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Schiff: 2/3 of America to Lose Everything Because of This Crisis

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posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 10:23 PM
I think we need to identify the core skills we would need in a society which has disintergrated.

Imagine if all electricity failed - I guess thats what we are talking about.

No electricity
No computers
No tap water
No cooking gas
No money movement

everything is local
no-one is working,
everyone is looking for food/water to survive on a daily basis.

There will be those who take what they need by force, and those who cooperate with others to find what they collectively need.

Skills and knowledge cannot be taken from you but can be exchanged and carried wherever you go.

Afer watching a couple of series of Survivor(I think), I do not hold much hope for the way things will turn out. That program was nothing like how it would be I reckon.

I dont think we can handle the reality of how bad things would turn out if the SHTF and we are concentrating on details which would happen many years after the initial triggering event.

Also of course, we have not taken into account the nuclear power plants, chemical plants, dams, etc which are all run and controlled by computers. Was it Mad Max or Dune or some such movie with Mel Gibson which portrayed earth after a nuclear war? Well, we dont need nuclear warheads flying about to create the same conditions from failed and unattended nuclear power plants in any country.
edit on 12 Jun 2013 by qmantoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 10:37 PM
I saw a video this morning which will shine some light on the issue. This phenomenon is just the last stage in an orchestrated collapse of the united states which has been happening for decades.

The plan all along was to reduce sovereignty by increasing spending to completely unsustainable levels (since Reagan). I don't think we will all die or be utterly disenfranchised, but it will be really damn bad.
Thanks for bringing attention to this, S+F!

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 10:40 PM
@ Observationalist. You are correct sir. This is not to say that certain echelons of the government have a plan in place to feint, or cause, an economic collapse with the sole purpose of basically indenturing the entire population to them. But you know what I find scary? The fact that there are people like that, right now, in the US government. In positions of power. It is a given really. And the truth is that there are people, IF given the right opportunity, who would attempt to seize dictatorial power in the US. And an economic collapse is perfect for such a thing. But there are other outcomes as well, but all of which will be worse than our current state of affairs in the United States.

So if an economic collapse occurs, let's reason out what would happen. The government would not be able to pay its military, and therefore they would essentially lose their ability to enforce any laws, and therefore are basically only in power until someone with enough strength deposes them. This is when charismatic leaders trick their countrymen into believing lies. It has happened throughout history, and even more recently, all across the globe. Whoever has the GUNS makes the rules. This is why it is imperative for US citizens to remain armed, otherwise they have absolutely no insurance policy for their so cherished democracy.

Too many people trust the government, first of all, but what if the above occurs? What if economic collapse occurs? What will happen to the government, the US Constitution, our whole system of living? It will go out the window faster than you can say "dictator." Anyway, so I believe that people will turn to the government, but I do not believe that this government will necessarily be the one they have had their entire lives.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

notice schiff dosnt mention the fed is privately owned?

the fed is unconstitutional

google the money master Bill Still

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Besides what I already knew about Schiff and his propensity to be wrong far more than 50% of the time when it comes to economic predictions, he didn't even follow his own advice; not even for his clients, believing a crash was going to happen based upon drastic and sudden drops in the value of the dollar. That didn't happen.

Worse, Schiff is blathering on in wide-audience-reaching media, about how this next crash he is going to (wrongly) predict is mainly based on the US approaching $16T in debt, and the "fed" keeps printing money. He pays no mind to the debt level in relation to GDP, and how the skyrocketing increases in debt:gdp ratio from 2001-2010 already slowed and basically leveled off around 100% (the fed gov version of a human having a close-to-0% interest rate credit card as his only debt. He's holding $60,000 in debt, and earns $60,000/year. Woukd anyone consider that to be a terrifying situation? Looking at the debt number alone in such a way is akin to a 22 year old kid fresh out of college getting his first real job - at $25,000/year, and bragging about how he makes 8x what Great-Grandpa was making before he retired.

The other piece, for anyone out there who needs more proof than his repeatedly failed predictions, and failure to pinpoint anything close to the actual reason for the one he got right, he talks about the fed printing more and more money as if that alone means anything. Not a single thought as to whether demand for USD has increased faster or slower than money supply and by how much, if demand for dollars never increased, and the supply did (to exactly where it is now), we would likely get rid of the $100 bill because they would cost too .uch to make for something people are just going to toss in a bum-cup. The value of the USD is based on supply & demand, *as well as* the same supply and demand calculation as the USD does weighed against each other. The money supply has increased enormously since 2001, but the value of the USD has not diminished by anything close to that ratio. That's a win, amd a great sign for the US economy. I'd say the safest bet is to invest in whatever Schiff says will crash. And if you don't have the funds for it, sell some of that $5,000/oz gold he warned us about years ago.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:34 PM
More doom porn. Meh.

