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Remember Past Lives With This Past-Life Regression Session...

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posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 06:08 PM
One more thing; almost 20 years ago in my late 20's I did a self guided past life regression after reading the book, "Initiation" by Elisabeth Haich. What I saw there was completely different from the guided one.

I saw myself sitting with my young son in the 1920's-30's waiting for a train. We were in Europe somewhere and mourning the death of his father and on our way to a new home. I feel certain that this person who was my son was also an important, albeit, abusive person in my present life.

I saw another time, again female, living in a cold mountainous region. I was a young teenage girl and had a father with red hair and a beard. He was furious with me and threw me out of the house and I froze to death in the snow.

Delving into this is strange and I really wonder what are memories and what part is imagination. At no point did I try to force images though, I just allowed them and observed.

I hope you enjoyed my stories, as I have all of yours. Any input or analysis is welcome!

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by sled735

No Native American family that I know of, Romanian and Polish on one side, Danish and Irish on the other. Thank you for replying, though! It was a strange experience, as I was fully expecting a human memory and everything seemed so foreign. I tried not to analyze what I was seeing and finally it occurred to me that I was a bird, so then it seemed more natural.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by frayedknot

Any analysis would have to be done by you; it was your life. Ask your guides to give you clarification on what you should learn from seeing them. Maybe you'll be answered in a "dream".

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by sled735 right! I do have some informative "dreams". They just don't answer always in the way I want them too!

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 12:30 AM
I have for some reason just started to wonder about my past lives.

I had such a fear of doing this but after reading all the posts decided to do this.

I don't think I had very much luck at all.

I couldn't see or feel any childhood memories. When it came time for the pre birth again I couldn't see anything but did feel a warmth. I also noticed my eyes kept twitching/blinking and I could feel pulsating. After the birth I felt cool and calm.

By the time he got into past lives I opened my eyes.

I'm not sure what happened. I kept feeling like something was touching me. The whole process seemed to be emotional for me as I kept having tears roll down my face although I never saw or heard anything.

I was really looking forward to seeing something. Did it take anyone else a few goes?

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by frayedknot

Mind plays games with us. We often see images that are so real yet the images are imagination.

Human mind is adept at creating an artificial reality. Why is so is something to do with soul's own great power and the great faculties of human body.

Maybe the soul tries to imitate God. God created this reality in which we live including the bodies that we have. This whole reality is like magic which one day vanishes with the destruction of the Universe. It is so real, yet it is not.

The basic question is - can we see past lives? The answer is "yes" as there are people who have seen not only their own past lives but can see other's past lives too.

However this requires activating powers of soul which is possible only after long practice of soul purification (called 'tapa' in Sanskrit). So it is not a capability acquired easily.

The people who acquire this capability can see other people's (and their own) past lives without any special state or assistance. They do not need to close their eyes or get into a trance.

However such things can be easily faked as well, as soul's experiences like dreams are so hard to prove. You only experience it, and nobody else sees anything. So it is a gray area for science.

I have a certain yardstick for a person that I would trust to be able to see past lives:

a. Lives a very simple non-pretentious life.
b. Has ability to heal others.
c. Always speaks truth. Is not influenced by trappings of power.
d. Physical signs like the sweat does not smell. This is a sign of purification of body achieved by 'tapa'.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 03:57 AM
I recently looked into past life regression and had no luck with finding someone close who did it.. so I'll give this a go and let you know the results! S+F

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by blossom18

I've started to a couple of times, but every time I do I get interrupted by my cat jumping on me, a train going by, my family coming into the room, etc.

I want to try again, but I know it will be another interruption, so... I finally gave up.

The instructor did say if you didn't have any luck to keep trying. Sometimes it takes more than one go at it.

Let us know if you get anything after trying it again.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 04:01 AM

reply to post by frayedknot

I have a certain yardstick for a person that I would trust to be able to see past lives:

a. Lives a very simple non-pretentious life.
b. Has ability to heal others.
c. Always speaks truth. Is not influenced by trappings of power.
d. Physical signs like the sweat does not smell. This is a sign of purification of body achieved by 'tapa'.

This describes my friend, Scribe611 to a tee! She posted on the first page, and had an amazing reveal.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by sled735

The spiritual people should learn about 'Veda'. 'Veda' is the true knowledge of the creation as well as God.

The study of 'Veda' itself gives the capability to discover past lives.

'Veda' contains the keys to all true sciences including the science of spaceships capable of travelling at a speed higher than the speed of light.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

Thank you.

I'll have to study up on this. You've given me something to do now. I was getting bored.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by sled735

The root word 'vid' in Sanskrit means 'shown' or 'display'. The word "vidit" means "what is seen".

"Veda" is a book of knowledge. People think it is a book of religion which it is not.

"Veda" tells about God and soul because these are real entities in our world, so everybody should learn about them.

