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Science, Synchroncity and Free Will

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posted on May, 26 2013 @ 07:45 PM
It's not easy to make sense of all the contradictory information were subjected to in life.

How does one reconcile the radical implications of quantum theory with Darwin's theory of evolution? Its simply restating a philosophical question in scientific-materialist terms.

In the world of quantum theory, it is plausible that synchronicity is real. In the world of Darwin's theory of evolution, synchronicity is patently impossible.

How versatile are you? Can things be only left or right? Is everything explicable via Darwin's theory of evolution? Or is Darwin's theory - along with all deterministic sciences - a type of phenomena?

Nobody in their right mind would deny that we are limited by environmental and biological markers. Being born 5'7 will always subject me to the social prejudice of being slightly less desirable. I may be dark and handsome, but still, the average girls ideal man is tall - a kink of our evolutionary instincts. But despite this "constriction" on my social life, it is ultimately up to me whether it infects my emotional life. If I give in, indulge the thought, worry about, engage in self hatred, than epigenetics will have its effect: my brain will become conditioned to lower dopamine, serotonin and vasopressin levels, amongst other important neurochemicals that regulate emotional well being.

There is an individual, an I, opposing the dampening effects of biosocial factors. If you looked at are brain as a metaphor for life's contradictions, the left hemisphere would communicate with the science of biology and sociology, while our right hemisphere would commune with the spiritual, the inexplicable, the irrational.

To exclude from your purview evidences that contradict your world view is the acme of self delusion. Synchronicity is a fact of human experience which cannot be adequately explained in any materialist scientific way. An important one happened to me a few days ago. I'm talking about the importance of a fish diet to my parents, arguing that being Azorean (an isolated island in the middle of the Atlantic) would bias my physical body to a diet rich in omega 3. Moving to Toronto Canada doesn't change that. I have 20 or 30 generations of physical bodies which subsisted on a largely fish diet. My body likely gets a bit off kilter without it. So, after discussing this, I came here and made a thread on it. A second later, I sit down and catch Frasier. The first thing I hear is: Roz says to Martin, "what are you making? I don't eat fish!". Now, this whole fish business is related to the high levels of anxiety I've been experiencing. Its therefore highly meaningful to me to have thought about this, and reconsidered my opposition to eating fish. It strains credulity to think that this was coincidence, or could be explained by probability theory. I could have heard a hundred thousand different things. I watch Frasier all the time, and I've never once heard the subject of "not liking fish" ever mentioned. For this sentence to be spoken at the exact moment that I had finished writing a thread, ruminated over the importance of fish, and becoming excited about the possible effects it would have on my feelings, it strikes one not as coincidence but as the finger of God, coordinating reality in such a way that so that I would hear it, take it as an imprimatur, a "good idea mike!".

For synchronicity to exist, for it to be a real phenomena, one would have to posit some causal relationship between consciousness and the physical world. What I call God, it's theological implications aside, others could just as well call the "universe" or "tao" or whatever suits your fancy. The point is, it is a unifying force which brings the thoughts and emotions of an individual in sync with a physical event. The difference is collapsed at that moment, and one can very well sense that "there is more" than just my own personal existence.

Currently, our science is hamstringed by evolutionary theory. I don't deny evolutionary theories predictive powers, I don't deny that we are likely causally related to chimpanzees, but I believe the world we experience, the strata of being at which live, is fundamentally different from the deterministic events elucidated by the natural sciences. Quantum theory touched on this, but even now some physicists are trying to materialize the irrational implications of quantum theory so that they wont have to address the uncomfortable inconsistencies between discoveries in genetics, neuroscience, biology, and weird phenomena like synchroncity, NDE's, psychic abilities, apparitions, etc.

If could look at this situation as a continuum, I think we could make sense of it. At one side, you have the undetermined free will, and at the other side, a determined, conditioned physical body. The physical body and this free will interact. If the genetic inheritance is such that the person was born with a reduction in his cortical volume, than he might be inclined to a life of crime and violence. Along the spectrum, this person is closer to the side of determinism, than indeterminism. His genes have inclined him towards being focused outwards, as opposed to a deeper sense of whats inwards. Becoming aware of yourself, your thoughts and emotions, your dreams and ambitions, your lusts and fears, puts the free will in control. This process of self discovery aligns you closer to free will than deterministic along the continuum.

