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If You Can't Trust Us....We're Going To Have Some Problems

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posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I said the reason it failed back then was that the weather got cold and people didn't want to occupy in the freezing weather, makes sense. One should plan these events around the weather, not against it. Also, many people were calling for more government control not less, you can't have a government spying on people if it has no members. It takes people willing to pay taxes and willing to go to work monitoring people for the sake of political parties to have a tyranny. These tech companies more or less work for the interests of the govt and just don't mention that fact in the TOS. Every party politician has been scared to go against the CIA since the 1960s. Obama has been used by them to silence the debate, he right now has been trying to silence critics of spying, critics of the war, critics of drug prohibition, critics of govt debt, critics of gun restriction, critics of torture, critics of open borders, basically all the major problems that have been holding freedom and liberty at bay for about a decade now. They collect all these calls and info yet they can't catch these Russian bros terrorism, it takes the local police and local public to get them, it seems to me a massive waste of resources to go $16 trillion in debt on the basis of Federal Reserve theology. He has held this society back from getting to a place of liberty, he has kept the left sleeping on their lazy boys, if you want to win you have to spy on them back, you have to put their crimes back upon them, listen back, reverse wire. Use all their data they store against themselves. The corporations are safe cause the govt has become large enough to protect them, they have a non-capitalist system in place for self protection of the too big to fails, these politicians maybe merely stenographers, and the media are the zombies.

Our Society as a whole and the complete social structure is deteriorating.Cyprus, Greece already destroyed.Spain youth unemployment +50%, italy 40% (just read about it), france also very high. The US is eroding from the inside out. Cheap money is keeping the house of cards intact. German elections in September... Till then things are not allowed to change.Young people without jobs and without money and without direction are becoming the new strong force against the existing social structure. Because they realize they have no future and no money, no jobs in this society.Things will change. It maybe only a matter of time this whole thing maybe going down.

It seems the youth unemployment that will bring everything down.

edit on 9-6-2013 by bubbabuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2013 by bubbabuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2013 by bubbabuddha because: grammer

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 06:46 PM
I think the fact that we had to do this in the first place is a pretty good indicator of our nations problems.

I'm all for alternatives and solutions. Is there anything that can be done in its place ? Thats my question.
Whats erkin the hell outta me here is that, in our day and age, we didnt have a better solution. All of government, all of the people, all of the smart people in the US and this is the crap we come up with. I expect more personally. I expect better, not just from our government, but from our people as a whole.

That's the problem and its biting us all in the ass right now. I'm drawing a blank. if someone has an alternative, spit it out but this whole surveillance state isn't and cant be the end all answer, let alone a long term solution. Its gotta go.

edit on 9-6-2013 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Nephalim

Nothing is full proof against terrorists. Maybe don't give them a reason to hate us would be a good start. Criminals will always find away around barriers. That's what they do.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:05 PM
What is implied in his little statement should be looked at carefully. It is not stated who is going to have trouble, but it is rather obvious that WE THE PEOPLE ,will, and are, the ones to be facing trouble. And notice how bold he is to state this right after unveiling project prism and stating that they need to watch and listen to everyones private conversations whether by e-mail, phone, etc,etc, all to protect this nation and all nations from terrorists threats. Well, Mr President,,, Is it not quite obvious to you by now that possibly the people of the united states, if not the world, consider YOU a terrorist in certain ways??? Pouncing on nations for monetary gain while ignoring the fact that there governments are killing thousands of their own citizens!! Are they not people who deserve the right to freedom, life, and pursuit of happiness??? But it's ok as long as YOU can cut the deals and ensure the billions of dollars earned through back door deals to steal the resources of that country. It is shameful how you are conducting yourself!!!! You see, I might not be the sharpest tool in the box,, in fact I might be considered not even useful to use compared to all the new fancy gadgets out there now,, but I'll tell you what,, I still have feelings and a right to survive even with lack of modern skills, education or means to make millions, or thousands of dollars a month. In fact I would be quite content to just be able to pay my bills and have maybe a little left over for a a hobby so that I wouldn't have to spend my entire weekend planted on the couch watching stupid T V. Yes, Mr President I'm a human being, just like you and you wife and children and if there is no opportunity,,,there really isn't much to live for.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Signals

I don't trust a word he says.

