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Obama Tells Morsi “Democracy is About More than Elections”

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posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 02:49 AM
Article by Scott Creighton at American Everyman

President Obama is lecturing the leader of another country about democracy while he and his administration are secretly spying on all Americans, he is running the most extensive war on whistleblowers the world has ever seen and they are currently negotiating the Trans Pacific Partnership in secret which will hand over sovereignty of this country to an unelected cabal of corporate cronies.

President Obama is lecturing the leader of another country about democracy while he is sending money and weapons to terrorists organizations in an effort to destabilize another democratically elected president in Syria and just after his administration successfully destabilized and destroyed the “Paris of Africa”, Libya.

President Obama is lecturing the leader of another country about democracy just a year after signing into law a document that ends Posse Comitatus and allows the U.S. military to operate on U.S. soil and allows for arbitrary indefinite detentions of U.S. citizens.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 03:27 AM
What would a socialist know about democracy, lets ask Kim Jong his thoughts next, then we can go back in time and ask Chavez and then Hitler.
edit on 3-7-2013 by audioengineer because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by JohnJasper

Thank you for posting this info -

Americans and the world need to wake up and understand what our US gov't is doing - it's not just the democrats - it's the republicans too.

This insanity needs to be stopped because they are leading us little people into WW3 - and the americans who are hiding in their american idols, desperate housewives, swamp people, cell phones, and video games are perpetuating this madness.

Time is running short. And we will ALL pay with our lives and our freedoms.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by JohnJasper

Obama saying this is the oxymoron of the century

In fact, Obama Himself is an oxymoron

the OP article has this also....

The following is a brief list of democratically elected governments overthrown by U.S. interests and the CIA which is their right arm of justice so to speak. It is a brief list which doesn’t include recent examples like Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan (South Sudan), Yugoslavia, Libya, Russia (Yeltsin), Pakistan, Palestine (they voted the wrong way and have paid for it ever since), Mexico nor the ongoing attempted coups in places like Iran and Syria.

1953 CIA overthrows democratically elected government of Iran, installs the brutal dictator the Shah

1954 CIA overthrows democratically elected government of Guatemala installs Military Junta

1959 – CIA Installs Papa Doc Duvalier as brutal dictator of Haiti

1960 - CIA overthrows democratically elected government of the Congo

1961 – CIA backed military coup in Ecuador forces democratically elected president to resign

1963 – “A CIA-backed military coup in Ecuador again, overthrows President Arosemana, whose independent (not socialist) policies have become unacceptable to Washington. A military junta assumes command…”

1964 – “A CIA-backed military coup in Brazil overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart. The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history”

1965 – Indonesia, the CIA overthrows left wing democratically elected government and installs the most ruthless bloodthirsty dictator we have ever created… Suharto… our current president’s mother worked for agency which helped create lists of left leaning citizens to be rounded up and killed.

1967 – Greece – “A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the government two days before the elections. The favorite to win was George Papandreous, the liberal candidate. During the next six years, the “reign of the colonels” — backed by the CIA — will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against political opponents. When a Greek ambassador objects to President Johnson about U.S. plans for Cypress, Johnson tells him: “# your parliament and your constitution.“

1971 – Bolivia – “After half a decade of CIA-inspired political turmoil, a CIA-backed military coup overthrows the leftist President Juan Torres“

1973 – Chile – “The CIA overthrows and assassinates Salvador Allende, Latin America’s first democratically elected socialist leader. The problems begin when Allende nationalizes American-owned firms in Chile. ITT offers the CIA $1 million for a coup (reportedly refused). The CIA replaces Allende with General Augusto Pinochet, who will torture and murder thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on labor leaders and the political left.”

This is how “democracy” in America is about more than simply having elections. This is our legacy of democratic rule.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by JohnJasper

Your link is a blog. It's someone's opinion. Any REAL sources to back this up?

reply to post by audioengineer

What would a socialist know about democracy, lets ask Kim Jong his thoughts next, then we can go back in time and ask Chavez and then Hitler.

Obama isn't a socialist, he's an Oligarch. There's a major difference. Are you getting any benefit from the corporations supposedly owned by the US Government? No, you aren't, that's why Obama is not a socialist, he's an oligarch.

I'm really surprised that so many self described conservatives hate obama, he's doing everything you want him to do, hand over this country to the corporations for their own financial gain. It's free market baby.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by audioengineer
What would a socialist know about democracy, lets ask Kim Jong his thoughts next, then we can go back in time and ask Chavez and then Hitler.
edit on 3-7-2013 by audioengineer because: Spelling


However I think you make a very valid point, star for your thoughtfulness!

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by HauntWok
reply to post by JohnJasper

Your link is a blog. It's someone's opinion. Any REAL sources to back this up?

reply to post by audioengineer

What would a socialist know about democracy, lets ask Kim Jong his thoughts next, then we can go back in time and ask Chavez and then Hitler.

Obama isn't a socialist, he's an Oligarch. There's a major difference. Are you getting any benefit from the corporations supposedly owned by the US Government? No, you aren't, that's why Obama is not a socialist, he's an oligarch.

I'm really surprised that so many self described conservatives hate obama, he's doing everything you want him to do, hand over this country to the corporations for their own financial gain. It's free market baby.

I am conservative, not a republican, more of an independent, but I absolutely loath most of the things this president has done.

I do not want an oligarchy, a technocracy, or any other form of government, but self governance.

