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Oholah and Oholibah and why Protestantism is more reprehensible than Catholicism

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posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:18 AM
Very often in the Bible prophecies can have a dual or even triple fulfillment.

Take for example Jesus’ prophecy of Matthew 24. It obviously had fulfillment in the first century between the time he died and then the encampment of Rome’s army around Jerusalem in 66 C. E., and then the return of Titus’ armies in 70 C. E. and the destruction of the Jewish system of things including its temple which has never been rebuilt.

All of this foreshadows the coming great tribulation in our time. But this post is not to talk about that prophecy, rather to give an understanding about how prophecies can have more than one fulfillment in the Bible.

This post will deal with two women in prophecy, who they represent today, and how they help us to determine, along with a few other prophecies who really has God’s approval on earth today.

First of all who are the two sister’s Oholah and Oholibah? Well let the scripture tell us:

(Ezekiel 23:2-4) . . .“Son of man, two women, the daughters of one mother, there happened to be. 3 And they began to prostitute themselves in Egypt. In their youth they committed prostitution. There their breasts were squeezed, and there they pressed the bosoms of their virginity. 4 And their names were O•ho′lah the older one and O•hol′i•bah her sister, and they came to be mine and began to give birth to sons and daughters. . . .

So these women came from one mother. They were prostitutes, and they prostituted themselves with the political government of Egypt. So we know these are not literal women, rather they are symbolic of governments as well. Actually we are told who these symbolic women represent in the very following verse:

(Ezekiel 23:4) . . .And as for their names, O•ho′lah is Sa•mar′i•a, and O•hol′i•bah is Jerusalem.

So Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem. Oholah is the older woman, she was born first, and afterward Jerusalem.

In the Bible when Jehovah’s people made political alliances with the people of the nation’s he considered it spiritual prostitution. Thus when Samaria (referring to the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel) and then afterward Jerusalem (referring to the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah and Benjamin) stopped putting their trust in Jehovah God put went to making political alliances with the political powers Jehovah considered them as prostituting themselves to these nations.

Jehovah likened the relationship of the nation of Israel to himself as that of a woman to a husband. That is, they were to be strictly mutual in their loyalty to each other. The fact that the ten-tribe nation of Israel (of which Samaria was a part of) rejected Jehovah and found pleasure in finding alliances with political nations Jehovah said the following of her conduct:

(Ezekiel 23:5, 6) . . .“And O•ho′lah began to prostitute herself, while subject to me, and kept lusting after those passionately loving her, after the As•syr′i•ans, who were near, 6 governors clothed with blue material, and deputy rulers—desirable young men all of them, cavalrymen riding horses.

Jehovah declared that because of her political prostitution Oholah was to be destroyed by the very ones whom she was prostituting herself to:

(Ezekiel 23:8-10) . . .that pressed the bosoms of her virginity and they kept pouring out their immoral intercourse upon her. 9 Therefore I gave her into the hand of those passionately loving her, into the hand of the sons of As•syr′i•a, toward whom she had lusted. 10 They were the ones that uncovered her nakedness. Her sons and her daughters they took, and her they killed even with sword. And she came to be infamy to women, and acts of judgment were what they executed upon her.

Did Oholibah learn the lesson from her older sister? No she did not! In fact Jehovah tells us that the younger sister after watching what happened to her older sister, acted more ruinously than Oholah:

(Ezekiel 23:11, 12) . . .“When her sister O•hol′i•bah got to see [it], then she exercised her sensual desire more ruinously than she, and her prostitution more than the fornication of her sister. 12 For the sons of As•syr′i•a she lusted, governors and deputy rulers who were near, clothed with perfect taste, cavalrymen riding horses—desirable young men all of them.

Just as Jehovah allowed Oholah’s political “lovers” to destitute her and destroy her, so he was going to allow the political “lovers” of her younger sister “Oholibah” to strip her made her naked and destroy her:

(Ezekiel 23:28, 29) 28 “For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, ‘Here I am giving you into the hand of those whom you have hated, into the hand of those from whom your soul has turned away disgusted. 29 And they must take action against you in hatred and take away all your product of toil and leave you naked and nude; and the nudeness of your acts of fornication and your loose conduct and your acts of prostitution must be uncovered.

Both of these prophecies were fulfilled. Firstly, Ayssira attacked the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel in 640 B. C. E. and took all her people into slavery. Afterwards, in 607 B. C. E. Babylon turned upon the two-tribe kingdom of Judah and destroyed the temple there and took her people into captivity.

