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The Revolution Of Darkness

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posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 11:02 AM
The Revolution Of Darkness

by John SkieSwanne


Armed revolution. That is a word that many in the World cherish. I've seen and met many people, on ATS or elsewhere, who fantasize about violence.


There was a time when I would agree with armed revolution. But years ago I've turned from hawkish to dovish. And let me tell you, it takes alot more courage for a hawk to turn to a dove than for a dove to turn to a hawk. Blinding oneself into the belief that violence will resolve everything is easy. That's because peace is like art, and it's much harder to achieve. So at the end, many lazy people find it easier to shoot than to work peace out. War gives these people a way to express their anger. Some of them will drive on that anger and cherish it as a force. Others will hide this anger under the wing of anarchy philosophy.


I'll go to the point now: Armed Revolution is, currently, being considered by many as an alternative to solve problems from current government. To justify armed revolution, many of such people would argue that in certain time and in certain space, armed revolution did worked out. Cited examples would probably include the US Civil War, Russian revolution, the French Revolution.

But in modern times, in a modern country such as the United States of America, this beloved armed revolution and violence will NOT RESOLVE ANYTHING. Why am I so confident into believing so? Because of many logical and important points:

1): First of all, it's actually been tried! and really not so long ago. I would like to direct your attention to a armed revolution which attempted to break out in the 1970s. The clandestine movement was given a name, the Weathermen.

Feeding on might makes right philosophy, this revolution movement focused on the promotion of violence against authorities. Weathermen got guns, gained possession of bombs, and even learned karate, for that end. During repeated occasions, this revolution tried to break. What they came to learn, the hard way of course, is that most attempts by the armed revolution were met by reaction from the authorities. In most cases the authorities and the military had far more superior tech, weapons, and skill than the people. Members of the revolution were even killed, with no little to effect on the authorities, except even stronger vigilance. If anything, armed revolution damaged far more members of the revolution than the authorities.


2): Considering point 1, let's assume that somehow a violence-based revolution does work out. The authorities are not stupid. Many of them in modern countries know Strategy 101. They'll associate with the revolution movement, sometimes even up to the direction and decision making level. In other words the revolution will be corrupted, most likely infiltrated and maybe agents will even get high enough to access the head. As a matter of fact, that actually happened in past revolutions. The Weathermen were eventually infiltrated by COINTELPRO agents. The French revolution was infiltrated, if not directed, by a head who had for emblem the all-seeing eye...


...which happens to be the emblem behind the United States of America's one-dollar bill:


3): Violence. What purpose does it serve? To overthrow an enemy. Just like in Nature, right? "Might makes Right". The thing, though, is that in Nature, animals will physically adapt after hundred, if not million of years. Coleoptera specie is considered very recent (it evolved hard wings to shield their body) yet it's still millions of years old. Humans evolved from horses to cars a hundred years ago. The jet fighter was introduced about 50 years ago. The IR-laser directed lightning bolt and the force field were introduced about a year ago. Physical combat like karate, and even guns, are obsolete when your enemy are flying jet drones instead of soldiers, and force fields around their tanks vaporizes projectiles through Joules effect. We live amongst media who promote anarcho-primitivist, or the rejection of technology and human evolution, yet these same people who reject technology and evolution want to try and overthrow a superpower which has since long embraced both.


To which I must come to this conclusion: if armed revolution based on a might makes right mindset is bound to get wrong in a modern world class country, why does media, in this very country, still promotes it (see movies "Hunger Game", "Revolution", "the Purge")? Anarcho-primitivism, satanism, eugenics, etc, all share this common mindset and are all heavily promoted through media. What if the next revolution in such countries was actually already planned out by the cryptocracy, the next cryptocratic leader already selected, and with the straightforward goal of replacing current independent governments in our world by their idea of a government? Maybe this cryptocracy wants people to be their dispensable army? And thus these people's revolutions will bring not a dawn of light and independent equality; but a mafia-like power, ushering an era of complete globalist darkness instead?

