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ReIncarnation, Afterlife, Our True Purpose: Questions & Answers

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posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:05 PM
This is what I gathered so far and myself believe as being true. Feel free to discuss etc.

* Our 'soul' (ie. our true self) is independent from our physical bodies and can exist without it.

* Reincarnation happens. In fact, many people (souls) have reincarnated into physical lives many, many times already, like 80, 100 or more life-times is possible.

* In the 'afterlife' (better: 'In-Between' life) we have close ties to and live in groups with certain other souls, whose roles can be described as masters, soul-mates, guardians, teachers etc.

* We meet those other souls from our groups in our various lives, although not necessarily. For example, it could be that we live one life where we don't come across one soul-mate while in another we do.

* We choose our role and fate in future physical lives for the MOST parts beforehand. It is like a big stage-play which is carefully planned in the "between life". This also includes the role of our guides/teachers/soul mates who then incarnate together with us in the physical life and appear at one stage in a life.

* Above I said "for the MOST" part since we do indeed lay out a general plan in advance, however we DO have free will. Outcomes in lives can still be changed and influenced, regardless. This is actually part of the plan.

* We incarnate in many lives for what some people call "karma" or "karmic debt", in more simpler words it's simply "to learn".

* Even "bad" lives are chosen in advance, for a reason. A soul could choose a life where it is born and dies 30 days later as a small child due to a disease. A soul might choose a life where terrible things will happen or a life with extreme hardships such as handicaps etc. A soul, of course, can also choose a life filled with richness and happiness. However, for the purpose of learning, souls are often choosing (yes, voluntarily) very difficult lives.

* We meet up with our close-knot of guides/soul mates and teachers and so on through various lives. They can have different roles. For example, in one life one of our group members incarnated as a person who will, at some point, murder us. The same soul, in another life, could come into our life again, but his time as abusive husband. The same souls, say, our mothers, fathers, other relatives could have other roles in other lives but they will always have some important relationship/meaning even if their particular roles might change. A soul in one life could be our father, in the next our brother or some other influential person. And yes, genders can change as well.

* Meeting our soul-mate(s) is not necessarily always all peace and happiness. In a similar way as above, it can be we come across our soul-mate in a life, marry etc. however it then turns out ugly and divorce and similar things. All part of the learning experience. The entire game is also planned in advance with an uncertain outcome, part of the test. Sometimes, a teacher/guide could even have the task do us harm in the physical life, mentally, physically, throw obstacles in the way as part of the learning process.

* We re-incarnate until our soul is mature enough. If we are mature enough and learned all relevant lessons, we become masters/guides in the afterlife and don't need/require to reincarnate again. However, we have the option if we would wish so, but it would be pointless.

* Souls can have various stages of maturity. Some might just have started reincarnating, some might be very old, went through 1000s of lives. (The number of lives lived is NOT an indicator for maturity).

* There is a "creator" or however you want to call it, God. We are actually part of it.

* We don't just incarnate on Earth, we can incarnate on other planets and other "planes" of existence This can also be chosen in advance and of course there can be major differences. Incarnating into a physical body on Earth is seen as an "interesting challenge" where our physicality provides pleasures but also hardships. So it's really a trade-off, obviously a good place to learn.

* Children often remember the "Between Lives" up to approx. 5 or 6 years of age, they remember the group of souls they are usually "hanging out with" in the BL and can remember various previous lives, however this memory fades. We have this amnesia of the Between Lives and true self since it would defy the purpose of learning here.

* Animals have souls too, however don't have advanced abilities like we have in the BL. For example their souls cannot take on the appearance of the animal they were when they died, at least not on their own. We have this ability, in fact can appear as whoever we wish in the "Between Life". Most of the time, in the BL, we choose the appearance we mostly associate with our "self". The need to "appear" as a human shape in the BL might decrease later on since there seem to be stages of the BL where it's not seen as necessary anymore to appear in human form. Then we might be oval shapes of light, our "true" form as souls when we don't choose to appear as another shape.

* The BL (Between Life) serves as staging area to prepare for the lessons in "life", but also serves education, cleansing, rest etc.

* The time in the BL varies, some might reincarnate pretty soon after one life ended, some might spend some more time in the BL.

* Suicides, although not seen as "negative" in a sense are seen as a inconvenience since it meant the "easy way out" and not having gone through with the lesson of the chosen life. The result is that most of the time, a same or similar task will have to be repeated all over again in a new life. So basically, it's a wasted life and the soul might regret that he/she ended the life prematurely.

