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Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM to announce

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posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Taissa

Try to look at this for what it will become. Sure, you don't like something that is rightly not a beautiful thing. but the elites work us with the things that pull at our emotions. Then when we give in, they use that submission to further a cause in the same vein. In this case, if you agree to allow them to control your internet for something most agree is bad, (an easier fight) then a precedent has been set for future, in this case, internet censorship.

Big picture- this is another slippery slope.
Us Americans, we got the Patriot act, under the guise of tracking those wascally terrorists. that opened the door to every type of spying on the people imaginable without any recourse.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Taissa define porn. By some definitions, your avatar would be porn. Obviously, the woman has a bared breast behind that bowl.

It's a slippery slope, and government intrusion on what should be a parental decision. With web blockers and modern TVs, the tools are and have been there for a while. Point is, there is no NEED for it. The tools exist. It is a waste of money, and by making it a default, an example of the government defining what is, and what is not "moral". Where does it end? Give an inch, they take a mile, and so on.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Taissa
As a woman, I can say that pornography is very degrading for women.

How? People are always saying this but they never really define it. How does porn degrade a woman who doesn't care if other women make their own choices regarding sex?

It seems to me that what really bothers people like you is that other women are making choices you wouldn't make. This means you have chosen to allow it to bother you that other people are allowed to make choices. This is degrading to women? What?

It does not honor women and it does not treat women as sacred.

Women are no more "sacred" than anyone else. What are you trying to say here? That if women are not worshiped like deities they are being degraded? Degraded to what? I guess if you mean they're being downgraded from deities to the status of mere mortals, you have a point.

Has it occurred to you at all that you are not personally involved in a financial transaction between a porn viewer and a porn performer? Why have you allowed yourself to be defined by your gender? How can you be degraded by someone else's personal decisions? I don't get it. I have never sat down, turned on the TV when a boxing match was on and thought to myself "This is awful! This is SO degrading to men!". This would not even cross my mind. Why? Because I don't care what other people do. If Mike wants to let some other dude knock him unconscious, that's fine with me. I'm an individual and Mike is an individual and what Mike does has no bearing on the rest of his gender.

I remember being a 12 year old little girl, finding my father's porn magazines in the garage while looking for an air pump to fix my bike tire. I remember seeing my dad in a whole different light after this, and I can tell you I lost a lot of respect for him. I felt "icked out" by him. I do believe that this was the beginning of losing my trust in my dad. I often wondered, why did he have to look at it, when my mom was there. Why did he find that interesting. It grossed me out.

This doesn't sound like a natural reaction to me. Whether you realize it or not, you were likely responding the way you'd been conditioned to respond. I remember being about the same age and finding some porn magazines and feeling like I'd struck gold.

My boyfriend knows full well how I feel about porn, and he does not use our computer for it nor does he keep magazines around. If he has them, they are not in here and that's OK. I just don't want that crap under my roof. He respects that.

No comment.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by alfa1

Yeah because 1 + 1 = 2,313,330.

Anytime the government does anything, we can depend of the "theorists"
to jump to the worst conclusion using the faultiest logic.
Unless you have a time machine we don't know about and have seen what it's like in ten years
you don't know what's going to happen anymore than the rest of us do.

I'm not a Brit and even I'm not thrilled about this idea,
but this whole digital Armageddon thing some are preaching in here is just a bit off the rails.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:08 AM
what are you guys doing watching porn?

Does your mother know?


posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:09 AM
i think this would be a great thing, perversion leads to perversion and degradation and mental illness. We were not designed to just blatently look for sex all the time, and pornography is a false way of living, the word masturbation can be apllied to any action or thought process that gets repeated causing thought process problems and memory malfunctions because you put images of degrading natures in front of a potential memory paradise of the pure and clean thoughts were supposed to have.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:13 AM
Thank god...maybe people will get out more...wish they would do this in the United States

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
what are you guys doing watching porn?

Does your mother know?


It's disgusting isn't it. It is said it can also turn you blind if you do it too much. Just a warning to those younger ones starting out.
edit on 23-7-2013 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:24 AM
If a politician farts in a closet, two people are there to smell it.
One will say it smells like beans, but the other one will say it smells like eggs,
but that "the government wants you to think it's beans."

There's never any proof, just conclusions that are being jumped to.


Is it actually technically possible to block all porn?
Excuse my ignorance but how would they do that?

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by ProphetZoroaster

If a politician farts in a closet, two people are there to smell it.
One will say it smells like beans, but the other one will say it smells like eggs,
but that "the government wants you to think it's beans."

That really stinks.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

and a good warning it is too.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Shiloh7
reply to post by winofiend

Yes I did!

If other blokes want to watch porn which is up to them, fine, no problem but I do have a problem if my grand daughter watches it, she is simply too young. When she is older she can make up her own mind. Too bad you can't handle that. You watch whatever floats your boat.

This has nothing to do with good parenting its about what is easily obtainable on the net and kids curiosity. No one can 'parent' 24 hours a day and kids may not access the home computer but one outside parenting control.

If you had read the rest of my post you would have seen I did wonder where Cameron would lead this 'inroad' into our private lives to. I suspect he is working on picking out the porn lovers for a police short-list which we all know they love. Anyway our Governments share information on everything, so I doubt they don't already know of who enjoys watching porn in the privacy of their home etc. Cameron is unpopular so he will grab at any issue to boost himself and the family is his big card.

I was watching a documentary about the beheading, torture and rape of Chinese woman during World War which included graphic pictures of there suffering. Should our government block these sites which offer intellectual information on important historical events, documenting human rights violations in what was a very powerful anti war documentary. All because you want your kid to mess around on the internet unsupervised? Should they also block all social networks too? How about YouTube because that is where I watched the documentary.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

The beans or the Eggs?


posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by ProphetZoroaster
reply to post by Stormdancer777

The beans or the Eggs?


