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I was denied bliss and given a message instead

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posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 04:28 PM
Once every two weeks I practice a meditative method where I go very deep for an extended period of time. I was doing this yesterday and sometimes in this practice I am rewarded with a really fulfilling and satisfying period of pure bliss.

But not yesterday. Not at all. God was going to deny me my bliss that day and not reveal herself to me. She was holding herself back, and I was to find out exactly why. Today she had a lesson to impart on me. A message that I urgently needed to hear. I had strayed from the path and she was going to explain in great detail to me exactly where I went wrong , and exactly what I needed to do to get back on track. In other words, I was in store for one of these mind-blowing "moments of clarity" like you read about. A tongue lashing and one-on-one tutoring session from God herself. You can call this God, the Self, the Source, or whatever you like best, but from here on the term will just be God.

Please don't expect this message to be some hidden truth or secret teaching, or you will be sorely disappointed. These moments of clarity are almost never very earth shattering to read for the person who didn't receive them directly. They are usually meant mostly for the person receiving them and are not new information, but rather they come from a person finally fully understanding and integrating a time honored truth that they have usually been exposed to many times.

I liken it to a person who has been in psychological therapy for 30 years. Finally they make a huge breakthrough and are cured of the issue that has been plaguing them for so long. If you ask the person "What was your breakthrough?" They might say something like "I realized that my parent's divorce wasn't my fault." To the person not receiving the breakthrough, this is not news, and does not sound very profound. You may have been telling the patient that very thing for years. It's only that the patient himself has just now been able to finally fully understand and fully integrate this knowledge into their being. And then they were liberated by it.

So if you are at a certain level spiritually, the message I am about to reveal won't be news to you. You may have integrated this a long time ago, and your response to this info will be "Well, duh! Of course - I already knew that!" or even "That's not what God told me!" But for me this was something I either never fully understood before, or had maybe just started to forget, and therefore needed a harsh and forceful reminder.

God decided it was time to show me exactly what was hampering my spiritual progress, and how exactly to go about fixing it.

I was shown that in order for me to be at a higher spiritual level my mind needed to be at peace, and that all my irrelevant and distracting brain chatter needed to be silenced. And what exactly was causing all these mental disturbances and keeping me from being at peace? Well, my attachments of course!

I was shown 3 of my biggest attachment obstacles, and one of them was broken down in great detail and I was shown both the massive costs to me of keeping this attachment, and also the benefits I will attain by giving it up.

The 3 attachments I was shown, of which the first two are really just parts of my ego that need to be given up, are as follows...

1) Attachment to being thought of as wise and experienced at my job. I have fourteen years of experience doing what I do and its very important to me to be thought of as an "expert" because of all this accumulated experience. (An ego trip)

2) Attachment to being thought of as spiritually advanced. I have read many of the important spiritual books over the years, and have attained many valuable insights through spiritual practice. It is important to me to be recognized as learned in this area. (Another ego trip)

3) Attachment to my home business and its success. I am creating a company, and half my brain at any one time is buzzing around with ideas about the business, fears of its failure, and relentless thoughts about what I need to do in the future to make it a success. (A classic attachment to worldly concerns. This is tying my brain up in knots and giving me no peace at all)

It's very clear now that all of the disturbances in my mind and ceaseless brain chatter these attachments produce are the main obstacle to progressing to the next level of my spiritual growth. So why am I keeping these attachments? What is the benefit to me of keeping them, and what are the costs to me of maintaining them? And most important, what do I gain by giving them up?

I was shown the first attachment in great detail and given the answers to the above questions. The benefit to me of maintaining an image of myself as an "expert" based on my long experience is the comforting notion it gives me that I am "always right." I have so much experience that the ideas and opinions I have MUST be the correct ones right? No matter what amount of book learning, or intelligence, or problem solving ability another person has, it doesn't matter. I have been doing this for fourteen years darn it, and I am right, period.

