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American Seeking Asylum

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 09:00 AM
This has been my first time logging back in awhile. After the recent Snowden disclosure it got me thinking. By the USA government illegally spying/collecting data/violating rights on Americans does that give all Americans the right to political asylum?

Has anyone heard of any countries out there allowing general Americans asylum? And has anyone tried?

After years of serving my country ive resigned...I am honestly hoping to seek asylum or move to a foreign country at the minimum once I take care of a few things. You can have this place, and I think any American who feels the same should qualify to be a candidate for asylum for countries that will allow it.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 09:20 AM
Well, considering privacy is a human right, and most countries accept civilians who have been subjected to human rights violation (e.g. the US surveillance of its citizens), i'd say there is a high possibility that they would accept your initial request and process it. Whether or not they accept you is another matter.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

I do not know precisely which nations might be open to that idea. However, I do know that if you are trying to escape the monitoring of the US government, or wanting asylum based on thier behavior toward thier people, then your best bet is going to be a non western nation, perhaps in Asia, or South America.

The reason I say this, is that all the western nations are under the NSA's spell, and politically invested with the United States, which means that they would be unlikely to agree to provide asylum on political grounds. Also, you would be best off choosing a nation which has not extradition treaty with the U.S.A.

The reason I suggest this, is that a) nations which have no such agreement with the US are more likely to agree to provide asylum, and b) in the event that the U.S.A looses all semblance of reason, and passes a law making all persons who leave the country in protest enemies of the state, such a lack of extradition treaty will prevent you being sent back to face such charges.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

I missed the class where they explained Privacy in a term which could be universally defined, let alone put to paper as a recognized Human Right? These days, anything is possible and no one can catch all the madness going around like a contagion ...but perhaps you could highlight what nation or international body actually went and made Privacy a defined Human Right one could take action with for things like Asylum or other protections?

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I dont think its privacy as the human right. Its the violation of the 4th amendment. When I applied to the CIA and various intel groups years ago...I had to be fully up to date on several of their rules and regulations...intelligence had similar rules to law enforcement with needing to obtain a warrant and the length at which they can retain intel on people.

The violation in human rights comes from our own government violating its own laws then saying...well tough its something we need to do. Whether I can prove or not that they targeted me personally or filtered through my email/texts/phone etc would be difficult though.

I mean if this was an outcast intel group and the government was looking to fix it then fine.

Its not just us either man....the usa has become so arrogant...there will be day when no one cares to help us when we need it...I cant stand our foreign policy. Id feel safer somewhere else..preferably where its warmer. haha

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by daaskapital

I missed the class where they explained Privacy in a term which could be universally defined, let alone put to paper as a recognized Human Right? These days, anything is possible and no one can catch all the madness going around like a contagion ...but perhaps you could highlight what nation or international body actually went and made Privacy a defined Human Right one could take action with for things like Asylum or other protections?

Under Article 12 from the UN's 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights', it states the following:

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

The US government's acquirement of random, privacy intruding data may fall under arbitrary interference of one's privacy; thus breaking Article 12 of the universal declaration of human rights...

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Wow interesting..there is a lot of subjective arguments you could make to defining what privacy is haha...I like this ..thx for adding that.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

You know how much fun I could have with that section by going down the list of G20 nations for how (not if) each has and regularly violates that? Asylum based on that or anything related to it would be near impossible for how routine violating it is, world wide. I was going to say North America and Europe..but heck, it really is across Asia and South America just as much. World wide for ignoring that one, I'd say.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

SnF for an original take on the issue.

I'm curious to see if a country exists where Americans can seek asylum.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Ya I kind of was hoping more people would be into the idea haha....I was looking to move anyway and thought it might be nicer seeking asylum to avoid some visa laws!

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 10:43 AM
You dont need asylum to leave America.
That is usaly reserved for people that face political proscution .
You want to leave America? Pick the country you like (((HAVE MONEY AND A SKILL))
get Visa passport and apply for citisionship .
Its usaly no harder to become a citision of another country then it is to become American.
Funny thing ((if America is so bad you want to leave then why are so many still tryin g to come ?

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by midnightstar
You dont need asylum to leave America.
That is usaly reserved for people that face political proscution .
You want to leave America? Pick the country you like (((HAVE MONEY AND A SKILL))
get Visa passport and apply for citisionship .
Its usaly no harder to become a citision of another country then it is to become American.
Funny thing ((if America is so bad you want to leave then why are so many still tryin g to come ?

As you said above to have a skill....I have multiple degrees and solid work experience...The reason why I think so many want to come here is because our minimum wage jobs pay 3 times as much as many less developed countries do for average salaries. In my case...this wouldnt be a problem. I mostly was just flirting with the idea of...the concept of would we actually be able to fall under asylum.

As my personal opinion...yes...ive left the country twice for long periods of time only to return for school and a great job offer.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 04:30 PM
Leaving America are we? Might I suggest Somalia? I hear it's an Ayn Rand utopia.

No real central government, (no big bad meanie government tellin ya what to do)

Live a life of real self reliance, (with no government to get in the way, there's often no police to interfere with your activities.)

Strong 2nd Amendment (Actually firearms are pretty much required)

I strongly urge all TEA Party "Patriots" to relocate to Somalia as soon as possible!

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