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Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:05 PM
Ahhh, more knee jerk anti-American ranting born of ignorance, delusion, and a serious deficit of history, math, and geography. Reading this thread, it seems a lot of someones need some edu-ma-cation. So allow me to edu-ma-cate you, since your 2nd grade teachers obviously failed.

50 million natives in the Americas around 1500. Sounds about right. Lets examine this:

1. In 1500, America as a nation did not exist. Until about 100 years later, the only Europeans with any settlements and exploration under their belt on this continent were the Spaniards. The British and French did not start settling till about the 1600s.

2. "The Americas" refer to the entire western hemisphere. North America, the continent which holds the United States, was still sparsely populated. There were not many Natives up north. The majority of those 50 million people lived down in Mexico, Central, and South America. Places the US never stepped foot in until about 400 years later. So, who was down there south of the Rio Grande? Oh, wait, that's right. The Spanish. Who were well known for their conquistadors, who made quite the name for themselves wiping out entire civilizations, enslaving entire populations, and oh, yeah.... genocide.

3. Which, by the way, enslavement of Natives was a Spanish and Portuguese quirk. The British started out by using their own convicts as slaves, then when the laws changed, they adopted the SPANISH and PORTUGUESE practice of using African slaves. The use of Natives as slave labor was never widespread by the British or Americans, who used Africans. Interestingly enough, the only widespread use of Native slavery in North America was in California until the 1800, during which time, it was a SPANISH colony; it would not become part of the US until 1850. Funny enough, when California became a state, it was a free state. In otherwords, slavery ended there when it became a part of the US. According to wikipedia, the native population was about 300,000 in California before the Spaniards arrived. By the time the US took over, it was down to 100,000. So basically, the Spaniards wiped out two thirds of the natives in that state alone. And the remnants of Spanish slavery still exist there. The missions they built still have the dungeons where the natives lived in horrific conditions. These were built and in use decades before the Declaration of Independence was even drafted.

4. By the time of Manifest Destiny, the remaining third of the US which we had not annexed, the West/SouthWest, was owned by Mexico. A Spanish possession. By the time we made out way out west in the 1840's, the Spanish had already wiped the majority of the natives. Not to mention that, in the two centuries before the US became a nation, the British and French had engaged in numerous wars with the Indians. To be honest, when it comes to Indian genocide, Americans were serious latecomers to the game. And our kill numbers pale in comparison to what the Europeans before us achieved. By the time we were a nation, mother Europe had pretty much exterminated and enslaved over 80% of the population. What we were left with were stragglers. And compared to what Mother Europe did to the natives, we were amateurs.

5. Trail of Tears? Check, we are guilty as charged. Reservations and the Plains Wars? Yep. We did that. But you will find, since it is a numbers game you all are playing, that the numbers that died by our hand pale when compared to the numbers that died under the Europeans. Did I also mention that slavery of Africans was an institution brought over by EUROPE? That slavery was a legacy we were stuck with thanks to the "wisdom" of our former European masters who were too greedy and lazy to pick their own damned cotton?

So if you want to be accurate, Europeans, mainly, SPANISH Europeans, have committed the biggest genocide in history. They should be ashamed of themselves. Oh, mean, that this was not the first and only time in history that massive genocides have occurred? That even worse shiz-nit was going down before Columbus sailed the ocean blue? You mean to tell me even worse genocides occurred under Ghengis Khan, the Muslim Caliphates, the Crusades, ect? Say it ain't so!

edit on 2-8-2013 by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by GeneralChaos

No, I would say the weaker mind goes to the person who feels the need to insult people.

I haven't made many posts here, read some, I am a FAR cry from a patriot. Had you just bashed America and what we've done as a country compared to what we claim to be, I would be agreeing with you, but I am sick to death of people telling me to feel guilty for something I had NOTHING to do with and apologize to people today who had NONE of this done to them. I am Irish, my ancestors suffered just as much as a lot of other peoples, but it didn't happen to me so I'm not going to cry about it or hate people who had nothing to do with it, ancestry or not.
edit on 2-8-2013 by mymymy because: I'm pretty dumb

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Drezden
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Let's not make it out to be as though the natives were rounded up and shot in the head every single one. A huge number of them died from illnesses and other less direct ways. Does that excuse anything? No way.. but it's 2013 now, the natives receive large sums of money monthly, and can get a college education for free.

that's what the Russians did to the natives in Alaska (not all obviously but alot)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

You mean there are countries on this planet that were not born of violence, invasions, and treachery?

