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The Egypt Connection : our UpsideDown Reality, Pyramids and Spells [ our artificial moon and our hid

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posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 06:27 PM
The Egyptian Connection : our UpsideDown Reality, Pyramids and Spells [ Luna and the Real Moon Part II ]

For part I , “our artificial moon and the hidden, real one”, please see here –

I know – many have explored the possible meanings of the relation between the Great Pyramid and the stars – big names as Bauval, Hancock, Adachi, etc ; and I'm very much indebted to them. Though below, I would like to make a case for a point of vieuw, they might have missed .
Lets first repeat again the relation of Gizeh towards the stars and Earth -

We are all familiar with the above picture.
But we should go back a few steps, and understand that the Egyptian pantheon [lets abbreviate that to “the Nine” from now on] had a réason to Copy and Distort the Order of Things, as ordained by God. If you like it or not: it is necessary to compare His version to that of the Nine, so that it becomes more clear, as to whát the Nine have done.

--- Looking in Context at the Purpose of the pyramids---

First – the Celestial North is the “place of spiritual Rule“, according to God. If one would look in the bible, many references are made to the correlation between “North” and “Rule“.

We see the constellation Ursa Minor [little dipper] which, I believe, is the real Egyptian Meskhetiu – and not, as many claim, Ursa Major.
I should address the procession of the equinoxes later on; since I don’t believe that “ the 26000 year procession is caused by the earth, spinning like a top slightly out of balance” - but instead, that it is the “Third, Outer Ring
[of the gyroscope] containing the stars” [ as we saw in part I , the Ezekiels Wheel with eyes, stars, on its brim] that is slightly moving back and forth on its place, in a cycle of 26000 years.

Bauval came as first with the suggestion, which has been accepted by most other researchers, that the three pyramids of Gizeh were representing the constellation Orion in the southern sky -

Untill one [I forgot the name and the site, but I think a Japanese ?] scholar remarked that “the main problem with the Orion-Gizeh connection is, that the Pyramids are turned 180 degrees towards Orion: so they can impossibly be devised to mirror Orion “.
Cant they ?
….and what, if it was MENT to “mirror Inverse”..?

So – lets start again from step 1 :

The North is the area in the ecliptic where is seated the Spiritual Rule.
What did Evil do ? - it TRANSFERRED that rule to the Sóuthern sky !

See Orion right in the middle ?
Now it starts to make absolute sense, as “why the Gizeh pyramids are placed 180 degrees around, in relation to Orion“ ! They was MENT to Mirror Inverse ! Not so much “upside-down” as well as Inverse - but by this Inverse mirroring, they sure turned the Order of spiritual Rule upside-down !
Please look again to the first picture – the shafts pointing to the polar stars and the south. The great pyramid itself functions here as “anchor” [the PyramidTexts name it the “mooring post”] , ment to have the Earth captured into the Nine's 3-step plan to Invert spiritual Rule.

Step 1 - is to have the pyramid itself as focal point, because of its shafts lining up with the [desired] constellations : so that the pyramid itself becomes a real immovable focal point: since it is the constellations themselves, who keep the pyramid on its place ; so indeed the concept of the pyramid, and its function, is literally “ inscribed, imprinted, into the stars”.
So – Step 1 has Transferred the Rule from North to the South, and has included the pyramid, itself.

Step 2 - now the pyramid has become the key, she is Mirrored 180 degrees towards Orion, on the Earth, herself. The goal is here, to attach the very lánd the pyramid sits on – as the next step-down of Inverse Rule. Hence, the two lands of Egypt became the representation of Heaven and Earth, but not, consequently, as “North Egypt representing heaven” : but Inverse : it was Sóuth Egypt that represented heaven, and North Egypt which represented Earth.
So – Step 2 has brought Inverse Rule upon the Earth, herself.

Step 3 - that s a bit difficult one :
There s a deep reason for the shafts “crossing eachother”, see picture above. At first glance, it makes no sense : did the Nine make a mistake, when constructing the pyramid - and had to let the shafts cross eachother ?

No, it was done on purpose allright. Because this “crossing” depicts the change of the TYPE of Evil's Rule.
As you know, Evil has a Duality, as well: its feminine and masculine side. Around 2300 bC, the era of Evils masculine rule was devised to be Transferred to Evils Feminine rule – because God called Abraham around that time, and promised him "a people coming from you, as many as the sands of the sea“. But especially the past 2000 years, since Christ, Polaris rules the queens chamber – and on the opposite side the queens chamber is connected to Sirius, aka Isis, aka the Dog, aka the Bow-Star [remember marduk exalting the bow-star]

Why exactly Evils Feminine Type of rule ?

