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Custodians of the Plan to Kill all Who Won't Evolve

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+3 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:22 AM
I see many threads with vehement hatred towards us backwards and stiff necked narrow minded Christians, and I often reply on those threads about my views of New Age philosophy. Why do I care? I care for many reasons and not all of them are unselfish ones.

First I care to share the truth as I know it and believe communication is key to achieving a more clear understanding and friendly environment if personal insults and accusations can be left out of the discussion.

Second, I care because there is a history revealed in their leaderships writings of plans to kill off any who do not want to "evolve" into the new world they are building. That our deaths are no more of a concern than when you kill off a cancer cell! Here are some quotes:

“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-forth is electing to transcend…One-forth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human the destructive one-forth must be eliminated from the social body…Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.” Barbara Marx Hubbard

I often write of the dangers of astrotheology as preached by David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Zeitgeist creator Josephs, and Acharya S.. It is precisely this hatred of Christianity that concerns me.

“But the future is now and the maneuvers are being unveiled. Christianity therefore as I say must either now come frankly forward and acknowledge it’s parentage from the great order of the past, seek to rehabilitate that and carry mankind one step forward in the path of evolution – or else it must perish, there is no alternative.” Acharya S.

“…people will either change or die,” for “that is the choice.” According to those who would concur with Hubbard, Christians will need to be more open minded so they too can receive the mark of the Antichrist. If they will not join with the global community and its agenda, they will be killed by the “opened minded”

New Agers. She states that, “This act is as horrible as killing a cancer cell. It must be done (or the sake of the future of the whole. So be it; be prepared for the selection process which is now beginning. We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed…. The destructive one fourth must be eliminated from the social body.” Barbara Marx Hubbard

G.H. Pember in his book “Earth’s Earliest Ages”

The objects of the Society were then set forth as follows.

1. To form the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity.

2. To study Aryan literature, religion, and science.

3. To vindicate the importance of this inquiry.

4 To explore the hidden mysteries of Nature, and the latent powers of man.

Subsequently a fifth object of the Society, the destruction of Christianity, was revealed.

Pember later says, “It will, therefore, be seen that this foe has made a formal declaration of war.” This war at the beginning was not the genocide of Christians spoken of by the more recent New Age authors such as Barbara Marx Hubbard, Acharya S., and Alice Bailey. In the beginning they sought to infiltrate and corrupt Christianity.

Pember writes: “By the autumn of 1883 there were already seventy branches of the Society in India, and many thousands of Mahomedans, Buddhists, Hindus, Parsees, Christians, officials and non officials, governors and governed, have been brought together by its instrumentality.” Pember went on to say, “The Perfect Way, or the Finding of Christ, and its anonymous writers, for they claim inspiration, and decline to be styled authors, certainly display considerable ability; though in the case of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures they exhibit a knowledge far less accurate than that which they claim in regard to the doctrines of the Mysteries. Sometimes also, to suit their purpose, they give strange meanings to words, without condescending to hint at the process by which they reached their conclusion.”


It is my firm belief that anyone exposed to these sorts of groups including churches that have succumbed to their teachings really does not know what they are rejecting. They reject the evil works of Satan via his agents which he planted in the Church, and by those very deeds damning the church Satan hates as was his goal in the first place.

Those believing in aliens who are coming here to help us, channeling spirits who usually have nothing nice to say about true Christians have their adulterated and misguided views of Christianity reinforced, and truly in my experience do not even know that which they are rejecting. There is such a hatred of all things Christian that they cannot even entertain truth seeking within it. It would similar to some great German doctor discovering the cure of cancer, blindness, paralysis or some such disease not even being listened to because he comes from the land of Hitler!

Most often those who adhere to a socialist, facist, communist ideology hate Christianity. They preach an entirely different gospel if they do claim to be Christians as if having right vs wrong is anathema to them. They call good evil and evil good. Their idols espouse the ultimate goal for a utopian world that will come about when the narrow minded Christians who refuse to join them are no longer here, or as was said, cut out like a cancer.