But the younger sister was more reprehensible than the older one. She should have known better.

Who do these two sisters represent today? And how does this prophecy have bearing on our immediate future?

Firstly Jesus formed the Christian congregation in the first century C. E. with the outpouring of Holy Spirit upon 120 disciples of his in an upper room at Pentecost of 33 C. e.

Actually the word Pentecost comes from the word meaning 50. And this was a celebration that occurred exactly 50 days after the Jewish Passover which fell on Nisan 14, which celebrated their release from bondage to the Egyptians on that moon-lit night. (The Jewish calendar was a lunar one, Nisan being the first month on that calendar. The first of the month was a new moon, and usually the 14th was a full moon. It was a full moon on the Passover night in 1513 B. C. E. and again when Jesus was put to death on Nisan 14, 33 C. E.)

Pentecost then was actually a foreshadowing of Jesus’ anointing of the Christian congregation after his return as a spirit person to Jehovah to present his human life as a sacrifice in behalf of humankind’s sins.

Yet as soon as Jesus formed the Christian congregation his enemy Satan the Devil was at work trying to break it up. Yet while the apostles were alive, who were able to prophecy and perform miracles they prevented the apostasy. But it was foretold.


posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:18 AM
To understand how this apostasy would unfold Jesus gave an illustration of wheat and weeds:

(Matthew 13:24-30) . . .: “The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man that sowed fine seed in his field. 25 While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat, and left. 26 When the blade sprouted and produced fruit, then the weeds appeared also. 27 So the slaves of the householder came up and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow fine seed in your field? How, then, does it come to have weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy, a man, did this.’ They said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go out and collect them?’ 29 He said, ‘No; that by no chance, while collecting the weeds, YOU uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the harvest season I will tell the reapers, First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up, then go to gathering the wheat into my storehouse.’”

Jesus was the sower of the fine seed in the field of the world when he came to earth and preached about God’s kingdom.

The men that “were sleeping” were his apostles, after the last of them died off, an enemy came to sow weeds in among the wheat. The enemy was Satan the Devil. Paul even stated that while that apostacy was starting to form within the congregation it could not come unless first all the apostles died off:

(2 Thessalonians 2:6, 7) . . .And so now YOU know the thing that acts as a restraint, with a view to his being revealed in his own due time. 7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint gets to be out of the way.

So it was that after the death of the last apostle (as the men were sleeping) Satan began to corrupt the Christian congregation, and men who were not Christian began to enter into it and change its teachings and the way Christianity was practiced. By the third century when the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Empire it has been totally corrupted from the inside out. Thus an apostate form of Christianity reigned.

The formation of that new state religion from the apostatized form of Christianity began with the Catholic Church. She is the older sister in the prophecy and is represented by Oholah. She was the older sister. And from the very start like her typical representation* in the prophecy she was a prostitute. She was not like the original Christian congregation that remained “no part of the world.” Rather she took a part in the political systems of things of the earth who are in Satan’s control. Thus she became a key part of Satan’s system of things. Yet she falsely claimed to represent the God of the Bible, Jehovah God.

Who then does the younger sister, Oholibah represent?

She came into existence when the reformation happened during the sixteenth century. Many within the Church, especially certain members of her clergy saw the hypocrisy and the wrongness in her and thus they wanted to make a reform back to what the Bible taught. Initiated by Martin Luther and John Calvin.

They could have brought the congregation back to her rightful state, for that is what they proclaimed they wanted to do. But they failed to do so. Instead of reforming the Church, they split from her but kept many of the same pagan doctrines that corrupted her to begin with such as the pagan Trinity, and the Hellfire doctrine among other things.

This younger sister, Protestantism, or Oholibah, looked to her older sister’s prostitution with the political rulers and did even more shamelessly, getting in bed with political rulers, and even wars broke out between the two factions of apostate Christianity.

Oholah, the Catholic Church, and Oholibah, the Protestant Churches were both prostitutes in Jehovah’s eyes.

Would there not be a returning to true Christianity?

Go back to the parable of the wheat and the weeds. Jesus already foretold the falling away and the great apostasy. He also foretold when the wheat would be separated from the weeds of false Christianity:

(Matthew 13:40, 41) . . .Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. 41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness,

During the conclusion of the system of things when the harvest became ripe then there would be a gathering of Jehovah’s people out of all the nation’s and a restoration of pure worship.