This is a nice image of myself to maintain, and it gives me a certain level of comfort and certainty in my daily life. The only problem is that this is a false image I have created for myself, and it comes at a great cost to maintain.

To maintain this image of myself, I can never be wrong. I have to defend my ideas vociferously and state them with absolute, unwavering authority. I can never ever allow myself to admit I was wrong, or else the whole image collapses. This of course produces untold amounts of disturbances to my mind, and endless brain chatter about how to defend my ideas against any threats, no matter how logical the opposing view may be. I MUST be right, no matter the amount of mental gymnastics I must perform, and questionable arguments I must come up with in order to prove this is so.

The solution is clear to me. If I want a peaceful mind, then the attachment to this image of myself has got to go. I have to renounce it and go back to the "beginner's mind." Yes my experience can inform my position, but every problem is unique, and its OK to take in new information, and accept others' opinions, and accept that sometimes my idea may not be the best one. My mind is free now that I no longer have an image to maintain.

The same lesson can be applied to most all attachments and ego trips. Let them go and you'll find peace. My third attachment, the attachment to the success of my business endeavor, can also be given up. I need to think about and perform my work on the project of course, but I must do it in a spirit of detachment to the result. I can't worry about the success or failure of my enterprise. I just need to stay in the present moment, and do what I can, and to heck with the rest. Now my attachment is gone and my mind is at peace.

Well, that's it. This info helped me a great deal, but then again, it was MY moment of clarity, and it was made specifically for me. It was just my psyche finally integrating some things I probably should have integrated long ago. However it is my hope that this message could be helpful for some of you who haven't yet integrated the same insights. For those who already have, maybe this is a reminder that attachments and ego trips can sometimes creep in whenever you let your guard down, so stay vigilant.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 04:40 PM
I enjoyed this thread very much. Such insights if you can receive them without turning around and judging yourself are useful indeed. Now the fun part begins as you move from knowing to doing. Blessings on your journey.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 04:56 PM
Me too! I am interested to know how you (OP) do at letting go of these attachments. I am constantly tormenting myself withthe knowlege that what I do does not contribute to my emotional or spiritual happiness, and yet, I never stop. I just keep telling myself, "only 12 more years to retirement and then I can finally be free!" But, what if something happens before then? I will have wasted so much time.

Good luck, OP!

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by gwynnhwyfar

I am interested to know how you (OP) do at letting go of these attachments


I think maybe letting go of them is the easy part. Probably tougher is identifying and putting a name to your attachments and issues. I think your ego likes to hide your problems from you. Who likes to admit their failings and issues to themselves?

Once you've identified and named your problem/attachment then you can try to keep an eye out for it - slapping it down whenever see it pop up. Sooner or later hopefully it stops popping up.

edit on 21-4-2013 by happydayze because: sp

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by happydayze

Well, I was curious because you recognized your attachment to your job as one of the biggies. Mine too. But I have no idea how to release that particular attachment without leaving the job, and I am too cautious to leave my job because I finally got back into a job with decent pay and the kicker is that it comes a pension I will qualify for in a little over a decade. No way am I going to sacrifice that future stability, so it is a catch-22.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by gwynnhwyfar

Well, all I did was find a way to not let my worries about the future success of my business clutter my thinking. Sounds like you have a different problem. Your hate your job or it stresses you out? Is that it? I used to be there. What I did was train myself to never EVER think about work when I wasn't AT work. They were able to control me 8 hours a day but darned if I was going to give them one second of thought past that. No matter how much stress they put you under, make sure it comes off at 5pm and doesn't start again until you walk in the company's door the next morning.

While you are at work, it is tougher to avoid the misery and stress, but just do what you can to stay in the present moment, focusing on just the task at hand, and do your best to shut the rest out. Headphones help :-)

I'm single with no kids, and I will not hesitate to quit any job I feel unduly stresses me out - I've done that 4 times.
But of course not everyone is in that position.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by happydayze
God decided it was time to show me exactly what was hampering my spiritual progress, and how exactly to go about fixing it.