Because Evils goal is, foremost, to remain in control over human Male – because controlling the Male is controlling the Earth ! – and then especially “his head”- since " the head" is the very Attribute of spiritual Rule.
Therefore, the head of human Male is incredibly heavy Spelled ; and the one responsible for all the Spells on males thoughts, is represented by Isis, the Witch – the dog star – Evils Feminine rule. Hence, in the Spells the “head of human male is Anubis – the dog of death” – and so on.
“She”, Isis, is Jezebel ; the whore who leads and flatters Male astray; and so powerful, that “she” was able to lead even Solomon astray: eventhough he had been gifted with Godly wisdom. [what a victory that must have been for Evil – that it conquered Solomon ! even nów many esoteric groups use him as “trophy” …]

Because of the very nature of the Attribute of human male [which is “Authority”], Evil cannot so much impose by sheer force Its rule as Authority upon Male. Instead, male needs to be deceived [Spelled], so he will not discóver his attribute of spiritual Authority.
…ofcourse I'm not referring here to the kind of Supression and Bestiality, masqued as "authority", which male has claimed to exercise, through institutions as well as personal, throughout History: that was everytime nothing more as Executing the Spell , which Evil Feminine had bewitched his head with.

The Spells refer to "floaters“ or “swimmers“, that is: souls, who float upside-down, meaning their spiritual understanding is upside-down, caused by Evil herself. And upon dying, these "floaters" are then "catched in the [fishing]nets of Horus", translated : those souls sadly have a huge chance of being in hell, after physical death. [someone here made a thread not long ago, about Lybian/Egyptian caves, with murals of these swimmers, guarded by a monstrous dog , some pre-anubis ]

[ continued below ]

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Lone12
Bauval came as first with the suggestion, which has been accepted by most other researchers, that the three pyramids of Gizeh were representing the constellation Orion in the southern sky.

Hey, kudos on a fairly well put-together thread. The quote above, however, is poppycock. Can you validate it?

Bauval has been pretty much ripped to threads on much of his rhetoric. While I don't "tow the party line" on anything...sometimes you have to consider the source...and their alleged sources. Star for your work, no flag for your naivete.

edit on 25-6-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:23 PM

So – step 3 was, to Inverse the rule of the head, since the past 2000 + years. Which was well calculated: since Evil knew that Christ, the Ultimate Authority, would come to Legally Remove the Spell from human Male: therefore, Evil had to make sure that males head was in a continuous Spell.
[cant help remembering the ISS so-called space-station, Isis, continuously encirceling Earth. There are many, many of these Occult Rituals, but that’s outside the scope of this thread]

Would you be surprised, that the following sentence from God is addressed to Undo this 3-step method of Evil, turning things upside-down ? He says, Ez. 21, “..I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he [meaning: Christ] comes whose right it is; and I will give it him.”

Evil put this triple division in stone, into the pyramids. It would have been absolutely impossible for human, to get ever free from Evils rule, being imprisoned in this triple UpsideDown consciousness - because he would never ever been able to break out his prison, and reach Heaven – far away as Heaven has been pushed by Evil’s construction – even anchoring that into the Stars themselves. This is the reason as whý Christ, God, incarnated on Earth – to Undo, according to spiritual Law, the triple prison which Evil had created. So that His Rule will be established once again – the new Eden – and that Rule will Legally start by the Rapture [ Rev. 12:10 ] .

----- intermezzo: So what about Saturn ? ---

So we have this always returning division of 3 :
[remember the gyroscope model of our universe, Heaven outside the gyroscope, and Earth Fixed in the centre of it ]

The outer Ring – containing the Stars – as Cosmic consciousness
The middle ring – containing the planets of our solarsystem – Planetary consciousness,
And the inner ring – our sun and Real Moon - Earth consciousness

[ the latter, Evil has deformed; by placing an artificial moon in our orbit, to create “Earths Matrix consciousness” instead of “ Earth consciousness”…. ]

Yes I know – its easy to fall into the Trap of slowly seeing Everything as bizarre fake.
But if we try keep some kind of acceptable context, where each Ring rules the Ring beneath her,
[ “One Ring To Rule Them All ! “…sigh ]
then Saturn may very well be the Source in the sécond Ring – the Ring of planetary consciousness.
The reason that the concept of “ringmakers of Saturn” may be closer to the truth as we think, is because if we could accept that, as we ve seen, the first Ring “has been Tampered with” [by this artificial Luna moon] , then why wouldn’t this second Ring – which is about planetary consciousness - not have been doctored with, as well..?

