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What is respect for life!

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posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 05:58 AM

"Respect for life is to look into each other's eyes without leaving gaze down...of shame."

I asked my self this question many times given the times we are living.

Respect for life isn't what it use to be.

In the light of recent events(past 15 years) I see that the behaviour of human being has changed very much.

In a way the respect for life has gone.

Like a crowd of people crammed into a bus that no longer fit inside.

Not because of the numbers,but because of the lack of wait for the next bus.

The rush for living make us to forget what we are living for.

The behaviour of humans has changed at all the levels by not adding that plus of feeling of respect needed and which use define the relations between people or groups of people in society.

More recently the occured sad events has brought this lack of respect for life to a paroxism by generating an euphoria of negative feelings .

Respect for life use to be first ,that kind of behavior that use to make life to be a pleasure.

A pain.

Because recently has appeared a new feeling which is the pain of living.

And that feeling has began to globalize.

Because of the absence of trust in the mechanism of society which is not make to move the wheels of the global economy.

In a way time has stopped at a point where solutions cannot be found.

And the time will stand still until the bills will be paid and more, until the past will be clearly cleaned.

I guess that life without respect cannot exist,like nature which respect all its creatures and the creatures of Nature which pay respect to her.

So,my question is:

What is respect for life!

edit on 24-4-2013 by piequal3because14 because: W

edit on 24-4-2013 by piequal3because14 because: aligning

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by piequal3because14

I think respect for life is to be as open minded as possible since life comes in so many shapes. You should always take the time to listen to others and try your best not to be judgmental. Of course, this is much easier said than done, but I believe that there's never an intrinsic need to rage when you find that you don't agree with someone, even if this someone happens to be a neo-nazi. In situations like these, it's always the best to agree to disagree and then just leave it like that.

In Sweden (where I come from), a racist party got in the parliament a few years ago. People all over the country felt shameful about this and put a lot of energy on organizing protests (well people still do) against the party. When their leader would hold a speech, protesters would drown his voice in screams and loud noises. I mean, if these protesters truly wanted to show their dislike and distance from the party, they would have let the party leader hold his speech in peace and the party's popularity would probably fad. Now they are even stronger than before and they receive a lot of money from private funders - all because of the follow ups in media.

The protesters tried to alter the situation in their favor, but the more energy that is put into disproving something, the larger this something will grow, and this something will transform into a heavy blockage of mind.

Agree to disagree: respect life and life will flow and fill you with love.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Funafuti
Beautiful country Sweden is.

Indeed these days we can see a trend towards extremist groups or parties all over the world and a radicalization of spiritual life in a way which shouldn't be.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by piequal3because14

I definitely agree. It seems to me that the "comforts" and conventions of modern society has blocked the flow of life by releasing upon us endless streams of information (tv, radio, commercials etc.) which tells us how "how everything is and isn't". In Sweden, many young people, and older people for that matter, feel such an impending pressure that they have to have opinions about everything and that they always have to show these off.

Swedes are generally a very unhappy people nowadays, just because we're not in touch with the source of life :/
edit on 24-4-2013 by Funafuti because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Funafuti

In Sweden, many young people, and older people for that matter, feel such an impending pressure that they have to have opinions about everything and that they always have to show these off.
I know that.

They have too much common sense and they are very civilized people at all the aspects.

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