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Jehovah's Witnesses believe UN will ban Religion

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posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:15 PM
Well, sure! That's what HIS DADDY, GHWBSr, has been saying all along!

And that PROVES Bush Junior is NO Christian himself. He's just USING that foil. If Bush were a Christian, his behavior would reflect Christian values: "turn the other cheek" " do unto others as you would have them do unto you" "go the extra mile" "do evil unto no man." Etc.

But, the sheep in the folds of Fundamentalism are not listening to reason; THEIR DOGMA HAS THEM ON A LEASH. They refuse to look at Bush who talks one way and acts a different way.

[shrug] "Ye shall know a tree by its fruit."


[edit on 6-11-2004 by Emily_Cragg]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra

Originally posted by intrepid
Human error in interpretation of scripture.

So when is the JW scheduled 'End of the World' going to take place? I don't want to be late for it.

"No one knows the day or the time" "it will come as a thief in the night"

As for the UN banning Religion- well who knows its possible... the UN are probably not secretly huddled in a secret room talking about banning can just imagine.

Tom: So what day will we do it?
Jill: I think Wednesday will be good.
Tom: No lets wait till after Christmas.

The Bible says that God will put it (the reason to ban) into their (UN/Governments) hearts.

It will be a last minute thing. When the end is about to come. Too late for backtracking.

If you think about it Religion has been the cause of most Wars / Problems.

Catholic against Protestant and Vice Versa (many Countries epecially Northern Ireland)
Jews / Christians / Islam

" The united Nations Council has decided that due to Religion causing so many problems and getting involved in things it shouldn't, like Politics etc. that it is going to ban "all" religion (just to be fair)."

"This will happen on......."

"If you do not disbanden your Religion by...........

This will be the start of "The End" then comes - Armaggedon.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:00 AM
Here are some Jehovah's witness predictions about the end of the world.

"1914 was one of the more important estimates of the start of the war of Armageddon by the Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society). They computed 1914 from prophecy in the book of Daniel, Chapter 4. The writings referred to "seven times". The WTS interpreted each "time" as equal to 360 days, giving a total of 2520 days. This was further interpreted as representing 2520 years, measured from the starting date of 607 BCE. This gave 1914 as the target date. When 1914 passed, they changed their prediction; 1914 became the year that Jesus invisibly began his rule.
1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975 and 1994, etc. were other dates that the Watchtower Society (WTS) or its members predicted.
Since late in the 19th century, they had taught that the "battle of the Great Day of God Almighty" (Armageddon) would happen in 1914 CE. It didn't.
The next major estimate was 1925. Watchtower magazine predicted: "The year 1925 is a date definitely and clearly marked in the Scriptures, even more clearly than that of 1914; but it would be presumptuous on the part of any faithful follower of the Lord to assume just what the Lord is going to do during that year." 6
The Watchtower Society selected 1975 as its next main prediction. This was based on the estimate "according to reliable Bible chronology Adam was created in the year 4026 BCE, likely in the autumn of the year, at the end of the sixth day of creation." 8 They believed that the year 1975 a promising date for the end of the world, as it was the 6,000th anniversary of Adam's creation. Exactly 1,000 years was to pass for each day of the creation week. This prophecy also failed.
The current estimate is that the end of the world as we know it will happen precisely 6000 years after the creation of Eve. 9 There is no way of knowing when this happened."

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:09 AM

According to them, 144,000 will be saved of their faith, of course.

Unfortunately for them, according to the Bible from which they are basing this on...this number will be comprised of only VIRGIN males (having never known the touch of a woman is I believe how it is put), who also happen to be descended from the 12 tribes of Isreal (12,000 per tribe), so I fail to see the appeal of the religion to a) Women, b) Males who are not virgins. Not to mention of course, that if one fit the criteria, he certainly wouldn't be creating more little followers, lest he just hand in his ticket as a non-virgin...

Of course, I'm not sure what attraction a religion (cult) that eschews any form of celibration, and contact with others not of the same cult, has anyhow....

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
Here are some Jehovah's witness predictions about the end of the world.

Hav'nt they always stressed that know one knows the "time or the day"of Armaggedon.

So even if they have so many dates they have only been watching??

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 12:54 PM
They're so busy watching dates, they pay no attention to doing and teaching the law, being hospitable and tolerant, caring for widows or orphans or practicing Mercy.

