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Volunteers Go To Mars, The Catch? You Never RETURN

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posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:08 AM
In 2022 there will be a launch to Mars. Volunteers are welcome but on the premise that they will never return home. Coined Mars One, they plan on sending groups of people up to the red planet to create a settlement sustainble for human life. Participants will be trained and prepared to face the extremities of this mission.
Can you imagine years from now when generations will be taught in there schools about the first settlement on Mars? The sci-fi fantasy will soon become reality.

ars One is not the first organization to ponder the idea of a manned mission to Mars. There have been many plans to do just this. And yet, none have come to fruition. Why should Mars One succeed? There are several reasons, as described in some detail, below:

Emigration – The Mars One astronauts will depart Earth assuming that they will never return. This radically changes the mission requirements, reducing the need for return vehicles associated with currently unavailable technologies and far greater costs.

Solar panels – Through the use of this simple, robust, and plentiful energy source, Mars One does not require the development and launch of a nuclear reactor, thereby saving time and money while avoiding the risks and concerns for use of a nuclear power source.

Simple rovers – Through the use of relatively simple rovers, designed to conduct basic settlement construction prior to human astronaut arrival, saving both time and cost.

No new developments – The entire plan revolves around the use of existing, validated technology No politics – Suppliers are chosen on a balance of price and quality, not through political or national preferences.


“Mars One will establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. We invite you to participate by sharing our vision with your friends, and, perhaps, by becoming the next Mars astronaut yourself,” the Dutch company says in its website. It describes Mars One as a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to establish a human settlement on Mars through the integration of existing, readily available technologies from industry leaders world-wide.

Mars One intends to fund this decade-long endeavor by involving the whole world as the audience of an interactive, televised broadcast of every aspect of this mission, from the astronaut selections and their preparations to the arrival on Mars and their lives on the Red Planet. Mars One began looking Monday for volunteer astronauts to fly to Mars.

Departure for the Red Planet is scheduled for 2022, landing seven months later in 2023. When will the space travelers return? Never! They will finish out their lives on Mars, representatives from the nonprofit said to CNN. "It's likely that there will be a crematorium," said CEO Bas Lansdorp. "It's up to the people on Mars to decide what to do with their dead."


Mars One plans suicide mission to Red Planet for 2023

Sign up to go to Mars and Never Return

edit on 25-4-2013 by BruceEFury because: gram

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:19 AM
This is incredible.

And you know what? I'm kinda skeptical about this. Now, I'm not questioning you, OP. Just something that's been bothering me.

Granted, I'm not an astrophysicist, nor do I know the capabilities of our technology with regards to this trip. But it seems somewhat surprising to me that we go from sending a rover to Mars to starting a colony. Isn't that a pretty big leap in technology? Maybe not.

Something just feels wrong about the time-line. I wonder if TPTB are speeding up the Mrs habitat...maybe they know something is coming that will cause Earth to be less than a happy place?


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:27 AM
Do we have to sign over all our earthly wealth to go?
Its a trick!

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:31 AM
With our technical capabilities doubling every year, I am not surprised at this at all. From here till when we are ready to send humans to Mars, we will continue to send probres and robots that will setup the chosen cololization area to get it ready. Getting the necessary equipment to Mars will be the first priority, then setting up a water well, or a whole to reach the ice so that it can me melted and filtered for human consumption.

Once it is established that humans can ideed survive on the well water on Mars, it would be a "simple" trip and landing in a liveable pod. That pod would be a temporary shelter serving until the equipment already shipped can be assembled and used as living quarters, labratory and grow house for the vegetable garden.

The living quaters or pods do not have to be much different than the ones we were sending for the international space station, some modifications would be required so that these pods could land safely but that would be the most complicated part aside from assembly.