A friend of mine once told me, talking about satanism but it applies to revolution also:

"But you see, the thing about 'eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth', is that in the end it leaves everyone blind and toothless! "

Those of you who are warmongers are no better than the warmongers you criticize. At the end, the true revolution is in the minds... in the concepts you let take hold of you.

Thanks for your attention,


edit on 19-6-2013 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 01:20 PM
The thing is, people will never revolt while their basic needs are being met. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the rulers to ensure that this condition is always in effect. However, a revolt in modern times is basically an exercise in suicide. In the past, the citizen's weapon and the military's weapons were on fairly equal footing. With drones, tanks, planes, nightvision, body armor, etc., this is no longer the case. Even the best armed revolutionaries would be toast against the might of the world's most advanced military, paid for annually with a budget eclipsing most other nations' entire GDP!

Not to mention, we're already seeing the complete stomp-down to prevent it from EVER happening. Complete surveillance of all electronic communications, increasing gun laws, artificial shortages of ammo, etc. Unfortunately, working within the system is almost futile as well. Special interest groups dictate law, not the people, as designed by the Constitution. The people are convinced they have a choice only between candidates A and B, despite how many are on the ballot (and both A and B are in the pockets of special interest, so it doesn't really matter which one is picked).

Down side is, unless people wake up and participate in the political process without the blinders of party affiliation, while we still have SOME say so in it, by the time most realize it, we'll have lost the opportunity and right to do so.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
The thing is, people will never revolt while their basic needs are being met. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the rulers to ensure that this condition is always in effect. However, a revolt in modern times is basically an exercise in suicide. In the past, the citizen's weapon and the military's weapons were on fairly equal footing. With drones, tanks, planes, nightvision, body armor, etc., this is no longer the case. Even the best armed revolutionaries would be toast against the might of the world's most advanced military, paid for annually with a budget eclipsing most other nations' entire GDP!

Exactly - sure, in the Civil War, folks had guns. But the Government had guns. Today people have guns, and bombs at the most. The Government has DUMB bases and supersonic fighters, nuclear bombs, and not to say antimatter bombs, which may be under development in some of particle accelerators in North America. Not to mention all these non-lethal weapons which are VERY effective at repelling mobs. Those wannabe Rambos, as a member once put it, are kind of disconnected from modern reality. And they can't be blamed when all they see on TV are media who promote movies of revolution. At one point, many start mixing fiction with reality and act as such.

There's a guy around here, in Quebec, who has a hypnosis show. He's called Messmer. He does all kind of trick with his hypnotized volunteers but what strikes me the most, is how quickly people can be hypnotized into a belief system, although it is absolutely opposed to reality. One time Messmer hypnotized a cook into believing onions were carrots, and carrots were onions. The result was, of course, very funny and entertaining but this was when I realized, how much of this does the cryptocracy knows? If a cryptocracy knows those tricks, and was to try and make the masses do something, what would it be? This is when I realized, the cryptocracy's first move would be to try and and to overthrow the current system so to implement theirs (a globalistic one). Thus all the publicity encouraging revolution.

edit on 20-6-2013 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 09:42 AM
Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia and lets not forget the Eastern Block European countries and Russia of the 90's all revolted while their basic needs were being met. Those governments had modern military and did not slaughter the populations. While the government of Syria is still fighting back, the other governments fell without much of a fight, Libya taking the longest of the ones that did fall.

China tried and failed and so did Iran, but that doesn't mean the citizens won't try again. Don't be fooled into the mindset of it can't happen here because we have drones, someone has to pull the trigger on a drone just like any other weapon system, and that someone is not a robot it is an American. It is a completely different mindset to pull the trigger on a foreign country battlefield as opposed to a US city filled with that military members fellow countrymen.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Unfortunately, working within the system is almost futile as well.

Ain't THAT the truth!!!

I used to have a bumper sticker:
Stay in School. Learn the System. Then Change the System.

I totally believed in it. My kids recall very clearly my stance on that. Now, though? Yeah, despite colossal effort within AND outside of the System, it feels futile.

Good post, Gazrok.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by swanne

S/F, swanne.

Excellent points. Thanks for the thread - I'll be paying attention as it grows.

Yes, the populace is no longer using flint-lock and black-powder arms.

