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"Men Are The Best" - Reviewed

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posted on May, 16 2013 @ 08:39 AM
It seems that good men these days are being emasculated from many angles, and little is being done to bring to light the qualities of good men and their contribution to society, but when a disturbed man does something heinous news sources sometimes go way to far.

I read through "The Onion" often and find many articles of interest, fun, and humor, but this morning I found a disturbing article unlike what they typically release and a paradigm of epic proportion, in misandrist and making fun of 3 women's nightmare.

An article that is not only filled with misandrist rubbish, but associates men with a current sociopath that held women captive for 10 years. The article goes on to claim that it was written by the captives themselves, now if this article was an attempt at humor, I find noting funny about it, not one bit.

The intro to the article I actually had to read 3 times because I couldn't believe what I was reading.

As a group of relatively young women, we don’t pretend to know everything. After all, there’s a lot in life we have yet to learn and see. But based on our experiences over the last 10 years—being kidnapped and locked up against our will by a group of three men who didn’t think twice before physically and emotionally destroying us—the one thing we do know, in fact the only thing we can say with absolute, 100 percent certainty, is that men really are the best.

Another attempt at trying to mix humor with pure misandrist hate.

Another thing that makes men the very pinnacle of life in this universe? The way they can just, in an instant, tear you away from your family, friends, and all semblance of a normal and happy life, purely to satisfy their own most sickening whims and desires. And beyond that, how they are able to strip you of not only everything you’ve ever held dear, but also of every last shred of dignity and humanity you have. I mean, name us a woman who could do that! Puh-leeze! We’d like to see one try.

Their conclusion was by far the most disturbing to me.

And, look, we’re not saying men don’t have their flaws. Oh, sure, once in a while they’ll get you pregnant and then lock you in a darkened room for 10 or so years while they viciously beat you until you lose the baby and almost die, but hey, we all have our own little quirks, right? And besides, how could you stay mad at men when they’re almost always such wonderful and upstanding individuals? It’s practically impossible! Bottom line: Men offer the very best of humanity. There’s no question about that. Honestly, we can’t even imagine our lives without them

I am not sure what the author or "The Onion" was trying to accomplish with this article, but the hate association factor alone in the article is disturbing. I have seen a growing tread of hate towards men these days and it seems to canvas all men and put them in one category.

People seem to buy into propaganda these days so easily, so why not stir the pot on all fronts?

Keep the masses divided and rubbing salt into wounds by association and people's past experiences, that will make for a constructive and harmonious society.

In conclusion, association articles like these once rare seem to be popping up more and more these days, the fact is the brainwashing, and twisted humor has gotten so bad that they think it's normal.

Let the Real Truth be known, it's not.

Peace Out,

edit on 16-5-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 08:48 AM
I've seen a lot of stupid attempts at humor, but that is really in very bad taste.
I'm embarrassed for the author and can see a big uproar coming if that goes main stream.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 08:49 AM
If you've been reading the Onion you must now by now that it is a joke publication (though sometimes they miss the mark).

men ARE the being men. and women at being women. how about that.....

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 08:51 AM
Well, uhm, they were held captive by psychotic men in a basement and used as sex slaves for 10 years? That might just sow the seeds of hatred there.
However, what I find peculiar is that these 3 girls are writing for the Onion? Some sort of tongue-in-cheek take on suffering only known by the unluckiest of war prisoners? The whole thing leaves me with a strange feeling.
Off to do some digging.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 08:52 AM
Amanda Berry, Georgina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight

The voices of the Cleveland kidnapping survivors have finally been heard, as they reached out on Mother's Day through a spokesman for all three to recognize the efforts of law enforcement and the support of loved ones.

Amanda Berry said in a statement, "Thank you so much for everything you're doing and continue to do. I am so happy to be home with my family."

While Gina DeJesus said, "I'm so happy to be home. I want to thank everyone for all your prayers. I just want time now to be with my family."

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by IandEye
If you've been reading the Onion you must now by now that it is a joke publication (though sometimes they miss the mark).

men ARE the being men. and women at being women. how about that.....

Of course it's a joke, but my point is not a joke, but the content of these types of jokes.

