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Can our words on ATS make a difference?

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posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 02:45 AM
I believe it can, though to make it even more powerful is the actions behind the words, are you just talk behind a computer? is it just words?

and whilst you may never alter the minds of other, it can bring about awareness to certain issues, it may also may illuminate someones thought into a more positive light, mayhap tolerance to certain subjects will be achieved,

the interweb is a powerful tool when utilized correctly, likewise it can alter peoples perception of a 'real life interaction'

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 02:59 PM
No, but it helps when we let other people know how we feel about the corrupt state of affairs we live in.
Actions speak louder than words.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by aboutface

I don't freak out. I actually cared about the ones who wrote to me, these odd cyber friends who were both experiencers themselves, and all had military backgrounds, special forces backgrounds, but back injuries and various reasons to retire from active duty. Odd, those are the friends who write out of the blue and say they think they know you. And I love them very very much, and do my best, while suspecting all along that they are trying to see what I know, try to convert them.

So when I got followed, by those cars, and in the Okanagan by a jeep, after being followed around in a store, and then in the jeep followed back home by two "agents", one white and the other asian. I just slowed down and assumed they could monitor me, and so spoke about what it takes to be a hero and serve the people and work for equality, no banks, no money, no slavers, empower the people. Then I pulled over and watched them very slowly go by me, looking straight at me, while I gave them a very pointed look and nodded. We both knew, they and I, in that occasion that everyone got the message loud and clear.

I am neither feared nor bullied. But expect Love to win out in every heart and when they remember who I am and I remember who they are, the Love that is expressed freely, and concern, may make the difference in where their souls end up.
edit on 15-6-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by aboutface

I know words make a difference.

For better or for worse they put ideas into peoples heads, and those ideas can grow like seeds. A little kindness here can go a long ways with someone if they need it.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Indeed, Words can inspire and express,

think of how poetry and music have inspired and moved the populace, literature and speeches

indeed 'actions' speak louder than words, and at times words are empty with lack of actions behind them, but we shan't discredit 'words' we write over the internet, because we may reach that one person, a spark to a flame if you will

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by aboutface

Hi aboutface, YES, Words most definitely make a difference! Sometimes I come here feeling lower than a snakes belly for whatever reason and I have had many good people here help me through some tough situations. I have gotten advice, kindness, enlightenment, hugs, love.....been given new ways to look at things, learned new "things", come away with a new perspective relevant to some issues,....have read wonderful short stories and poems and heartfelt posts. I might be feeling bad and then read about someone else who is suffering and hurting more than I. Some days, words and my friends here have literally saved my life. I appreciate ATS and have been Blessed with the privilege to make some really great friends here. Words mean a lot. They can be like weapons and wound sometimes but mostly, they make a difference. Love to all.

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