What they do is advertise, advertise, advertise. And that's where it stops.

I was a Witness from 1965-1977, and they are the most inhospitable bunch of self-righteous dogmatized individuals I have ever dealt with.

Thought Control and copying each other is all they seem to know how to do. I was "dissociated" because I dared to question the WT Society in Brooklyn about the accuracy of their own brand of Greek Interlinear Translation.

Being thrown out is not a behavioral issue with them, nor a matter of creating physical harm, although they are being sued because they have refused to repudiate "servants" who practice child molesting.

They'll throw out anybody whose thought patterns are incompatible with their own. Pharisees, with a Christian twist.

Anybody want to argue this?

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Emily_Cragg
They're so busy watching dates, they pay no attention to doing and teaching the law, being hospitable and tolerant, caring for widows or orphans or practicing Mercy.

What they do is advertise, advertise, advertise. And that's where it stops.

I was a Witness from 1965-1977, and they are the most inhospitable bunch of self-righteous dogmatized individuals I have ever dealt with.

Thought Control and copying each other is all they seem to know how to do. I was "dissociated" because I dared to question the WT Society in Brooklyn about the accuracy of their own brand of Greek Interlinear Translation.

Being thrown out is not a behavioral issue with them, nor a matter of creating physical harm, although they are being sued because they have refused to repudiate "servants" who practice child molesting.

They'll throw out anybody whose thought patterns are incompatible with their own. Pharisees, with a Christian twist.

Anybody want to argue this?

Sure, I will. They haven't watched dates in years, once bitten.

They are extremely hospitable, usually within their own faith but would help a nonbeliever as well.
That fact about the child-molesters is laughable. They will disfellowship someone for smoking, personal experience, but will tolllerate abuse?
Not coming to their defence but what you posted was totally wrong. On second thought, maybe I did come to their defence.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 01:02 PM




1. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the public _expression of religious beliefs, including the use of symbols, clothing or markings which are synonymous with any currently or previously existing religions.

This is absolutely happening. In France, Italy and probably many other places in EU and US it is already forbidden to display any major religious symbols in schools and this is only the beginning.

Ultimate goal of some people inside the UN is to outlaw Christianity, and this is no secret, Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong and others have already outleashed a plan to replace 10 God's commandments with principles of Earth Charter. This is what NWO is all about.
Just see this link or do google search on the subject.

[edit on 12-11-2004 by Megaquad]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Emily_Cragg

I was a Witness from 1965-1977, and they are the most inhospitable bunch of self-righteous dogmatized individuals I have ever dealt with.

Anybody want to argue this?

I suppose it depends on which Country you are from.

Some Countries by culture are inhospitable.
Others are very hospitable.

I think people get so wrapped up in what they are doing that they forget about others sometimes.

Where I come from people are very weary of people not that hospitable either.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 01:48 PM

The are hospitable to "NEW proselytes" not to anyone who is already a Witness to asks questions beyond the reach of Watchtower publications.

They throw people out whose very thinking is eccentric, even if their behavior conforms both to the letter and policy of the Watchtower Society.

That is my experience.

Here, this is too important to let slip. I realize GHWBsr favors the Moonie Church, which is highly conformist and dictatorial, as a worldwide church.

Never mind, that Christianity FREES the individual from social contracts, so that he or she can apply the Golden Rule, tolerance, mercy and charity in harmony with their own will.

The Bush Cabal, the NWO and the UN want to FORCE ideas on everyone, TOP-DOWN that totally direct behavior. This is merely one tyranny on top of all the others.


United Nations Report
Mikhail Gorbachev:
New Moses for the masses
December 9, 2002

Who other than a Communist icon would think he could claim the right to replace the Ten Commandments?

At the United Nations, the Earth Charter is now officially recognized in the Chairman�s Draft Political Declaration. Mikhail Gorbachev and company have been trying to introduce it since at least 1997.

Catholic Insight writer M. Jeanne Ferrari says she heard Gorbachev say twice, at two different press conferences: "The Ten Commandments are out of date. They will be replaced by the 18 principles of the Earth Charter."

