.

We all know dinosaurs were for real. Why?

Because we have dinosaur fossils from across the world.

Where are the Alien or Bigfoot fossils?

According to UFO researchers Aliens have been here
since for thousands and even millions of years ago.

When we can have dino fossils from 65 million years,
why not Alien fossils? From anywhere in the world!

The reason is simple. Both UFOs and greys and other
Aliens that are being projected in our minds are all
Terrestrial. A smoke screen by the powers to be who
keep controlling the world to hide the knowledge of
advanced technology such as anti-gravity propulsion,
Time Travel devices, illegal genetic and mind control

After the disclosure by Edward Snowden and the fact
that military and government can lie under oath over
peeping into each of our lives gives us reason enough
to believe that they are also lying about the existence
of these advanced technologies.

Now here is why UFOs cannot be Alien Spaceships.

Any extra-terrestrial civilization that has the technology
to travel through time and space as well as dimensions
do not need saucer shaped spacecrafts or use crude
intrusive devices for genetic experiments.

Any such advanced civilization has long shed their
physical form and exist as pure consciousness that
I call as the neu.

The neu is a particle like the neutrino with consciousness
attached to it. The neu is the real you. Not your body.

I have already discovered the technology to convert
matter to neutrinos in 1987 and shared it with the top
US universities.

This is the technology that the powers to be who
control our planet do not want us to know.

Therefore the smokescreen of UFOs and Grey Aliens.

I have now revealed all of this on my blog that you
can find at

Yes. The UFOs are real. The Greys are real. The
Abductions are real. But they are all tools used by
the powers to be humans who control us.

They are part of Governments, the military, the scientific
Community, financial markets.

The reason to hide this advanced technology is
obvious. If each one of us learn about it we would
demand to experience it.

And once we are in control of our neu, no one
can control us.

In 2003 I tried to share this knowledge. I was
diagnosed with diabetes.

But this time they cannot touch me as I have
learned the technique to control my neu and
thus what happens to my physical self.

So do not be distracted. Go to my site and
learn all about the neu, Gravitatiinal Electrical
Effects (GEE) technology, neu Energy meditation.

It is all for Free. There is no book to write or start
any organization or new age religion. It is pure
sharing of knowledge.

I have got everything in life. Money, Recognition
and Love. So focus not on me but the knowledge
I shared with you today.

My website has been put down now and then for
past few days. It may be put down permanently.

Make a copy if it. Share the content freely on your
website if needed. Just do not misuse it to make
a profit.

The real profitable thing to do is to awaken your
neu and get back control of your self.

Scientists who wish to learn more about GEE
Technology can contact me. I have not posted
the details on GEE on the website deliberately
so it does not fall in the wrong hands.

Thank You.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:15 AM
I'm sorry but you are going to have to produce a little bit more credibility for me to believe you. I mean you don't even provide a link to this blog that you keep going on about. Also your fossil analogy is lacking in that if aliens were with us for so long why can't we discover their fossils? Well first off there are many documented and discovered fossils of oddly shaped humans. Just google elongated skulls. Not saying these misshapen fossils are aliens, just saying that it's possible. Second, who is to say that these aliens don't dispose of their dead in other ways than we do? What if they incinerate all their dead? It's really not that far fetched of an idea considering we do that here on Earth too.

Also, how do you know who is piloting these crafts? Have you been inside them? Seen the pilots and crew of these ships? By the way if they are human ran they certainly aren't unidentified (maybe to you and I), the government would have identification for them. So they wouldn't even be UFO's like your thread title states, they'd just be normal aircraft that the general public is unaware of.

You make a lot of assumptions in your OP and assert them as fact yet provide no proof except for claims of a blog (great evidence there...
) that you failed to provide a link for.
edit on 6-8-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Krazysh0t
I'm sorry but you are going to have to produce a little bit more credibility for me to believe you. I mean you don't even provide a link to this blog that you keep going on about. Also your fossil analogy is lacking in that if aliens were with us for so long why can't we discover their fossils? Well first off there are many documented and discovered fossils of oddly shaped humans. Just google elongated skulls. Not saying these misshapen fossils are aliens, just saying that it's possible. Second, who is to say that these aliens don't dispose of their dead in other ways than we do? What if they incinerate all their dead? It's really not that far fetched of an idea considering we do that here on Earth too.

Also, how do you know who is piloting these crafts? Have you been inside them? Seen the pilots and crew of these ships? By the way if they are human ran they certainly aren't unidentified (maybe to you and I), the government would have identification for them. So they wouldn't even be UFO's like your thread title states, they'd just be normal aircraft that the general public is unaware of.