The assembly could be assisted by robots and supervised by Humans with "Mars walks" in special space suits.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:36 AM
Oh.....and it costs 30-someodd bucks too, payable at the time you sign up. Isn't THAT funny.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

Might be a good alternative for suicide.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:41 AM
this has been done already try your search function.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:51 AM
I'm in for a one way trip to Mars. Sign me up and beam me up lol

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

I really don't like the fact that people cannot return if they want to. If you can get should be able to return.

I could understand it if some people wanted to try it...and if after a 2 year period they did not like it...a ship would arrive and take them back to earth.

I am just so curious and I just have to wonder...why kind of person would want to go to Mars and never return? Why would they want to?

edit on 25-4-2013 by caladonea because: edit

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:56 AM
It's not fair really.....I want to go to Venus...all the women are on Venus !!!

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:58 AM
I was going to apply but I figure I'll hold off until the second or third calling haha.

I decided to write a song about it instead check it out and let me know what you think!

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

They need to start sending supplies, machinery and habitat now or this aint happening

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:01 AM
That's awesome.

I just hope though this time colonists won't be convicts or loonie bin patients

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

In 2022 there will be a launch to Mars. Volunteers are welcome but on the premise that they will never return home

Here's a question: why the hell would anyone want to go to Mars and stay there? From what I have seen, there would be no logical reason whatsoever why a human being would be interested in living on that planet. What is there on Mars that is even remotely appealing to a human being other than the excitement of visiting......VISITING.....another planet. No water, no trees, no animals....NOTHING.

I ask the same question everytime I hear people get all worked up about colonizing the moon. Who would want to live there? WHO? Are you kidding me?

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:06 AM
I hope they send a right fair dinkum thinkum...

without a "Mike" they are doomed!


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:07 AM
I'd go, as long as I have my cokes and smokes lol

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by caladonea

I am just so curious and I just have to wonder...why kind of person would want to go to Mars and never return? Why would they want to?

I would do it. I would do it faster than you could blink.

Why? Well how bad can it be? Without getting into too many details, life on this planet sucks! However, give me an opportunity to create a civilization? A Government? A way of life? A chance to make a better world than the one I know?

Absofreakinlutely! Sign me up! I couldn't think of a better gift to give to humanity.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

Why? Well how bad can it be? Without getting into too many details, life on this planet sucks! However, give me an opportunity to create a civilization? A Government? A way of life? A chance to make a better world than the one I know?

REALLY, MrWendal? LMAO! I'd give you one week on Mars and you'd be screaming to come home.

Think about it.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:18 AM
How much beer will they have in those Mars Bars?

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by BruceEFury

I really don't like the fact that people cannot return if they want to. If you can get should be able to return.

I could understand it if some people wanted to try it...and if after a 2 year period they did not like it...a ship would arrive and take them back to earth.

I am just so curious and I just have to wonder...why kind of person would want to go to Mars and never return? Why would they want to?

edit on 25-4-2013 by caladonea because: edit

It would be MUCH harder for them to return, I would think. Now, I don't know how they will get all of the gear (and people) unto the surface, except by pods or other space craft, but getting OFF of the planet, breaking the atmosphere, that is where it's difficult: there wold need to be an adequate launch pad, fuel, etc just to create that possibility. This is why it's a "no return ticket" type of thing, I imagine.

Granted, technology could increase in a decade to allow this, but after habitat is set up, and the supplies needed for that, to provide the material and build the facilities to leave the planet seems very time consuming and difficult because the material is not already there.

What kind of person would go to Mars and never want to return? You'd be surprised. People who have nothing else to lose, people who want that once in a life-time experience. I mean, I would probably lose my head being cooped up like that, but just the *experience* (at first, lol, seeing the planet and landing) would be exhilarating.

But it'd like living on a cold, icy desert, which would be boring.

****That's what they should do: set up an experiment: tell people they're going to Mars but drop them in the desert or on the tundra (hey Mars DOES have oxygen!), see how they make out for a couple years on "Mars."
edit on 25-4-2013 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

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