We dont need almost 1,000,000 laws to dictate how we live. There should be a limit like ....10,000 max, and if they want to make another, they must throw one out.

There should not be 100 "secret" laws passed with one major law, all laws should be able to be read and understood, in less than 1/2 an hour by the average citizen.

You know, like the 10 commandments, they were only 10 laws, yet they encompass just about everything one can name. Commerce, social, cultural, religious.......I mean cmon, this was done thousands of years ago, but today we cont even do as much with over 600,000????!!!!???

Real easy, dont steal...So stealing, either electronic, or physical, is theft, it is a crime.

Dont kill, killing for any reason other than self defense, or the defense of another is a crime.

Dont rape, raping anyone, ever, for any reason is a crime.

Dont bare false witness, lying about anothers activities, especially in a civil trial, or to the authorities is a crime.

I am not even religious, not even a little bit, at all, but I can see the wisdom of those laws, they were all quite sublime in their simplistic nature.

Today we have the following........It is wrong to steal anything at all ever, unless your a megacorp, or bank, or stock broker, at which point you may only steal other peoples monies as long as it is no less than 1 trillion US doillars, at which point we will give you approx, 7 trilion US dollars in bailouts and negative interest rate loans, where we now owe you money for taking the loans, because your to big to fail, defined as you have way too much power and holdings, and have invaded much more of the economy than legally allowed under the anti trust laws of this nation, so instead of cleaning up the mess, as we are too lazy, we will simply pay you off to get you out of the way, as your distracting the populous from our prearranged distractions, and drawing undo attention to the fact we are F^^--->g them over.

Just for example........true story swear to God!!

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

I am conservative, not a republican, more of an independent, but I absolutely loath most of the things this president has done.

So does everyone that feeds from the never ending supply that is the closed circuit information universe. (AKA FOX News) They tell you to hate this man, they give you lies for reasons, and you blindly follow along with it. (not you personally, I'm talking about conservatives in general)

I do not want an oligarchy, a technocracy, or any other form of government, but self governance.

Might I suggest Somalia? The United States is a Republic. And it's president is an oligarch. Bought and paid for by corporations, just like everyone in congress. That's free market baby.

We dont need almost 1,000,000 laws to dictate how we live. There should be a limit like ....10,000 max, and if they want to make another, they must throw one out.

Ah yes, let's just make damn sure that corporations leech every last penny from everyone by tying our government's hands in dealing with them, that will work.

There should not be 100 "secret" laws passed with one major law, all laws should be able to be read and understood, in less than 1/2 an hour by the average citizen.

Well, if conservatives didn't constantly vote to slash education budgets, the "average" citizen would be intelligent and educated enough to understand those laws. And a half an hour? Seriously? Is this that whole "every law should only be one page" crap again? Please, these laws have to be so complicated because corporations use every single loophole they can find to do what they want anyway.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 12:48 PM

1953 CIA overthrows democratically elected government of Iran, installs the brutal dictator the Shah

Well that's a half truth The us got dragged in to that by Britian see operation boot that was about the Anglo Persian Oil Company , but today most people call it BP, as British Petroleum.

Yes Morsi 'Democracy is more about elections' it' about lying to the public,manufacturing 'enemies' and simpleton slogans like 'Hope and Chainge'.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by JohnJasper

Breaking News: America is Hypocrytical!!! Got room for a 1000 pages on this thread?

BFD...ALL nations are hypocritical...but that doesn't make Pres. Obama the same as Morsi...Nor does it make America Egypt....false equivelancy...
edit on 3-7-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by HauntWok
reply to post by JohnJasper

Your link is a blog. It's someone's opinion. Any REAL sources to back this up?

Scott Creighton is one of the best news analyst that I know of. All of his work is fully backed by REAL sources although on a running story, the sources might be referenced in previous posts. My reason for posting this article was to highlight Scott's take on this matter because, IMO, too many people accept the opinion of the talking heads they see on TV and elsewhere and don't realise that they're being intentionally misguided. ATS is fairly good at fleshing out the bones of any breaking story but sometimes is in need of assistance in understanding the true nature of events. Every little bit helps!

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
reply to post by JohnJasper

Breaking News: America is Hypocrytical!!! Got room for a 1000 pages on this thread?

BFD...ALL nations are hypocritical...but that doesn't make Pres. Obama the same as Morsi...Nor does it make America Egypt....false equivelancy...
edit on 3-7-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

Not quite with you on this, Indigo5. All nations might be hypocritical but no other nation is a major superpower with a policy of Manifest Destiny that is engaged militarily in 70 countries, enforcing austerity on a global scale via the IMF and World Bank, supporting terrorism against numerous countries presently and with a long history of bringing terror to any country that refuses to kowtow to it including such well documented instances as Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, and Iraq. Yes France and England were great players in this game in the previous centuries and if you go far enough back so were the Dutch, Portugese, Spanish and Turks to mention a few. What we have, in just recent history, is millions of innocent dead people thanks to the incessant march of US hegemony with Obama currently leading the charge but riding the wave started at least a century ago and progressed steadily onwards by the likes of Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton and Bush Jr. (I'm not forgetting about the atrocities sanctioned by previous presidents but just trying to limit the length of this reply.)

So whatever crimes Morsi may have committed in his tenure, I suspect that they pale into insignificance compared to the efficient killing machine that Obama is presently at the helm of.

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