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Just One Thing That's Wrong With Our Schools Today

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posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:22 PM
Okay, ATS. Let me vent. Again.

Today was the award ceremony for our school. This is the time we honor kids who had perfect attendance, made all As or As and Bs, and then each teacher also gives an award to the students who had the highest reading and math scores. The final awards are to the two students who’ve shown the most improvement throughout the year.

So….out of my 18 students, that’s 6 awards (not counting attendance or honor roll). Two for reading, two for math, two for most improvement. I called the parents of those receiving awards so they could be at the ceremony to see their child get their certificate.

After everything is finished, pictures taken, etc etc, we head back to the classroom to finish the day. Not five minutes later there’s a knock on the door and I open it to see a very angry parent.

She then proceeds to curse me vehemently, and when I calmed her down enough to ask why….its because her child didn’t win an award. She was mad because in kindergarten, she said every child got a certificate. Apparently the teacher made up some silly awards so that each child got one, like “The cutest smile” or “the most talkative.” So why hadn’t I given her son a certificate? Why did he not get a medal?

ATS….this is what’s wrong with our society today, IMO. When I was in school, in the 80s-early 90s, you had to EARN your grades, certificates, prizes. They weren’t handed out like candy. There were no rewards for just showing up…and you know what? When you actually got an award, it meant something. You knew it was because you worked your butt off, that you outperformed everyone else….it was special. And it made you more determined than ever to strive for that award next year.

Now we have this notion that nobody’s feelings should get hurt, and everyone should get prizes. Sorry, but that’s bullcrap. If you don’t want to put in the work, the effort, the time…then you shouldn’t get it. And who’s inspired to work hard next year if everyone gets the same certificate?

This notion of “everyone wins” doesn’t work in the real world. We are doing a real disservice to our children and our society when we delude them into thinking that last place is just as good as first. If our children grow up thinking that mediocre is just fine….how are we as a society going to compete globally? We are shortchanging our future with this nonsense. It needs to stop.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I couldn't agree with you more!

Did this parent literally cuss you out in their child's school? That alone speaks volumes.

How were able to defuse the situation and keep your cool?

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

You're absolutely right. To think that you even had to have that discussion with a parent. Simply mind-boggling. Every parent (especially of kindergartners) is SO convinced their child is somehow SO SPECIAL to the whole world. 10 to 1 says it was this parent's first and only kid...

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:45 PM
Sadly, this is the 'everybody wins a trophy' way of life.

And thank you for being a teacher. It really sounds like you are a fantastic one

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by MagesticEsoteric
reply to post by smyleegrl

I couldn't agree with you more!

Did this parent literally cuss you out in their child's school? That alone speaks volumes.

How were able to defuse the situation and keep your cool?

I shut the door so the kids couldn't hear and took her into an empty room. Then I waited until she ran out of breath and just talked calmly.

She's still mad and said she would speak to the principal about it.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:50 PM

It was the same for me as it was for you while in school. You EARNED the award, it wasn't handed to you out of fairness.

Imo this is what is wrong with many kids today. They think they are entitled to things that once you had to work for. How does just giving them an award teach them to work for something? I know when I got an award it made me feel good because I know I earned it and it wasn't given to me.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:51 PM
Welcome to the future of the United States of America. Where the dumbest goofballs and yahoos can become heroes and celebrated. While hard working people and average Joe's are frowned upon. Crazy world we live in today.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:53 PM

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:55 PM
I have school age children and the only things about awards that grind my gears is that I NEVER get enough notice before my children receive one.

4 times this school year alone this has happened to me. I get notified by the teacher with less than 24 hours before the awards ceremony is held. I would like to attend more award ceremonies where my children are honored but spot leave is frowned upon at my job. Because of this, I have only been able to attend one ceremony thoughout this school year.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Would you believe I have this same problem in the Marine Corps. People think they rate an award just for taking up space.

There is a trend where people are given some type of medal when they receive orders to a new command. I have been yelled at for not writing guys up for awards.

If you are good at your job, cool. You should be. It's expected.

But if you want a medal, you better have done something impressive.
And I'm not easily impressed.