What would Saturn and its moons represent, in this context ?

With Saturn as “Sun”.. inner-earth sun… - not as in "a realtime sun in Hollow Earth theory", but as a spinning platonic solid of plasma... And somehow, this concept is being “transferred” to the Matrix wé live in, on earth.
Remember, how spiritual Concepts always require an “Original Template” somewhere : is it possible, that Saturn has been Upgraded, by Evil, to represent “Earth inside this Matrix with her Luna moon”,
and then this Idea is, energetically, broadcasted to this matrix here…?
The planetary Ring ruling earths Ring ?

What áre those rings around Saturn ? ice ? crystal particles ?
Or are they an Analogy of Evils matrix around Eárth ? - since the flower of life is also called often “crystal Grid”.. And if this Luna IS artificial - then how large is the step to conclude that "the ringmakers" could be a reality ?
It seems that Saturn emits not just its own planetary sound – as all planets do - but is apart from that emitting strong radio frequencies. This may indicate that Saturn could be emitting amounts of even higher energy – energies, which carry the star-tetrahedron solid within them. And as you know, the star-tetrahedron is the symbol of Magick and Sorcery.

Who knows: it may even be possible, that the inner-earth plasma Sun, dubbed the “Red Sun” [the same as the red sun the Egyptian deities wear upon their heads; and the same as the “red gem“ which the india Naga’s wear upon their head] is, in fact, “powered“ by Saturn ! The fact that the Metatron Cube carries this star-tetrahedron, may support this - besides, again Velikovsky collected evidence of esoteric groups knowing very well that “their real sun was Saturn”. Later more about this.

[continued below]

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:47 PM

Science also found that “high amounts of electric discharges occur between Saturn and its moon Enceladus”. Enceladus *appears* to be hollow - like our Luna moon. Would this exchange of energy between those two “be the Original Template” of “our inner earth sun empowering the Spell upon us, to see Luna as our real moon“ ? As in how the pyramid has Luna enclosed into her geometry ?

--- "Stars" and "Watchers" ---

It appears that Saturn isn’t direct mentioned as such – but instead has an epithet: Osiris.
Osiris is equivalent for “Earthy Rule “, the system of Rule – and then Evil’s system, ofcourse. He is said “to have drowned in the Deluge “, implying that Osiris ruled earth in the Atlantean era.
Osiris appears to belong to the Watchers category: the Watchers, who came to Earth in Genesis 6. Obviously, there are two kinds of [fallen] angels: the “Stars” and the “Watchers”.

*grin* no dont worry - i wont quote ' the ashtar command ' or any of those things

Henoch mentions these same two types – the Stars are the "Satans", who fell out of Gods Heaven; carrying names as Penemue [ Thoth] , Tabaa-et [Ra] , etc., having still the capability to reside at the borderline of Heaven;
…and then there is the category Watchers, with their 200 leaders, under Azazel [ Enki] and Semyaza ; yes also this group is called “angels” - but perhaps to be compared with “higher dimensional beings, who roamed on planets” ? Or perhaps “Atlanteans”..?
In any case; it were the Watchers [with backup of the Stars] who éxecuted the Fall of Paradise – and they were Imprisoned into Earth for 10,000 years, according to Henoch – until they will be allowed to Surface again onto Earths crust [any day now] .
Yes it was admiral Byrd who had an unexpected meeting with these same Watchers – not in a hollow Earth, but into another dimension withín Earth – since Earths inside contains 5 other Dimensions.

It appears, that these two groups have a mutual agreement: the Watchers have their “higher backup” in the Stars ; both groups share the same goal though: rule over Gods Earth.
Therefore, when Osiris, as epithet of Evils Rule over Earth, says that he “climbs to the stars”, and says “the tunnels of the earth gave birth to me”, then Osiris clearly falls into the Watchers category.

