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The American Attitude.....

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 12:39 PM
This is not so much a rant than what I have read and seen since the election. I believe all politics aside, Americans in a whole will always unite in a time of need. We all have an outstanding amount of giving that most of the world does not see as well as our right to defend. We are a mixture of races, religions, sexual genders that all have one unique trait. We will always stand up, work together and fight for this country we love.
9/11 proved something, the rest of the world was not prepared for. We all united to help and support one another when times were bad. Most were hoping that this would divide us Religiously, ethnically but it did not. The world saw a country of 1 "that is of one people" which made them hate us even more. Now the world see's us as a nation standing alone, attempting to solve the worlds issues without any support. Is this true or do they not understand thier people have spoken and have taken action while finding refuge within the United States, they have come here to be free and become citizens, with this in mind, remeber we are not alone, the world has spoken by the many of thousands who find safety and serenity within our country. We will never be alone as long as we keep faith in the "American attitude.......

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 12:54 PM
America's allies have drasticly changed in a matter of 4 years since GWB took office.

Here's some simple proof,

Yesterday George W. Bush took congratulatory calls on the re-election from world leaders such as Russia, Poland, Iraq, Afghanistan (US hand puppets), Israel and Italy..

We should be taking calls from strong UN countries such as Germany, Spain, Canada, Sweden, Portugal and perhaps France should leave a message

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:04 PM

The world saw a country of 1 "that is of one people" which made them hate us even more.

This attitude is why a relatively small amount of westeners around the world hate America, not because you all banded together and so on, its because you think that they hate you because you all banded together and so on, if you get my drift....its called "ignorance".....being so simplistic that anyone attacking you looks like he's just insulting you needlessly.

And believe me, the last thing you guys need now is republicans telling democracts to be more like them in-order to win elections.

You live in a democracy, a deliberately competitive form of government with two side's. Having one nation all dancing to the same tune falls short of being a healthy democratic system, listen to each other for christ's sake.

[edit on 5-11-2004 by electric squid carpet]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:10 PM
I realise by a number of your posts... you have a real "hard on" for President Bush.... But get over it already..... my thread is about us "Americans"!!! Who we are as a people, what we always will do in time of need, to show that we are still and always will be "one people", who will always unite and stand side by side regardless of politics and who is in goverment.

learn to read and stop posting on threads were your comments are not of any value none the less just to show hatred for the current administartion.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:30 PM
Standing together as 1 nation/1 people is all well and good. It rather ignores the facts that got you into deep doo-doo though as you are all so puffed up and screaming for revenge.
Maybe if your leaders stopped screwing around with other countries you wouldn't have to all stand together to face adversity.

As for the "poor us" attitude and thinking everybody hates you, get over it, life is just a bitch sometimes. We may not hate you but we sure do laugh at you. Accept criticism of your leaders without taking it personally, listen to other opinions and points of view instead of claiming the righteous ground all the time. Try to be part of the global community instead of trying to run it.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:43 PM
Just a short story for you guys.

I was eating in a diner with my friend from Spain. He invited one his friends from England to eat with us. We get our meals, find a table and begin to eat. I picked up my plastic fork and was about to shove a forkfull of peas into my mouth when the guy said 'Why are you using a plastic fork? You should use a metal one.' Of course i'm thinking to myself, who is this guy so I responded back with 'Why?'. Then he goes on to tell me how plastic forks hurt the environment and that if I want to help the enviornment, I should use a metal fork because they are re-usable and cause less waste. I look at him, look at my fork, look at him again and said 'It's a fork, there are hundreds of plasticforks in the silverware area. I chose a plastic fork, because that's what I'm used to. One fork is not going to hurt the enviornment. It can be recycled anyways.' The he tells me that if there is no demand for plastic forks, then they won't be made. Wtf. The last thing I said to the guy was 'Look, the fork is already made, it's there in a huge box for people to pick from. There is no demand. It's an option. A plastic fork isnt going to save the enviornment. People are being beheaded, women raped, soldiers being killed, and you want to save the enviornment by banning plastic forks?'

Then he said to me 'That's a very American Attitude'

Can someone please explain to me where this guy even gets off telling me that?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:43 PM
Ok I am about to exercize my free speech to all. I have been trying and trying to prove to myself that the Country I live in is a wonderful place were most come to live to enjoy a diffrent way of living.

But In all honesty what I really feel is:

If you dont like my colors get the Flock out!
If you cant speak my Language get the Flock out!
If you dont like the way we live, Dont Flocking come here!
And if you want to fight, Bring it... because as long as were breathing you will never win.

