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CATHOLIC End Times, Conspiracies, Global Warming and much more: A Very important Thread!

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posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 09:49 PM
I joined a different conspiracy forum recently but had to leave because of swearing and blasphemies. I hope people here are more "tolerant".

Here it comes,

I am not sure if this is the place to post this but most likely it is, since all the conspiracies have one starting point: God and Satan, creation, fall of angels and man, and spiritual warfare.

All the people in power whoever they may be: Bankers, Freemasons, Communists, New Age, Humanists etc. Can be put together in one category we can call Collectivists and Collectivism is nothing more than Satanism. Satanism is slavery to 7 Capital Vices and Concupiscence (Original Sin)! What are all these people after if not power, money, avarice, lust, envy, gluttony, comfort, sloth and so on.

Once you get there scroll down to NATURAL, HUMAN AND SPIRITUAL DISASTERS. The list covers Catholic topics but there is lots of information on all topics including Reptilians, Spirituality, Global Warming, Conspiracies from a Catholic perspective...

You have not read this before:

Once you scroll down to THE END OF THE WORLD (Apocalypse): Natural, Human and Spiritual Disasters
click on: 3 out of 4 will deny Jesus (75 %) Jesus also speaks here about what we call GLOBAL WARMING

edit on 19-4-2013 by truthius because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 09:54 PM
How do I move this thread to General Conspiracies?
That's were I wanted to post this and that's were it belongs?
edit on 19-4-2013 by truthius because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 12:01 AM
A Mod will probably be along shortly to sort things out for you.
I take it this is your first thread?

Just a suggestion, ut we generally enapsulate or at least post a blurb from the article or info snip out a paragraph or two....or tell us in your own words the pertinent points.
Some of us have grown very leery of clicking willy nilly onto links posted on a forum.....
thanks TRUTHIUS.....

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by truthius

Congrats on your first thread. Now, if you could just give us some direction....cuz your link is all over the place.

What is it you want to talk about. Global warming and Jesus? How, the majority will/does reject Jesus, the God?

Also, to get a mod's attention, hit the ALERT button, left top of the page, just under the FLAG IT button. You'll get a text box. Just tell who ever is moderating this thread, that you would like to have posted in the "General Conspiracies."

Good luck!

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by truthius

Thanks for an important thread.

Civility is better enforced here. There can be a lot of . . . hostility and even some successful thread=jackings by the naysayers etc. but on the whole, this is a much more civil place than other sites and even than ATS was 3 or so years ago.

There's also many more Christians evident and willing to stand up for what they believe than 3 years ago.

Much appreciate your topic and courage.

- - - - -

You may find mine on a similar topic of interest:

THE VATICAN & ALIENS 2013: Unsealed Alien files


Exo-Vaticana: Pope Francis Poised for Extraterrestrial Disclosure (update)

Older, similar topics:

Thermonuclear Day of the Lord:

A Time of Consecration Has Come

The Coming World and Earth Changes [Susan O'Marra]

Isaiah 17: When Will Israel Nuke Damascus?: The Clue in Psalm 83

James Robison: Various Crucial Spiritual, Political, Cultural, Globalist, VAlues, END TIMES Issues

Reflections & Prayer on Looming WW3 From a Christian Perspective: Let God Arise...His Enemies be Scattered:

General jerry Boykin (Ret) Patriotism, God, Islam, Chrislam, Survival, (Multiple links & speeches)

A Collection of Prophecies & Other Sources Related to China Invading the USA on the Near Horizon

The Vision by Perry Stone (Re Iran, ATtacks on USA, oil, gas prices, food shortages, ...

What is Your Current SUD's Score (Subjective Units of Distress)?

Prophetic Mileu, Substrate--End Times Related Articles Various Topics

May God have mercy on all of good heart toward Him.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by truthius
I joined a different conspiracy forum recently but had to leave because of swearing and blasphemies. I hope people here are more "tolerant".