Wow, where the hell are they?

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by FidelityMusic
Correction, the Europeans committed the worst genocide in world history. I don't know where you get calling the Europeans "Americans," or even confusing them.

I will add that they are doing it still today with help from greedy American's. Look at the drug companies caught out by one of the great vaccine creators who said, they brought in monkeys with sv40 virus which causes cancer, but we would not see any fruit of it for 40 years! Then all the gmo's and aids. Yes, I believe aids was created based on my research in the hope of destroying Africa.

These Europeans are the heads of the banks. The banks are privately held and they believe we have an over population problem and the more that can die off from cancer, wars, aids, heart disease, the better. They are blood thirsty parasites who refuse natural healing modalities to flourish. Any who try to bring out their cure for cancer end up dead, jailed, or ruined financially.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by ionwind

The Native Americans were still in the Bronze Age when we arrived. They didn't have iron or steel. That means Europeans had about a 2000 year lead, technologically.

I'm waiting for somebody to tell me what that 2000 year lead in technology has led us to. Are we happy now? Are we fulfilled?

The suicide rate is through the roof.
People hate their jobs ~ if they have one (or two, or three) to pay bills that exceed their income.
Walk down the street and all you'll see are people rushing around with cell phones growing from their ears.
Productivity is what's done in China and Viet Nam.
Homes are in foreclosure everywhere you look. Homelessness is rampant.
Food stamps ~ well until they stop giving them.
Food that isn't edible anyway.
Wars that go on and on and on against people who've done NO ONE any harm.

I'm leaving a lot out, I know, but you get the gist.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:27 PM
It is very interesting to see so many defensive responses in this thread. Cries of "I was alive then so i dont feel blame" or "why you always picking on America" type of response. Alot of people taking it personally or an overly patriotic guy decrying the besmirching of US honour.
Are you understanding what you are saying? Collectively these answers show that yes people accept this was a genocide deep in their minds. It is there in the back of your mind the fact that ALL of what you see around you in your fine nation is biult upon the deaths and forced evictions, theft and rape of the previous owners.

Oh n all this not Americans it was Europeans that did it. We are the same people! Can we agree that it was western culture that is responsible, both the european invaders and the later American occupiers

Now as I understand the OP This all just shows that yes we are all zombies. You are all failing to take the lessons of history to heart and thus you cannot use the insights it has given you of human nature to plot out and make sense of present global soicio political conquests.
With the rise of Islamophobia we are seeing the rise of the new bogeyman. The excuse for the next round in the ever continuing game of nations. If a new genocide was to happen today, would you recognise it? would you even support it by believing the national line?

I love history and no you cannot blame a present day people for an historical event however that peoples government could offer acknoledgment of this aweful action and vow to never repeat it.

It should also be brought to mind everyday when you accidentaly catch yourself feeling you are superior to some third world starving child in some place with stan on the end of its name.
America is destinied for nothing, it is no better or wrose than any previous Empires. As all Empires rise so do they fall. Usually from the barbarian hordes form outside, in this case the 2nd and 3rd world countries whos seat shops have fueled the consumer culture of the 1st world.

I Think the OP just wnts you to all stay vigilant and question everything even your own feelings of superiority or your governments claims of being the goodies

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Stalin is good for 20 Million by himself. Running between the 3 though, it's at least 66 million people murdered....

Your numbers are almost identical to mine, 3 times 20 equals 60. I rounded mine because the numbers are not in dispute, and they are not the main issue I raised.

Those numbers are WAY off. By the start of the 90's communism in the east was about dead. In it's wake was over 100 million deaths caused directly and indirectly. It was an intended genocide sought out by the jewish bolsheviks. Nearly every victim was white and christian and because of that the west didn't give a damn. This was the reason why all those countries allied with the nazis, not because they believed the ideology but because their very existence was at stake.
edit on 2-8-2013 by wingsfan because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2013 by wingsfan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by frazzle

That 2000 year technological head start has given us the ability to bitch to the world anonymously, nothing more. Isn't advancement grand?

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman

Originally posted by Metallicus
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't feel guilty.

You should be sorry. We are talking about millions of people killed, entire civilizations wiped out, by your ancestors and mine.

And you don't even ask yourself why?

Maybe you have never been on the "other side" of history.

Are you on drugs?