Schiff is a snake oil salesman. All money is "funny" money. It is called fiat currency, and it is not necessarily a bad thing. The reality is that the only thing that has kept us out of a devastating depression has been government stimulus and quantitative easing (the printing of money). If, as Schiff recommends, we eliminate the debt instead of eliminating unemployment, our economy and the world economy will collapse, and you can kiss your standard of living goodbye.

What is the motto of this site? Deny ignorance. Guys like Schiff prey on the ignorant.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by causenaffect

Sure, the Fed is private...but then, it's not private. It's Federal for protection and immunity from..well, pretty much everything, and those who run it are chosen, vetted and appointed by the President of the United States, then confirmed by the U.S. Senate like any Cabinet Appointment. Sound strictly private to you?

The seven members of the Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate to serve 14-year terms of office. Members may serve only one full term, but a member who has been appointed to complete an unexpired term may be reappointed to a full term. The President designates, and the Senate confirms, two members of the Board to be Chairman and Vice Chairman, for four-year terms.
(Source: The Structure of the Federal Reserve System)

They enjoy the best of both worlds while not being truly accountable to either one in any way we'd recognize the term. I believe you might even call them a super-governmental agency for how they function and operate on an annual basis.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Grumble
More doom porn. Meh.

Schiff is a snake oil salesman. All money is "funny" money. It is called fiat currency, and it is not necessarily a bad thing. The reality is that the only thing that has kept us out of a devastating depression has been government stimulus and quantitative easing (the printing of money). If, as Schiff recommends, we eliminate the debt instead of eliminating unemployment, our economy and the world economy will collapse, and you can kiss your standard of living goodbye.

What is the motto of this site? Deny ignorance. Guys like Schiff prey on the ignorant.

the USD has lost most of its value
fiat currencies suck

silver as the viennese used them and tally sticks as the brits used them ( silver bullets and wooden stakes incase you don't know) lasted hundreds of years and were only destroyed by the promulgators of fiat currency ( which really die aftewr 2 hundred years, the value sucked out of them completely ) because othewise no one would use them because they are inherantly outright theft by the issuers (infreakinflation DUH!)

snakeoil salesman indeed

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Bernanke then served as chairman of President George W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers before President Bush appointed him on February 1, 2006, to be chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. Bernanke was confirmed for a second term as chairman on January 28, 2010, after being re-nominated by President Barack Obama

Afetr all is said and done trust in either one of those clowns?
if that don't scream PRIVATELY bipartisanly crooked i dunno.....

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Danbones

I do believe it's one of the very clearest signs that we have nothing but different faces to the same agenda and policy. This has happened on two things, at least. The Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates. A Bush appointment that Obama kept on for 2 years into his own term. No respectful transition period there, to say the least. Then this. Federal Reserve Board Chairman.

So Bush's Economic and Military Policies are ones Obama felt in close enough agreement with to maintain the people that virtually wrote large segments of them and ran them under his predecessor.

Yeah.... We tried to flip the coin and call heads .....when both sides were tails. You know what's normally contained in somethings tail end. We got it by the truck load.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:02 AM
I always wonder why no one considers the fact that we have
not changed our financial policy much at all since that collapse,
the housing market was artificially inflated in value, when it
collapsed it dragged down many others that were in a similar
situation, the auto dealers for one, now i see home prices
getting back to where they were and the auto prices never
really changed, the only way to maintain a growth in prices
like that is to maintain a growth in wages like that, and guess
what hasn't changed in any meaningful way? wages.

Instead of fixing the problems they stole money from tax payers
to fix these buffoons problems and then turned around and
gave many of the execs bonuses and vacation worth millions,
but did we fix the problem? nope. business seems to think
as ive always said that unlimited growth is the goal, with that
goal comes great risk, they pass the risk onto us when it fails
and they enjoy the benefit when it succeeds, gotta love that set
up. whatever happened to honesty and responsibility when
it comes to business?
edit on 13-6-2013 by bloodreviara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:27 AM
Schiff: 'Look out, it's collapsing! Buy gold!'
Public: 'What's collapsing?'
Schiff: 'Absolutely everything, there's no escape! Buy gold!'
Public: 'What can we do?'
Schiff: 'Buy gold, it's the only way!'
Public: 'How will that help?'
Schiff: 'Don't ask questions, just buy gold!'
Public: 'Isn't it, like, kind of expensive?'
Schiff: 'Absolutely, and you need to buy now because it's about to spike! Buy gold!'
Public: 'Where do we buy gold?'
Schiff: 'From me!'
Public: 'If the economy is going to crash and gold is about to spike, why are you selling?'
Schiff: 'Uh... Don't worry about that, just buy gold!'