I have often wondered about these alien stories of their worlds where there is no crime, no money, no problems how almost always, they seem to be so similar looking. If I believed in alien stories, my logical mind goes to the fact that very likely about 100,000 years ago, they killed off all the other races, killed all those who didn't think like them and created their utopia. Of course, it never works because as we know in Animal Farm, some are always more equal than others! Man's heart is deceitful, wicked, and will never achieve perfect harmony when he rejects the truth and gift of Love revealed through Jesus. They preach love and light, but in their heart they have no problem killing ever Christian, Muslim, Jew who will not accept their divine light whom they openly say is Lucifer. We see the plans coming into place now.

Matreya or one like him would come in after a massive world wide economic crash, disasters, wars, and he will say he is the Messiah, Budda, Madhi, Krishna and all those who have been taught new age theology via their favorite teachers like Icke, Tsarion, Maxwell will eat it up!

“Let us never forget … that when a (life) form proves inadequate, or too diseased, or too crippled … it is–from the point of view of the hierarchy– no disaster when that form has to go…. Death is not a disaster to be feared; the Work of the destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable…. Therefore, there is much destruction permitted by the Custodians of the Plan and much evil turned into good.” Alice Bailey

The sound quality is not good, but this covers it.

+22 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:32 AM
Seriously ....... why are christians worldwide playing the victim all of a sudden ?

All the wars / massacres / murders in the name of their god , but no one can talk about it incase it offends them ?

I always wondered why christians join the army/military ..... killing anyone is unforgivable in their lord's eyes - a one way ticket to hell .

EDIT - you say you have a logical mind ? ........... but ..... you're a christian

edit on 30-7-2013 by AthiestJesus because: (no reason given)

+9 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

It's happening - you can just feel it.

Everything good is now evil - evil is now good.

We can continue to point things out - and God does win.

How people can just ignore all the world's happenings, is beyond me.

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

It's happening - you can just feel it.

Everything good is now evil - evil is now good.

We can continue to point things out - and God does win.

How people can just ignore all the world's happenings, is beyond me.

Nobody ignores all the world`s happenings , hence the website you are currently using.

The problem lies in the ignorance of Christians and Christianity . If Christians can stop looking down their noses at everyone , cramming their opinion/imagination/religion down our throats , and stop invading muslim countries for oil ..... no one would bother them .

Your God wins nothing .

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by AthiestJesus

I am not looking down my nose at you - and I definetly am not for invading muslim countries for oil.

Obviously, you have seen the matrix of "christian belief" and not the truth.

The liars are all around - good is evil, and evil is good.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by AthiestJesus

I am not looking down my nose at you - and I definetly am not for invading muslim countries for oil.

Not yet . And yes , your people are and you yourself are supporting it financially.

Obviously, you have seen the matrix of "christian belief" and not the truth.

Oop there it is .

The liars are all around - good is evil, and evil is good.

I agree the liars are all around , all religious beliefs need to be seen as what they are ... a mental illness .
edit on 30-7-2013 by AthiestJesus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by AthiestJesus
Seriously ....... why are christians worldwide playing the victim all of a sudden ?

All the wars / massacres / murders in the name of their god , but no one can talk about it incase it offends them ?

I always wondered why christians join the army/military ..... killing anyone is unforgivable in their lord's eyes - a one way ticket to hell .

EDIT - you say you have a logical mind ? ........... but ..... you're a christian

edit on 30-7-2013 by AthiestJesus because: (no reason given)

See, you are wrong and it's sad really. The bible does not say killing anyone is unforgivable. It says to do no homicide. Look it up in the Hebrew and Greek. Fighting in war is not homicide. Now, the wars might not be just, but a soldier fighting is not homicidal. So, you're obvious hatred of what you think the bible says and what God says is based in error.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself and stop listening to vain preachers? Learn how to study in the original languages and search out truth. I hope you will.

