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Could the Holy Spirit be hindering me from opening the "portal"

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posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by braveswin

Why would lucid dreaming be more dangerous? This is your mind making up a story and you being a part of it. All a lucid dream is, is realizing you are dreaming and being more active in the dream. There is no danger in that.

Since your door to the spirit realm is through God, prayer would be the way to experience any sort of out of body/astral experience. If you are meant to experience it, God will provide it to you if you ask and it is a necessary experience for your spiritual growth.

I understand the hunger for it, as we all have it,Christian or not, however, it has been my experience that all one needs to do is ask, and you will receive it, if it is to be a part of your experience while here on this earth, in spiritual matters that is. You are provided with what you need if you need it, if you do not need it, then it will not happen. Such as your problem with meditation, as it feels wrong, that is spirit telling you that either you are not ready, or that it will in some way harm you at this point and time.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

Originally posted by braveswin
I guess I was looking for the "outer body" journeys and things like that

"outer body" journeys are fine as long as GOD is the one who initiates them.

Satan counterfeits everything God does and astral travel is no exception.

Ian Clayton is a perfect example of this.

He is an ex-sorcerer who has experienced this from BOTH sides.

How will I know God will initiate them? I will truly seek God in my journey to spiritual enlightenment.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:47 AM
Just like arpgme said, it has nothing to do with demons, gods, spirits, etc
The goal of achieving extra abilities is what our small mind want us to do.
The small mind is the only 'demon' we face in meditation.

Keep meditation simple

Meditation is about being aware of Self (Aware of your actions and talks or aware of surroundings, etc)
There is no goal in meditation. Meditation is about being our original Self, becoming who we truly are.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:53 AM
Just google "dwellers of the Threshold"

That stopped me from trying to OBE again.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:56 AM
Meditation and "third eye things" if properly applied allow insight to one's own nature. In such practices, we learn to transcend our myriad thoughts, our fears, and ultimately our conception of self: without these hindrances, we may more clearly perceive reality.

In this journey, naturally, our most ingrained beliefs or fears are the most seemingly immobile obstacles, Events such as a traumatic experience can ingrain very deeply to one's being .

Religious dogma can ironically be the greatest installer of such obstacles. Is this the source of your understanding that "paganism" is wrong? Or even that "meditation" or "third eye things" are "pagan" at all? Ask yourself, whence the guilt?

Take this assurance from a stranger: you are doing nothing wrong. The true you is the part that seeks spiritual progress and acts. The thoughts, doubts, and fears; the guilt, constitute our small selves- the part of us which may never open the "portal".

I would suggest that you look to your preconceptions, not the Holy Spirit for the bane of your spiritual progress.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by braveswin
How will I know God will initiate them? I will truly seek God in my journey to spiritual enlightenment.

Good question...

I honestly don't have the answer to that.

Perhaps the key is in your question.

Seeking God VS seeking enlightenment.

He IS enlightenment.

Quite possibly, the very act of TRYING to astral project could be a demonic doorway.

Below are two links to another recent thread on this subject:

Also below is an excerpt from a Ian Clayton audio where he mentions astral projection (@ 10 min.)

I recommend listening to the entire audio.

"In the occult world when these guys buzz around in the atmosphere its called astral projection, astral travel they have a silver cord that's connected to them. The reason they have a silver cord connected to them is because their soul is still connected to their spirit man. Their spirit man is inside their body and their body is lying on their bed while their soul is busy buzzing around.

Whenever I see them I cut them..... cause they are doing it illegally, that's their problem. I just walk along, light dismiss' darkness, their in darkness, ffffttttttttttt. I had a guy when we were in London, in fact it was in Wales this guy comes up and says: "Your it, your that thing, and this guy was one of the chief occult people in England, alright he got saved "Your it, your that thing, your that thing that comes out of that realm that we can't go in, your that thing that comes into our realm and you shred everything that's around you. They nick named me the shredder, cause I'm sorry I have no mercy for darkness."