You all know the I,pet goat clip – where Osiris surfaces in his Ra-boat, destroying the present world in flames -which is not reatime fire, but depicts the Ignition of the higher Dimension, through the 144-crystal-grid
[that higher Dimension is the 1st horse of Revelation: False Light - the one with the Bow. The Bow depicts “the Nine”. ]

so, in short;
the Watchers, within the second, planetary Ring rule Earths Ring,
and the Stars, within their third Ring, rule both the planetary Ring as well as Earths Ring.

i hope i made sense

[cont below]

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:28 PM
[ continued]

--- Back to Egypt : Decoding the Spells ---

The key to understanding the Coffin- and Pyramid texts, the Book Of The Dead, the Book of Gates, etc, is to realize that every single aspect written therein, is based on taking Gods original creational Attributes, and deform them unrecognizably; with the single goal, to Legally block the relation from God to Man, and inverse.

..the above picture for example, Nephytys, is Evils version of Eve – after she fell.
She s depicted as "mourning woman" – well that is sadly true, after Eve fell - and is named “Lady of the pillar“, "Mistress of the House" [ Male being here "the House"], both titles referring to how originally, female was the heart of Male [remember how Males feet represent Earth, his arms the sky and his head the Rule of Heaven] , and shé was the key that held Male together: hence, Evil first picked hér – so that the entire construction of Male, and therefore of Heaven On Earth, would collapse.

….likewise, Evil created “Set“ as a parody upon Adam [or, in general, His males]. Hence it is Set who fights Horus [Evils present rule epithet] …. or cuts Osiris into parts…etc.
Also all the Attributes, which Adam lost, like for example “the Creational Word” is changed into “the authoritative word “Hu” [as in DjeHuTi - Thoth] ; “the Sight of Gods Spirit” is deformed into “perception” - the snake Saa ; and so on.
But also for virtually évery existing or future event, Evil has created a False Counterpart, in the Spell books. For the 12 apostles… for Him and the crucifixion… for those people among us, who have a lot of brain intelligence.. you name it.

Some people are very happy when they think they discovered that “Jesus was but another copy of Horus – because Horus was crucified first” etc ; but you see now hów Evil twisted the attributes. In fact, the many, at first sight, non-sensical events described in the bible, can be taken as one long string of events, to UNDO Evils spells, and address those deities, themselves. For example, Moses had to raise his arms, holding the staff, for the people to cross the red sea, right ? That makes sense, when you know that Min, the Egyptian moongod, was “lord of the east“ [Moses was facing east, standing at the shore of the Red Sea !] and had the epithet
“he of the strong arm”. may say "well that isnt relavant for today no more"
but isnt it ?

Please do realize, this is a war about the Subconsciousness.
Consciousness is a strange thing - it is layer upon layer.
For example, we consider the middle ages kind of Retarded... not because those souls wére retarded - but because they lived in another Consciousness. The problem with these things is, that we are Unáble to even imágine how they expierienced the world: simply because we are not "inside" that consciousness.

or, closer to home: do we know what it was like to live under the Communist regime ?
- ofcourse not.
...we can only "imagine" that - which is a rather pityful thing, since imagining has nothing to do with "feeling genuine care, because of understánding"... since the act of Imagining is but a most Superficial, and Lazy action.

Yet those people, and that past existed: and is a Part of us ALL - in our shared Subconsciousness.
Like it or not.

This is what Evil did in the Book Of Gates:
the boat of Ra [that boat is a representation of Evils false Hologram] went through 12 Chambers of Consciousnesses; each time the doors were opened and closed, guarded by firespitting snakes, after the boat passed another chamber, "leaving the weeping souls in that chamber behind, when the doors shut upon them".

in other words,
the Cringing Superficial being , that Western Man evolved into, these days,
is because he has but a Fráction left of his once Deep Being

[continued below]

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:51 PM

--- Senemuts Tomb ---

The above painting, the astronomical ceiling of Senemuts Tomb,
depicts Ursa Minor as “symbol of spiritual Rule “, named “the foreleg “ [or “thie”] in the Spells.

Remember – celestial North was the original seat of spiritual rule; therefore Evil cannot undo that : but he cán Taint it. Therefore, you can see Horus piercing the spear into Ursa Minor.
Now – Ursa Minor was depicted as “bull “, but as pitiful bull - because Evils real Bull was the constellation Taurus – and within it the Pleyades.

