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Everlasting happiness can only come from within... The world of physical things always change...

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posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by arpgme

How far away off to you feel you are from ascending beyond physical form?

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 10:58 PM

Everlasting happiness can only come from within...
The problem is, nothing in this world is constant.
reply to post by arpgme

See a conflict of thought here?

You are right that nothing in the world is constant. That also goes for humans and human emotions. Happiness cannot be everlasting; we simply aren't designed that way.

If you want go with your premise that being good and kind and caring can make happiness last a little longer, yeah, I can agree with that. A little longer, however, is not everlasting.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by arpgme
Many people base their happiness on physical "things" or alignments of physicality (also called circumstances or events). The problem is, nothing in this world is constant. Things always change; things are created and then destroyed; physical life is born and then die. Basing happiness on physical things will always lead oneself to be tossed around and lead to short-lived happiness.

If we make our happiness based on something INTERNAL, such as, I am happy because I choose to think and act on Kindness rather than allowing my mood to be random based on whatever seems to happen in life. Or, I am happy because I choose to love and accept everyone as who they are, rather than letting my own negative bias, beliefs, and discomfort to get in my way. Or even, I am happy because I keep my focus on happy thoughts, then we can always be happy because happiness can then become a CHOOSE who we CHOOSE to be.

"I don't care if people acknowledge my actions, I am happy that I acted on kindness because that is who I choose to be".

Making happiness internal will help it to last....

"making our happiness based on something INTERNAL" -
Can you tell me if your same philosophy extends to those in "man boy love" groups who desire to engineer society into one in which their internal desires can be fulfilled, bringing them happiness and joy as my child and yours becomes their next tolerated victim?
Can you tell me if your same philosophy extends to those who desire such control and power over people that they'd rape and enslave the masses?

"Making our happiness based on something internal" is a great philosophy when the inside of a man is filled with charity, kindness, gentleness and meekness. But it denies the reality that within man exists all wicked desires, and it is those desires which are producing a society in which "to hell with our neighbour" festers. Why? Because each seems his own happiness based upon those internal desires, which is called selfishness. Selfishness, by it's very definition, does not seek the greater good of society - it serves it's own selfish wants and desires.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

"How far off" do I "ascend"...

If I make it into a journey to get 'somewhere' then it will be another game in the realm of form.

The formless is already present.

reply to post by jiggerj

I wasn't saying to "be" anything. I wasn't saying to "act" good or kind. I was simply making an example of being fulfilled by the positive outlook you CHOOSE to have rather than the negative outlook you are motivated to have by the negativity in life.

reply to post by WhoKnows100

The fact that you mentioned "internal desires" means that you did not understand the original post.

In the original post I talked about THE INTERNAL as BEING the desire, not an internal desire being externalized (or extended to)...

In other words, I mean valuing the happiness that comes from WITHIN, because if one's mind/thoughts are focused then that INNER happiness can continue to come but if one depends on the outer-world, in a world that is always changing, always giving and taking, then there cannot be constant happiness.

It is not about ignoring the outer-world, or ONLY staying with the inner-world , rather it is keeping the HAPPINESS inside - keeping the mind happy - so even when things are tough on the outer-world you still have the inner-world that remains...

edit on 18-4-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Great thought's mate, the world is an illusion the real permanent happiness is only to be found within. Within is the only way to go because out there the world is falling apart.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by arpgme

The above is always there, focus on the above and your happiness will be eternal.

(the above within)
edit on 18-4-2013 by Angle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by arpgme

Unfortunately the majority of change produces suffering and pain.

Look out at nature and all the plants and animals... know that 99.999% of them are dead after living horrible lives of writhing in misery. There is infinitely more pain in nature that pleasure.

You should find value in change... so reality will never disappoint.

I get what you mean, but just to clarify...

All suffering comes from within.
Our reaction/judgement of/attachment to change is what causes the suffering.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:19 AM
Individuals involved in relationships that are individuals in your so-called adult stages of this incarnational period made choices to be involved in relationships, made choices to be involved in certain interactions with other entities and other individuals, conscious choices. And that choice has led to in certain instances experiences which may or may not be a desirable experience. If it’s desirable, you look back and say, “Well, that was a good choice, I did well.” And you can even have a tendency, many times, individuals have a tendency to take back and to look at the choices that they made and to look upon them as being positive choices, look upon them as being realities that they were quite willing to accept the responsibility for. And realities that they looked upon as being very desirable. “Oh yeah, I can do that. I made the right choices and decisions. I held the right attitudes. Indeed, my thoughts and feelings were all in line. I knew what I wanted, I had the right desires, and I imagined it and I brought it into my reality and I created it. I can accept the responsibility.” Because you see, if it’s a desirable reality that you in your awake and consciousness state look upon as being a very positive experience, then, indeed, it’s much easier to accept the responsibility.