I try and try each day to be a better person, American etc.. but then when I read posts like above.. Stop crying before we own you too.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:50 PM

Can someone please explain to me where this guy even gets off telling me that?

hah, he sounds like a Spanish species of Republican, only with backward views on environmental issues

[edit on 5-11-2004 by electric squid carpet]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by electric squid carpet

Can someone please explain to me where this guy even gets off telling me that?

hah, he sounds like a Spanish species of Republican, only with backward views on environmental issues

[edit on 5-11-2004 by electric squid carpet]

The guy that preached to me about the fork was English.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:56 PM
Then swap "Spanish" with "English" when reading my post, there are ignorant people all over the world, they like to single out people (or countries) and take out all their anger on them as much as Americans do on other countries and so on, its a part of life

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:59 PM
Ok it's offical, the euro-trash hates Americans. Ok, we hate you back, please send us your coordinates so we can respond with the correct cruise missle. Please state your preference......Nuke or Conventional.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Justmytype
This is not so much a rant than what I have read and seen since the election. I believe all politics aside, Americans in a whole will always unite in a time of need.
We are a mixture of races, religions, sexual genders that all have one unique trait. We will always stand up, work together and fight for this country we love.

This is actually true of ANY country. In any crisis, the people of that culture will tend to pull together unless the country has been deeply divided along ethnic or religious lines... and even then you'll see some crossing of the lines. People WILL stand up for the country they love and have done so from the earliest recorded time.

But this does NOT mean they will "pull together" and follow an ethic or a philosophy or a way of life that America has decided is "right."

Now the world see's us as a nation standing alone, attempting to solve the worlds issues without any support.

Allow me to present some historical persepctive that you might not have thought of:

Powerful countries have always been tempted or drawn into imperialism -- grabbing land and overthrowing rulers to put people friendly to their cause in power. Rome did this, Egypt did this... the list of countries doing this is endless. Beginning in the late 1600's, the Europeans (English, Spanish, French) began aggressively "colonizing" other areas of the world, trying to "civilize little brown brother" by forcing their religion, mores, laws, and culture on them. America joined the pack as well.

The rest of the world despises colonialism, which sets up a "ruling class" of elite foreigners in a country. What the US is doing looks very much like colonialism to the rest of the world -- inventing an excuse to attack a country (there were no WMDs and Al Qaida never was in Iraq) and conquering it, causing thousands of deaths and disrupting the economy and the way of life -- and bringing in a new religious and social culture that the people may not want.

Iraq has become so unsafe that Doctors Without Borders can't operate there (although they could during the Saddam years.)

The rest of the world protested the US going in. A good proportion of the US protested our going in (I was one of them)... there were huge marches in cities around the world and here at home, demonstrating against Bush's move -- because it was evident to almost everyone that what would result would not be good.

And Bush went in anyway.

THIS is the "American Attitude" that is so despised -- the "cowboy" (and I hate to say that because I'm a Texan) mentality that says "I have a six gun and I'm the law around here."

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:10 PM

Location:: Texas, is that on Earth?

Texas is one of those states we could very well do without, IMO. I've never met a Texan I liked. They all have attitudes like this cowboy wanna be.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:14 PM
I respect your stance on this issue as I do others. I guess my thread did not take the path I was hoping it would. I truely was feeling that our attitude as "Americans" with no politics aside is a very unique one. Its the attitude of respecting each others thoughts and concerns when bad arises. Standing side by side when something terrible happens on our soil. I in no manner meant for this thread to go in the direction it has, I truely was representing a fact to the rest of the world. That if, we had to protect ourselves alone minus any form of goverment, I do believe that all "Americans would unite to protect our sacred ground regardless of race, religion, sexual prefrence etc.. and that attitude is what makes us diffrent from the rest of the world.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by syntaxer
America's allies have drasticly changed in a matter of 4 years since GWB took office.

Here's some simple proof,

Yesterday George W. Bush took congratulatory calls on the re-election from world leaders such as Russia, Poland, Iraq, Afghanistan (US hand puppets), Israel and Italy..

We should be taking calls from strong UN countries such as Germany, Spain, Canada, Sweden, Portugal and perhaps France should leave a message

Are you calling Russia a US hand puppet? Russia could still kick those other countries A$$ combined. If push came to shove I would rather have Russia having my back then all of those countries.

I think people forget Russia could still wipe this planet clean of life in under a hour if they wanted.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:21 PM
Can someone please attempt to answer my question? This has been puzzling me for days now.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Are you calling Russia a US hand puppet? Russia could still kick those other countries A$$ combined. If push came to shove I would rather have Russia having my back then all of those countries.

I think people forget Russia could still wipe this planet clean of life in under a hour if they wanted.

Russia the hand puppet of America? no way!

I ment the US appointed Iraqi intern government & Afganistan

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:37 PM
I wrote a pretty long post about the 'Amerian Attitude'. Maybe you could find it useful.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:39 PM
Oh I was going to say Russia would never let themselves become a puppet of anyone let alone the US. I think they would let the nukes fly before that.

Iraq and Afganistan I cant really agrue there.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:40 PM

Thats an easy question to answer.

Its because most people see americans as: Greedy, self serving, arrogant people who give a rats azz about anything other than them personally..

But remember thats just an answer to your question and Yes, being an American I can attest to having all these wonderful attributes.. but I also do care...... seriously

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