* Judgement, in a sense what is "bad" or "good" does not exist whatsoever in the "Between Life". All is viewed upon in terms of learning and achievements for whatever learning goals one has set, but NEVER in a judging way.

* I am not 100% certain on that yet, but it seems that we can choose different times to re-incarnate which are not within our own, earthly time-frame. Means, it is possible to reincarnate in whatever time we wish, what we call our "past" etc. "Time" as we know it doesn't have a meaning in the stage where we can choose to reincarnate, between and before lives. In fact, we can look at our own lives and time on Earth and can fast forward and rewind them and choose to "enter" at any time. We can (possibly) also enter/continue at any stage of a life and "correct" events which already "happened" and alter the outcome through our actions.

* Our "soul" is not the sole "inhibitor" of our bodies, but it's more like a symbiosis of the "primitive" human mind and the "higher self". We choose this partnership usually 3-5 months after a human life has been conceived, several months before birth, in the womb. There might be occasions where a soul inhibits a body later on too.

* We can choose the character traits, appearance and all life circumstances of our (next) physical life in advance. To me it seems like that basic things are already pre-set, for example that one child will be born into a rich family etc..etc..and then we can choose this body if we think that the factors of this body/life are beneficial for the lesson we intend to learn in a particular life.

edit on 14-6-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:05 PM
* While, in essence, the idea of the afterlife and life after death is of course correct (see above), most earthly religions do of course get fundamental things wrong. Among those things which are told by religions is that there is only one physical life and then the afterlife. Of course that's not correct. The other big error, amongst many others, is the idea of "judgement" in the AL. This does not happen. The idea of judgment based on one physical life in the AL/BL is absurd, because it defies the entire purpose of a life in the first place. Some earthly religions come closer to the truth than others, most however have parts of it right but then other parts greatly distorted. What's correct, however, is that there is a creator - whatever way this then is interpreted by religions.

* Do ghosts exist? "Ghosts" are disturbed souls which for some reason did not return to the BL after physical death. Why this happens, no clue, they might have never accepted they died or have a strong urge of "unfinished business" here in this specific life either not wanting or refusing or unable to go to the BL. At some point, most of them will however go to the BL.

* Souls can not directly communicate with the living, some recently passed people are often surprised they are dead and unable to interact with anyone because they seem otherwise "normal". In addition, the soul is of course invisible to the living. However, souls CAN communicate with people via dreams and other means.

* Often, recently deceased say goodbye to their loved ones and this happens usually within a few days after they passed. They eg. can "enter" dreams or can contact people in various subtle ways before they pass to the BL to rest and prepare for the next life.

* Souls can live a "double existence" with part of their self being incarnated as a physical being and part of them left in the BL. Basically, they can be in the "between lives" and live a physical life at the same time.

* When people return to the BL, they are usually welcomed by their own group of souls, their relatives or other important souls of their circle. I have never read about a case where one had an NDE and met people who are not deceased - although in literature there are many cases where people met souls in the BL where it later turned out they passed without them having knowledge that those people actually passed.

* How many souls are actually created by the creator? Billions and billions.

* Isn't reincarnation impossible because there are too many humans, the population increases, where should all those souls come from? This is entire irrelevant. This classic "anti-reincarnation" argument assumes that a soul must have left one existing body first to enter another, assuming the number of souls 'available' depends on the number of physical beings where they come from. It's false since souls are not "coming from" the physical beings, but are "created" independently from the humans born. There are enough souls to reincarnate, here or elsewhere.

* What's the function of the human brain? The brain is not "creating" our soul, our soul is not a function of the brain and the soul does not require the brain to exist. IF the brain has any central role there, then it's more like a receiver for the soul, not the the other way around.

edit on 14-6-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by flexy123

A Very Interesting Post here . I must say , I suspected Most of what you mentioned to be somehow True . My only question is , when do we Stop Reincarnating ? Is Godlike Perfection Always out of our Grasp ?.......

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by flexy123

I think most of that is plausible.

I would disagree with the common perspective that "animals" are lesser than humans. Humans ARE animals. A unique animal, like all other animals.

Its sad the majority of people dont recognize the equal potential of spirits who possess different bodies. I think its that unique quality of human hubris that tries to put humans above all other animals.

Even plants have spirits. The physical form might provide different lessons to be learned, but it does not determine the "level" of the spirit.

I would disagree that suicides are "wasted lives". Any lessons already learned, are retained. You dont magically lose knowledge for some essentially arbitrary reason. Knowledge gained is knowledge gained.