Let me rephrase –
There is no one, whom Evil fear more as Christ, the Son of God. Right ? Because Hé will Judge, and Evil knows that – therefore doing everything to prevent that He will judge them !
So – Evil went through a great deal of work, made an entire construction, to make Him invisible, or at least "unreachable". But take a look at the attributes: Rev 19, Christ is Victorious, and has written on his THIE His name: the Word of God.
Ursa Minor is the “thie”.
…you think that spear is coincidence…? Remember what happened at the crucifixion..?
And if I told you, that the hymns to Horus chant that “the shaft of that spear is made by Ptah, from mnb-wood” – which is “the Christ thorn “ [ Ziziphus spina-christi; a tree ] … you still think its all merely “coincidence”..?

Now, in the most common old Egyptian Ritual, named “the opening of the mouth ceremony”, the priest [called Shem-priest: Shem being a progenitor of old-Israel : no coincidence] had to touch the lips of the deceased, of the mummy, with “the foreleg of a bull“, referring to Ursa Minor as Rule attribute.
This entire opening of the mouth was ment to insult Him: because to open the mouth denotes “breathing”, that is “having life from another Source as His ‘, in the spiritual world" – since His Name, EIUE, means “He who secures breathing“.
The second was the touching of the mummy with the adze – a measuring-tool, made from iron [or copper] , which was “brought by Set“ [meaning: when Adam fell, he lost his Rule – so this adze is a parody on the rod of iron, from what the bible tells “the rod of iron, with what the Manchild will rule the nations”]

…and finally, it is neither “coincidence”, that Joseph [the brother of the 12 who became second king of Egypt, but here addressed as the House of Joseph, that is, the 10 lost tribes - the House of Joseph is 1 of the two Witnesses] is blessed as being “a strong Bull“ - and that God promises him, in Ezekiel 21, that “…He will give him [Joseph] Opening of the Mouth “…..

allright - i call it a day; i m tired

i know.... it appears i didnt come closer to that "real Moon" yet
well - at least it was clear that this is an Ongoing thread.. grin

you know.....there is so, so much more related to this ; aspects that can be inserted, connected with this
that im having a hard time keeping on track
- let alone a clear, straight track

Please do comment - Goodnight for now - Lone

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 12:09 PM
..if you re still there.

" One Ring to Rule Them All "... right...

the egyptian Shen symbol
= Rule

..usually carried by Nekhbet - the Vulture
you ll recognize the Vulture from the Turkey 10000 bC Cataholyuk inscriptions

the Ring must be the Rings we described before
- while the bar is Earth

or in fact, its not a bar - but a 2 dimensional depiction of a cross

so - imagine a flat laying X , and an upright standing Ring on it ;
tied together by a rope.

The rope belongs to Sokar - a main deity who Re-created the earth, after the Fall ;
telling, that this whole Shen is a *not* a creational Order of Things,
but is Invented...Concocted...Artificial.
- because the Ring is, by Force, by Rape, "connected" to the cross [ the earth] .

anyway -
once again it shows, that "Rule " is connected to "Rings ".

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 12:35 PM
so -
while Thoth , aka Metatron, aka Krishna, aka Nebu, is pictured as a baboon,
indicating the Moon : but then our réal , hidden Moon ;

the Nine depicted anóther [ more "simple"] baboon as "representing this Luna "
and this baboon's name was Babi

in Pyramid Text (PT) 1349 he steals the offering of his goddess, and is berated for it in a protective spell: “Get back, Babi, red of ear and purple of hindquarters! You have taken the thigh-joint of your goddess to your mouth!”

..the "thigh bone" refers to Ursa Minor ;
"your goddess " referrs to Eve,
meaning here: Babi has Stole Eve s thighbone [ ursa minor] , that is: Rule

As the bolt on the doors to heaven, however, he could open the skies to the king, enabling the ruler to take his place amongst the stars: “The phallus of Babi is drawn back, the doors of the sky are opened, the King has opened [the doors of the sky]” (PT 502).

..whý can the "king ascend to the heavens "?
- because the Lie of Luna [ Babi] , the artificial moon, is exposed !

PT 516, “the King is Babi, Lord of the night sky, Bull of the Baboons, who lives on those who do not know him”.

.."who do not know him "... meaning: who dont realize Luna is artificial

in Coffin Text 359, Babi is an enemy of Set

..ofcourse he is: since Set [ =Adam/we] are NOT TO FIND OUT that Luna is artificial !