He is the mouthpeice for the elite.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:39 PM
Well, there it is...

...we are definitely "gonna have problems..."

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:49 PM
Good find OP, S&F goes out to you.

I'm sure the administration would say that it wasn't a threat but it's just as if I said "If you're coming to take my guns there's gonna be trouble", or "If you keep taxing us there's gonna be trouble". If I or anyone else were to say this in a public forum they would most definitely say that it was a threat, but they can manipulate everything and try to make it seem as though it's not.

When I see stuff such as this it just gives me more reason to stock up on food, plant a bigger garden, smoke and salt cure more meat, and buy more ammo. People can say I'm an alarmist or an extremist, maybe they're right because when I see my government trampling on our rule of law and Constitution I do get alarmed and I do take my liberties to the extreme. At the end of the day however I would much rather be the alarmist with stockpiled food and water for my family and guns to defend my family and food and not need it than to be one of the sheeple that has nothing and then IF TSHTF need everything.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 12:07 AM
No offense, nah screw it, offense intended, to this YAHOO FOOL,
but they are clearly already violating our right to privacy, and he
cant with a strait face tell me i can trust the people they hire,
if the TSA is any example at all of the quality of government
employees then yeah there could never be a psycho stalker
who would abuse his position to get his um happy time off
listening and/or watching anything private he could, it has
happened before and i have no doubt
it is right now, they have proven we cannot trust them by
going behind our backs and taking rights away that they cannot
and do not even have the right to take away, the constitution did
not say, if you do it in secret and don't tell anyone then its all
cool bro! ARG! that just peeves me off.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Signals

If people can't trust not only the Executive Branch, but also don't trust Congress, and don't trust Federal Judges, to make sure that we're abiding by the Constitution, due process, and the rule of the Law, then we're gonna have some problems.

The thing with trust is that it has to be earned through displaying a consistent set of behaviours that demonstrate its real and not just talk. The thing that hurts the US government is that it has a bad historical track record of scandals that reveal it was lying to its own citizens.
The real problem as I see it is that for every ten things that government does right it only takes one bad thing done to make people ignore that, and become suspicious. No government on earth can go around human nature, so that leaves only one option do the right thing, which is behave honest, with integrity and treat people with respect.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 01:17 AM
This administration has turned in to a Hughes Brothers film. This is what Obummer is actually trying to say imho

Obama played by Ice Cube

Problem here? We got a problem N*****!

Gangsters in a suit and tie, nothing more
edit on 10-6-2013 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 02:43 AM
it's hard to believe that a man who can sing like this!!

would put up with the stuff they have him pitch to us on the news! it's like beauty and ugly mixed together from the same mouth. he's got so much soul, frittering it away, wasting it on political lying (most of which appears to be part of the job mandate. i wouldn't want the job, that's for sure! seems he would be better suited to do a job that genuinely makes him and others happy, instead of having to go against his own conscience. i mean, really, mr president. you are too classy for that job.)

anyway. that's my say on the matter.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:18 AM
I don't HAVE to trust ANYONE. NO ONE has a right to tell me WHO I should trust or what I should think! This has gotten WAY out of hand has become ridiculous.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
If by "we" he means himself? Why yes.... "we're going to have some problems" is a very accurate statement.

If by "we" he means thee? He needs to check himself before he wrecks himself and recall his place.

His an elected SERVANT to the United States Citizenry. He's not anyone's gift to us and he's no King or Potentate. He's no better than Nixon or Reagan in being called onto the carpet and if he has a problem with that, he can leave the building and make way for someone who may not have given lectures on the Constitution but understands it better than he does.

This citizen doesn't appreciate the implied threat ..and he's letting all that protection he enjoys go to his head. The Secret Service and bubble of protection the President has is for his LIFE....and that is in no danger whatsoever. It is not for his CAREER. That? May be in terminal danger at this stage, we just don't quite know yet ...and he doesn't even seem to understand that at this stage.

Wake up time...and for once, it's not us who needs to wake up, IMO.