Ian Clayton - Saturday mid-morning

Astral Projection must be a satanic counterfeit where you are in a trance like state and lucifer allows you to see his realm. There is an interview with US ambassador and Maitreya disciple Wayne Petersen on YouTube (Peterson has completely accepted the deception BTW) He was taken into another realm, to Shamballa, which is lucifers HQ and initiated there. Astral Projection is probably one way to become totally possessed by a satanic entity.

Astral Projection Is it safe?

The Christian author Larry Huggins astral projected and he found his astral body in hell. If you read the book "Prepare for War" by Dr. Rebecca Brown, there is a special demon that faclitates astral projection. This is really getting in the realm of the spirit or occult illegally and there could be repercussions. This practice also accelerates the aging process and it is known by Lamas that astral chord could be severed. This is also a condemed occult practice (Deuteronomy 18:10). Exposing Astral Projection

In the Brotherhood (Satanism) the most important attraction for witches and warlocks is the ability to learn how to astral project. Sex and power is what makes most people join Satanist covens. It is by far their biggest drawing card.


edit on 2-7-2013 by Murgatroid because: Added link

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by braveswin
As for the remote monitoring, nobody but ourselves are allowed in our minds. Always remember that.

I disagree, at least with the wording. I can't be inside my mind nor can anyone else, it's like a device which creates the self and the world around it. Nobody should pretend to be able to go inside that device and change things. Like a computer it's programming can be changed because of the interpretation from the self and the choices which are created based on that interpretation.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by dodol
Meditation is about being

Only a small change needed to provide my perspective.

By "being," can we encounter "demons," or "evil spirits?" Obviously, the answer is yes!

But that does not mean it is exclusively for that, or *only* introduces demonic presence.

There are many, many forms of meditation. Most people have little to no idea on what they are talking about with it, so its good to keep that in mind. Its a bit like the term "sports." You can get a vague idea of the topic, but certainly not specifics.

All that said, if you are trying to open what you perceive as a "portal," then you may want to further examine exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Meditation is viewed by many to be nothing more than realizing what is there all along, our act of "being." Since no portal is needed, you may be playing with forces that are outside of your control and understanding.

If your goal with meditation is to be something you arent, you will end up disappointed. For most, it tends to be more successful in realizing what you have been all along, and are being right now. If you are attempting to involve external forces and experience, it may be a bit like playing with fire.

The trick is, however, that there are likely parts of your being that you are not aware of! Most people do not have continuous awareness of their breath (breathing), but it is obviously a natural part of life. If one had never focused on it, it may appear to be something new, but it has been going on all along.
edit on 2-7-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:51 PM
I guess everyone that thinks astral projection is demonic, has the same
thought about death.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by braveswin

Let God have His perfect work in you, remember that you are not the builder.

Let God build His Kingdom within you, do not try to build it around you. If you do, you do so in vain because only what God decides what abides forever.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by braveswin
Please take this seriously, as I am.

I try to meditate, read, and gather all the information possible about spiritual journneys and things with the third eye. But when I seem to make progress I just get this overwhelming feeling that I shouldn't be doing this, thats its paganism. Any thoughts?

Are you a devout Christian? If not, what is your religion or spiritual preference? Do you feel that you may possibly have an inherent fear of "God" if you do not follow your religion?

Maybe it's possible that you've let religious dogma scare you. And that anything that questions or says otherwise is automatically and subconsciously associated with "evil" and dark things. This is actually pretty common, especially among people who are religious or were previously religious.

Why? Because it is hard to unlearn things. Even harder than learning new things. When you can unlearn a trait, you can learn a new one in its place. It would be hard for a musician to redefine the way he holds a guitar and picks and plays chords, if he has been doing it his own way for years. He would have to unlearn his technique, in order to learn a proper technique. Most musicians end up doing this too late, and they make a unique hybrid technique that is a mixture of a standard model and their own little flares, flaunts, flaws, and tricks or otherwise.