Cussing isn't allowed, so you don't have to worry about that.
As far as 'blasphemies' .. that's in the eyes of the beholder.
What is 'blasphemy' to one person, is just TRUTH to another.

There are many threads here dealing with 'Catholic end times' subjects.
3 Days of Darkness, Garabandal (hoax), fake 'seers',
Fatima, the prophecy about the French king .... etc ....

Try the search function. You'll see a bunch ..

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by stirling
A Mod will probably be along shortly to sort things out for you.
I take it this is your first thread?

Just a suggestion, ut we generally enapsulate or at least post a blurb from the article or info snip out a paragraph or two....or tell us in your own words the pertinent points.
Some of us have grown very leery of clicking willy nilly onto links posted on a forum.....
thanks TRUTHIUS.....

There is so much to talk about but the main point I wanted to bring forth was the argument for authenticity of Maria Valtorta’s revelations and prophecies. The Old Testament gives us advice on how to distinguish true from false prophets.

Deuteronomy 18:22
Thou shalt have this sign: Whatsoever that same prophet foretelleth in the name of the Lord, and it cometh not to pass: that thing the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath forged it by the pride of his mind: and therefore thou shalt not fear him.

Valtorta has several prophecies that came to pass:

1. Global Warming
2. Chastisement through Satanic forces and that would be Globalists and all other perverts under the influence of demons. Like Eugenics, GMO, Chemtrails, perversion and dehumanization of society, vaccination, pharmaceutical and big business poisoning of the environment…you know what I am talking about.
3. Third one is the Great Catholic Apostasy. That’s right on: just over 75%.
4. Fourth is the Persecution of Christians.
5. Fifth is zombie Apocalypse. That would be basically lots of dead souls, people in the state of mortal sin, possession and perversion.

There is probably more but I don’t have all the books by Maria Valtorta. And here is an excerpt on Global Warming:

“Famine and deaths due to epidemics will be one of the forerunning signs of My second coming.
These chastisements designed to punish you and call you back to God will carry out, with their distressing power, one of the sortings-out between the children of God and Satan's children.

Hunger will arise from plunder and cursed wars, decreed without the justification of national independence, decreed only out of power's savagery and the pride of demons in human disguise.
Hunger will arise from the stoppage, by God's will, of the cosmic laws: cold will be bitter and drawn out; heat will be scorching and not moderated by rain; the seasons will be turned around and you will have drought in the rainy seasons and rain when the crops are ripening; plants and trees will be tricked by unexpected warmth or unusual coolness, plants will bloom out of season and trees, after having already produced, will cover themselves with new, useless flowers that will exhaust them fruitlessly. Because every intemperance is harmful and leads to death--remember that, O people--hunger will cruelly torment this haughty race hostile to God.

The animals, lacking hay and fodder, grain and seeds, will starve to death, and to still people's hunger will be destroyed, given no time to breed. Birds of the air and fishes of the waters, herds and flocks, will be attacked on all sides to give your bellies the food which the land shall but scantily put forth for you.

Deaths caused by wars and scourges, earthquakes and heavy storms will hasten both good and wicked into the hereafter. The good, for your punishment, in as much as once you are deprived of the best, you will get worse and worse. The wicked, for their own punishment, in as much as they will have, before the expected hour, hell for their dwelling.

The victim prepared by the Lord to purify the altar of the Earth desecrated by the sins of idolatry, lust, hatred, pride, is you, people who shall perish by the thousands and tens of thousands, cut down by the sharp scythe of the divine thunderbolts. Like April grass mown down on a field, you will fall on top of one another: holy flowers mixed with poisonous flowers, the delicate stems mixed with the prickly rambles. My angels' hands will pick the blessed and separate them from the damned, bring the blessed to Heaven and leaving the damned to the demons' pitch forks for Hell's pasture. To be kings or beggars, learned or ignorant, young or old, warriors or priests, will make no difference, will be no bulwark against death. There will be a chastisement and a fearful one.”

edit on 20-4-2013 by truthius because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 10:52 AM


posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by truthius
I joined a different conspiracy forum recently but had to leave because of swearing and blasphemies. I hope people here are more "tolerant".