"Veda" also tells about all useful things that exist in the Universe that humans can make use of, including plants and animals.

However remember that 'Veda' are in ancient Sanskrit language, which is not very well understood today. There are only a few experts on this language who can be counted on fingers.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 10:27 PM

reply to post by sled735

'Veda' contains the keys to all true sciences including the science of spaceships capable of travelling at a speed higher than the speed of light.

AHA! This is why so many sightings of UFOs include a description of it suddenly "vanishing" from sight, not leaving in a trajectory that can be seen. They moved away faster than we could actually see it move. One of the three instances I consider to be UFOs was of a "plane" about 50 feet to the side of a bridge (and maybe 50 feet above the lake I was crossing). I grabbed my cell phone because I thought it was a small plane crashing, but as I looked at it again it stretched out very thin sideways and disappeared while I was looking right at it. Now I think it was "leaking" through from another dimension for a brief moment.

By the way, the other two I consider solid UFOs and not just lights up in the sky were sitting still while I observed them. One was about two and a half power poles high (I drove directly under this one, very slowly!). I just read online, not sure if it's right, but it's an estimate, that the standard power pole is 40 feet long and buried six feet in the ground, leaving 34 feet above ground. Going by that, I guess it was a little over 80 feet off the ground. No sound or wind from this one, and it was a triangle shape, silhouetted black against the a deep blue night sky. It had a round ball of white light in each corner.

The other solid one I saw was the first one ever, back in '73 or '74. This one was huge, and the most beautiful one yet. It was the size of a football field across and glowed orange from inside, like a paper bag luminary. We (my parents and I) sat and watched it for quite a while, but it never moved. We started the truck back up and went on to whatever we needed to do, then as we came back that way to go home it was gone. The closest we were to it was maybe a couple of football fields away, and it was maybe 100-150 feet off the ground, tilted down toward our direction at a very small angle.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

A real advanced spaceship can:

1. Take off vertically and hover like a helicopter.
2. Move sideways in addition to moving forward and backward. This is important to avoid asteroids etc. You cannot see very well in deep space as star-light is not enough to resolve objects until they are too close. So a ship must be able to move sideways quickly. If this happens quickly enough, it will vanish from your field of vision like magic.
3. Real spaceship do not have any exhaust. They move by thrust from particle beams, so they give a glow from the engines as highly energetic particles come in contact with air. The particles emitted are usually metal particles like iron.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:46 PM
I find all this very interesting. When I get the chance I am going to try it. I have three children that hardly give me alone time lol. I have always been interested in stuff like ancient aliens and the third eye and such. I hope it works for me that would be amazing!

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by jessicamariejones

Please come back and let us know if you received anything.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 11:02 PM
I was having a hard time relaxing but once I got relaxed and let the fear go I started to be in the situations. The childhood memory I was a little girl not in this lifetime. My name was Suzie. I felt like it was the pioneer days and I was wearing a dress. I remember yelling mama and running to her .I held onto my mother in a rocking chair and wept.
When I went into the womb of this lifetime I remember hearing my mother's heart beat and I felt warmth. I was pulled out of the stomach and was cold and crying till they put me on my mother.
When I walked through the door I was suddenly a male. I'm pretty sure I was an Egyptian man. I remember my facial hair well. I could see the pyramids in the distance and I was standing with a beautiful woman. I had on sandles and I was dressed in white. I remember looking into the woman's eyes which were dark brown. She wore white as well. The next thing I remember is making love to this woman. Which I won't elaborate on because it was very emotionally charged and my vision of her very clear. Then I was taken to a scene of the birth of my child. I was holding the baby crying because my wife had died while giving birth . Once taken to the end of this life it was dark and I was walking. I think I had a heart attack and I fell in the sand and floated above my body. I saw that I was an old man. When I went into the other realm my wife was there. She was happy to see me. We knew that we would be reunited and our souls forever connected in all lifetimes. It's like we knew it would be okay.
That is my experience. I always thought I may have been from that time. I didn't know as a man but it's all good. I have a serious obsession with the pyramids and Egyptian culture so this kind of clears it up for me. Hopefully I will see more next time I try.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by jessicamariejones

Whoa!!!! Wow!

That is totally awesome, Jessica!! I'm so happy it worked for you!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by sled735

I have had some personal experiences and have a few unexplainable habits that make sense for who and what I believe I was in a past life. I never went under hypnosis or did any kind of past life regression. I just have some odd things about myself that match what one would have experienced a very long time ago, in Japan, if they were in a certain trade.

I won't give details, but I'm not really here to prove anything to anyone. I know what I feel happened to me and that is good enough for me to believe I was a complete nobody in a past life, who was looking for a second chance. I was looking to have something I could never have in that long forgotten time, especially not in that country.
edit on 3-3-2014 by viralglitch because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by viralglitch

Well, are you going to try the session here? I would be interested to see if you get the same thing...

or you might even remember a different life besides that one.

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