"He said it again, a third time, at another press conference. Speaking through an interpreter, Gorbachev spoke candidly abut his hope for the implementation of the Earth Charter, which had been drafted by Maurice Strong, ably supported by Stephen Rockefeller. Apparently, at the first State of the World Forum, Gorbachev had stated that the new world order would be achieved �step by step, stone by stone.� In Rio, Gorbachev and company were just thinking about the design of the new order:

"�Experience in various countries is being gathered,� he said. "The advanced countries should take advantage of the new openness to work with others, and should share their technological expertise with the world�s population, thus working toward a global village.

"'What model (of one-world government) are we pursuing?� he was asked.

"'The model will be a form of democracy or parliamentary body. There are many forms of democracy. The Communist idea of Utopia was one and we all know the result of that experiment,� he said. "�Now, the West is trying to impose Western values and religion on the whole world. We should not impose a blueprint on the world (except, of course, for the Earth Charter-Edit). We should strive toward unity in diversity, taking into account the unique qualities of each country. Nor should we be so involved with domestic issues that we forget the problems of other nations."

"With regard to the economy--and more specifically a global economy--Mr. Gorbachev was not optimistic. "'Will national economies disappear to give place to a one-world economy?� "'This is unclear,� he said, "Although he supports globalization, his attitude toward a global economy shifted during his press conference: �We must ensure that there are new ground rules for solving many problems.

"'We have come to a point where man�s intervention in nature cannot continue. Within 40 years at the latest (he said) changes in the biosphere will be irreversible. Nature has a mechanism for self-regulation. We cannot change this. We can only incorporate ourselves, restrict the activities that interfere with this, or nature will have to live without us. We must restrict or limit our consumption and reassess our way of life.

"'Until now we had the Ten Commandments; now we have a new set of �ecological commandments," the Earth Charter. "'It is a powerful document,� said Gorbachev, �that will express a consensus toward common goals. Its importance will come from the authority from which it derives� "In Rio, he urged the press to publicize this. Now, five years later in Johannesburg, it has moved forward into the Chairman�s Draft Political Declaration!

"The second draft of the Charter referred to the Earth as our Mother, in terms that one outspoken delegate called �a love letter to our mom�.

''The Earth Charter has come a long way. It came to life as a document, on letter-sized paper, brought down by hand, from the 23rd floor of the Sheraton Hotel on Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, in 1997 by Gorbachev and company. Today it is a document on glossy 14x17 paper, ensconced in a gilt-covered �Ark of Hope�, made of cypress, decorated by Vermont artists, and borne into a conference at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, is now immortalized in the Chairman�s Draft Political Declaration. Thank God, reason prevailed, and paragraph 13 was completely rewritten omitting the Earth Charter, deprived therefore of the hoped-for legitimacy."

[edit on 12-11-2004 by Emily_Cragg]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 01:56 PM

That fact about the child-molesters is laughable. They will disfellowship someone for smoking, personal experience, but will tolllerate abuse?

Yet they will still not answer such questions about child molestation to outsiders. It is a matter handled strictly within the church. Yes, such offenders would be disfellowshipped, but that doesn't mean the church would provide answers to law enforcement either, regarding the member.

The problem is that such cases are encouraged to be resolved within the church, and not with outside authorities...just like any other cult.

Granted, most JWs are nice (albeit rather dull) people, but the "religion" itself fits EVERY defining characteristic of a cult, not a religion.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 03:13 PM
A cult doesn't permit the members to think for themselves.

They have a "canned" answer to every question; a pat reply to every problem; a rigid procedure for every situation.

Pity. Repudiating Free Will Choices that God YHVH gave all human beings to choose what they want to think and then behave in accordance with their own thoughts--law-fully and ethically--is returning to medieval norms.

The Grand Inquisitor comes to mind.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:53 PM
It seems apparant that the one thing that will unite all nations is the preservation of the planet. With the recent announcement about the rate of melting in the North Pole by various climatologists from around the world, there definitely will radical movements to stop CO2 emissions. The study predicted that the Polar Ice caps will be completely disolved by 2060. If no action is done to reverse the effects, then the earth will change for the worse and there will be no future for future generations. I can't but help to notice the US is unwilling to participate in the kyoto agreement to save it's economy. There also seems to be a moral issue being pushed on the the rest of the world in the name of Christianity. Its not just the US pushing morals, but the churches around the world are trying to influence political powers to make biblical commands Law. Laws such as marriage between a man and woman only, the ethics of stem cell use, and the attempt to ban abortion. Religion is somehow going to get in the way the UN Charter when its comes to human rights and land use. The UN could some day be given power in the name of "mother earth" to preserve the atmosphere, land, oceans, and individual rights. Sounds like the New World Organization to me.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 11:31 AM
Note, there are elements in the Christian church that are participating in the NWO take-down of nations.