Cussing isn't allowed, so you don't have to worry about that.
As far as 'blasphemies' .. that's in the eyes of the beholder.
What is 'blasphemy' to one person, is just TRUTH to another.

There are many threads here dealing with 'Catholic end times' subjects.
3 Days of Darkness, Garabandal (hoax), fake 'seers',
Fatima, the prophecy about the French king .... etc ....

Try the search function. You'll see a bunch ..

I know of these, but what I posted is new.
I think no one knows anything about some prophecies, theories and rare eBooks posted on that "blog" except me?

edit on 20-4-2013 by truthius because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 11:27 AM
Strange place? Off Topic if you put a picture of Global Warming and the Globalist's Eugenics Depopulation Agenda, that's exactly what this thread is about.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by truthius
I joined a different conspiracy forum recently but had to leave because of swearing and blasphemies. I hope people here are more "tolerant".

There are many threads here dealing with 'Catholic end times' subjects.
3 Days of Darkness, Garabandal (hoax), fake 'seers',
Fatima, the prophecy about the French king .... etc ....

Try the search function. You'll see a bunch ..

I know, I know, fake seers, fake theologians, fake Catholics, hoax, disinformation....

I do not promote any private revelations except Maria Valtorta (approved by 8 bishops) and The Warnings From The Beyond (exposing abuses in the Church).

Fatima is not about the French king. If you read so much about these private revelations and as you claim you know a lot about them then this is: disinformation! I am not aware of Fatima prophecy about the French king?
edit on 20-4-2013 by truthius because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by truthius

The exhaustively researched Fatima books listed below . . . document conclusively, imho,

that the Fatima incidents were emphatically a bit more grand but still fairly standard UFO events.

The "sun" dancing in the sky had to be a large disc shaped craft as witnesses articulated before the Roman institution began shaping and manipulating the event and news about it . . . as well as imprisoning and keeping silent the key RC witness.

The idea that the dancing sphere, disc of light was the actual sun coming down near to earth not that far from the observers is absurd to the max on the face of it, for a list of physics related reasons.


FATIMA REVISITED: The Apparation Phenomenon in Ufology, Psychology, and Science (Fatima Trilogy)
. +UFO

CELESTIAL SECRETS: The Hidden History of the Fatima Incident:

I believe that the Fatima incident was a moderately early beginning or escalation of the GREAT DECEPTION Christ warned about in the New Testament.

And, which Cris Putnam and Tom Horn carry forward great documentation about in their latest

. s=exo-vaticana

Quote from the cover:

Christians will not immediately need to renounce their faith in God "simply on the basis of the reception of [this] new unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations." However, once the "religious content" originating from outside the earth "has been verified" they will have to conduct "a re-reading o[of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data...
--Vatican Astronomer [Connected With Opus Dei] Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti


I believe that the quote above documents rather startlingly how far the enemy of our souls has moved the ball WITHIN THE VATICAN, even--from the Fatima incident. Certainly the Fatima incident is of the same ilk and contributive toward the same sort of memes, goals, perceptions, mind-set, paradigm shift etc.

My grief for some decades has been that so many RC's are automatically set-up by the RCC institution to follow that yellow brick road down into the caverns of the Morlachs far too uncritically, far too thoughtlessly. May God have mercy on all of good heart toward Him.

I believe there have been some RC related prophetic sources which may have heard from Holy Spirit. Others may have been some variation of convinced of their own grandeur or delusional . . . or power mongering or even demonized. Sorting out all that body of stuff would be no small task.

No, I do not believe that the RCC hierarchy have reliably sorted anything out--including their own morality, sexuality, humility etc. Whatever degree Holy Spirit MAY have reigned in the institution evidently left the building many centuries ago.

