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14-year-old at the center of "NRA T-Shirt Controversy" now facing possibility of 1 year in jail

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posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

According to the Supreme court we do not lose our right to freedom of expression when we enter a school and as long as this expression is not disruptive it is our right to express ourselves!

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 07:02 AM
I'm impressed the cop didn't shoot the kid.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Oh, please. Don't pull that projection crap with me. I'm not the weak one. The kid was at school. He doesn't get to do as he pleases at school.

Yep, there are guidelines, and the kid crossed them. However, the "obstruction" charge is over the line, and is just bringing more light to the issue.

When he's an adult and outside of the school setting, he can wear what he likes. Sure, there are rights, but there are also consequences. I'm an adult, but if I wear a Hooters shirt to work, I may lose my job, etc.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by nosacrificenofreedom

According to the Supreme court we do not lose our right to freedom of expression when we enter a school and as long as this expression is not disruptive it is our right to express ourselves!

You don't think they could argue disruption?

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:42 AM
I actually don't see how the kid crossed the line. The shirt wasn't against the dress codes, which were given several times in this thread at the beginning.

I think school uniforms are nazism and took my kids out of a school like that.

Aside from vulgar and nude images, don't care what they wear, and on that last part, wouldn't arrest them for wearing it.

I also find the comments about liberals really disturbing in this thread, such immature understanding. Because a group of wolves in sheep clothing psycho's ran president Bush and now Obama, the switch has gone from putting down conservatives to putting down liberals. Actually by definition of the term conservative or liberal, more liberals don't believe in dress codes.

The teachers aren't liberals, they're puppets of a shadow government.

Here is another point, talking back to a police officer. You guys give cops enormous powers then? I give them direct employer commands, sorry. They are employees of the people and one thing all normal people do when strange things are going on, and they know they're a psycho murderer, is talk back.

I consider this case an extreme example of fascism and abuse of police, who should not be called to a school unless a rape or murder is taking place, or something serious.

I don't even see how the police were there at the school.
edit on 17-6-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by MysterX

Oh, please. Don't pull that projection crap with me. I'm not the weak one. The kid was at school. He doesn't get to do as he pleases at school. Like I said, deliberately picking a fight to play the victim. Can't really blame the kid .He was obviously raised by a coward and an idiot. Like father, like son. I was raised to understand that if I pick a fight, I better be prepared to win it. I don't just go around deliberately trying to get in trouble with the establishment with the sole purpose of whining like a beech when I don't get my way.

No sympathy.

You are right that the kid doesn't get to do everything he wants... HOWEVER, THE SCHOOL DOESN'T EITHER!

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Unity, the kid did not cross the line. The "line" is subjective and at the will of those implementing it. I wonder what they would have said to a Mexican flag shirt embossed over California for example. The school in their limited wisdom have only one thing in mind.....

the complete capitulation to their will and indoctrination into a system where you do not question authority!

and I really think that today schools are more about conforming that about education.....

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by fnpmitchreturns

I think people do things on purpose to pick a fight or start something with the establishment and then when they get a response they piss their pants and start playing the victim. It's getting very old and very lame. I hold no sympathy for such people because all I see are cowards looking to use something to get others riled up to challenge a system that they are too chickenshhht to effectively challenge themselves. You don't like the so called heavy hand of the so called police state? Do something about it or shut up and quit wasting time looking like a weak whinny little brat. I'm not talking to the OP, I'm talking to the kid and his daddy. I'm sick of hearing things like this where the so called victims don't do anything about what they claimed happened. I don't want to hear it any more. if you're big and bad and rough and tough, then why the hell are you coming to us whining like a lil boy? Go on and be big and bad coward.

edit on 16-6-2013 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

.....Ok.....that made absolutely no sense....what-so-ever. First off. We all have a right to wear what we want (Personally I think we should be able to wear ANYTHING we want...if you don't like what someone is wearing, don't look at them...very simple.) Secondly, they are doing something. They have obviously hired a lawyer; which means they ARE infact fighting.

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by MysterX

Oh, please. Don't pull that projection crap with me. I'm not the weak one. The kid was at school. He doesn't get to do as he pleases at school. Like I said, deliberately picking a fight to play the victim. Can't really blame the kid .He was obviously raised by a coward and an idiot. Like father, like son. I was raised to understand that if I pick a fight, I better be prepared to win it. I don't just go around deliberately trying to get in trouble with the establishment with the sole purpose of whining like a beech when I don't get my way.