The work began back in the 1870’s when a Christian man by the name of Charles Taze Russell became disillusioned with Christendom. His Bible study clearly showed him that their teachings were false. Yet he knew the Bible was true, so he along with other earnest sincere Bible students began to comb through the scriptures and to expose the false teachings of Christendom.

edit on 5-5-2013 by SubAce because: fix anti-type to type

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:19 AM
These Christians came out of mostly Protestant Christianity. They did not want to form their own group because they knew there were already too many so-called Christian sects. Instead Charles Russell went to the religious leaders in Christendom assuming they would listen to the scriptures. He went from Church to Church teaching from the Bible the clergy of Christendom that what they were teaching was wrong. They laughed at him and scorned him.

Realizing that the clergy would not listen to him. (A clergy itself was wrong according to the Bible, there were to be no class distinctions in the congregation) Charles Russell realized he would have to preach to the people himself.

He started his own magazine to spread Bible truths to as many as he could. Little did he realize that the work he was doing was a preparing of the people's* hearts for the return of Jesus Christ.

Slowly they began to realize that many of the teachings of Christendom were really pagan in origin and began to do away with them. They realized that the last days were upon us and a great world-wide preaching campaign needed to happen because the Bible foretold it:

(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

By the end of World War I all the sects in Christendom had condoned the war and actively participated in it, slaughtering each other in God’s name by the millions. Because of their acts of hypocrisy many people became disillusioned with religion and turned their backs on God and religion. Atheism became rife, after that war as a result and up to our day.

Nevertheless, Jehovah’s Witnesses did not participate in that war. And they were actively preaching about Jesus invisible return in heaven and the need to separate ourselves from Satan’s world.

The time for the restoration of true worship had finally arrived! A world-wide Christian brotherhood developed with teachings based solely on the Bible, as Jehovah cleansed his people and gathered the wheat, true Christians from out of the world.

His people were refined and restored to pure worship gradually over a period of several decades until finally they were clean enough to bear God’s name, and he bestowed it upon them in 1931! Thus since that year the people whom Jehovah used to restore pure worship have been known by his name: Jehovah's Witnesses, just as the Bible rightly foretold would happen:

(Acts 15:14) . . .God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.

Since that time the world-wide preaching work has been accomplished and millions upon millions of people have come out of the world and into Jehovah’s restored congregation of true Christianity.

What of Oholah and Oholabah?

Just as back in the initial fulfillment they were destroyed, so too, today the Catholic Church, and the Churches of Protestantism will soon meet destruction at the very hands of the political rulers with him she commits spiritual fornication:

In the Bible books of Revealtion 17 and 18 the religious harlot is called Babylon the great and we are told she commits fornication with the kings of the earth. Yet soon the world’s rulers will turn upon her, just as they did back then to Oholah and her younger sister Oholibah and completely strip her naked, expose her, and then destroy her and burn up what is left of her:

(Revelation 17:16, 17) . . .And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.

Protestantism is more reprehensible than her older sister Catholicism because she had a chance to reform the Christian congregation, to return and restore pure worship. But she preferred the glory of man rather than that of God. She did not restore pure worship. Her end is thus fittingly and justly foreshadowed in the destruction of her typical representation apostate Jerusalem of old.

edit on 5-5-2013 by SubAce because: error where I wrote Bible's in stead of people's probably out of tiredness

edit on 5-5-2013 by SubAce because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-5-2013 by SubAce because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:40 AM
the teaching that the belief in the existence of many gods, is a bad thing, is a catholic stance on scripture. there are many examples of references to other gods, a divine council, and variants on that theme. principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness. the line you've taken is similar to the same one the rcc took : hard line, no holds barred, everybody sucks but us. that does not ring true to me. it's not even scriptural, for that matter.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by undo
the teaching that the belief in the existence of many gods, is a bad thing, is a catholic stance on scripture. there are many examples of references to other gods, a divine council, and variants on that theme. principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness. the line you've taken is similar to the same one the rcc took : hard line, no holds barred, everybody sucks but us. that does not ring true to me. it's not even scriptural, for that matter.

My opinion matters little. Anyone who wishes not to believe in the inspired scriptures have a right to do so and that right must be respected. But as for those who put weight in the contents therein should take note of what the scripture say. For example:

(Ephesians 4:4) One body there is, and one spirit, even as YOU were called in the one hope to which YOU were called;

There is only one true faith. Not two, or twenty, or two hundred.

