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What ever happend to shadow people?

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posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 08:37 PM
Readers advisory- Be sure to stay calm and in control of your emotions as you read.

It has been a while since I have posted, so I'm not sure if any of you who read this will remember me, but this was an issue that I remeber being all over the board in the past. People, including me, were having encounters with Shadow People, this is what they were come to be known as) left and right. They let me with mental scars that I can not erase. This was about 2 or 3 years ago though I belive. Maybe the monitors will remember what I am talking about if other member were not around for all the posting on this topic. Well I remeber they were somewhat malevalent in the past, but not quite. Talking about them alone I know can bring them about, or at least did, so I am not sure if the post have gone down because talking of them was banned for safty or not, if that was the case, please let me know and I will close my post. As I was saying though, they feed off of fear. If a person feels enough fear and a high enough psychic energy, they will come. When they are around, the feeling of fear manafest themselves into an ever larger overwelming emotion. I remeber almost passing out of fear in the past. The only way to get them to leave, was to shutdown psychicly, or do eliminate the fear. Shielding only works so well against them because emotions help build the shield, and they toy with emotions. But back to my question. Whatever happend to shadow people? I have not seen one in a while, however I have also lost touch with some of my psychic connection, which I am now rediscovering. If anyone else remebers this point of shadow people becoming a rapidly spreading occurance, or has any information on what happend to them, please let me know.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 08:39 PM
I turn away from whatever feeds on fear. That means I eschew violence in the media; I eschew porn on the net; I eschew gossip on the street.

If "shadow people" make you cringe, then get the hell out of there.


posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 08:45 PM
The thread that springs to mind is The Mysterious Shadow People: What Are They?. Is that what you were thinking of? Another is I got touched by a shadow person...

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 08:51 PM
I'm not talking about a few months ago. It was years ago. There was a massive posting on Shadow People. At the time they were actually consider almost an outbreak. They were showing up all around the world and in mass quanity. So no, not those topics.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 09:02 PM
Referenced in one of those posts were these older ones, the oldest from 2-1-2003

If that doesn't help, try a boolean search using the "from the beginning" option and displaying the maximum number of results.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 09:10 PM
That actually was had a refrence back to 2002, 2/3 years ago as I thought. So yes that was what I was refering to. Does anyone else remeber this horable time of fear from these shadow people. Where have they gone. In a sense I am glad that I am not constantly having to battle with them dayily, however, it has come to worry me that they arn't there. Almost like walking into your living room and having a moldy carpet just not there. You didn't like it, but you do know that it was there, and now it just isn't.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 10:40 PM
They are still around just as much now as they probably were back then, the only difference being now, the paranoid loons have realised they were just being afraid of their own shadow, and those that genuinely saw them are used to them now so it's not as big of a topic...people aren't overreacting as much.

I see them regularly, have done since I was young. They've never harmed me or anthing around me, apart from the odd scare. In fact there is one that seems to have taken up residence near my bed of I night that I find myself saying "goodnight" to before i goto bed
If it's real, which I think it is then I'm being nice so it wouldn't have a reason to harm me. If it's all in my head, well... I'm not doing anyone harm by saying goodnight to a blank wall hehe.

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