And as for all the massacres and bad church history, again blame the fifth column of evil men who snuck in unaware. By their fruit you shall know them, and thus not everyone professing to be a Christian (Christ Man) is, but to get other sheep to listen they claim to be.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by AthiestJesus

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

It's happening - you can just feel it.

Everything good is now evil - evil is now good.

We can continue to point things out - and God does win.

How people can just ignore all the world's happenings, is beyond me.

Nobody ignores all the world`s happenings , hence the website you are currently using.

The problem lies in the ignorance of Christians and Christianity . If Christians can stop looking down their noses at everyone , cramming their opinion/imagination/religion down our throats , and stop invading muslim countries for oil ..... no one would bother them .

Your God wins nothing .

I agree most Christians are very ignorant. They are pew potatoes and regurgitate what they are taught and do not rightly divide the word, but trust the teachings of man. Hence all the stupid statements many make like the Earth is 6000 yrs old, that babbling tongues are a sign of baptism of the Holy Spirit, that we will be raptured out before the anti-Christ comes and that Adam and Eve were the first humans and we all came from them, etc..

No one is shoving anything down your throat and for you to say that tells me that someone possibly tried to force religion upon you. Faith in Jesus is not a religion, but a relationship that only comes by a changed heart. Do you think Bush, Clinton, Obama are Christians? Really? By their fruit you shall know them. They are part of the fifth column serving their father Lucifer the Goat herder. Funny, Obama even says his daddy was a goat herder in Kenya. Oh the irony!

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity

See, you are wrong and it's sad really. The bible does not say killing anyone is unforgivable. It says to do no homicide. Look it up in the Hebrew and Greek. Fighting in war is not homicide. Now, the wars might not be just, but a soldier fighting is not homicidal. So, you're obvious hatred of what you think the bible says and what God says is based in error.

What the hell ...... so in other words , you don't care what happened to start the war , don't care who you kill , as long as you`re in a war it`s fine ? ..... double standards or what ?

Why don't you try reading it for yourself and stop listening to vain preachers? Learn how to study in the original languages and search out truth. I hope you will.

Because ......... I`m not a Christian , hence my screen name.

And as for all the massacres and bad church history, again blame the fifth column of evil men who snuck in unaware. By their fruit you shall know them, and thus not everyone professing to be a Christian (Christ Man) is, but to get other sheep to listen they claim to be.

All Christians are brainwashed , your post has shown that you too are brainwashed .... making excuses for murder is one thing , but to deny the history of Christianity has anything to do with Christians is another .

Astounding , truly f******* astounding ..... bravo .

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by AthiestJesus

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by AthiestJesus

I am not looking down my nose at you - and I definetly am not for invading muslim countries for oil.

Not yet . And yes , your people are and you yourself are supporting it financially.

Obviously, you have seen the matrix of "christian belief" and not the truth.

Oop there it is .

The liars are all around - good is evil, and evil is good.

I agree the liars are all around , all religious beliefs need to be seen as what they are ... a mental illness .
edit on 30-7-2013 by AthiestJesus because: (no reason given)

My post is nothing about this issue of bad Christians. Why must you try to derail this topic with your diatribe against bad things done by those who claim to be Christians. Your attitude is exactly what my post is about, and how these love and light we must evolve for the coming ascension into the 5th dimension type preachers teach or you all will die really are about.

Please stay on topic.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:36 AM
Why wouldn't anyone want to evolve?

The definition of 'evolve' is very simply the same as the definition for 'adapt'.

Those who are incapable of adapting, historically die, without any help or need for anyone to go stomping about with an evil plan to eliminate them.
Those who don't adapt pretty much basically kill their own selves off. It's suicide by natural selection.

If the water gets too high, and you don't adapt to swim, well, it's not the water's fault. The water has no evil sinister plan. If you don't swim, you die. You fail to adapt. It's essentially suicide.