You make a lot of assumptions in your OP and assert them as fact yet provide no proof except for claims of a blog (great evidence there...
) that you failed to provide a link for.
edit on 6-8-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)


When UFO researchers say Aliens helped the Egyptians and Sumerians who buried their dead then why would they not follow the Aliens in this aspect. Then the Egyptians too should have incinerated their dead instead of mummifying them. That apart, whatever evidence there is be it Greer's tiny alien or weird fossils / skeletons most of these have been proved to be hoaxes. I Google and see hundreds of links and pictures of the Giant Skull and skeleton but then we find that it is mysteriously missing.

I have done extensive research on all of this for the past 25 years and have not come across one that says there is a preserved specimen of an Alien. The only thing Alien we have found (even that is not conclusively proved yet) is the martian meteor with microbes and more recently a french man discovering Giant Alien Virus called Pandora Virus.

Regarding your statement, "Also, how do you know who is piloting these crafts? "

Yes, no one knows who are inside these UFOs. Some have claimed to have seen Greys inside the cockpit. Even if there were Greys, these could be robots that we ourself could build one. The most recent news on this topic is the Japanese has sent a speaking robot to the Space Station last week. So why could not Darpa build one for their UFOs they develop.

We are already quite advanced into the drone technology. These do not require pilots. The only difference between these drones and so called UFOs is that they propulsion in drones is conventional and the propulsion in UFOs is far more advanced. Mostly Anti-Gravity or other form of propulsion. Dr. Greer has already talked about the existence of these advanced technologies that could solve most of our energy problems.

My title is apt. Until they are officially identified and cataloged by aviation and space authorities around the world, these objects would remain Un-Identified Flying Objects or UFOs.

As far as credibility is concerned most of the people here are anonymous and hide behind a veil. I am one of the few who does not. You can verify my credentials by visiting my LinkedIn Profile

This research is my part time hobby not a full time occupation. Yet I give serious attention and time to it whenever possible.

Yes. All of the things I have written are assumptions unless proved beyond doubt. But that is what ATS is for to put forth your assumptions and have others critique it or debunk it. If anyone here can provide me a credible evidence of Aliens flying the UFOs I will withdraw my assumptions.

What I mean by credible evidence is actual existing evidence not hearsay by pilots or astronauts. Something that can be tested and verified scientifically. I have seen most of these such as trace evidence documented by Dr, Allan Hynek and fellow researchers, Implants removed by others from abductees, Crop Circles and many others.

There is no evidence of sample available of Aliens who came out of these UFOs leaving behind any DNA material and having been tested and proved of extra terrestrial alien origin.

With regards the link to my blog, I did not post it considering that it may violate the rules of this blog. But here it is for your consideration.

The only facts that I state on my blog is about the meditation technique I have perfected and the GEE experiment that I have conducted that I can offer to scientific / spiritual scrutiny.

edit on 6-8-2013 by 0pass because: spelling

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by 0pass

Alright fair enough. I'll give you a flag for not failing to follow through on the request for more information. What I want to know now is how did you come to these conclusions. What evidence and information led you to believe the way you do? I have never seen the spirit referred to as "neu" before. So why this word? I've skimmed your blog a but as I am at work I don't have time to sit and fully read it. There appears to be quite a bit of information disclosed on this blog, but where did you compile it all from? Are these your own ideas?

Also one last thing, just because you decide to voluntarily drop your anonymity doesn't necessarily give you more credibility. That is unless you were some sort of high profile researcher hitting up ATS in your spare time (which you aren't).

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Krazysh0t
reply to post by 0pass

Alright fair enough. I'll give you a flag for not failing to follow through on the request for more information. What I want to know now is how did you come to these conclusions. What evidence and information led you to believe the way you do? I have never seen the spirit referred to as "neu" before. So why this word? I've skimmed your blog a but as I am at work I don't have time to sit and fully read it. There appears to be quite a bit of information disclosed on this blog, but where did you compile it all from? Are these your own ideas?

Also one last thing, just because you decide to voluntarily drop your anonymity doesn't necessarily give you more credibility. That is unless you were some sort of high profile researcher hitting up ATS in your spare time (which you aren't).

These ideas are my own. You need to read my replies to other
comments on how I came to know and the basis for believing
and sharing this knowledge.

Regarding credibility, there is not much credibility at least in
scientific circles for some of these famous researchers.

My credibility is not based on my research into UFOs but on
other earthly endeavors reason why I shared my identity.

I plan to restart research on GEE. If I find interest in this blog
on the topic I have started, I will keep it updated with the latest.

So far I have not seen much of a positive conversation happening
or anyone willing to join me in the research.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:16 PM
I would like to invite those with an open mind and a background
in physics to join me in completing the research I started out
in 1987. That which I have titled as Gravitational Electrical Effects or
GEE for short.

Those of you who are keen on exploring the neu are also invited.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by 0pass

You have some things right ..
Others ..Not so much.

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