The same thing can be said about spirituality. People grow up thinking one way about life, about the whole universe. Then one day the curtain is lifted and they question everything they thought they knew for a second time. Combing over the details and seeing if it all makes sense. Most of the time people end up with a hybrid of beliefs. That is, a mixture of traditional beliefs mixed in with whatever logic that person's intellect has allowed them to come to a conclusion about.

When you read these pagan writings, these occult philosophies if you will, it is radically different from the traditional set of rules you are used to growing up with. It is natural for them to collide with your feelings and emotions, but the point is, to read them unflinchingly. Do not be afraid of simply reading things. Expand your knowledge. Take everything in and make your own judgement calls about it. But don't let your fear prevent you from expanding your knowledge and curiousity into the depths of other religions.

It's about as harmless as exploring the Koran when you're a devout Christian. Or reading the book of Scientology out of curiousity, even though you're Muslim, or Hindu. It's just interesting, so don't let it scare you. Your salvation is dependent upon your heart, not your beliefs.

As long as you read about pagan beliefs with purity in your heart, you have nothing to fear.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 04:46 PM
Hey guys, little update

Been doing alot of praying last night and today, even fasting lunch. I feel that God is trying to show me something, but I should follow Him first. I dont know why, but that it the undisputed answer I keep getting.

I have learned that there are dark, and "light" spirits. And they can harm you, regardless of if you know what your doing. I will keep you guys posted on my progress because I think I can have a just as strong spiritual experience through God!

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 04:49 PM
Your being protected because you are not ready. It's not the Holy Spirit. It's yourself, after you've died and are time dwelling inside your recorded space-time envelope (Book of Life) serving as that voice called your conscience.

Your not ready for this final step as once taken, there is no return, there is no off switch. Everything you've put together in your entire life up until that point will fade to the same as a worthless shadow of a shadow. You wouldn't have it any other way in this exchange.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by braveswin

Come back from this NOW for your own sake and that of those whom do care about or love you as any sin may be forgiven but a sin against the holy spirit never will that is the very wording of our lord Jesus Christ.
do not accuse the innocent of your own incapability and why the hell do you want to open a portal to allow your self to be consumed like a demonic twinky, the devil is not your friend or anyone's he hates those whom serve him even more than those that don't and only uses them to further his smashing of the prison in which he finds himself.

Turn back now and why don't you try mediating on the holy spirit if you truly want something and not the illusion of it.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:07 PM
Your supposedly saved by the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit leads your life and you are practicing Hindu techniques ? I don't think the Holy Spirit is any where near you .

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by braveswin

You should follow God first, and forevermore.

And to be clear, prayer is a form of meditation.

Beware those who would preach, teach, and practice division amongst cultural lines.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by braveswin

Right there are dark and light spirits but there darkness or coldness or lightness or warmth if irrelevant and they can be good or bad regardless so do not delve in this as you are the one being used not expanding yourself at all, you are like a kid covered in petrol playing with a damp match so please give it up as only insanity and sorrow lie that way, believe me I know.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
Your supposedly saved by the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit leads your life and you are practicing Hindu techniques ? I don't think the Holy Spirit is any where near you .

Easy, there SimonPeter.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by braveswin
Hey guys, little update

Been doing alot of praying last night and today, even fasting lunch. I feel that God is trying to show me something, but I should follow Him first.

That's one for Jesus...

This reminds me of some of the dialogue in "The Encounter" film:

Satan: That's one for me.

Jesus: Four set free.

Satan:[gasping] Don't worry, Jesus. We'll meet again.

Jesus: That was his last chance. If there's a downside to being God, it's knowing. I reach out to them with everything I have, but I know. I just know.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by braveswin
Please take this seriously, as I am.

I try to meditate, read, and gather all the information possible about spiritual journneys and things with the third eye. But when I seem to make progress I just get this overwhelming feeling that I shouldn't be doing this, thats its paganism. Any thoughts?

The only reason you're getting this feeling is because you have some prior bias built upon religious beliefs. Don't let dogma keep you from your potential

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