Perhaps quantum theory peers into the probabilistic and indeterminate nature of things, while evolution touches on their deterministic product? Existence appears to be a chain of causation, moving from the indeterminate and ethereal, towards more defined patterns of activity, and finally, a physical world crystallized into a definite form.
edit on 26-5-2013 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

Love the thread topic. Here are my thoughts.

By synchronicity, you are implying that something intelligent, besides the material observer, can collapse wave function. Collapsing wave function is the ability of the observer to make choices that change the states of matter. Obviously, humans change the states of matter by our thoughts. Look at the dimensions and then apply what is hidden from our view.

The first dimension expands to form the 2nd dimensional plane. The shadow of the 2nd dimension is a 1 dimensional line that is infinitely small and long. A 3D shadow casts a 2D plane. A 4D shadow of time casts the now of our existence. Stop here for a second. What happens in the 3D world is the shadow of the dimension above, which is collapsed into our dimension of changing states of 3D matter. Time is something solid. Where, then, do we get time? Most physicists would state that the 5th dimension is a probability space where all things that could happen are present. When we collapse a choice from this space, it descends down into the dimensions below to change our reality. What have I described? For one, a mechanism of purpose and design.

For synchronicity to exist, we need to be certain that an observer besides ourselves exists. This is an easy inference since we know the evidence for our own thoughts and movements. We ask ourselves an important question: What do I do to produce the world around me? I think and I move, but what other claim can I make for the production for which I am cast? The answer is nothing. I do not make my hair grow, my eyes, my mind work, my intellect operate, my emotions emerging and so on. I do none of it. I am affected by it, but I do not produce it. Other than thinking and moving, nothing else can be claimed by me.

From this, we also have the laws of nature. When I move, there is an equal and opposite motion from the laws of nature. I am an object and the laws of motion apply to my every move. Whatever my choices dictate, the states of matter will react according to a set and observable law. Behind this veil of matter, there are other laws that are set to enhance these movements and thoughts. If I abide by law, the law assists me. If I break the law, it breaks me. Smoke and you get cancer. Taking reward ends in suffering. Suffer work and reward follows. Workout in the gym and health expands. Suffering always brings reward. This is why the law can be observed as a complement to our every move. We are governed. For there to be a governing relationship to the world, we must infer that there is a governor that is collapsing wave function on the other side of the probability space of the 5th dimension. This also implies that the governor knows the 4th dimension in totality.

Like a video game programmer knowing the program, we are the users collapsing the memory locations in sequence. Although we have a choice to change the states of the game, the Earth will turn no matter our choice. Synchronicity is a means of communication between programmer and program. It's a wink and a nudge and there is no doubt the programmer is there.

What are we founded on?

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

WORD is information. Christ is the word and light is particle and wave. The Wave of creation is the voice of God that renders it all.

Psalm 19

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

Synchronicity is a proclamation.

What does John 1 describe? If you are reading this from the pixels on your screen, you are reading a 2D light on the surface of a flat plain. What are particles in physics? They are Voxels. They contain information wrapped in 3D. This is what a hologram is. Particles with light wrapped around as information. We are in an image created by God. Look in the mirror. What do you see? Your image. You are not the image. Neither are we here in this image.

LINK to Voxels Thread

Do we have enough evidence that Spirit is in the machine? Consciousness is I AM awareness. Are we a simple simulation by our own standards? Far from it. We are a Creation of Divinity. God is All in All.

edit on 26-5-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

That was an extremely well thought out reply! I enjoyed reading it.

By synchronicity, you are implying that something intelligent, besides the material observer, can collapse wave function.

I hadn't thought of it from the perspective of Quantum theory, but yes, something would be having to combine these separate factors into one plot. It would be different from the normal course of nature inasmuch as nature acts independently according to a mostly predictable course. When a synchronicity happens, something highly improbable occurs. A synchronicity is an absurd improbability. To consider all the different possible realities and equations that could be made between them would run into a number too large to write down. In my particular case, as I mentioned, I never hear the topic of fish brought up on Frasier. That it was brought up in the appropriate context "I don't eat fish", for that to interact with my having built an emotional interest in the dietary importance of fish, something that was more meaningful to me because I believe it could help with my anxiety (I considered it a eureka moment. As someone interested in biology, neuroscience, etc, i found it surprising hat I had never thought this before), for these two events to intersect at the precise moment. For that episode with that phrase spoken at that time with me entering at the exact moment. It's just too implausible. It can only be called a phenomena without an scientific explanation - at the moment.

