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Body Scan By Aliens?

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posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by Druscilla

Usually I'm on board with you when you pass out these glossary terms. But I'm curious, why do you think the last couple of cases you posted on in this forum are attributable to dissociative fugue states? Really, what is your basis for that?

Seems pretty off target for an expert marksman like you. Just my opinion.

edit on 7-7-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

I'm not saying they are.
It's just one of those 'things' that pops up on occasion as a suggestion of something to look for as a potentially validating experience or thing to say (missing time) that gives greater credibility to any experience as being the product of 'real' spooky visitors.

Some of these "Was I abducted by aliens(?)" threads serve as school room lesson guides to teach readers how to report "genuine" spooky visitor phenomenon.
EX: "If you have marks on your body, or missing time, or it happened when you were driving then, it was alienses fosho". All of which are, in reality accountable and attributable without the requirement for aliens.
Granted, that may not be the actual intent, but, someone out there reading "Was I abducted(?)" forum topics is likely out there checking off boxes, and/or taking notes.

Just throwing stuff out ahead of the game.
Regardless, If someone wants to actually believe they're getting visitors from planet Bzztwhoop, then, no amount of rational explanation regardless precedent is going to dissuade or convince otherwise.

I'm backing off from decreeing reality. I'm just going to start saying, "it COULD be X, and if Y happens in the future, then, well, it's still entirely attributable to mundane X, but if you want to believe in a Z when there is no Z, then, whatever".
People are going believe whatever they want to hear more often over what they need to hear, so, eh, meh,

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
EX: "If you have marks on your body, or missing time, or it happened when you were driving then, it was alienses fosho".

Naw, I only said that because that's a good lead to follow. If there are unexplained physical marks, then that points in two possible directions (I'll let someone else lay down the odds) a) parasomnia events, or b) could be legit alienses.

If there are no physical marks, I tend to lean much more heavily on parasomnia/ sleep paralysis etc.

It's just a careful process of eliminating possibilities. But you still gotta give the possibility of aliens a chance! To do otherwise is a disservice to science and to investigation.

(Yes, we know people attack and scratch themselves in their sleep.) But to blanket every case under that explanation is another disservice.

People are going believe whatever they want to hear more often over what they need to hear, so, eh, meh,

No, not everybody on this site. There are a few of us more interested in truth than alienses. While I am a believer in alienses, I am a stronger believer in rationality and reason. Sometimes it's just tough to reconcile the two--and it can be a long road when it comes to changing one's worldview.

But at least you're here to bring balance to The Force

edit on 7-7-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 11:33 PM
So i've been trying to find an explanation to a very similar occurrence I had. I was not sleeping, however, but was alone in a trailer on my parents property which is in a rural area. I was laying in the bed frustrated that I couldnt sleep. It must have been about 3 am or so when i heard a strange noise that sounded like a car going down the road dragging metal but it was coming closer. As it got closer it had an electrical static sound to the noise as well. I heard the sound move along the outside of the trailer and was tilting my head trying to listen and figure out what it was. All i could come up with was maybe a deer dragging his antlers along the outside of the trailer. Anyway as the sound moved right to where my head was, a blue light hit my head and started systematically scrolling down my body. Every cell in my body where the light hit hurt as it moved down towards my torso. At this time, since I was NOT asleep, i realized that something was scanning me and I felt paralyzed to move. Inside my head I was thinking, "oh hell no," and i forced my legs to twist to the side. It was very hard to move my legs. As I did this, the light stopped and the sound halted. I laid there looking up where a plastic dome was located on the roof of the trailer listening and feeling extremely angry. I was also scared but wasnt going to show or feel it and i looked up thinking that if youre an alien trying to mess with me i was going to mess you up. My brain was going 90 miles a minute and i remembered a show i watched where abductees were able to communicate through thoughts so i started thinking horrible things i would do to something that tried to get to me. Nothing more happened so i began researching it the next day. All i could find was sleep paralysis but nowhere was the sound mentioned or the fact that i was wide awake listening to the noise prior to seeing blue light. Another explanation i came up with was maybe an electrical current was traveling through the trailer due to a short. After this incident, the generator would start but none of the outlets worked and the microwave wouldnt come on. The light was slow and moved evenly down my body so I'm not convinced that it was electricity either. I sure hope it was sleep paralysis but Im an extremely light sleeper and it never happened before or after this one time event.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by shells4u

did anyone else around you if any, notice anything unusual going on or happening at the time?

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by data5091

I wish someone else had been around. I was in rolling hills on a 10 acre property. Everyone else was on the next hill above from where the trailer was parked. I told my parents about the ordeal and they said they've had no such occurrence. The thing is, I'm a scientist by profession and have been trying to find a simple, logical explanation. I have yet to come up with one. I suppose it could have been a drone of some sort possibly made by humans. I just dont know and I'm not happy knowing something was scanning me. I'm still ruling out sleep paralysis since I was as conscious then as I am now typing this. As far as an electrical surge, the trailer was not plugged in and only had battery power. What do you think happened in your situation. Do you remember it being somewhat painful and hearing any sound.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by data5091

I live alone so no nobody around...

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