Those who don't 'evolve' kill their own selves off without any help from anyone else.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Why wouldn't anyone want to evolve?

The definition of 'evolve' is very simply the same as the definition for 'adapt'.

Those who are incapable of adapting, historically die, without any help or need for anyone to go stomping about with an evil plan to eliminate them.
Those who don't adapt pretty much basically kill their own selves off. It's suicide by natural selection.

If the water gets too high, and you don't adapt to swim, well, it's not the water's fault. The water has no evil sinister plan. If you don't swim, you die. You fail to adapt. It's essentially suicide.

Those who don't 'evolve' kill their own selves off without any help from anyone else.

You use a simplistic idea of evolving. These who hold to new age theology believe those who have a faith other than theirs most notably the Christians, Muslim, and Jews need to die if they won't go along with their new system. Just as in Animal farm. Those who won't obey will die. So, don't act like my post was not clear on this point.

It seems Satan did this via the Church in the Middle Ages. "Become a Christian or Die" was the attitude then and most likely you see this as wrong. I could easily have said, 'they were just trying to help them evolve!" You cannot build a beautiful world on the bodies of millions of murdered souls who did not agree with your brand of spirituality. So, if it was wrong then it will be wrong in the future.
edit on 30-7-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: fixed paragraph to avoid confusion

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity

Originally posted by AthiestJesus

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

It's happening - you can just feel it.

Everything good is now evil - evil is now good.

We can continue to point things out - and God does win.

How people can just ignore all the world's happenings, is beyond me.

Nobody ignores all the world`s happenings , hence the website you are currently using.

The problem lies in the ignorance of Christians and Christianity . If Christians can stop looking down their noses at everyone , cramming their opinion/imagination/religion down our throats , and stop invading muslim countries for oil ..... no one would bother them .

Your God wins nothing .

I agree most Christians are very ignorant. They are pew potatoes and regurgitate what they are taught and do not rightly divide the word, but trust the teachings of man. Hence all the stupid statements many make like the Earth is 6000 yrs old, that babbling tongues are a sign of baptism of the Holy Spirit, that we will be raptured out before the anti-Christ comes and that Adam and Eve were the first humans and we all came from them, etc..

No one is shoving anything down your throat and for you to say that tells me that someone possibly tried to force religion upon you. Faith in Jesus is not a religion, but a relationship that only comes by a changed heart. Do you think Bush, Clinton, Obama are Christians? Really? By their fruit you shall know them. They are part of the fifth column serving their father Lucifer the Goat herder. Funny, Obama even says his daddy was a goat herder in Kenya. Oh the irony!

Wow , are you bipolar or something ?

I think you really need to seek " professional help "............. you`re currently cramming your views down my throat whilst claiming no one is cramming anything down my throat.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:41 AM

Actually, it's my Op and like a radio station if you don't like the tune then change the channel. So, yes, please stop trying to derail my thread.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

I`m not trying to derail your thread , you are unhappy because I do not agree with you . And it may be your OP but why put it out there if you only want your flock to answer you ?

You aren't making sense , you`ve managed to trash your own thread on page one ..... quite spectacular to be honest with you.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by AthiestJesus
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

I`m not trying to derail your thread , you are unhappy because I do not agree with you . And it may be your OP but why put it out there if you only want your flock to answer you ?

You aren't making sense , you`ve managed to trash your own thread on page one ..... quite spectacular to be honest with you.

No, you decided to attack Christianity and any ill you concieve done via that name. My topic is about the New Age Gurus plan to kill all Christians, Muslims, and Jews who won't become like them and change their paths to match the new age ideas. You are not disagreeing with my OP. You are disagreeing with Christianity and there are plenty of threads about that and you are most welcome to share your views about the evils the church has committed against the world on those threads.