Collapsing wave function is the ability of the observer to make choices that change the states of matter. Obviously, humans change the states of matter by our thoughts. Look at the dimensions and then apply what is hidden from our view.

What do you imagine is controlling the event - meeting me up to the experience? It may imply some deterministic higher "destiny" or some sort, guiding me towards a moment.

The subject of Free Will is a philosophical one. Science still isn't in a position to help us figure it out. For me, free will is conditional. As acting agents, we are free. Biologically, we are conditioned by genes. Environmentally, we our conditioned by high probability experiences. Theologically (and ontologically) God ultimately knows what will be. But still, despite that, from my perspective, I am free. As said in the beginning, freedom is limited when your ignorant, which can be greater in people with a biological incapacity. As you grow in self understanding, the sense of freedom grows, and so, a greater freedom from the bias of biology, environment, and a greater sense of your freedom to choose a better future. God, or the way, or whatever, has it all worked out, or so I believe.

In any case, we can choose to act. While I'm freely choosing, somehow, in someway, events collide and a synchronicity happens. I don't think it's a "higher self" that is working on me. I think it is REALITY ITSELF interacting with me. Only a system - the thing in itself - can so totally unite things in such a way where a meaningful moment can be conveyed to an independent actor.

Most physicists would state that the 5th dimension is a probability space where all things that could happen are present. When we collapse a choice from this space, it descends down into the dimensions below to change our reality. What have I described? For one, a mechanism of purpose and design.

Sounds logical to me.

This is an easy inference since we know the evidence for our own thoughts and movements.

Mysticism is largely built from this premise. The Kabbalah in particular has encapsulated the idea into its various systems: the physical macrocosmic worlds are Atziluth (emanation) Beriyah (creation), Yetzirah (formation) asiyah (action). Paralleling this macrocosmic "descent" of the worlds from an ethereal to a more patterned and solidified world are the human states of hokmah (wisdom, or intuitive, or nondifferentiated thought) Binah (understanding; discrete thought, logical thought etc) Zeir Anpin ("small face" , the array of felt emotions) Nukva (maiden. i.e physical vitality, actions carried out by the body). All mysticisms basically make this connection.

Every night, in our own heads, we form worlds from our thoughts and emotions. It's not so strange to think that the physical world itself, despite its incredible complexity, might be causally related to the individual of human beings. The idea that "man is created in the image of God", that's no so brazen a statement as it sounds. For us to be causally connected with physical reality implies something special and unique about us. Since, to be aware of this, to act on this, you have to be a human being. No other species, so far as we know, possess even the rudiments of an ability to interact with the world. We are the "relators" of nature. We can move anywhere we want, do anything anywhere we want. We can move a dolphin into an aquarium or take a chimpanzee from the jungles of Africa and bring them to America. These two animals are smart (for animals) no doubt, but they do not possess our complexity or our primary spiritual position in the world. Even animals themselves can be seen to be incarnations of emotions we feel. The dog, the way it chases its own tale, reacts aggressively when startled, barks at strangers, shows loyalty to those who are kind to it, these are all adumbrated in man. The way we commit the same stupid errors over and over again out of weakness or habit (chasing its own tale), and the others are marked in our evolutionary design: fearful of strangers, loving and loyal to those who are close and kind to us etc. History itself could be seen to be one big synchronicity, inasmuch as evolution has evolved in parallel with man. Is it not strange that the coldest, and also darkest part of our brains physiology - the reptilian brain - corresponds historically with the time of the dinosaurs? It's as if history, both spiritual and physical, are embedded in our very constitution.

Synchronicity is a proclamation.

Although that could never be proven, I agree. I like the way it sounds.
edit on 26-5-2013 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Astrocyte

Excellent response. I liked your use of Hebrew mysticism. You would enjoy the book, Ancient Hebrew Lexicon by Jeff Benner. The hidden story of mankind is locked in the root morphology of proto-Canaanite / Phoenician. Root morphology in languages starts with a seed, then branches just like proteins in our body form chains of meaning to form words, sentences and paragraphs. Eventually, the word renders the body. There is a direct connection between this and how these archetypal forms are embodied in our everyday experiences. This communication happens on differing levels and we miss most of the communication happening around us each day on this symbolic level.