The staggering "might" of the military/industiral complex, coupled with the FACT that those with control over the "might" provide arms to BOTH SIDES (and have been since the Civil War, at least) makes it a foregone failure.

Attempts at civil discourse and contact with "senators and representatives" has also been circumvented by "black ops" and "special ops", and 'we the people' probably have only a fraction of a percentage of knowledge about what is REALLY going on. And most likely never will - although it IS GOOD that things are being divulged by the brave who are fighting for what's morally "right" and exposing the nefarious activities of those who want only to "conquer and control."

We have a long way to go.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by swanne

Originally posted by Gazrok
The thing is, people will never revolt while their basic needs are being met. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the rulers to ensure that this condition is always in effect. However, a revolt in modern times is basically an exercise in suicide. In the past, the citizen's weapon and the military's weapons were on fairly equal footing. With drones, tanks, planes, nightvision, body armor, etc., this is no longer the case. Even the best armed revolutionaries would be toast against the might of the world's most advanced military, paid for annually with a budget eclipsing most other nations' entire GDP!

Exactly - sure, in the Civil War, folks had guns. But the Government had guns. Today people have guns, and bombs at the most. The Government has DUMB bases and supersonic fighters, nuclear bombs, and not to say antimatter bombs, which may be under development in some of particle accelerators in North America. Not to mention all these non-lethal weapons which are VERY effective at repelling mobs. Those wannabe Rambos, as a member once put it, are kind of disconnected from modern reality. And they can't be blamed when all they see on TV are media who promote movies of revolution. At one point, many start mixing fiction with reality and act as such.

There's a guy around here, in Quebec, who has a hypnosis show. He's called Messmer. He does all kind of trick with his hypnotized volunteers but what strikes me the most, is how quickly people can be hypnotized into a belief system, although it is absolutely opposed to reality. One time Messmer hypnotized a cook into believing onions were carrots, and carrots were onions. The result was, of course, very funny and entertaining but this was when I realized, how much of this does the cryptocracy knows? If a cryptocracy knows those tricks, and was to try and make the masses do something, what would it be? This is when I realized, the cryptocracy's first move would be to try and and to overthrow the current system so to implement theirs (a globalistic one). Thus all the publicity encouraging revolution.

edit on 20-6-2013 by swanne because: (no reason given)

I have used a similar example. If people can understand that that cook, with eyes wide open, "saw" carrots as onions and onion as carrots, then they should be able to understand that it's his perception that has been changed. Perception being different than seeing. The only thing that changed his perception were words directly into a part of his mind which influenced how he saw a carrot. The carrot never changed. Jesus Christ confronted Judea and asked his disciples repeatedly why they were reasoning...he knew that they reasoned with words from men and therefore did not perceive truths. He called Peter 'Satan' because his mind was on the things of men which prevented him from perceiving the truth of Christ's words.

The constant underlying meme of revolution and rebellion in all forms of media serves the same purpose. Those who combine images, words and music are the very ones who use the same hypnotic techniques to instill their morality, their values and their religion into society. Proof? Society now mimics what tv and film, not the other way around. There are several blogs which deal with the subliminals carefully crafted into media which we perceive and store in our minds whilst we do not perceive them with our eyes. Scripture extolls us repeatedly to guard the mind. The prohibition against making images is thus understood in reverse - the power of mind control used by the vipers. Media is the method by which the vipers overcame the saints and raised it's armies. We no longer know the truth because it was thrown out as fantasy, again because the media says it is. The media, in all it's forms, is a pulpit. A pulpit by which every conceivable evil has been transformed into good, and vice versa. The fact that that same pulpit now preaches rebellion and revolution, which will pit brother against brother, will see many of us destroyed. The thief does only come to steal, kill and destroy. We were left all of these words, but because the thief said 'don't believe them', we are set on the path to destruction never having guarded our minds to the vipers tactics. They will destroy many who will die having rejected the very same salvation which the same vipers taught them to reject. Liars, deceivers and murderers. Children of the devil.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 01:30 PM
No one in their right mind wants an armed revolt. I have been to war, and it is an ugly thing. However...
There is a movement on that wants just that. A great many Americans are very disillusioned at the moment. Why? We have a government that has gone rogue. Politicians no longer answer to their constituents, instead they use their elected positions for personal gain. The government lies at every turn, tramples individual rights, and when TPTB do get caught doing something shady, they resign key players and the story vanishes. Quite frankly, people are starting to get pi$$ed off. In their minds, nothing else has worked to reign in the politicians... armed conflict seems like the only option left. I don't blame them one bit. I truly empathize with them, because I too feel the overwhelming futility of dealing with this government in any kind of sane or rational way. The government is already undertaking a propaganda attack against patriot groups... portraying those that believe in our Constitution as insane whack jobs... and teaching this doctrine at our military academies. We the People have had just about enough...

