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God Awareness is Harmony

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posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:37 AM
Harmony is when your will is done. Some people will something, but dont feel harmony. It has to be total will execution. There cant be anything left out. Everything has to occur because you will it.

There are two approaches to harmony.

One approach is through control. Fear controls. When you make people fear you, you are in control. Anything they do after that, is a reaction to your presence and will to be fearsome.

The other approach is through love. Love is the acceptance of what is occurring and the reformation of your will to conform to how things already are.

Both approaches bring harmony.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

You start off with "God" in title...and later in the post make reference only to awareness and love. With which one of these terms have you equaled the term God ?

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by MarioOnTheFly
reply to post by smithjustinb

You start off with "God" in title...and later in the post make reference only to awareness and love. With which one of these terms have you equaled the term God ?

God is creator through will.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:13 AM
God is creator of all. When all happens according to what you want, then you have god awareness.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

so it's not actually free will he granted us than ? from what you're's gods will that manifests through it? So we have no will at all...we only do what is his will?

how come we sin than ? is that God sinning?

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by MarioOnTheFly
reply to post by smithjustinb

so it's not actually free will he granted us than ? from what you're's gods will that manifests through it? So we have no will at all...we only do what is his will?

The answer to this question depends on your approach. One approach believes they have free will. The other approach believes all will is the will of what made us.

how come we sin than ? is that God sinning?

What is commonly called sin is the nature of those who utilize fear. They wont call it sin, but the other path will. They will justify their actions. But even to the other path, yes, they are revered as an expression of one creator.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:06 AM
I should clarify my point. Both approaches control. One approach is in control through utilizing fear. The other approach is in control through utilizing acceptance.

Fear creates action through relative determinations of what the action should be. Acceptance allows action from a more universal, objective determination.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
I should clarify my point. Both approaches control. One approach is in control through utilizing fear. The other approach is in control through utilizing acceptance.

Fear creates action through relative determinations of what the action should be. Acceptance allows action from a more universal, objective determination.

There is no control - everything is just happening - it makes one feel out of control so one pretends there is control but there is not.
Does having no control make you scared?

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain

Does having no control make you scared?

No. Having no control is an illusion which leads to a feeling of detachment and an absence of harmony. Being controlled, however, only happens out of fear. Being in control happens through utilizing fear or acceptance.

Those in control through acceptance excercise their own free will and allow others to do the same. The others are in control of themselves, but you are also due to the unity of all.

Things dont "just happen". They happen because individuals make decisions.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb

Originally posted by Itisnowagain

Does having no control make you scared?

No. Having no control is an illusion which leads to a feeling of detachment and an absence of harmony. Being controlled, however, only happens out of fear. Being in control happens through utilizing fear or acceptance.

Those in control through acceptance excercise their own free will and allow others to do the same. The others are in control of themselves, but you are also due to the unity of all.

Things dont "just happen". They happen because individuals make decisions.

A separate you is an illusion. This moment is complete - there is no you separate to presence. So how can you have control?
This is all just happening - isn't it a relief? No, not to the individual who believes he has control - it is not a relief it is very frightening.

Awareness is aware of what is happening - to just watch what arises as presence is harmony - but you want to control it. How is it harmonious to believe that you have to control the movie? Can you not just enjoy the play of light (Maya)?

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

It is all controlled by one. I am that one. For me to see myself as the one, and therefore have the harmonic perception, you must relinquish all individualized controls over others. Let individuals control themselves. Then, as an individual who is separated in mind, for the first time, you can see what the one is doing. The one does all. You can see what the one is doing because you trust the one to make the decisions. You trust your true self. This is the bond to it. Once you make the bond, you get to see what it sees.

Theres no effort of doing for the individual. The effort belongs to each individual. The only efforts I make is the effortts of my body. Thus, seeing is divine glory.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 09:19 PM
The 1st level is the acknowledgement of some power greater than yourself.
The 2nd level is recognition of this greater power's characteristics.
The 3rd level is paralleling your behaviors with the characteristics of the Providence.
The 4th level is the initial instance of Communion with the Presence. There is no possible return to any previous self.
The last level is the discarding of all within space-time as its having been superseded and replaced with the Presence.

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