What is the tree of life? You mentioned the Hebrew view, but have you read the Hebrew Sefer Yetzirah? In this document, we get some sense of how the Hebrew letters are used as a programming language of sorts for reality. It's easy to find parallels. Hebrew is a concrete language. Greek is mathematical and abstract. 22 letters in Hebrew and 24 in Greek. 46 total. With the body and DNA, we have 46 chromosomes. These amino acids come in 22 pairs with 2 sex chromosomes. They render the body with 22 proteins that morph just like language. What do we get when the rendering of the image is complete? A human mind and body that is right and left sided. One side is abstract mathematical and the other is concrete and literal.

As above, so below. We are a mirror of the rest of creation. As such, we will see our own reflections in every corner of nature if we look. Synchronicity is our own thought forms producing a reflection in nature.

1 Corinthians 13

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Hebrews 11

11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

---What is faith? It is the ability of the observer to collapse the wave function of indeterminate reality and make it determined. We cannot collapse the wave function that is beyond our awareness. When it becomes available, we are still restricted by law. This is God's ability to guard our minds in the image.

Galatians 3

23 Before the coming of this faith,[j] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

---How are we justified by faith? The law is fulfilled by love. When we love others, no law can be broken. Take this and draw a parallel to the laws of nature that restrict our minds by the material veil of existence. The veil is Mater / Mother / Matrix / Material. We are immersed in the rendered forms of words woven together as information and energy. We are reading a book at each stage of our existence. There is no difference between what you are reading now and the book outside your window in nature.

Is the acorn the oak tree, or the oak tree the acorn? Neither. Both are the essence of information that renders a 75 foot oak tree from within the acorn. It's a mirrored cycle above and below; within and without. Synchronicity is the recognition of parallel communication between forms. It's a proclamation of this:

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

People are always asking, "What doesn't God ever speak to us?" I always laugh when I hear this.

edit on 27-5-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

With the body and DNA, we have 46 chromosomes. These amino acids come in 22 pairs with 2 sex chromosomes. They render the body with 22 proteins that morph just like language. What do we get when the rendering of the image is complete? A human mind and body that is right and left sided. One side is abstract mathematical and the other is concrete and literal.

Although I find the idea intriguing, I'm not sure I'm willing to make a one on one correspondence between the chemical structure of DNA and mysticism. At least not yet, as Karl Popper once said, rightly, science cant prove things, but can only disprove things.

The basic assumption is, the lexical sounds of language, from aleph to tav (I read Hebrew) and Apha to Omega, which provide a basic phonetic structure to the words we speak, formed by the various organs within the mouth, act as a cosmic metaphor between the spiritual domain and the physical domain. While this notion is popular, and certainly even today has its proponents, I've stepped back from a direct endorsement of it, because frankly, science is far too complex to seamlessly correlate with the Kabbalah.

You mentioned the chemical structure of DNA. Ok, but what do we make of the multitudinous other elements, organs, and processes we find in ourselves and in nature? Take the brain. The brain isn't simply broken down. There are various ways to look at it: you can break it up into it's 4 basic anatomical parts: brain stem, cerebellum, dienchephalon and cerebrum. It can also be divided into 3 evolutionary stages: the hind brain, mid brain and forebrain. There's also two distinct hemispheres dividing the cerebrum and subcortical structures (i.e two hippocampi, amygali etc). Within the cerebrum itself there are 4 lobes: occipital, temporal, parietal and frontal. There are also sulci (depressions) and gyri (ridges) which give the brain it's distinct look. Within individual lobes, there are specific areas correlating (via fMRI) with executive functions (dorsolateral, ventromedial) attention (orbitofrontal) anticipation (anterior cingulate) etc. In short, it is difficult enough trying to understand what these different parts of the brain do. It is an added burden to argue: and they also correspond to archetypal concepts.