I think eggs are worse.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:49 AM

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Taissa
If anything, this thread has shown me people who have little respect for women and how we feel.

You're absolutely right on what I think about "women". "Women" is a term that means about as much to me as "men". "We" is an equally meaningless term when you're talking about feelings because ten million people cannot possibly ALL feel the same exact thing. This is why some individuals do porn and some don't. Because not all of them feel the same way about it.

What you want is to force everybody else to conform to your views. You don't really care about these individuals who do porn at all. All you care about is making them more like you. Whether they like it or not.

Most women hate it and find it disgusting.

1. And I explained in an earlier post why (mostly) I personally believe this is so. Like everyone else, women have motives and you'll have to excuse me if it doesn't bother me that you lose some of your influence over men when they aren't worshiping you and begging you for sex.

2. So what if MOST women hate it and find it disgusting? This means the ones who don't should be ignored? Again, this is all extreme collectivist thinking. Always trying to vote other people's rights away. Might makes right.

3. Men have fantasies. As a 40 year old man, I can remember (quite clearly) what my life was like before porn. And certainly before the internet made porn as common as sand on a beach. I had fantasies before porn and most of them were exactly the things you see in your run of the mill porn today. Porn is representative of quite typical male fantasies. It is of little consequence to me (frankly) if you find my fantasies disgusting because they are still going to exist regardless of what you think of them. They always have and always will. As long as I live. I think it is a relatively good idea to have a safe and reasonably affordable outlet for a need that is going to exist whether the outlet does or not.

4. It always seems to me that some women (not all) don't really understand the male sex drive. This is the only answer that really makes sense. I just don't think they get it. They seem to believe men will cease to have those "disgusting" fantasies if there is no porn. This is just a baffling delusion.

I've watched many documentaries about women who worked as sex workers and in porn and they hated it as well.

Why don't you watch a documentary about someone who works in a fast food restaurant and let me know if you get the impression that they enjoy themselves? Fact of the matter is that I doubt you can find too many people anywhere that (if they were being brutally honest) would say they love their jobs.

I am not surprised a sex worker has a real personality when they aren't being paid $500 an hour to smile and beg for more. Am I supposed to think this means anything? This is the story of life in a world where you have to pay the bills. I can tell you right now that I have absolutely hated every job I ever had. The only fondness I ever had for any of it was for certain people I worked with. The jobs themselves SUCKED. Not only did they suck but they sucked so bad that they gave new meaning to the word "suck". And the pay was usually crap. So it was insult on top of injury. I got to torture myself every day for basically nothing and I had to smile and pretend I was having a good time on top of it all. And this was not porn.

men have a fantasy that the women in these videos or photos are enjoying what they do, but that's not true.

This is where you're wrong. Men do not (generally) delude themselves with the idea that women like sex. If women liked sex we wouldn't need porn. We know this. Oh yes! We certainly know the reality of the world we live in.

Men DO enjoy indulging their fantasies that women (in some parallel universe) might actually like sex. Generally, the fantasy lasts about as long as it takes to reach orgasm and then they get to go back to the nice real world where women want to claw their eyes out for daring to look at them. Oh JOY! Why do we hate reality so much?

Oh and do count me as another person who would be happy for a porn ban.

You do realize that there is far more amateur porn than commercial porn? So a ban would be punishing your neighbors for introducing a camera into their sex.

edit on 23-7-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by ProphetZoroaster
reply to post by alfa1

Yeah because 1 + 1 = 2,313,330.

Anytime the government does anything, we can depend of the "theorists"
to jump to the worst conclusion using the faultiest logic.
Unless you have a time machine we don't know about and have seen what it's like in ten years
you don't know what's going to happen anymore than the rest of us do.

I'm not a Brit and even I'm not thrilled about this idea,
but this whole digital Armageddon thing some are preaching in here is just a bit off the rails.

What rails would those be? Aren't rails meant to basically make sure you can only go to a designated place?

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:10 AM
Not the porn!! Please not the porn!

That's very sad. Rather focus on Ukraine where millions of women are being sold into the sex industry.

Think most pornstars are probably happy with what they do as I'm sure they receive a lot of money for it. But not all I suppose.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
what are you guys doing watching porn?

Does your mother know?


1. Actually, I "watch" relatively little of it. I look at a lot of pictures of naked women but I rarely watch porn flicks for the simple reason that I can't be bothered to go through hours of boring footage to find something that's actually arousing. Anyway, when I do watch it, I do so because I feel like it and I'm not going to wait for the rest of my life for something magical to happen and me to suddenly become more attractive and sexually desirable to women.

2. Yes. Actually. My mother is an intelligent person who has figured it out in that head of hers that an ugly 40 year old without a wife or a girlfriend must be blowing off steam somehow. She knows that I like sex. I used to rent porn on her account at the video store all the time (back in the day when VHS was still around).

edit on 23-7-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by truthermantwo
i think this would be a great thing, perversion leads to perversion and degradation and mental illness. We were not designed to just blatently look for sex all the time, and pornography is a false way of living, the word masturbation can be apllied to any action or thought process that gets repeated causing thought process problems and memory malfunctions because you put images of degrading natures in front of a potential memory paradise of the pure and clean thoughts were supposed to have.

If you are led into perversion by porn you probably haven't had much of a sexual education. Also, I frown upon the idea that masturbation should be seen as something that causes thought process problems. Unless you believe that half of the women and most all of men have er.. thought process problems..

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