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:38 AM
Might be somewhat important to understand that China and other countries that we have debts to still have an obvious interest in not having a shtf scenario. "Printing fake money is bad, debt is bad" Really the final say is with the creditors..and to have a cessation of labor and consumption in any country wouldn't be desirable, and most importantly in America....the good, the bad and the ugly wouldn't want that.

Might be more to it than knee jerk reaction.

edit on 6/13/2013 by Turq1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 09:47 AM
An interesting Q&A about the economic situation Amendment of Money

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 01:30 PM
I contend the game will continue forever as long as oil is traded primarily with the dollar. The only way that will change is if eastern countries unify militarily against the USA which isn't going to happen anytime soon since we still have the most weapons, surveillance, and weapon manufactures on the planet. Indeed a large part of the economy is based on making weapons for the military.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:03 PM
The article the OP cites is indeed a come-on for gold salesmen.

Schiff horribly oversimplifies, in order to strike fear in people. Not that things aren't going over a cliff; it's just that the FED has a very complicated system for taking us communist.

No, seriously.

The FED isn't "printing money." The Dept of Treasury isn't doing more than usual either.

What the Fed is doing is far more sinister: It's "printing credit".

The Actual goal of the Quantitative Easing is actually to shore up the US housing market---the only thing from keeping the US economy from imploding below 2009/2010 levels.

The Fed is printing up IOUs and using them to purchase "mortgage backed securities" in the form of bundled home loans. The fed is doing this personally because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are functionally insolvent at this point. Which means the US banking system, in the form of the Fed, owns the mortgages on more and more homes across the US.

The idea is that the Fed has begun functioning as a sovereign entity, like one of the 50 states that by definition cannot go bankrupt.

It's like Obama administration's solution to the collapse of the US auto industry---have the government buy the stock of GM, and cover massive "loans" to the other two (nominally) American automakers.

The Fed has done the same thing for the banks they considered "too big to fail."

This raises the real specter of the Federal Reserve going bankrupt if anything truly bad happens to the US housing industry.

It's like dinosaurs mating.

It's loud and makes the earth tremble, but you can tell there's no "long term" future in it.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by tovenar
The article the OP cites is indeed a come-on for gold salesmen.

Schiff horribly oversimplifies, in order to strike fear in people. Not that things aren't going over a cliff; it's just that the FED has a very complicated system for taking us communist.

No, seriously.

The FED isn't "printing money." The Dept of Treasury isn't doing more than usual either.

What the Fed is doing is far more sinister: It's "printing credit".

The Actual goal of the Quantitative Easing is actually to shore up the US housing market---the only thing from keeping the US economy from imploding below 2009/2010 levels.

The Fed is printing up IOUs and using them to purchase "mortgage backed securities" in the form of bundled home loans. The fed is doing this personally because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are functionally insolvent at this point. Which means the US banking system, in the form of the Fed, owns the mortgages on more and more homes across the US.

The idea is that the Fed has begun functioning as a sovereign entity, like one of the 50 states that by definition cannot go bankrupt.

It's like Obama administration's solution to the collapse of the US auto industry---have the government buy the stock of GM, and cover massive "loans" to the other two (nominally) American automakers.

The Fed has done the same thing for the banks they considered "too big to fail."

This raises the real specter of the Federal Reserve going bankrupt if anything truly bad happens to the US housing industry.

It's like dinosaurs mating.

It's loud and makes the earth tremble, but you can tell there's no "long term" future in it.

Dinosaurs existed longer than humans have. Thus the two dinosaurs mating did have long term consequences.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by LastStarfighter

Dinosaurs existed longer than humans have. Thus the two dinosaurs mating did have long term consequences.

Wow! you just invalidated my whole post.

you must be right; everything is just fine.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

Originally posted by LastStarfighter

Dinosaurs existed longer than humans have. Thus the two dinosaurs mating did have long term consequences.

Wow! you just invalidated my whole post.

you must be right; everything is just fine.

The guy who makes the predictions invalidates himself with his past predictions which never happened.
edit on 13-6-2013 by LastStarfighter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:00 PM
Anything Schiff says should be taken with a BIG grain of salt.

Take a good look at his predictions following the 2009 meltdown.

If you had listen to him you would have gotten your clock cleaned.

Just FYI


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