That's lucky. Good for you. It gives me hope that someday I may be blessed with such an epiphany. I've been spiritually stagnant for a few years now and it breaks my heart. And with that I just spiral out of control and lose faith. It's a horrible, vicious cycle.

Thanks for dropping some wisdom on us and giving some inspiration to the spiritual aspirants.

edit on 21-4-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by happydayze

What I did was train myself to never EVER think about work when I wasn't AT work. They were able to control me 8 hours a day but darned if I was going to give them one second of thought past that. No matter how much stress they put you under, make sure it comes off at 5pm and doesn't start again until you walk in the company's door the next morning.

Oh GOOD! I am on the right track, then.

I used to have no way to do this because I was on a rotating 24 hour on-call duty for the past few years and had no choice but to be continually attentive to everything at work, around the clock, since I could be paged any time. Thank goodness, that is behind me now, and just last week, I began trying to refuse to look at my email or calendar outside of my office hours. It does indeed seem to be helping, although there was one day I had to work in the evening.

Thank you for sharing your experience!!

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 12:09 AM
Sounds to me like you are getting rid.of a superiority complex.

Superiority is only applicable in certain contexts, such as work, or accrued knowledge. But it doesnt apply to your being ever. For the power and significance of the self to be realized, it must become aware of what it is not. Superiority is an external characteristic. The external can be integrated with the internal, but only as the extrrnal becomes the self. The idea of superiority keeps external things disintegrated. It doesnt matter if you believe yourself to be great, just as long as you are able to appreciate the goodness of others as well.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 01:20 AM
Awesome thread. S&F

I really enjoyed it, and needed to be reminded of several things you posted about.


posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by happydayze
I was shown that in order for me to be at a higher spiritual level my mind needed to be at peace, and that all my irrelevant and distracting brain chatter needed to be silenced. And what exactly was causing all these mental disturbances and keeping me from being at peace? Well, my attachments of course!
I really appreciate your humility and understanding expressed in your opening post. Thank you for this!

Yes, attachments are what distract us, but of course one could say that being attached to a silent mind or daily blissfulness are other forms of attachment. That is the problem with a great experience - we instantly get attached to it and want to repeat it. All such attachments actually have to be released, and, as you know, we are none of them, including the experiences we get attached to.

Also, if mind-chatter arises, it can be dealt with by simply noticing it, rather than doing anything to it or about it, or even trying to change all kinds of patterns in our lives to eliminate it. Of course, various life changes are necessary as a supportive means for living a life of communion with God, but do not directly result in such communion. Such communion is Grace-given, when real surrender of the whole body-mind occurs, regardless of whether the mind is thinking, at peace or not, etc.

Let the thinking be as it may - that is not what you are anyway. It is just brain activity based on having learned to speak and analyse verbally. It is really no different than the digestive happenings in the lower body, or any other feeling. Of course, this is not some technique but more a matter of noticing that no matter what arises in daily life or meditation, we are simply the witness of it - i.e., not separate from what arises, but also not simply what arises.

Anyway, I figure you understand these matters in any event, and am just saying them in case they may help. Take care, and happy days to you!

edit on 22-4-2013 by bb23108 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:19 PM

To maintain this image of myself, I can never be wrong. I have to defend my ideas vociferously and state them with absolute, unwavering authority. I can never ever allow myself to admit I was wrong, or else the whole image collapses. This of course produces untold amounts of disturbances to my mind, and endless brain chatter about how to defend my ideas against any threats, no matter how logical the opposing view may be. I MUST be right, no matter the amount of mental gymnastics I must perform, and questionable arguments I must come up with in order to prove this is so.

Congratulations on recognizing your perspective for what it is.