PT 419, the kings head is a Vulture, his fingers are Babi

...vulture ? that is Rule - the Shen - and the 'head ' is rule
that his 'fingers are Babi' indicates that Luna is the Final Step to Rule
or better: he who discovers that Luna is artifícial, is close to Rule

- dont think i exalt the Spells :
im just trying to understand what they hide

besides -
what about the description in Revelation:
"..a woman, with the moon AT HER FEET, clothed with the sun 'etc ?

the description "at her feet" implies " having conquered"...right ?

- having conquered Luna..

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Lone12

Well, you spent a good bit of time putting this together! Kudos for that...

Now.....I am completely lost, sorry.......

Sounds like some things start to fall into place then you trail off into what I can't even explain....5 dimentions on Earth? Not hollow Earth from Admiral Byrd? ...Lost even more.....

I have a headache now....
edit on 6/26/2013 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
reply to post by Lone12

Well, you spent a good bit of time putting this together! Kudos for that...

Now.....I am completely lost, sorry.......

Sounds like some things start to fall into place then you trail off into what I can't even explain....5 dimentions on Earth? Not hollow Earth from Admiral Byrd? ...Lost even more.....

I have a headache now....
edit on 6/26/2013 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

oh...*grin* i have i, about these things

- i m grateful you took the time to Plow through all the stuff - thank you.

..look please - im just trying to make sense of what is réally going on here
and i apologize for the haphazardness
but i sure think it all has one main theme:
namely, the false re-creation [ matrix] fabricated out of the original Creation


posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 01:39 PM
Brilliant reading,

Glanced over the other thread (artifical moon) and really enjoyed reading that too.

Check out the poster Wifi brains as in the last couple of days he is posting threads explaining his interpretation of the matrix we reside in.

Both your ideas and concepts from my perspective are interwoven.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 03:08 PM
what an incredible 2 threads ...and de construction of Evil's "Flower of Life" Plan

going back to your other thread

from what I understand from your searching... heliocentrism was a most devious plan to shift our consciousness into one in which the universe would be *perceived* as a limitless, impersonal, empty expanse...a void universe of endless galaxies with no possibility of His Rule of Love. As we see in the model of the gyroscope, a "fixed central earth" represents female, or His Heart of Love as Males very centre and Male represents His Understanding of the Heavens.

His Rule being Female as Male's centre and both inside Him as the manifestation of His Heart of Love extending inward out to fill the Universe....which is a reverse of the Torus ?

Since His Male Rule Attribute is represented in the Real makes sense Evil has to conceal the Real Moon, by locking us into a lower dimension, holographic prison... in order to hide It's Rule ...this is why we have no Sight to See Henoch's Moon...our Sight was stolen from us through this false upside down Reality

Magic stole Sight from us by dividing through Spells

Adam was His Represent of Male Authority/the Heavens...stolen by the Moon Eye of Horus
and the other eye is Eve/Female/Heart/ the Earth...the inner sun..Solar Plexus also stolen by Horus

before Magic divided and conquered Sight ...Both were One as His Original or His Gorgeous Heavenly Sight... (and of course Evil needed to downgrade or limit Sight into *Perception* (Sia) in order to conceal the Real Moon, Male Authority in the first place )

so it was His Heart Attribute which fell into a pre existing Atlantean? consciousness ...and eventually got imprisoned into the 9. The purpose of Evil was to divide or fractalise His Heart Attribute into 144,000 separate distinct attributes, via thousands of Spells as we have seen in the Ancient Sumerian and Egyptian texts. Spells with numerous ruling deities, each falsely representing a distinct and separate attribute...which distorted and morphed us into this frankenstein prison frame our souls are entrapped in..this unrecognisable downgraded version of our Original Gorgeous Being.

what a most ugly evil plan... Usurping gorgeous Heavenly Rule through dividing and conquering, switching the Biblical Rule over to Evil Rule ..

so all the Spells, and Inverting of the Northern celestial/Spiritual Rule was to usurp His Original Rule by constructing an upside down False Reality, spelling Sight, altering Perception... bringing His High Original raising the below, Evil (Atlantean Consciousness) up ..and enclosing souls into the zero point field, "flower of Life" Matrix empty hollow void...cold and loveless....a dimension where His Heaven is completely sealed off.

as Ezekiel says 3 times "overturn, overturn, overturn"

may His 144,000 souls/attributes be won back to His Original One Heart Attribute...

and His Kingdom come x10,000 magnified

bless you dearly

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 03:41 PM
I declare now...before Him...and all Heaven

you are a Conquerer...a Ruler...

you will be the most Triumphant, Honourable, Male since Adam

with the most gorgeous, sexy, radiating, melting Inside

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Sole3

what an incredible 2 threads ...and de construction of Evil's "Flower of Life" Plan

going back to your other thread

from what I understand from your searching... heliocentrism was a most devious plan to shift our consciousness into one in which the universe would be *perceived* as a limitless, impersonal, empty expanse...a void universe of endless galaxies with no possibility of His Rule of Love. As we see in the model of the gyroscope, a "fixed central earth" represents female, or His Heart of Love as Males very centre and Male represents His Understanding of the Heavens.