Now is this post in relation to the title alone, or are you referring to the thread? Have you read it?

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:52 AM
you misread my statement, which is related to the fact, you're running a rcc meme and don't even know it.
i didn't say the worship, i said the existence. i didn't say they were more important, i said they exist. i'm not an idiot.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:58 AM
examples of old rcc memes in existence today:

the world is only 6000 years old.
adam was one guy.
eve was the first female.
there was no female adam.
eve was made from the first man, adam.
the noah story is about one flood, that happened at one point, and all the animals on the planet were there in pairs.
god is only one god. ain't no other gods.
god went to abe's tent on his way to sodom and gomorrah.

etc. whole sections of scripture just tossed out and ignored.
doesn't mean you won't go to heaven, just means you're running a catholic meme.
not my fault. lol

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by undo
you misread my statement, which is related to the fact, you're running a rcc meme and don't even know it.
i didn't say the worship, i said the existence. i didn't say they were more important, i said they exist. i'm not an idiot.

Perhaps a quote from the OP will clear things up:

In the Bible when Jehovah’s people made political alliances with the people of the nation’s he considered it spiritual prostitution. Thus when Samaria (referring to the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel) and then afterward Jerusalem (referring to the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah and Benjamin) stopped putting their trust in Jehovah God put went to making political alliances with the political powers Jehovah considered them as prostituting themselves to these nations.

Jehovah likened the relationship of the nation of Israel to himself as that of a woman to a husband. That is, they were to be strictly mutual in their loyalty to each other. The fact that the ten-tribe nation of Israel (of which Samaria was a part of) rejected Jehovah and found pleasure in finding alliances with political nations Jehovah said the following of her conduct:

(Ezekiel 23:5, 6) . . .“And O•ho′lah began to prostitute herself, while subject to me, and kept lusting after those passionately loving her, after the As•syr′i•ans, who were near, 6 governors clothed with blue material, and deputy rulers—desirable young men all of them, cavalrymen riding horses.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by undo
examples of old rcc memes in existence today:

the world is only 6000 years old.
adam was one guy.
eve was the first female.
there was no female adam.
eve was made from the first man, adam.
the noah story is about one flood, that happened at one point, and all the animals on the planet were there in pairs.
god is only one god. ain't no other gods.
god went to abe's tent on his way to sodom and gomorrah.

etc. whole sections of scripture just tossed out and ignored.
doesn't mean you won't go to heaven, just means you're running a catholic meme.
not my fault. lol

Perhaps another quote from the OP will clear this up as well:

(Matthew 13:38-41) . . .the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, 39 and the enemy that sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels. 40 Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. 41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness,

Actually a quote of a scripture in the OP that explains Jesus foretelling of the falling away and how it happened.

As you can see this is quite Biblical and foretold by Jesus.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:11 AM
how does that answer the post you responded to, in either case?
just accusing people of being burned in fire, isn't going to cut it.
if you're gonna study to find yourself worthy, you have to actually
show that you've done so. otherwise, you just sound like anybody else
who prefers to ignore passages cause they might make sense at some

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:28 AM
Not all Catholics are that bad as are not all Protestants but your point is a very timely warning to the church. It will fall on deaf ears sadly as most Christians dont acknowledge their sin until we end up in Babylon.

Good work

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by borntowatch
Not all Catholics are that bad as are not all Protestants but your point is a very timely warning to the church. It will fall on deaf ears sadly as most Christians dont acknowledge their sin until we end up in Babylon.

Good work

what sin is that? i'm curious how you know that most christians have unforgiven sins.
let's back up a bit: what is sin?

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by borntowatch
Not all Catholics are that bad as are not all Protestants but your point is a very timely warning to the church. It will fall on deaf ears sadly as most Christians dont acknowledge their sin until we end up in Babylon.

Good work

what sin is that? i'm curious how you know that most christians have unforgiven sins.
let's back up a bit: what is sin?

An immoral act considered to be against divine law.

That is assuming you believe in a divine law and if you don't then you cannot be capable of sin.

Better not to start with religion in the first place and you will not be guilty of anything other than the rules of society.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:42 AM
I have little problem with what you say about/against the Catholics and the Protestants. Remember, however, that apostolic Christianity can still be found in the world. The Witnesses may have started off well, but I have this against them, that they did violence to the Word of God with their "New World" translation. I have read some of it, and I reject out of hand such doctrine-driven translations. Doctrine should derive from the Book, not the other way around. Don't "Taze" me, 'bro!