However, when it’s the other way, when it’s a negative experience then it becomes much more difficult to look back and accept the responsibility. “Oh, yeah, lookit, I made that choice, there, I made that decision, based upon the thoughts and feelings that I held at that time, based upon the desires that I had and based upon the imagination that I utilized in the creation of that reality. Look at the great job I did in creating that reality. It’s not a very positive reality, and I’m not really enjoying it, but look at all of the success I had in the creation process.” Ah, you don’t have the ability or at least the tendency to accept that responsibility for the negative realities.

But the spark of consciousness that you are, the level from which you create this illusion that you’re existing in does not judge whether one is more positive than the other or whether one is more desirable than the other. It gives to you that which you desire, without judgment. It gives to you that which you desire from a position of absolute and unconditional love. And from the level of consciousness from which you create this reality, it’s all positive. It’s all a very enjoyable experience of creation. It doesn’t judge whether this is right or wrong, it doesn’t judge whether you’re going to enjoy the experience or not enjoy the experience. It doesn’t judge whether you should or shouldn’t be involved in certain interactions. That, once again, is a human consciousness awake concept in judgment. It does not exist at the level of consciousness from which you create the reality.

And so this reality that you’re experiencing is indeed a reality that validates beliefs that you at some level of your consciousness have chosen to hold, beliefs that you have chose to hold as being realities that you desire to experience in your awake and consciousness state.

As difficult as that may seem to grasp at this level of consciousness in your so-called awake and consciousness state, nonetheless, it’s a quite accurate description of the reality that you’re experiencing. And as you are entering into this new age and new energy, it’s becoming much easier for you to consciously influence the reality, to get a grasp of the belief systems and to alter them so that you can alter the reality. And to be involved in a reality that’s less than desirable and to ask yourself, “Why am I involved?” You’re involved because you hold a belief system that’s responsible for that reality and that experience. As difficult as that may be to grasp in your awake and consciousness state, it’s nonetheless accurate. And until you grasp that concept, you can’t change it. You see, if you look at it and say, “Well, I’m not responsible, I don’t believe that, that’s a very difficult concept for me to hold, that I’m responsible for this entire reality.” Well, that’s OK from that spark of consciousness from which you create your reality. Once again, there’s no judgment. And so, you continue to be involved in a reality where you’re not in control to validate the belief that you choose to hold that you’re not in control.

There’s not some other entity sitting out there that says, “Ah, we’re going to subject them to this type of existence. And we’re going to make sure that they go through either this positive or negative experience. And we’re going to allow them to experience some type of happy existence or we’re going to deny them the right to have that happy existence.” Absolutely not. It’s your choice. It’s your reality. It’s your belief systems. And if you choose to believe that you’re not in control, then you create the reality to validate that belief.
edit on 4/18/2013 by ExquisitExamplE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Well, you are not wrong, but you aren´t really right either.

Happiness is a very subjective thing and cannot really be defined. What brings happiness to one person is reason for fear for another. Therefore for some people, physical things are actually the reason for their happiness.

In the general sense I would have to agree though that it is better to pull get you happiness our of relationships with friends and family rather then trying to be happy by buying lot´s of stuff.

On the other hand, my car really makes me happy. It really does. And for some people a nice home can make them really happy and content on a daily basis.

So, like always in life, I think you should look at both sides of the coin.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by cartesia

Im talking about starvation... diseases... being #^&$ing hunted by god damn tigers.

For you to just generalize ALL suffering as internal is very frustrating. If your idea of suffering is dropping your $^&%ing iphone in the toilet, we are not talking about the same thing.

To find value in pain is not the same as happiness. I personally think that happiness and contentment are temporary states that result purely from ignorance and apathy.
edit on 18-4-2013 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Wertdagf

He must have meant emotional and mental suffering.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Originally posted by Wertdagf
To find value in pain is not the same as happiness. I personally think that happiness and contentment are temporary states that result purely from ignorance and apathy.

If you belief happiness to be ignorance and apathy, then you won't be able to find much happiness in life. If you take all the moment of pain and suffering in the past and block out moments of joy and happiness, then that will be used to keep your BELIEF in place that "life is mostly suffering"...

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Do you deny that all life fights for survival? That the animals and plants kill each other in a dance to be the fittest to survive? Here we are in this veritable blink of an eye in earths ecological history from which a single species has evolved and dominated its environment to ask these questions.

If you were connected to every living thing on earth and felt all that it feels, and experience all that it experiences how can you say that this would be a state of bliss?

Is not ignorance and apathy the very thing which disconnects you from seeing all of nature and allows you to focus on such a small point of view that you find happiness and contentment while all of the world which has produced you cries out in agony under your very feet?
edit on 18-4-2013 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2013 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
Is not ignorance and apathy the very thing which disconnects you from seeing all of nature and allows you to focus on such a small point of view that you find happiness and contentment while all of the world which has produced you cries out in agony under your very feet?

An interesting perspective. I would answer no, however. Not ignorance and apathy, love and light. These are two of the most very basic creative principles which the Infinite All That Is uses to manifest our selves, that You use to manifest yourself. Love uses light and has the power to direct light in its distortions. Thusly, entities recapitulate in reverse the creation in its unity, thus showing the rhythm or flow of the great heartbeat, if you will use this analogy.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by ExquisitExamplE

So when entire villages are destroyed by a virus which leaves only a few alive due to proper genetic mutation you claim it is love and light by which they survive?

