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Dream - 6.9 earthquake to hit Costa Rica region. Jesus is calling us!

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posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 04:08 PM
I'll start this by saying that recently I have been going through a lot personally and have been questioning a lot about my faith. That being said, I keep finding myself led back to it in it's entirety.

When I'm asleep, a dream will make sense, it's only when I wake up it doesn't make sense. It's my conscious mind that determines what makes sense and what doesn't to 'me'. My conscious understanding is limited by my physical brain.

I cannot consciously think of an idea more complicated than the tool which I think it with (my brain). Much in the same way, it is of no effect to try to comprehend and explain fully how God works, since God is so much greater than anything I or anyone else can come up with. In fact, God is so great, sometimes I feel it's an insult for me to try!

I find this idea helps me when I feel there is something I need to 'understand'. I guess that's why faith is so important. Because you just have to believe God is right, you can't do it out yourself.

One thing I struggled a lot with is the punishment for sin. I kept thinking, how can it warrant an eternal punishment? How can anything I do be bad enough to deserve that? Well at the moment, (and I may be wrong) I see it this way:

Any sin I have done, I can't undo. It's permanent in it's effect. Even after I die the my life will have changed the course of the world. I sin I commit might have a knock-on effect that causes all kinds of problems.

So a just punishment of a permanent offence (God is just) would surely be permanent too? But luckily for us, that punishment has already been taken by someone else. Jesus, a perfect person who didn't deserve it. He didn't have to take it, but chose to take it for us because He was the only one that could. God my savior came in the flesh to save me from the just punishment that rightly should be permanent. If I believe that, then I can ask God to forgive me of my sins, because there is a way it can be done justly. But if I don't, how can I ask for Him to forget about something that has had a permanent effect on his creation?

I hope today one person can maybe take away from this that we all have sinned, and we all need help from God. We did not get ourselves into this world independently, we needed a mother, a father, and God (another trinity!). We cannot be independent, as much as our pride wants us to be. We need God today.

Try praying now with an open heart, realize you can be forgiven because Jesus took your place, ask for forgiveness today, and get saved from your sin!

Feel free to ask a question or make a point on this topic on how you feel about this issue, I'm glad to talk and hope I can help. I don't know everything but I'll try my best!

With that said, I will get to the dream. I dreamed last night about several things. But the main one was that I was meeting Jesus or asking Jesus for forgiveness. I do not remember personally meeting Him.

I was under the impression that this need for our forgiveness was getting urgent. Like time is running out. I suddenly felt in my mind that I was receiving news of a coming earthquake. I was trying to understand what was coming into my mind. In the dream I 'knew' the magnitude - 6.9. I struggled to think of the location, like I was trying to remember it. Then I just came out with Costa Rica.

So I'm assuming that it is as it is. A 6.9 is coming to Costa Rica or the surrounding region (it may be listed slightly different on USGS for example). A 6.9 would be Costa Rica's biggest earthquake since 1999, and inland would be severe. I do not have a date for this either.

I would advise anyone in this area (or any area for that matter) to be prepared for an event at any time, as best they can, but most importantly, I would say, get right with God. Today!

This is a call for repentance, realize your need for help, and believe you have it through Jesus today!
Salvation is free and available to absolutely anyone. Don't gamble with eternity, it's never worth it. Get it today!

How can you give credit to my prediction?
Well I have only posted two here:

One was about a 7.7 - 7.9 hitting the Iran Pakistan border. I posted, and a 7.8 (tied biggest recorded in Iran ever) happened 3 months after.
Dream - Big quake coming to the East (Iran/Pakistan) 7.7 - 7.9 magnitude

The other was about large quakes coming to the Mediterranean, which is still open, but a few days after, Greece (which was specifically mentioned) had it's biggest earthquake in 4 years.
Dream - Big quakes possibly coming to Greece, Syria/Serbia, Spain/Portugal

Even if this reaches one person, it could be a life saved (physically or spiritually), so I felt a duty to post this.

Feel free to message me or email me at [email protected] if you want to talk about anything or have any questions.

Again, I cannot take any credit for this dream, as I can't control it. All glory is God's.

God bless I hope you all stay safe and may God be with you.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:17 PM
My bad, it's not listed on the USGS list i looked at earlier (USGS Costa Rica earthquake list), but Wikipedia says a 7.6 happened in Costa Rica in 2012. Just thought i'd let you guys know.

7.6 Costa Rica earthquake 2012 - Wikipedia

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:24 PM
I'm wondering why you didn't get the Japan earthquake and tsunami. That was a pretty big one that still affects us globally. Just askin'

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:39 PM
The whole 'Don't question it, just believe!' philosophy of religion seems to fly in the face of denying ignorance. Just sayin'...

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:43 PM

Again, I cannot take any credit for this dream, as I can't control it. All glory is God's.

I like that part. Medical opinion is pointless.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:46 PM

Well we may see if the criteria are there thanks to this Youtube channel

This guy is spot on about 6+ magnitude earthquakes.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
I'm wondering why you didn't get the Japan earthquake and tsunami. That was a pretty big one that still affects us globally. Just askin'

I'm wondering where you got the idea that I didn't?

Originally posted by LobeDethFaurt
The whole 'Don't question it, just believe!' philosophy of religion seems to fly in the face of denying ignorance. Just sayin'...

I definitely believe you should question things. I said twice in my post to feel free to ask questions:

Feel free to ask a question or make a point on this topic on how you feel about this issue, I'm glad to talk and hope I can help. I don't know everything but I'll try my best!

Feel free to message me or email me at [email protected] if you want to talk about anything or have any questions.

I think the whole "don't question it" idea may come from a few people, but it's important to remember that certain people's interpretations are not necessarily the authority on the subject. If I believe an apple to be a pear, it is still an apple. Don't judge the apple (religion), because a person thinks it's a pear (or something it may not be).

My whole point was that I like to remember I don't know everything. Much like a child learning from someone who knows better, I'm concluding that it could be right, and maybe I just cannot perceive how yet. I would have thought it was more ignorant to assume I know better than the writers of the Bible, even though I continue to learn from it.

I guess that's faith in itself. My lack of understanding is like walking with blind eyes, but I'm listening and trusting in someone who says they can see clearly.

Ultimately, I have to put my trust in God, and I believe the Bible to contain God's inspired word. So I try to put my trust in the Bible as best I can.

I hope this cleared some things up for you. As I said, if you've got any questions, feel free to ask as I'm happy to help or discuss certain things. I Hope you all stay safe, and I hope God continues to bless your lives.

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