No sympathy.

He wasn't doing as he pleased at school. He was completely within the guidelines of his school's dress code, as far as I can long as the shirt is within the dress code, he should have been allowed to wear it. Therefore, telling a police officer that you are, infact, within the dress code, and refusing to remove something that isn't violating any rules, is the correct thing to do. The police picked the fight in this one friend; if you can't see that, you're blind.

Originally posted by bjarneorn
A 14-year old *snip*, goes to School wearing a T-Shirt which basically says "I want my right to carry my semi-automatic to school".

What an obnoxious *snip* ... basically, there should be a law to arrest parents, for raising up their kids to be obnoxious *snip*. And let me tell ya, the world is full of these *snip* . it actually speaks for a legislation that parenthood should be taken away from moms, and put in the hands of the state.

The cop had no other means to arrest the kid ... so, they pulled out a "Al Capone" trick out of their magic hat. Of course, the officer is an idiot. He should have the common sense, of treating this case with some more elegance.

Neither party is innocent in this case.
edit on 16-6-2013 by Asktheanimals because: Mod edit

The shirt didn't say anything like what you said it said. Please, try again, because your argument is invalidated by your very first sentance. All the shirt said was: "NRA Protect your Right" so where exactly did you find the mention of the shirt saying anything like you said it said?
....i'm not even gonna bother with the rest of the thread. The first page was enough for me....

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:52 AM

NRA Protect your Right

So a child cannot support the NRA which simply teaches responsible gun ownership but they want to allow kids to choose their own sexuality in schools? Personally I think I boy dressed as a girl is more of a distraction in a high school than a kid wearing a T-shirt. How about when kids wear "I am black and proud". Is that enough to cause an issue?

Should he have been quiet when asked, yes, and his father should have taught him that when it comes to LEO's you stfu and allow your lawyer to handle it or you will get trumped charges. That is the only bonehead move I see here.

It should be dropped, waste of time and tax payer money when they should be chasing real criminals. Just put all the kids in little tan uniforms with red armbands and everything will be fine. (sarcasm)..Trust me, change is good....

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by jjsr420

.....Ok.....that made absolutely no sense....what-so-ever. First off. We all have a right to wear what we want (Personally I think we should be able to wear ANYTHING we want...if you don't like what someone is wearing, don't look at them...very simple.)

So, you'd be ok with a daughter wearing a bikini to class? I mean, it's within the law, so it's all good right? She's expressing herself....

Obviously, the NRA shirt WAS disruptive...just look at what has transpired... However, he simply should have been allowed to either change the shirt, or suffer the consequences as outlined in the student handbook for that school.

I see NO evidence he actually committed obstruction, so this escalation is total BS from the outside looking in...and is more about the cop's ego.

Just look at my work analogy, or lets look at the guy who dressed like Hitler to his child custody hearing. Was he allowed to? Sure. Is it going to be without consequences? No.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by esdad71

Personally I think I boy dressed as a girl is more of a distraction in a high school than a kid wearing a T-shirt.

Where? Here, we had a kid get sent home because he wore lipstick and "guy-liner".....

How about when kids wear "I am black and proud". Is that enough to cause an issue?

Maybe it's relaxed some these days, but when I went to school, we couldn't have any kind of message on our clothes, no slogans or sayings of any kind, per our student handbook. Again though, even when allowed, the watchword is "disruptive", and that one would be easy to argue. Easier than the NRA bit.

As for uniforms, sure they suppress expression, but I wasn't under the impression kids were in school to express themselves. They are there to learn how to prepare for the world, an in the real world, our chosen occupation determines our dress code while at work, just as a school determines it while there. With uniforms, you don't have kids picking on each other about brands, or jacking a kid for his $150 sneakers either.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Many states 'protect' certain types of children. California is a prime example. That is where the reference came form. I like that kids wear uniforms to school, give them a choice of two colored shirts and two colored pants and if keeps kids, like you said, from picking on others when then may not be able to afford the best. Let them have a casual day once in awhile so they can express themselves. School is about learning but there should be some fun involved, not just restrictions.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:54 AM
So if that 14 year wanted to wear a Che t-shirt they would have done nothing.