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
Those who combine images, words and music are the very ones who use the same hypnotic techniques to instill their morality, their values and their religion into society. Proof? Society now mimics what tv and film, not the other way around. There are several blogs which deal with the subliminals carefully crafted into media which we perceive and store in our minds whilst we do not perceive them with our eyes.

There is a reason, after all, why media spend millions in that area.


1. To be affected by a communication or expectation such that certain responses are overtly enacted, or subjectively experienced, without volition, as in automatism.

Food for thought.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Carreau
Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia and lets not forget the Eastern Block European countries and Russia of the 90's all revolted while their basic needs were being met.

Yeah, but who's giving those people enough arm to overpower their government? This falls in the category 2 in my OP: Successful revolutions are directed by a hand - in fact, in one of your examples, the US is behind one of these revolutions you mentioned. At the end it's not the people's voice that will be heard, but the voice of the guys who funded them and gave them arms.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Carreau
Don't be fooled into the mindset of it can't happen here because we have drones, someone has to pull the trigger on a drone just like any other weapon system, and that someone is not a robot it is an American.

The military has the right to fire on US citizen if they are violent and threaten national security. Remember when this actually became the criteria for the next US military leader?

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens”

Technically, if the target is classified as "terrorist", a term whose definition fall well within revolution-prone, anarchist individuals...

"terrorism" usually refers to the killing of people by non-government political activists for political reasons, often as a public statement. This meaning originated with Russian radicals in the 1870s. Sergey Nechayev, who founded People's Retribution (Народная расправа) in 1869, described himself as a "terrorist".[14] German anarchist writer Johann Most helped popularize the modern sense of the word by dispensing "advice for terrorists" in the 1880s.


...then it is quite likely the military will deal with such threat, regardless if the threat has official citizenship or not.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by swanne

I would like to point out that those who seems to fund the revolutions (and those who funded the French and Russian revolutions) are linked to the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, Knight Templars and their likes. Let's not forget that the Knight Templars founded the banks, thus they were extremely rich and could afford to fund parties that would help them gain their goals (and thus why their Horus All-Seeing eye is found on the US dollar bill).

I actually did a thread on violence being promoted with the "Might makes Right" animalistic philosophy, if you would like to check it out: We Are Humans, Like It or Not.

edit on 21-6-2013 by starheart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 02:37 PM
"the Resistance is not an Army"

the modern revolution is one based on things like espionage and counter-intelligence in the military sense.
studying your enemy to dissolve their capabilities asymmetrically

a real revolution in these times would be to simply walk away from their system and start a new one, non-violently.

the violence that ensues in the aftermath is a result of "THEM" coming to slaughter.

you see, our side isn't the violent ones here, we need to learn violence to protect ourselves from it.
you are trying to fight some inherently evil using peaceful methods.

doves are eaten by hawks.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 02:46 PM
Dove of peace... Dove of peace... Sounds excellent in theory
That Dove of peace will be swiped out of the air by a malicious vulture and then where's your peace?

I had a friend who was a pacifist, I'd be suprised if nobody on ATS knew what that was so moving on. We had a discussion about if someone was harming you would you fight back? He said no. So I smacked him, nothing. Gave him a killer charlie-horse again nothing.... But he did the owie dance which was pretty amusing. I didn't go any further because I would have had to knock out some teeth to get the point of, even if your a pacifist and want peace doesn't mean peace wants you, so learn to defend just incase SHTF because if your the only peaceful one in a sea of sh*t your gonna be taken out quick. I ended with apologising for picking on him because I think I hurt his feelings... He didn't even swing back... I was disapointed.