Time and God will tell which RCC sources were from The Holy Spirit.

And which were part of the GREAT END TIMES DECEPTION Christ warned about.

On that score, I think that Cris Putnam and Tom Horn have done a massive and high quality job with all their research. Their literally libray full of thousands of documents available on their DVD lend impressive support to their assertions. Many such sources are no longer available in print nor even in many libraries.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

IF anyone else has read the Fatima books I cited above, I'd love to discuss them on this or another thread. I think they are well within the OP of this thread. It's been a while since I read them but I still have them around some place. I found them very well and objectively written after exhaustive research.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by truthius


UFO's debunked. Watch UFO AND DEMONIC DECEPTIONS on my YouTube channel.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by truthius

Yeah the end times are still in the works according to what I get from what I call the Fatima
conspiracy. About 100 years ago if certain actions were not taken the bad times would start
to roll. Yes we went trough WWII and a so called rise and fall of Communism in Russia as
difficult enough times but more might follow.

The peoples of South America were converted more by intersessions of visions than any
attempt at teachings we are told so perhaps that is in the works for Russia if I hopefully
read my own predictions because I don't see Russia becoming and overwhelming
Catholic state any other way. We are in a pickle otherwise with seemingly bad times
that will stay with us

I know the 40% Catholic spiritual thrust of South America in the election of the new
Pope seem undeniable. The thought of Russia becoming #1 in the Catholic universe
must irk the highest officials for 100 years. So high intrigue has resulted among
Masons suspected to keep out Russia on their minds or perhaps placing false
suspicion of Russian infiltration to bolster the running of the Papacy as usual.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by truthius

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by truthius


UFO's debunked. Watch UFO AND DEMONIC DECEPTIONS on my YouTube channel.

UFOs are not demonic deception but just a science deception easily explained.
Sorry to say to all the spiritual people that acclaimed atheist Lyne in "Pentagon Aliens"
has objectively laid the unknown ships at the feet of Nikola Tesla as the lifelong project
of an air ship that was finally built and works today.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by BO XIAN

IF anyone else has read the Fatima books I cited above, I'd love to discuss them on this or another thread. I think they are well within the OP of this thread. It's been a while since I read them but I still have them around some place. I found them very well and objectively written after exhaustive research.

Instructions from heaven are not UFOs and Tesla ships were hardly advanced at that
time or now to achieve your desired result as mentioned in the Fatima post.
The UFO Fatima claim is not new and sort of dumbed out by now out as we might all realize
who stands to gain by such stories insinuating something unknown instead of Tesla
developing his air ship.

ED: UFOs giving instructions to the Catholic Church has to take the cake.
People come up with contra stories all the time and this is just another unreal episode.

edit on 5/14/2013 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 01:27 PM
Hi local blasphemer here.

I grew up Catholic went to Catholic school
and its history is dark and downright
awful, in the general humanitarian arena.

Everybody, except the apparition followers are demons.
Nobody is worthy except the Papa and the Medjudorjean
Virgin Mary message receivers.
Everybody else?
Eternal torture....

And you all seem fine with the image of God being a punisher,
a killer, a deceiver, and all around tyrant.

Ask Abraham how he feels about that practical joke God played
on him when God said "if you were obedient to me, you kill
your son to show it". And then that wacky prankster at the last minute
says, "Just kidding!" as Abrahams knife was at his sons throat.
Nice huh?
Aston Kutcher or Yahweh?

I'm not falling for the same bit.
And I don't believe God would act this way.
As a matter of fact, I'll risk my soul that I'm right.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by sealing

I think the doom and groomers here are Church officials and concern church
workings. Yes God is good and makes us happy every day but as you say
making God happy seems to be a task when certain wishes are required.

The God who did not want us to go to hell and sacrificed life on Earth to
tell us better should be appreciated. Thus I see the demands to better ourselves.

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