What nonsense.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by abeverage

Exactly, and that kid looks like a stupid fool all around. They were just picking a fight with the establishment and now they are looking for gullible like minded folks who will whine with them.

Well done, and a star!
I would imagine exactly twelve other than gullible, but informed folks
to engage in the long decried practice of jury nullification.
Care to venture a guess why I don't get called for Jury Duty anymore?

ps "...too busy to show the web page" Wow. You're getting some traffic.
Have you ever been complemented for stopping any?

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:19 PM
Kid broke rules -- decided to protest through civil disobedience - got arrested -- started whining.

He after Kent state - I got arrested for occupying the military and naval science building. We didn't whine - this kid new the consequences and he is surprised by the result.

Everyone knows he is not going to jail -- there is no mandatory sentencing - but if you want to play you have to pay.

If I were judge I would put him in jail for a couple of days for being stupid, along with his father.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by neo96

It's OK if they sell it at Old Navy but NRA...bad!

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by fnpmitchreturns

Dear Officer Adkins

Do you have anything better to do with your authority than bully an eighth grader? I have an idea. Why not go out and use your big gun to go up against a big man with a gun who is actually doing something that could harm the public. Oh, I forgot that puts you at risk of getting hurt. I need to remind myself you guy's new main priority is to keep yourselves safe, even it means throwing the public under the bus.

With no respect
another person paying your salary

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by fnpmitchreturns
Your kidding me? charge someone with obstruction for talking? How did the kid talking stop the officer from arresting him? Is it now obstruction not to bow to every demand of the boys in blue?

Logan County, WV is not some liberal bastion either but there are morons everywhere...

(Emphasis Added)

Well, maybe that's just the problem, then.

I live in a "liberal bastion" and I've never heard of or seen egregious BS like this go down. The many evil, evil, commie liberals (
) in my state really seem to favor free speech.

Go figure....

Perhaps you should stop trying to paint the world in your politically divisive colors and adding "liberal this, conservative that" to your every opinion when the issue has nothing to do with the political leaning of those involved. You do realize there are plenty of so-called "liberals" who are as pro-gun as they are pro-free-speech, right?

You should assume less. You do remember what happens to u and me when you assume, right?

Well, mostly to you. But I'm sure you get the idea...

edit on 17-6-2013 by iwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by iwilliam

Originally posted by fnpmitchreturns
Your kidding me? charge someone with obstruction for talking? How did the kid talking stop the officer from arresting him? Is it now obstruction not to bow to every demand of the boys in blue?

Logan County, WV is not some liberal bastion either but there are morons everywhere...

(Emphasis Added)

Well, maybe that's just the problem, then.

I live in a "liberal bastion" and I've never heard of or seen egregious BS like this go down. The many evil, evil, commie liberals (
) in my state really seem to favor free speech.

Go figure....

Perhaps you should stop trying to paint the world in your politically divisive colors and adding "liberal this, conservative that" to your every opinion when the issue has nothing to do with the political leaning of those involved. You do realize there are plenty of so-called "liberals" who are as pro-gun as they are pro-free-speech, right?

You should assume less. You do remember what happens to u and me when you assume, right?

Well, mostly to you. But I'm sure you get the idea...

edit on 17-6-2013 by iwilliam because: (no reason given)

This link below illustrates the problems with assumption

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 04:31 PM
Amazing what reactions this gathered from both point of views!

Reading some of these posts makes my head spin?? How we trailed off into blaming the father or challenging his toughness as a " Fighter " is ludicrous?

The kid wore a T shirt and refused to take it off feeling it was his right to wear it and use it to express his opinion. The establishment felt it was inappropiate to wear at school and voiced there opinion that he should change.
Having the home field advantage so to speak at the school...they had the technicality of being correct in asking him to remove it , "IF" it was against some sort of "RULE" that he broke.

In public obviously this would be a non issue as he would be 100% expressing his rights. There is no imaginary or made up line that he crossed there. The FACT remains that you have to be aware of your sorroundings when choosing to express yourself in any matter. There are times and places were this is accepted and others where it is not.We are now turning it into a RIGHT vs Wrong issue and I don't see it as that simple. I am 100% for the right to express yourself and even for ruffling some feathers from time to time, so I do have an opinion, But it is just opinion. We can't simply make it a Right or Wrong issue is all I'm getting at.

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