Missing the mark is one thing, but this type of hidden associative hate is becoming more and more prevalent.

Tell a joke and when no one is laughing just say....."Gosh everyone it was just a joke" It's amazing the hidden agendas people can get away with when they use sarcasm and humor to hide hate.

That is my point with posting the OP

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 08:56 AM
The Onion should not be taken seriously in any form or fashion. It's pure satire. Some of if funny as hell while other pieces miss the mark by a mile or two. In this case, it misses the mark and was written in incredibly poor taste considering what these women suffered.

That said, allow me to finish your statement.

Men are the best at squishing spiders, in which case they can be considered heros.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by maria_stardust
The Onion should not be taken seriously in any form or fashion. It's pure satire. Some of if funny as hell while other pieces miss the mark by a mile or two. In this case, it misses the mark and was written in incredibly poor taste considering what these women suffered.

That said, allow me to finish your statement.

Men are the best at squishing spiders, in which case they can be considered heros.

Maria I agree, but this one was way way off the mark.

It not only takes away from what 3 women suffered for 10 years, but it's attempt to emasculate men all with one shot.

basically an epic fail on all levels

It bothers me "The Onion": didn't review this article before the release.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:07 AM
Doesn't it strike anyone as ludicrous that this 'joke' article was written purportedly by the kidnapped girls?
edit on 16-5-2013 by purplemonkeydishwasher because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by purplemonkeydishwasher

That is the outrage for me, it really wasn't, but it's being made to look that way.
Not funny.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

What i find ignorant is that, saying such things to men is "OK'd" by the society but if you say something vulgar like that toward women, its an offense. Heck comedians won't even joke about that.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:11 AM
It's the Onion and it shouldn't be taken seriously. If you've read it, you've most likely seen them express misogyny, too. Women have been stereotyped, hated and robbed of their power for centuries. It sucks either way.

I'm sure it's very hard for some not to stereotype men after an incident like this. As a victim of male power crimes, it took a LONG time for me (years) to even trust men I knew, much less have a good feeling about men in general. And this behavior toward women was 1000 times worse that what I experienced... It's a statement. A controversial and thought-provoking statement of hatred toward men, stereotyped.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by purplemonkeydishwasher

It was NOT written by the women. It was written by someone at the Onion.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by chiefsmom
reply to post by purplemonkeydishwasher

That is the outrage for me, it really wasn't, but it's being made to look that way.
Not funny.

It brings certain legal ramifications into consideration, does it not? A press company like the Onion would have had to give a go ahead for the article and names to be used. Which further compounds the problem - so soon after the story breaks, this article hits the tubes? Too strange.
Something doesn't quite sit.

A name like DeJesus and a Christmas Day "miracle" birth mentioned in the same breath/paragraph sets off critical thought alarms.

like I said, I'm going digging.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:11 AM
"Men" are the last remaining group advertisers can pick on with any impunity these days. Mostly, because we simply shrug it off. Other previous targets (like dumb blondes, the obese, etc.) are more taboo now, and you're seeing less and less of it, but there seems to be no blowback as of yet, for making fun of dumb dads, etc.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 10:54 AM

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

The fact that it's in really bad taste is one thing, but for the Onion to be unable to recognize this fact is astounding. Yet why would they publish it? It's far from tongue-in-cheek. A line has not only been crossed, but the article has clearly been planted in the realm of S*** disturbing and inciting to hatred.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by aboutface
reply to post by Realtruth

The fact that it's in really bad taste is one thing, but for the Onion to be unable to recognize this fact is astounding. Yet why would they publish it? It's far from tongue-in-cheek. A line has not only been crossed, but the article has clearly been planted in the realm of S*** disturbing and inciting to hatred.

What amazed me about the article it crossed lines on both sides. Whoever wrote the article is highly disturbed and the editor and "The Onion" itself is in the same category as far as I'm concerned now.

Garok I have to agree with you that "Dumb Dad's" seem to be the last left to pick on.

I am grateful for everyone's comments and incite on this, because at first I thought well I'll just let it go, but then I thought "Hell no!" Time to see what my friends on ATS think about this.



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