They are not producing the fruit of Christianity; they are producing the Fruit of WAR-profiteering.

One must not confuse these so-called "Fundamentalists" with followers of the Christ. Christ was not an Interventionist; He withdrew from political stances. Remember his temptation by the Devil while He was in the Wilderness.

He said NO to Power.

His true followers have done likewise.

Theocratic Dominionists are of the Devil. They want to dominate over everybody, just as Satan did/does.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 12:52 PM

They can always practice secretly. Like witches did.
They're too worried about not being saved.
According to them, 144,000 will be saved of their faith, of course

Are there not more than 144,000 to begin with? Will they be fighting with themselves at the end times or something?


posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 01:08 PM
The world will be a better place when it's banned all over the globe. Just think, no more hate or anger.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 01:14 PM
China is a secular state. Talk about hate.

Saddam Hussein was a secular leader. Talk about hate.

The UN is a confederation of nations that are disgusted with religion. Talk about hate and the controls they want to place on people!!

What makes you think secular politicians are any less hate-saturated than religious politicians?

Christian Dominionists HATE the effects of Lawlessness; and they want to trample their OWN Savior the Christ, to FIX it. Well, that's not the same as hating people indiscriminately, is it?

Who hates people indiscriminately is CDC, FDA, USDA, AMA, NSA, CIA, FBI and all the agencies that want to tell us what they think we ought to know so that we the people will have to believe what they feel is appropriate for us to believe.


posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 09:57 AM
armageddon (sp?) is GOD's destruction of the satan's world. not a man made destruction. there are three major aspects to satan's world. governments, merchants (or world's economic system), and religion. When the UN destroys religion, it is because GOD has put that thought into thier heads. he uses them to execute his judgement on false religion.

as for 1975 being the end of the world, that theory came from some that believed a "creation day" was 7000 years long. calculating from a guess as to when eve was born, that year is around 1975. but to say that is the day of armageddon is in clear conflict with the scripture and noone knows the day or the hour. hence the JW's never published that that was the end of the world

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 01:26 PM
If there is no religion...thank G-d, Allah, & baby Jesus (did I throw in Tom Cruise?
Who needs religion anyway? Science is God...God is science...religion is a stepping stone to dictatorship & supressing knowledge and having a slave nation.

Just my 2 cents



[edit on 16-6-2006 by dAlen]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by dgtempe
According to them, 144,000 will be saved of their faith, of course.

Close. They believe that the 144,000 will reign in Heaven over a paradise Earth.

As to the UN thing, that come from an interpretation in Revelations. It means that Gov'ts of the Earth will turn against religion.

Just in case you are wondering, I was raised JW but may get some things wrong as it has been over 20 years since practicing. Not wrong about this post though.
I'll let you know when it's unclear to me.

I come from a big family that is split half way down the pipe. Me and the first half are Catholic and the other half are Jehovah Witnesses. An interesting bowl of soup I might add. I know alot of their beliefs as well. I studied with my aunt Sylvia who used to be so "sweet as apple pie" (as my mom put it) to the family. I studied with her for two years until I realized that a majority of their compliments and friendly behaviors were "scripted". Also, I didn't like the fact that they didn't celebrate Christmas. Feeling insulted, I told her that I was no longer interested.

Then, like a scene in a horror movie, she acted the complete opposite towards me and mom. She
scowled, clenched her fists and hissed a bunch of shocking insults at me and my Catholic family. The 144,000 JWs are what's known as the Anointed Ones that go straight to Heaven after death. they are also known as the Remnant. The rest of the people that are either JWs or Un baptized Publishers or knew seekers to their truth will be resurrected on Paradise Earth where the 144,000 will rule over them.

I wouldn't know about the UN thing though. I think that it's just JW propaganda. But yes, they can practice in secret just like they did back in WW II. Their message must get around somehow.


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