His Rule being Female as Male's centre and both inside Him as the manifestation of His Heart of Love extending inward out to fill the Universe....which is a reverse of the Torus ?

Since His Male Rule Attribute is represented in the Real makes sense Evil has to conceal the Real Moon, by locking us into a lower dimension, holographic prison... in order to hide It's Rule ...this is why we have no Sight to See Henoch's Moon...our Sight was stolen from us through this false upside down Reality

Magic stole Sight from us by dividing through Spells

Adam was His Represent of Male Authority/the Heavens...stolen by the Moon Eye of Horus
and the other eye is Eve/Female/Heart/ the Earth...the inner sun..Solar Plexus also stolen by Horus

before Magic divided and conquered Sight ...Both were One as His Original or His Gorgeous Heavenly Sight... (and of course Evil needed to downgrade or limit Sight into *Perception* (Sia) in order to conceal the Real Moon, Male Authority in the first place )

so it was His Heart Attribute which fell into a pre existing Atlantean? consciousness ...and eventually got imprisoned into the 9. The purpose of Evil was to divide or fractalise His Heart Attribute into 144,000 separate distinct attributes, via thousands of Spells as we have seen in the Ancient Sumerian and Egyptian texts. Spells with numerous ruling deities, each falsely representing a distinct and separate attribute...which distorted and morphed us into this frankenstein prison frame our souls are entrapped in..this unrecognisable downgraded version of our Original Gorgeous Being.

what a most ugly evil plan... Usurping gorgeous Heavenly Rule through dividing and conquering, switching the Biblical Rule over to Evil Rule ..

so all the Spells, and Inverting of the Northern celestial/Spiritual Rule was to usurp His Original Rule by constructing an upside down False Reality, spelling Sight, altering Perception... bringing His High Original raising the below, Evil (Atlantean Consciousness) up ..and enclosing souls into the zero point field, "flower of Life" Matrix empty hollow void...cold and loveless....a dimension where His Heaven is completely sealed off.

as Ezekiel says 3 times "overturn, overturn, overturn"

may His 144,000 souls/attributes be won back to His Original One Heart Attribute...

and His Kingdom come x10,000 magnified

bless you dearly

thank You for the response

...amazing how yóu seem to be able to summarize in 1 post only,
that what i need 2 threads for..? grin

best wishes back

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
Brilliant reading,

Glanced over the other thread (artifical moon) and really enjoyed reading that too.

Check out the poster Wifi brains as in the last couple of days he is posting threads explaining his interpretation of the matrix we reside in.

Both your ideas and concepts from my perspective are interwoven.

thank you for your response IE

yes i go look in the morning what says Wifi

kind regards

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
Brilliant reading,

Glanced over the other thread (artifical moon) and really enjoyed reading that too.

Check out the poster Wifi brains as in the last couple of days he is posting threads explaining his interpretation of the matrix we reside in.

Both your ideas and concepts from my perspective are interwoven.

thank you for the response IE

yes i go look in the morning what says Wifi

kind regards

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Lone12

best wishes back

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Sole3

thank you so much for all your hard work

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Lone12

Originally posted by Sole3

what an incredible 2 threads ...and de construction of Evil's "Flower of Life" Plan

going back to your other thread

from what I understand from your searching... heliocentrism was a most devious plan to shift our consciousness into one in which the universe would be *perceived* as a limitless, impersonal, empty expanse...a void universe of endless galaxies with no possibility of His Rule of Love. As we see in the model of the gyroscope, a "fixed central earth" represents female, or His Heart of Love as Males very centre and Male represents His Understanding of the Heavens.

His Rule being Female as Male's centre and both inside Him as the manifestation of His Heart of Love extending inward out to fill the Universe....which is a reverse of the Torus ?