One perhaps can still wonder whether there is a connection. I'm not gonna outright say:"there is no correspondence". But at this point our scientific understanding is not complete enough and our ability to correlate to the smallest detail isn't beyond dispute. It's mostly a hunch that motivates people to suspect a complete spiritual-physical causal relationship, down to the finest detail. But I suppose we should reserve our suspicions until we first understand genes, the brain, etc before we start arguing that they form a continuum with ideas.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

Brilliant post and full of good insight. There are 7 rules that allow us to take the symbols in language and rightly divide those symbols, parables, historical context and chains of information into correspondences above and below. The Hermetic axiom, "As Above, So Below," is a root presupposition that gives the rest away. The ancients knew a secret regarding the heavens. Man is a microcosm below compared to the macrocosm above. Like a mirror, we will find reflections at all levels. Between language and DNA, there is an obvious parallel. Between the planetary movements and our own inward structure, there are parallels. As you state, it is difficult to draw comparisons, but the comparisons are there. We can assume that some inferences we draw may be misplaced concreteness, but there are others (like language) that are dead on correct. Even with proteins, they form in root position just like the Hebrew language. The morphology is the same and can only be compared to a tree. Take the tree and compare the lesser to the greater case.

Seven Rules of Hillel

Any comparison by context or inferences by particularization that can be made in language will be applicable to nature. Each is rendered with the same roots and seeds.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." What do you get when two come together as one? Chochma and Bina come together as right and left brain; concrete and abstract. Considering the parallels in Kabbalah and the tree of life, I think all your brain parts can be readily identified. For the purpose of my comments, I kept it at Greek and Hebrew, which reflect the same correspondence above and below. When Christ said he was the 'way,' he was referring to Orient. When he stated that he was the 'truth (Aleph, Mem, Tav), he was referring to the eight occidental pillars of Greek philosophy. Life comes from two becoming one, just as you find in the Hermetic Emerald Tablet describing strong and weak nuclear forces.

As a parallel to this, you can consider Hydrogen (One Proton + and One Electron - in a balanced state). Inside the nucleus beyond the starting gate, we have the neutron and proton together. Outside the inner nature, we have the electron moving about, never finding repose. Each element can be compared to its number. Carbon is the mark of mankind and life itself. It has 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. The breath of God has 777 (Nitrogen) and 888 (Oxygen). Both these numbers then have a direct correspondence in the Bible to both God and Christ. Carbon is the mark of mankind, the bast inside as our animal nature, our commerce system and our fruit of knowledge (Technology). All day long, we can bounce these things back and forth and expand our awareness of the overall story. Even the flaming sword in Genesis 3 has an obvious answer compared to the tree of life and DNA. Encryption of DNA an the Flaming Sword.

I have found so many in the last year alone. It takes time to build the picture of the tree, but each branch you find obviously leads you back to one trunk, branch and finally the seed itself. Again, the seven rules are needed to read the symbols as sentences and paragraphs. That's where the true story emerges.

edit on 2-6-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

s you state, it is difficult to draw comparisons, but the comparisons are there

Even if they are there, say, between the particular structure of the brain and the "above", is it wise to go about preaching, given our ability to prove those correlations beyond dispute is so paltry?

Don't get me wrong, I admitted earlier to a seeming correlation between a macrocosmic and microcosmic reality. It is the only way I can explain the phenomena of synchronicity: there must be some "chord" reverberating both spheres in synch. But this is a far simpler statement than the more complex and sophisticated claim that all details in all sciences, from physics, chemistry biology to neuroscience, form a archetypal continuum.

When I argue in favor of the spiritual, I avoid these arguments as they are naturally impossible to prove. Instead, I'll argue the prevalence of the paradoxical: how even our own brains are structured to accommodate different "realities", the left hemisphere dealing with language and linear processes, while the right hemisphere processes emotion, music, and abstract philosophical notions. I could then extend this differentiation between right and left to a cultural level: look at easterners and westerners. It's odd that the west, with more lexical languages, is to the "left", while the east, with more tonal languages, is to right (due north would be the most natural orientation, since most of the worlds population lives in the northern hemisphere). This is an exact parallel, or "reflection" of our own neurological structure.

This is a basic and provable claim. It may imply a fundamental ontological architecture, but it also emphasizes the different, even opposite ways in which reality can be understood and known. For the Socratic Greeks, a "contradiction" was reprehensible. Only one thing can be correct, and anything in contradiction with that first premise is necessarily false. But for most other peoples, the Hebrews, Indian-Iranian and Eastern peoples, contradiction wasn't a problem: it was a basic function of reality.