It would be like saying that if you are going through say, a geology course in college, and drop out 75% of the way through, that everything you learned in that course magically disappears out of your brain. I think its equally ridiculous applying the same theory to ending your life supposedly early here. Any way though, whose to say that suicides are not planned in the "BL" too?

edit on 6/14/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by flexy123

Our 'soul' (ie. our true self) is independent from our physical bodies and can exist without it.

The problem I have with religious interpretations of reality is this body/soul dichotomy.

The idea that the soul is everything and the body is this optional extra.....essentially an inferior vehicle through which we can attain 70 or 80 years of "lesson learning", only to be discarded.

If we take that argument to its logical conclusion, why bother with a body at all?

Why not do all our living on a spiritual level?

It seems to me there is no dichotomy, that the body and soul are of precisely equal importance without which one the other can't survive.

Of course you have to argue for this dichotomy in order to rationalise belief in survival after death, I understand that.

But this seems pointless and unlikely from my neutral, agnostic POV.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by flexy123
I have a very dear friend who is Hindu. We have had many deep discussions about all things religious and spiritual and a lot of what you have spoken of ties in with what he believes. Have you gained these beliefs by studying Hindu texts or have you traveled a different path to come to your current beliefs?

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by flexy123

My personal experiences and my research have led me to generally the same conclusions as you. I’ve been thinking about creating a thread like this, so I’m glad you created it first.

I’m sure many ATS members will find your (my) conclusions difficult to accept, but every year science gets closer to realizing that consciousness survives death. For those members who wish to research the subject, I recommend they read of the work of reincarnation and near death experiences at the University of Virginia School Of Medicine:

The work of Dr. Ian Stevenson:

The work of Dr. Jim Tucker:

The work of Dr. Brian Weiss:

Thank you, flexy123, for creating this thread!

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:18 PM
I don't know, the way I try to rationalize the body as being a capsule thing is by trying to think on multiple planes. Like, maybe the spiritual plane doesn't have much to it, maybe it's really here that we get to the practical applications of existing and on that other plane, we merely mingle for a while. I just get that feeling as we cannot ascertain or imagine what living on a non physical plane would be like. We think of death often with dread as we do not know what to expect. We cannot see an afterlife, it is not tangible and so we worry that there is no such thing. I think in the end that's where the split happens. We have to leave the physical plane to really cross.

I just think that maybe there just isn't too much to the spiritual realm it seems like a spawning ground for some reason. I dunno.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by flexy123

When do we Stop Reincarnating ? Is Godlike Perfection Always out of our Grasp ?.......

Well, obviously, when we live a physical life it's proof that we are still on the way learning, this is the fundamental purpose of life in the first place. We stop reincarnating when we learned everything there is, when we might have grasped our true purpose and what is important and POSSIBLY when we had spiritual enlightenment and discovered our true purpose and meaning. We can speculate that someone like Mother Theresa is/was a soul very close to having gone through the learning process.

"Godlike Perfection" is always out of our grasp since I don't think this is the final goal. (???) If this was the case, God or the creator would not have created imperfect beings in the first place to send them out en masse to learn. I think the learning is more important than the actual state of "reaching perfection" - but then again, if we learn...aren't we at some point reaching "godlike perfection" or "godlike understanding" anyway? Good question tho.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by flexy123

You speak a lot about the soul. Tell me:

01. What is a soul made out of?

02. How does the Creator make a soul?

03. Where does the material for a soul come from?

04. Can a soul be destroyed?

05. What kind of evidence for the soul exists?

06. Can the soul be seen?

07. Can the soul be weighed?

08. If a soul chooses the life it wants, can I choose not to reincarnate?

09. What does my soul do if it chooses not to reincarnate?

10. What evidence can you present that man-made religion is wrong?

11. How do you know there is a single Creator? Why not a group of creators?

12. What does it mean that people have encounters with Jesus, Inanna, Kṛṣṇa, or other deities if the afterlife presented by religion/theology/mythology is incorrect?

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by flexy123
I have a very dear friend who is Hindu. We have had many deep discussions about all things religious and spiritual and a lot of what you have spoken of ties in with what he believes. Have you gained these beliefs by studying Hindu texts or have you traveled a different path to come to your current beliefs?

No, just a few books which all make sense if you see the entire context. Mainly reports about NDE experiences and about the "afterlife", that combined with my idea what "makes the most sense". Although I am not religious, I think eastern religions come pretty close to what I myself *think*. It might be worth reading up on the Hindu religion which I so far didn't really do.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus
reply to post by flexy123

I would disagree with the common perspective that "animals" are lesser than humans. Humans ARE animals. A unique animal, like all other animals.