With this epiphany behind you, you can go further than you ever imagined.
And don't think about "shoulda, coulda, woulda" stuff - just move forward and realize that you've reached a new rung on the ladder of wisdom.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by happydayze

Thank you for sharing your experience with such clarity and understanding. Reading your words has served as a much-needed reminder for me, also.

I believe you have identified the three major obstacles in the path of many who seek inner peace, and I can certainly relate to those attachments within myself.

The roots of my own attachments go so deep that is seems I need to experience numerous episodes of disillusionment, pain, and grief in order to loosen those bonds just a little. Congratulations for being so receptive to easier methods.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by happydayze


I come in peace.

I thought for some time if I should put in my two cents or not. Will I be wasting my time? Probably... so why do it? Maybe there will be one person who will put "two and two" together.

You are correct many people know what you have spoke about. It is called - New age religion. A spiritual quest seeking answers.

Have you ever been told .......Don't play with the OUIJA board !!!! It can be dangerous? Maybe a person likes Tarot cards.....lets look into the future and see what it holds for me. What else do people do in seeking out the spirits; out-of-body, magic eight ball, spells and curses, mental telepathy, automatic writing, palm reading, astrology, hypnosis, astral projections, seances, blood pacts, crystals and charms, yogi meditation and transcendental meditation etc.... A few tools allegedly designed to assist a person who is seeking out answers in the spirit world and quite often the person receives some sort of a response from the spirit world. Why is that? Because the spirit world wants to contact us - if they didn't want to they would ignore our request.

So you might ask what is the problem? All of the things I mention above are part of the occult and are very dangerous. When reaching out to spiritually connect with something on the other side is like playing lottery..... there is no telling what you make contact with. A majority of the time contact is made with evil in pure form or disguised as "light". Once you establish contact you give it a right to live in our physical world. It is a trap for mankind.

God warned us about this. He even went so far to make it law - anyone practicing magic was to be put to death. He did not explain why .... he simply commanded it. Many today know why. This is a major problem people have today with God. He makes commands but does not explain why he makes these commands people on earth attempt to speak for God to clarify God's position on the matter.

Meditation opens up oneself to spirit attacks and some times .....spirit possession. Prayer to the one true God will do the same as meditation but BETTER and when done properly you can be worshiping "in the spirit" to God. It is written ask and you shall receive. But of course if you DON'T believe than you are wasting your time. Often I find people searching for answers in all the wrong places.

You need proper guidance and training in prayer, not meditation. Like I say again, Prayer is better, more powerful, get better results and faster service.

I am not being mancho but......By the way God is a male and not a female. The three main religions of the world agree with this. Jesus preached about his father in heaven not his mommy.

Every time I hear someone calling God ............ "her", I try not to laugh out loud. The first thing that pops into my mind is WICCA religion.

People attempt to show God as a female (creator) creating life ......which he did as a male not female. It is written: If you have seen me then you have seen the father. (a quote from Jesus).

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

Originally posted by Fraudfinder
reply to post by happydayze

You need proper guidance and training in prayer, not meditation. Like I say again, Prayer is better, more powerful, get better results and faster service.

Is not meditation praying without words?

I agree that proper guidance is essential for anyone embarking on a course of meditation, but I do not see meditation as being in any way inferior to prayer.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by happydayze

this is prolly off topic but when I first read your threads title on 'recent posts' I read it as :

I was denied bliss and given a massage instead...

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 04:02 PM

Why do you use the word "her?" God is spirit and has presented Himself to humanity as MALE. Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. God made two genders but shows Himself throughout history to be male.

thanks and God bless you,

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by happydayze

Good luck. Don't be so hard on yourself if you feel you slip again. I'm sure you know this but you are your worst enemy and your best friend. Again, regards and keep floating.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by colbe

Why do you use the word "her?" God is spirit and has presented Himself to humanity as MALE. Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. God made two genders but shows Himself throughout history to be male.

God is god.

All that matters is the love you show god. It matters not how you think of god's form.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by happydayze

It appears that you are stuck on yourself.

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