If we look more closely at the brain, we notice that the left motor and sensory cortices handle the opposite side of the body (called contralateral processing). If the body and brain are taken as symbols for the spiritual and physical, then this would imply that both aspects of reality contain the other, like the Yin Yang symbol. Reality can be understood in linear or intuitive terms. It can be known "logically" through inference, or felt "emotionally", through direct affectation. I can conceptualize reality, down to it's smallest parts, in terms of an "archetypal" continuum, or, I can experience reality, down to its smallest and most insignificant aspect, as a "thou", as a living and conscious thing.

These are mutually contradictory processes, yet they inhere in our very fabric.

Considering the parallels in Kabbalah and the tree of life, I think all your brain parts can be readily identified.

Perhaps one day some great thinker will establish a correspondence. Until that time, we still have lots of science to figure out!

Here, just for kicks, is how one could go about establishing a correlation. The brain can be divided in numerable ways, as said. In order to ascribe meaning to these divisions and separations, we have to make sense of what these intrinsic boundaries could mean. Imagine a vertical axis and a horizontal axis running through the brain. Some organs are divided along a vertical axis (two hemispheres, for example) while others are divided along a horizontal axis (such as the brain stem, and cerebellum, which sits beneath the more evolved cerebrum). Those organs which lie beneath would correspond, ontologically, to concrete automation. Kabbalistically, this would correspond with the lower sefiroth, netzach, hod, yesod and malkuth. The brain stem and cerebellum deal with basic autonomic nervous system functions, coordination, motor functions, precision, timing, etc - all of these are processed and handled by unconscious systems. Above the horizontal division lies the more compplex and interrelated "emotional" centers of the limbic system (amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, basal ganglia). Just as within the sefirotic diagram, the brains "emotion" centers lie in the middle (tifereth, chesed, gevurah). The more reflexive sefirot lie beneath, while the more cerebral sefirot lie above. Above this

But perhaps the most intriguing feature of brain anatomy is the pineal gland. Unlike all other organs found within the midbrain, there is only one pineal gland: it is not duplicated in each hemisphere. This is interesting. What we do know about the pineal gland is that it regulates sleep levels through the release of melatonin. One could argue that sleep is the "interface" between spiritual and physical reality. Also, some researchers have postulated that the pineal gland may be a source for neuro '___'. Although this hasn't been definitively proven, it is an interesting suggestion, since '___' has pretty incredible psychedelic powers. Again, it would act as an intermediary between spiritual and physical reality.
edit on 2-6-2013 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

How does one reconcile the radical implications of quantum theory with Darwin's theory of evolution? Its simply restating a philosophical question in scientific-materialist terms.

quantum evolution....

"The gaps in the fossil record suggested to quite a few biologists that Darwinism is not the complete story of evolution . . . Creationism also does not make complete sense; though the Christian contention that God intervenes in the affairs of the world, even in biological evolution, to align the world with purposiveness, is credible in a science within consciousness. . . . But in science within consciousness, we can look at the fossil gaps as the signature of creative conscious intervention -- purpose enters evolution creatively.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

Don't get me wrong, I admitted earlier to a seeming correlation between a macrocosmic and microcosmic reality. It is the only way I can explain the phenomena of synchronicity: there must be some "chord" reverberating both spheres in synch. But this is a far simpler statement than the more complex and sophisticated claim that all details in all sciences, from physics, chemistry biology to neuroscience, form a archetypal continuum.

What I am implying is an axiom higher than the multiple axioms below. How can I know this for sure and how can you verify the more sophisticated claim extending to the form of all archetypal expressions? To be understood, the higher axiom must be clearly seen from both the scriptures and our own experience. That axiom is simple. Again, the Bible holds the key. That axiom is law. Nature, both above and below, must adhere to law. Those laws are expressed as the filter of all forms. If we are speaking of language, we are following laws parallel to the laws of nature. If we are speaking of breath used for word, that same word is spoken above in a more complicated manner. The same voices speak from the same laws. The higher an understanding of law, the more awareness you have of a unified universe. Reduce all things in physics to the seed of the root and you get WORD.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Check this thread. Read the OP, then read my comments. There are only two. God of Few Words

Above and below are two of the eight directions. We also have inner and outer and right and left, with time being front and back. Time must also have inner and outer for there to be dimension. In the thread above, you can read the left side in the OP, which is mirrored by me on the right side of truth. Each looks similar, but the truth emerges as evident to the mind that holds it. The same is true for the person that reads the outer word and the other person that reads into the core of the onion. If you offer a child a dime or a nickle, they will choose the nickle because it's bigger. If you offer the same choice to someone older, they see the value and not merely the outer shell. The same holds true for all forms in nature. If a person simply learns the meaning of each form, the larger story reveals itself by context, associations and particularization. The seven rules of the scribes are invaluable for rightly dividing truth from all eight directions. Inner and outer are hidden by dimension. See this thread: We are the shadows we cast...