*This takes the "With us or against us" to very dangerous new levels of arrogance, IMHO.

We have a bunch of psychopaths and a usurper in the WH. They want control of our MINDS. What else? What is next? I am furious.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by Signals

Have you read those comments on the youtube video? People are angry as hell. They know this man is lying like a rug!

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:42 AM

The documents had to have been allowed to be leaked in order to set things in motion. It is a sign that the next phase has started, the phase where the surveillance and various unconstitutional laws and Homeland Security are used.

It is only a matter of time before snowballing backlash happens and Obama is able to start justifying arresting people, etc. etc. / drone striking U.S. citizens / denying constitutional rights to people deemed threats to his views. Because of their reactions to him going too far, he is able to justify getting rid of his enemies.

He has the press by the balls, they can't criticize him or they might be considered enemies.

Yes it was a threat.

edit on 10-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by quedup
reply to post by Signals

"We saw this creepy scrawl on the sidewalk recently, warning that “Obamacare has a microchip for all Americans.”

Is this the new way of whistleblowing - hell we'll be passing bits of paper to each other in back alleys to communicate like they did behind the Berlin wall before it came down. The east have gone forward while the west are going rapidly in reverse.

Will Obamacare Mandate RFID Implants?

I don't know about RFID implants. The idea doesn't seem so far out there now, does it? A nurse at the hospital explained to me the other day that they are putting all medical records in "the cloud". They wanted me to sign a paper stating I give them permission to share my medical data on the cloud. I refused. Does my refusal do any good? Did they send my personal medical records to the cloud anyway? How would I know if they did?

This spying is also tied in with our medical records. In the next city from me, the county clinic had mini cameras set up on the front desk and the woman behind the desk said they take pictures of patients and put it into our medical file for the purpose of "easier way of identifying patients".

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:50 AM
Things go on as normal, but the people who are smart enough to criticize it are arrested. This results in more people figuring out what is going on, anyway, things are not going to go on as normal.

Start watching for the first political arrests to happen.
edit on 10-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by darkbake
The documents had to have been allowed to be leaked in order to set things in motion. It is a sign that the next phase has started, the phase where the surveillance and various unconstitutional laws and Homeland Security are used.

personally, i think revolution is what they want. he's telling people, in so many words, revolt, please revolt. not because he thinks it will have a good outcome but because it's a necessary part of the plan, whatever that is. i have no real clue at this point, what they want for this country, other than it seems obvious that the drums of revolutionary war are constantly being thumped, even subliminally. between the lines. in songs, in books, in movies, in the news, on forums, everywhere. and i can't help but think the rationale behind that is to do the same thing here, that's been happening in arab spring countries.

i don't really want to die nor see anyone else die, as i think this is an important part of the psyop they are running with their global revolutions. every time a revolutionary war breaks out abroad, the christians get massacred in their homes and villages. no thanks. i like my neighbors, my fellow countrymen/women.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by undo

This is exactly what he wants. That's the point. You are correct. They would probably expect the revolution to fail and be able to justify killing off a majority of his enemies and scaring the rest into submission.

There are a few other targets in the way - state governments, congress, and the press, as well as anyone who may have information about what they are doing, they have to cover their tracks.

According to Spawn2001 (The self-proclaimed Anti-Christ) "I was reading on this site found Eminems Relapse album and listened to that. Then I listened to Imagine Dragons Radioactive. Had a line " this is the apocalypse "

I would start there.
edit on 10-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by darkbake
reply to post by undo

This is exactly what he wants. That's the point. You are correct. They would probably expect the revolution to fail and be able to justify killing off a majority of his enemies and scaring the rest into submission.

see and he's too classy for that. i can tell he has a good heart and this lifestyle he is living is not good for him, as it requires that he be the worst type of role model imaginable (in a historical context). here he is the president of the usa and he has all these people looking at him and saying WTF because it's like twilight zone stuff and he has no choice in the matter because being president requires it, whatever IT is. being president of the usa must be the worst job in the world. i'm fairly certain, if he manages to finish his term without a revolution in this country, he will be relieved. the alternative is too hard on a person's soul.

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