I'm not a big fan of word salad, and its hard to understand what your saying when you use Deepak Chopra woo woo, so could you use more reasonable terminology?
edit on 18-4-2013 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Originally posted by Wertdagf
Do you deny that all life fights for survival? That the animals and plants kill each other in a dance to be the fittest to survive?

Yes, the primary way of life is having fun (following joy happiness), the secondary is - while having fun avoiding pain in order to survive.

Originally posted by Wertdagf
If you were connected to every living thing on earth and felt all that it feels, and experience all that it experiences how can you say that this would be a state of bliss?

Because right NOW, not everyone is suffering. Pain happens in the moment and goes... yes, there are places where people are starving and such, but the majority are not feeling "bad" all day everyday. The majority are finding "peace" with their situations (whatever they may be - iphone in the toilet or starvation!)

Anger comes and goes, pain comes and goes, no matter how bad the suffering is eventually people get "used" to their situation so if one was connected to all being IN THIS VERY MOMENT it wouldn't feel like "hell" there would be only "some" suffering of "some" people dying/hurting now, but the majority would be "managing" so the body would be more at peace with the situation even if it is "what-we-consider-to-be" a BAD one.

If you are connected to all beings, then putting the spot-light on all the suffering that happens in life will not uplift anyone. Uplifting them would be helping them to find HAPPINESS even in a situation that seems unchangeable (in the moment).

Conflicts will continue in life. Disagreements will happen. That is natural. There will never be a place without conflict. Each person has their own personality and therefore their own preferences which will lead to oppositions with others. Conflicts will not go away , what we can do is ease ourselves through it...

Complaining about "conflicts (whether it be starvations, arguments, hard-to-handle-truth)... will not change anything and will only make it feel worse.
edit on 18-4-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by arpgme

I don't like how you change my question to only mean humans. I specifically stated ALL life.

Even looking at ONLY all of humanities perspective at this very instant I cant understand how you could claim it somehow would work out to some neutral position.

Im starting to realize that you might rationalize this through some transcendental magic afterlife and at this point that is as far as we can go in discussion until you either lose such an illogical belief or I lose my rationality and believe in something metaphysical like you might

edit on 18-4-2013 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by arpgme

I don't like how you change my question to only mean humans. I specifically stated ALL life.

Even looking at ONLY all of humanities perspective at this very instant I cant understand how you could claim it somehow would work out to some neutral position.

Complaining about the pain that animal went through - which they aren't even thinking about NOW - they are off to mating or getting food...

Complaining about the pain that plant went through - which they aren't even thinking about NOW - they are in the moment (calmness)...

This will not change the past of what happened to that plant/animal, but the animal and plant - unlike most humans... have the WISDOM to stay in the moment and not dwell on PAST hurting...

YES, there is wisdom in the pain experienced through life, but to dwell on past hurts is to create your own suffering that doesn't even exist NOW.

If you want people to be happy, suggest that they do not dwell on past hurting but that they focus on now and if pain is happening NOW then they deal with this pain NOW and then let it go... PEACE can be found in between these moments of pain which sometimes happen in life...

From this view-point in life, we can have Peace...

From your view-point in life, we can have suffering complaining about pain and misery.

You seem to be a compassionate person, but if people adapted your mentality then they would be looking at so much suffering the COMPASSIONATE thing to do would be to suggest a mentality of less suffering...

reply to post by Wertdagf

Originally posted by Wertdagf
Im starting to realize that you might rationalize this through some transcendental magic afterlife and at this point that is as far as we can go in discussion until you either lose such an illogical belief or I lose my rationality and believe in something metaphysical like you might

I am not rationalizing through "magic". I am rationalizing through Logic....

From your mentality, we would all be suffering and focusing on pain thinking like you....

From the other mentality, of staying in the moment instead of dwelling past suffering, they can be MORE COMFORT since our time is not used up thinking of past hurts...

So if you want to be happy and you are compassionate and want others to be happy, which mentality should be encouraged? The one of suffering or the one of joy? The one of joy obviously because even those in the worse situations can adapt it and find MORE peace than they would without it.
edit on 18-4-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Thank you for your patience and responses.

Like I've said to many people who use, what I consider, to be irrational beliefs to cope with reality... should you ever lose those ill be here to listen and help in any way I can.

And I know should I ever gain such beliefs that you will be willing to help me as well.

thank you again.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

I just want to say, I do understand where you are coming from with your perspective.

I feel compassion for you because I know how difficult it can be to understand the suffering of others and to seemingly feel like nothing can be done "I am one man alone", but now I choose to express my compassion by trying to get others to be happy through their THINKING so that they can find PEACE in their life, and hopefully when they think happier and interact with others the Hopefulness, the Optimism, will be an influence.

Ignore everything I said about "energy" and examine your ways of thinking and understand how that affects others...

I enjoyed talking with you. Peace

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