edit on 2-6-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

This is a basic and provable claim. It may imply a fundamental ontological architecture, but it also emphasizes the different, even opposite ways in which reality can be understood and known. For the Socratic Greeks, a "contradiction" was reprehensible. Only one thing can be correct, and anything in contradiction with that first premise is necessarily false. But for most other peoples, the Hebrews, Indian-Iranian and Eastern peoples, contradiction wasn't a problem: it was a basic function of reality.

This is based on axioms of truth. Lower axioms are multiple, while higher axioms are singular and unify the lower. If a train engineer and a friend argue over the train whistle changing pitch, each will have a contradictory perspective by frame of reference. The engineer says the whistle does not change. The friend says it changes. Each are correct. The higher axiom is the Doppler Effect. The same holds true for triangles with more than 180 degrees. Non-euclidean geometry allows a person to travel 10 miles south, 10 miles East and 10 miles north to end at the same place he started. With straight lines, this is impossible. Bend your line and all things are possible. The same holds true for the mind. We cannot see dimensions, yet we know higher axioms imply they are there.

edit on 2-6-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

If we look more closely at the brain, we notice that the left motor and sensory cortices handle the opposite side of the body (called contralateral processing). If the body and brain are taken as symbols for the spiritual and physical, then this would imply that both aspects of reality contain the other, like the Yin Yang symbol. Reality can be understood in linear or intuitive terms. It can be known "logically" through inference, or felt "emotionally", through direct affectation. I can conceptualize reality, down to it's smallest parts, in terms of an "archetypal" continuum, or, I can experience reality, down to its smallest and most insignificant aspect, as a "thou", as a living and conscious thing.

This is why the highest axiom is WORD. Why? Collapsing wave function implies information at the heart of all reality. See the thread I linked to: We are the shadows we cast. . The Derac Relativistic Quantum Wave Equation shows us what is implied by dimensions. Our reality is parallel to another. Our matter is parallel to antimater. The even horizon where two meet makes the one reality of heaven and Earth. Like Isaiah says, we are a scroll that will be rolled up. The universe is not the dimension we see, but a 2D hologram illuminated to 3D by dimension. Collapsing wave function is the key to this understanding and new physics points to energy being information. Particles are Voxels. The Hologram of Voxels

You are reading this from a screen that can appear 3D with the right rendering. The pixels have one surface with information. A Voxel has 360 degrees of information wrapped with energy. The Derac equation allows us to see why and how. Again, law is the mirror and astrolabe that shows us the way.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

But perhaps the most intriguing feature of brain anatomy is the pineal gland. Unlike all other organs found within the midbrain, there is only one pineal gland: it is not duplicated in each hemisphere. This is interesting. What we do know about the pineal gland is that it regulates sleep levels through the release of melatonin. One could argue that sleep is the "interface" between spiritual and physical reality. Also, some researchers have postulated that the pineal gland may be a source for neuro '___'. Although this hasn't been definitively proven, it is an interesting suggestion, since '___' has pretty incredible psychedelic powers. Again, it would act as an intermediary between spiritual and physical reality.

Man is personified by Carbon (6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons). God is 777 (Nitrogen) and Christ is 888 (Oxygen). Fluorine is 999, mirrored by 666 both ways. Fluorine is mixed with carbon to form fluorocarbons, killing the breath of God. The nitrogen/oxygen cycle wash carbon from the atmosphere. Floride is put in our water and toothpaste, calcifying the pineal gland. Enriched uranium provides our floride and brings fire on the earth. Who do you suppose is personified by fluorine? Who twists truth by wrapping it in a mirror?

Aliester Crowley said, ""Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"

Jesus said, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Matt 7:12

Look in the mirror and what do you see? A material mind would say I am nuts. An abstract mind knows that all things have correspondance by laws. The left side is Esau and the right side is Jacob. God said, "Jacob (Farmer / Giver) have I loved and Esau (Hunter/Taker) have I hated. God speaks by law and not merely by the words he uses. Look beyond the words and you see the function of the whole.

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