When did everyone get this sense of entitlements?
I don't get it.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Concerning the ones who got an award; their award should have been to help mentor some of the other kids who might be lagging behind somewhat. After all, what's more rewarding than that?

I just despise the school system in general and could never be involved in it unless I was leading the education revolution.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 02:02 PM
looks like your student is in line for the 'bitchiest mom' award!

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 07:50 PM
Why was the mom even there anyway? Everytime we go up to the school for an awards ceremony, all of the kids sitting in the auditorium already know who's receiving the awards because their parents have been invited to spoil the surprise, lol. Did the mom just show up to rain on the parade? Issues ...

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 09:05 PM
Most of my school life was pretty much the same way - you had to earn anything. Back in grades 1-4, we had an awards-type thing where when we pulled all A's on our report card, we would be given a wooden "Golden Apple" as a kind of trophy - I hauled butt (both in terms of effort and creativity), just so I could get one of those.

Now then, if you were to see me in the childcare system at the same school, you would see the flip side. I had a parent that worked in the childcare over there (so that way I could still spend time with him). Well, whenever one person decided to cause a problem, everyone had to suffer the consequences - For example, two kids (one was a bully, and the other enjoyed whining) ended up getting into a huge argument - All 20 of us (even those of us that had nothing to do with this) were not allowed to get an afternoon snack, all because these two decided to settle their differences (to make matters worse, neither parent wanted to believe that their darling, little angels could have started it).

In middle school was when I first noticed the "no child left behind" mentality - I ran afoul of a couple bullies, and made the mistake of going to the counselor - The first thing he made us do was "shake on it", and have both of us apologize to the other - me, being the victim, had to apologize for doing nothing? If anything, both the bully & myself were thinking the exact same thing when we left - our apologies were worthless, and chances are he would still be a bully by the end of the day.

Highschool was the same way - We've had tests "dumbed down" because someone was struggling to stay afloat in the class (when they should have failed out), teachers would give out awards to all students (kind of made me wonder why I put in so much effort), and every now & then a person would magically pull off an "A" in a class after their parent's made an appearance. Practically the only class that didn't do this was concert band (I won all my awards in there the hard way).

I will say though, I think you handled the situation better than I would've Smyleegrl - Before taking the parent into another room, I would've told the class (loudly), that I was talking her (the parent) down to the principal's office for breaking rule #10 (No potty language in the classroom)
- be a bit humorous to see the kids' reactions.


posted on May, 23 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

It is the way the system is set up now, not just in school, but welfare too.

Everyone is expecting to get something these days. It seems the attitude is no longer "earn it"
It is now, "give it to me"

I grew up in the 80's. We had to work for our awards. If you didn't get one, you knew you were not applying yourself and you worked harder. Or you just didn't care about them. This has turned into a handout system, where everyone thinks things are to be given, instead of earned, and that is causing a lot of problems.
I think what you are seeing is what is the side effects of a system that somehow turned into an entitlement system all the way around. Now it is spreading to the schools through the parents.

It's wrong for sure.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 12:52 PM
This is probably a result of all of the parents who are under the impression that they are deserving of an award because of providing the bare minimum to their children.

Or, she's the rare parent who is stupid, actually realizes she is stupid, and feels terrified that her son too, is stupid, and is now acting out at your expense.

Smyleegirl, I bet you're one heck of a teacher. Were your kids as lucky with their parents as they are with their teacher, I bet you'd feel more encouraged by the feedback you receive at school. I hope you know deep down it's what you deserve. Cheers to a three-day weekend? Can I get a "wahoo"?

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

Wahoo! (for the 3 day weekend)

Or, she's the rare parent who is stupid, actually realizes she is stupid, and feels terrified that her son too, is stupid, and is now acting out at your expense.

Damn that cracked me up...

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

reply to post by Gazrok

TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Forget three day's summer break!

(And there was much rejoicing).

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Okay, you have to admit, that is at least one cool thing about being a teacher....(summer break)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by smyleegrl

Okay, you have to admit, that is at least one cool thing about being a teacher....(summer break)

Yeah, it's nice. Just remember though, I don't get paid during the summer. So it's not like a paid vacation. Plus a lot of that time will be spent in workshops and the like.

Still, it's one of the few perks about teaching!

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