I would disagree that suicides are "wasted lives". Any lessons already learned, are retained. You dont magically lose knowledge for some essentially arbitrary reason. Knowledge gained is knowledge gained.

I was also HEAVILY against the idea that animals are "lesser" souls, but it's probably just a matter of using the wrong terms. I don't *think* there are "lesser" or "better" souls. And of course I don't see (most
) animals lesser than humans, for sure not. But it sounded plausible to me to read that animals, although they HAVE a soul, cannot (like we can)...yes."shape-shift" their soul and appear in any form they wish for other souls. This, in some way, made sense to me. The important thing is that the soul, the "true spirit" of the animal "survives" in the same way as we do, just with less advanced "abilities".

As for the suicide, yes I was thinking about whether to use the phrase "wasted", but didn't find a better word for it. You are sure right saying that any lessons so far will be learned, and of course they will stay and the suicide will not erase those lessons. But it's my understanding that suicides (and actually ALL violent murders) are actions which I understand were not planned as part of the life lesson. Means, the lesson was prematurely aborted respective the hardships in life became too much that this was seen as the only solution while the soul might have probably chosen this very particular life with the firm intention to master the hardship, not to halt the life and basically capitulating from the challenge.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:54 PM
Good thread. Yes, we are not our body suits. But we don't reincarnate over and over again here, and often spend alot of time in the real world, and some come from beyond and eutopias and don't like coming in at all. Some think earth owns souls and you're stuck here ,but in reality people tend to get around alot in the cosmos and not usually on such lower level channels.
edit on 14-6-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 11:03 PM

Life Between Lives - The Soul's Mission or Soul Contract

I highly recommend making a folder on many types of regression sessions, especially noting, the deepening techniques, ie its like deep meditation, utltra deep, theta. Though threshold experiences often go into delta.

There are openings, scripts for regressions and techiques, and one could using theta, create their own 3 hour or more, self hypnosis, deep meditation style session on audacity, rewriting scripts to get their own and changing things as needed.

i think waking up, contacting HS, and healing is very important work here.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 11:24 PM
Although what you said appears to be right ( to a certain extent ) the process of re-incarnation is a choice and not a must, when you live in the "after-life" you might meet some entities that might appear as angels, or any kind of what could seems familiar to you.

What one must know though is that any entities in the after-life can change of appearance as it wishes, so the potential for deception is very high in this realm for the un-experienced or newcomer. I am not saying everything is bad, but as I said earlier, reincarnation is not a necessity, it might profit to one entity because soul has an incredible amount of power ( value in the eyes of this realm entities ).

Be aware that you are free to reincarnate as you wish or to simply go and take your own desired path, this is what i consider to be real truth.

Just a few thoughts,


posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Life Between Lives - The Soul's Mission or Soul Contract

I highly recommend making a folder on many types of regression sessions, especially noting, the deepening techniques, ie its like deep meditation, utltra deep, theta. Though threshold experiences often go into delta.

There are openings, scripts for regressions and techiques, and one could using theta, create their own 3 hour or more, self hypnosis, deep meditation style session on audacity, rewriting scripts to get their own and changing things as needed.

i think waking up, contacting HS, and healing is very important work here.

What do you mean exactly by "soul contract" ?

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Had to double check on what was written in this post. Contacting not contract. Though we come in to do something and grow or accomplish something and we also need to stop being distracted by the world, and start to gain love, raise our frequency by serving others, and healing up, becoming helpful to all around us, and thus get in contact with ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, and report for duty, do the work we came to do. Grow, change, help, something we were called to do to grow up and become more advanced loving beings.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by flexy123

I have different words and names for all of it but, man, you pretty much nailed my personal knowledge of it.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by CJCrawley

If we take that argument to its logical conclusion, why bother with a body at all?

Why not do all our living on a spiritual level?

Why do you read book, watch movies, or play video games? You do that because that is a different way to experience the narratives being told.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
10. What evidence can you present that man-made religion is wrong?

11. How do you know there is a single Creator? Why not a group of creators?

12. What does it mean that people have encounters with Jesus, Inanna, Kṛṣṇa, or other deities if the afterlife presented by religion/theology/mythology is incorrect?

~ Wandering Scribe

I know this was directed at the OP but I wanted to just say that his views allow for a polytheist divine structure. I believe "henotheism" would be the order of the day in his world.

Personally, I'm a polytheist yet I agree with much of what he believes as far as the basic structure of the Summerlands or whatever you want to call it. I can't imagine a god or goddess that wouldn't fit in that reality.

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