In a perfect world only OP. This is not the case for the world we reside. You dont have to be a warmonger to know how to protect yours and make sure that if SHTF your not the jackwagon out in the middle of the street preaching peace.

Best wishes~

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 02:58 PM

Don't be fooled into the mindset of it can't happen here because we have drones

Apples and oranges. The successful revolts were against petty dictators with maybe a few power bases, aged equipment, and corrupt soldiers. In no way are these conditions in play in the US. Not to mention they likely had help from a certain alphabet agency whose mission is to foster this kind of activity.....

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by sulaw

You seem to be confusing "streetfighting" with "armed revolution against a military and technologically advanced country government" here.

So I smacked him, nothing. Gave him a killer charlie-horse again nothing.... But he did the owie dance which was pretty amusing. I didn't go any further because I would have had to knock out some teeth to get the point of, even if your a pacifist and want peace doesn't mean peace wants you, so learn to defend just incase SHTF because if your the only peaceful one in a sea of sh*t your gonna be taken out quick.

That mindset have a chance of working in a streetfight situation, where your enemy is some punks with baseball bats and low-caliber guns. Not in an armed revolution against a powerful modern Military situation, where your enemy are military generals with decades of active war experience, hidden in secret DUMBs, and plotting missile strikes. I'll have to be a bit blunt here, but here it is: Your killer charlie-horse won't mean a thing when you're the target of a heat-sinking missile. Your teeth-knocking jab won't mean a thing when you're confronted with a small nuclear bomb designed to destroy you headquarters. Believe me; if the Military would want you dead, you'd be dead. That's why terrorists in the USA don't have long life expectancy once the USA wants them dead.

That Dove of peace will be swiped out of the air by a malicious vulture and then where's your peace?

A least peace still exists until the last dove is killed by a vulture. Where is the peace in tooth-for-a-tooth bloodthirsty revenge? The moment every doves on the planet exchanges pacifism for revenge in their heart, then Peace is already destroyed... and the enemy didn't have to make even one move.

No offence meant.

reply to post by yourmaker

you see, our side isn't the violent ones here, we need to learn violence to protect ourselves from it.

From what? What kind of violence can one learn to protect oneself from an unexpected drone strike? What kind of violence will protect oneself from a nuclear blast?

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:26 PM
The day y'all start chuckin rocks at each other is the day I disappear into the woods.

I'll just sit back and wait for y'all to get done and pick up all yer sheaat as my own, since a lot of you will no longer be alive enough to need it anymore.

And when the shooting starts, it won't stop until a lot of people shoot each other for no reason other than being in a position to be shot, damn, we had friendly fire incidents in the military cuz of flip flopped coordinates, untrained people popping off rounds will be even more indiscriminate.

War is not like on TV, civil war is worse, you do not want to go there.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

We lost the opportunity and right to do anything about this world years ago. There truly is nothing we can do outside of war. They know it, and they have made it illegal for anyone but themselves to go to war. They have protected themselves from every angle. We can only hope that they end up destroying themselves from within.

I hate violence, but in some cases it is necessary. Not a necessary evil, because violence can be righteous in extreme circumstances. When used responsibly and correctly, it can save us all. The trouble is few understand this, and those who inflict the most violence are those who do it irresponsibly and for selfish reasons.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Firefly_

Violence is a tool.

Don't take it out of the box .

It seems that people have been conditioned to whip out the last resort tool as a first response.

That's what skittish fearful people do, fear is the great mind killer, ....

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 08:05 AM
for real change to come about it takes a violent and bloody means... The OP needs a better more clear and accurate view of history to discover this. All of "real" change in history has come about via violent means... the pen is not mightier than the sword, the pen just masks a problem for awhile or entraps one in a different manner.

It is the nature of our existence...

so how much has the United States changed for you since the democrats were sold on it? hope and change remember???

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