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

No one gives an eff about native americans. they are viewed as garbage and as something that didn't happen.

the killing is also divided up between the many nations fighting over this land at the time.. like spreading the blame matters.

Any who... had hitler, and stalin succeeded their atrocities would have been glossed over as well... as it had to be done and look how great we are now.
edit on 2-8-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by spamfish

No, Americans are not the same people as Europeans.

I pointed out that the majority of the extermination of native people occurred beyond US borders by people whose descendents would not even later become American nationals.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by mymymy
reply to post by frazzle

That 2000 year technological head start has given us the ability to bitch to the world anonymously, nothing more. Isn't advancement grand?

You bet. And it gives others the ability to anonymously b*tch about someone else anonymously b*tching to the world.

So where are all us sum b*tches headed at the end of the day? Probably not happy hour.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by frazzle

star for you my good man (or madam), I must say my reply to you was aimed at the OP, but forgive me, because I am at home having my own happy hour

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 08:13 PM
Yep, it happened. Can't un-ring that bell. Learn from it.

I say it's time to move on.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 08:16 PM
I only read the title... not the post..... and let me guess... it's about the Indians right? lol

Even if im wrong and its not, im still not going to edit this post... thats how much i believe that this is old news!!

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by frazzle
reply to post by ionwind

The Native Americans were still in the Bronze Age when we arrived. They didn't have iron or steel. That means Europeans had about a 2000 year lead, technologically.

I'm waiting for somebody to tell me what that 2000 year lead in technology has led us to. Are we happy now? Are we fulfilled?

Well, for one thing it lets you send messages about how lousy technology is with a computer to the world wide web

Seriously, it is what it is. You can always change your lifestyle if you don't like it.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman
There were 50 million Natives living in what is now US territory. We decimated them. Ruthlessly. Without concern for their families, their cultures, their human rights. Now there are less than 3 million. Lets do the math, 50 minus 3 equals 47. Millions that is.

We didn't even respect them enough to call them what they are, Americans. We called them "Indians" when the slaugther was going on, maybe because "Indians" means that this is like from another planet, rather than human. We had known for centuries that they were not from India. In the same way as NAZI Germany de-humanized the Jews, Americans de-humanized the Natives.

The NAZI's, Stalin and Mao each killed "only" about 20 million (excluding those who died from starvation caused by Mao's polcies). However, in each of the three cases, it was only one tyrannical regime, essentially one person.

Here in the US, whole-sale slaughter of Native people went on for more than a century, incuding about 20 Presidents' administrations. And we, today, celebrate those Presidents!

Once we had killed most of them, we shoved the rest into prisons, that we call "reservations".

As an American I am not happy to write this. But I do because it is the truth.

Yet, despite the staggering number, America gets a pass. It is glossed over, it had to be done. It wasn't out of hatred. Settlers were forced, they had no choice but to "defend" themselves. Did the Natives need to be killed for the betterment of the world?

Americans committed the worst genocide in world history and to this day, not only are we not accepting the blame for it, we are not even accused of it commonly. For some reason, everybody else in the world feels the same way, it is okay for 20 of our Presidents to collectively committ the worst genocide in human history. It is okay that we cut off their scalp and be rewarded for it.

Astounding how stupid the whole world is collectively. We are smart individually but like a Zombie collectively. Can anybody explain this?

Technically, european settlers killed native americans.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

I have no sympathy for them, they were in no way the peaceful, waste nothing live in perfect harmony with nature individuals they attempt to make themselves out to be. We have allowed them to exist with rights and freedoms, no other country on earth has done that with any indigenous population. They are also in no way the first population of humans on this continent the oldest known carved stone heads are African, and White and predate the arrival of Native Americans, so where did they go? The answer is the ancestors of what we call Native Americans exterminated the entire population of indigenous humans when they came here.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by mymymy
reply to post by frazzle

star for you my good man (or madam), I must say my reply to you was aimed at the OP, but forgive me, because I am at home having my own happy hour

You took "at the end of the day" literally, it was intended figuratively. My interpretation of the end of the day is when the empire finally falls flat on its ear and it has been on its way to the bottom for a long time. I just think its a good idea to have an idea of who it is that threw us off the cliff because we won't be the first to have been pushed over the edge.

You'll probably recognize them when they come to move you into one of those 220 sq. ft. micro apartments so they can have more space for themselves. Welcome to your new high rise rez.

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