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:47 AM
here's a little bible assignment.
do a search for the first and second time the word "man" is mentioned in the bible (genesis 1:26 and 1:27).
then, tell me why it says adam was male and female. (note the original word there is adam not man. naughty translators, naughty. (i don't mean he was a hermaphrodite)
this is relevant to the topic, believe me.
also, if adam was male and female, that means more than one adam (adam is a plural word) and adam was made in the image of elohim so that means the female adam was made in the image of elohim too, and elohim is a plural word.
what the heck is eve? where's the sin? locate it. why's adam the man's nakedness a
point of interest to eve all of the sudden. he wasn't naked before? of course he was, but she didn't notice??? why not? what would cause a healthy female to not notice a man's naked body? why's eve suddenly have pain in childbirth ? does that mean she didn't have pain in childbirth before that? it's a logic puzzle. learn it for cripes sake, it's like in the first flippin chapter of the book.
how were females and males brought into the world before that?

don't quote other people's teachings. go into the book and read it for yourself. what do the words mean? use a concordance not a study guide that tells you how to think and act.

edit on 5-5-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:50 AM
Genesis is a complete rip off of Sumerian text.

The whole book is a complete fallicy.

Do a side by side comparison of the two and you will see its a bit more than coincidence.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
Genesis is a complete rip off of Sumerian text.

The whole book is a complete fallicy.

Do a side by side comparison of the two and you will see its a bit more than coincidence.

i don't think it's a rip off. i think it's a fascinating combination of the story of creation, as recounted by a pharaoh's adopted son (moses), from an egyptian and mesopotamian backdrop. some of noahs descendants repopulated egypt folowing the black sea flood and would've had the same history as the sumerians. it just has its own cultural twists. for example, adam is atum. the adam people were named after their creators. atum is the egyptian god of creation. people get hung up on national boundaries. there are no national boundaries in moses' story, between egypt and mesopotamia.

edit on 5-5-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by Hopechest
Genesis is a complete rip off of Sumerian text.

The whole book is a complete fallicy.

Do a side by side comparison of the two and you will see its a bit more than coincidence.

i don't think it's a rip off. i think it's a fascinating combination of the story of creation, as recounted by a pharaoh's adopted son (moses), from an egyptian and mesopotamian backdrop. some of noahs descendants repopulated egypt folowing the black sea flood and would've had the same history as the sumerians. it just has its own cultural twists. for example, adam is atum. the adam people were named after their creators. atum is the egyptian god of creation. people get hung up on national boundaries. there are no national boundaries in moses' story, between egypt and mesopotamia.

edit on 5-5-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

Well its obvious the story was handed down since its just too similar.

However, that means that it was not inspired by God to those who wrote it which invalidates the whole Bible.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 07:06 AM
sigh, this is the problem i have with that argument:

1. there were semites (shem-ites, descendants of shem) in mesopotamia following the black sea flood. this means, they lived thru the same events as those mentioned in the text. there's evidence that people of similar genetics to modern day jews and arabs, were in that area during ubaid, which is the timeframe directly preceeding sumer.

2. if semites were there, it's not a rip off. it's just told from the position of say, the human slaves of the timeframe. ever read the akkadian text ENMERKAR AND THE LORD OF ARRATA? (hint: enmerkar is nimrod and also, egyptian narmer). you should, if you haven't, cause it's all kinds of fascinating.

3. as regards god. ever consider that god is a pharaonic title in the example?

edit on 5-5-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by undo
sigh, this is the problem i have with that argument:

1. there were semites (shem-ites, descendants of shem) in mesopotamia following the black sea flood. this means, they lived thru the same events as those mentioned in the text. there's evidence that people of similar genetics to modern day jews and arabs, were in that area during ubaid, which is the timeframe directly preceeding sumer.

2. if semites were there, it's not a rip off. it's just told from the position of say, the human slaves of the timeframe. ever read the akkadian text ENMERKAR AND THE LORD OF ARRATA? (hint: enmerkar is nimrod and also, egyptian narmer). you should, if you haven't, cause it's all kinds of fascinating.

3. as regards god. ever consider that god is a pharaonic title?
edit on 5-5-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

yes but take the issue of the ten commandments which was supposedly given to Moses from God himself. Its pretty obvious the commandments were taken from the Egyptian Book of the Dead so that means it was not given out as the Bible writers said.

They are making up the stuff as they write it...its not coming from God.

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