Since His Male Rule Attribute is represented in the Real makes sense Evil has to conceal the Real Moon, by locking us into a lower dimension, holographic prison... in order to hide It's Rule ...this is why we have no Sight to See Henoch's Moon...our Sight was stolen from us through this false upside down Reality

Magic stole Sight from us by dividing through Spells

Adam was His Represent of Male Authority/the Heavens...stolen by the Moon Eye of Horus
and the other eye is Eve/Female/Heart/ the Earth...the inner sun..Solar Plexus also stolen by Horus

before Magic divided and conquered Sight ...Both were One as His Original or His Gorgeous Heavenly Sight... (and of course Evil needed to downgrade or limit Sight into *Perception* (Sia) in order to conceal the Real Moon, Male Authority in the first place )

so it was His Heart Attribute which fell into a pre existing Atlantean? consciousness ...and eventually got imprisoned into the 9. The purpose of Evil was to divide or fractalise His Heart Attribute into 144,000 separate distinct attributes, via thousands of Spells as we have seen in the Ancient Sumerian and Egyptian texts. Spells with numerous ruling deities, each falsely representing a distinct and separate attribute...which distorted and morphed us into this frankenstein prison frame our souls are entrapped in..this unrecognisable downgraded version of our Original Gorgeous Being.

what a most ugly evil plan... Usurping gorgeous Heavenly Rule through dividing and conquering, switching the Biblical Rule over to Evil Rule ..

so all the Spells, and Inverting of the Northern celestial/Spiritual Rule was to usurp His Original Rule by constructing an upside down False Reality, spelling Sight, altering Perception... bringing His High Original raising the below, Evil (Atlantean Consciousness) up ..and enclosing souls into the zero point field, "flower of Life" Matrix empty hollow void...cold and loveless....a dimension where His Heaven is completely sealed off.

as Ezekiel says 3 times "overturn, overturn, overturn"

may His 144,000 souls/attributes be won back to His Original One Heart Attribute...

and His Kingdom come x10,000 magnified

bless you dearly

thank You for the response

...amazing how yóu seem to be able to summarize in 1 post only,
that what i need 2 threads for..? grin

best wishes back

I think...I have worked to reply now

thank you kindly for all your hard work

I do look forward very any future posts...and threads

best wishes back to you

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 10:28 PM
so.. next chunk..

..we saw this "division in 3" right
about cosmic/planetary/earths consciousness

..we also saw, that the boat of Ra was about "imprisoning Stages of Consciousness" ,
similar to how a human grows up -
baby consciousness... childlike consciousness...mature consciousness..etc

and this is not just pérsonal - but for All Stages of our very History !
[ this is why modern western Man is so shallow : because all his previous consciousnesses have been buried...imprisoned... so that he has Only a most shallow, superficial consciousness left...]

allright -
bear with me ;

...there s a most peculiar story in The Book of Jubilees -

its a biblical, apocryphe book - nongnostic -
and a few chapters talk about "Joseph in Egypt, and wanting to see his brothers"
[ the same story s summarized in the bible as well]

Point of the story is,
Joseph became second Pharaoh in egypt,
then because of famine, his brothers came to egypt to buy food,
but Joseph wants to see his youngest brother - Benjamin - whom the brothers didnt take on their trip.

so what ? you ask
- its a PLAYOUT !

telling, whát will happen in future times - our times !

the brothers did not recognize Joseph being second pharaoh,
and when he asked them to "bring here their youngest son, Benjamin", they Refused.
The first brother to Refuse, was Simeon -

..Simeon represents Simon the Sorcerer, who started the Catholic church in the West.
[ simon the sorcerer was the magician, who offered the apostle Paul money to perform Pauls miracles]

it is Juda, who Resists Joseph 3 times
*three times*

...first by "shrieking to Joseph "
- that is: by puting a Spell by "lifting a heavy stone"
- that is: a heart as stone

..and third time, "Judahs eyes dripped blood of anger"
- that is: spiritual Sight

do you see ?
3 x judah [ see pic ] resisted Joseph
3 x , like the 3 Rings

it gets more interesting: Judah is supposed to RULE
see Genesis 49, where "Judah has the sceptre of Rule between his feet "

so what did Evil do ?

to keep maintaining earthly rule !

the egyptian Sphinx is the LION !

ánd Judah is said to be the Lion !

so - the egyptian pantheon MIXED themselves with "real judah": to can keep Legally Earths Rule !

this, and only this, is the explanation for The False Synagogue

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