I'm done addressing any points like that on this thread and ask moderators to remove them. This thread is about the planned murder of millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews in the name of New Age enlightenment and peace on earth.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Why can perfect harmony only be found through the love of Jesus? why not though each other? through humanity?
This is my problem with religion (those that teach stuff like this) It's their way or the high way to Hell (made up like the bogey man btw).
Maybe people are just turning away from a religious system that has had it's chance and screwed it up. Oh wait thats because the devil infiltrated the church
Jesus said some great things and I do believe in God but not religion because religion is not your own feelings to do with the big questions they are someone elses...that makes you a sheep and the priests a shepherd, heck they even say that and you allow yourself to be a sheep.
Sorry OP you have to evolve or you die off, don't like it? cry me a river.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:56 AM

No, you decided to attack Christianity and any ill you concieve done via that name. My topic is about the New Age Gurus plan to kill all Christians, Muslims, and Jews who won't become like them and change their paths to match the new age ideas. You are not disagreeing with my OP. You are disagreeing with Christianity and there are plenty of threads about that and you are most welcome to share your views about the evils the church has committed against the world on those threads.

Actually , if you read my first post , I asked why Christians are playing the victim all of a sudden , which is EXACTLY what you are trying to do with this thread .

I'm done addressing any points like that on this thread and ask moderators to remove them. This thread is about the planned murder of millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews in the name of New Age enlightenment and peace on earth.

Yeah , and I mentioned the murder of billions of people over the years in the name of Christianity . You`ll have my posts deleted ? what , you mean you`ll have them killed like big bad david icke wants to kill Christians muslims and jews ?
so you want me to "change my path to match Christian ideas " ?

Like I said , you`re making no sense at all and have managed to screw up your own thread.
edit on 30-7-2013 by AthiestJesus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity

No, you decided to attack Christianity and any ill you concieve done via that name. My topic is about the New Age Gurus plan to kill all Christians, Muslims, and Jews who won't become like them and change their paths to match the new age ideas. You are not disagreeing with my OP. You are disagreeing with Christianity and there are plenty of threads about that and you are most welcome to share your views about the evils the church has committed against the world on those threads.

I'm done addressing any points like that on this thread and ask moderators to remove them. This thread is about the planned murder of millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews in the name of New Age enlightenment and peace on earth.

Personally, if the Christians, Muslims, Jews AND the New Age Namaste kids and self proclaimed gurus all jumped off a cliff or simply disappeared, I'd be quite tickled happy.

The Buddhists and Hindus can stay, but the Hindus would have to ditch all the caste system nonsense that's served to justify the exploitation and maltreatment of millions.

Don't even try to call Hinduism "New Age" either, since Hinduism can trace back as the OLDEST continually practiced living religion on the planet for some 6000 years.

edit on 30-7-2013 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Why can perfect harmony only be found through the love of Jesus? why not though each other? through humanity?
This is my problem with religion (those that teach stuff like this) It's their way or the high way to Hell (made up like the bogey man btw).
Maybe people are just turning away from a religious system that has had it's chance and screwed it up. Oh wait thats because the devil infiltrated the church
Jesus said some great things and I do believe in God but not religion because religion is not your own feelings to do with the big questions they are someone elses...that makes you a sheep and the priests a shepherd, heck they even say that and you allow yourself to be a sheep.
Sorry OP you have to evolve or you die off, don't like it? cry me a river.

If we all loved one another as we love ourselves than we can have perfect harmony. I have met many people of other faiths who are very loving and a joy to be around. I got to know many when I lived in the Middle East. It is extremists who push a doctrine that causes division. I think Ghandi said something to the effect of "This Jesus I like, but his followers not so much". I am sure I am paraphrasing, but I think we get the idea.

How is killing millions of Christians going to bring about utopia? There will always be someone who wants to force others into compliance. That is not freedom, but a new religion being made by a new guru. Do you not see a problem with the writings I shared that clearly show their intentions to meddle within the church, change it, and then destroy it? It seems they have done a bang up job of it.

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