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The Illuminati. The pleiadian deception. Greys, Satanism The links to Torus.

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posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:32 PM
just be wary of all the events you will see on the upcoming news. It will be used to strip your rights and any methods of fighting back.

They will stage a false flag alien invasion. But the invasion is REAL. These beings control many aspects of governments controlling the flow of technology.

Which cripples us, does not allow us to sacvenge from ufo crashes. The military locks down on it.

And if the military is controlled by reptillians. It prevents us from creating/backwards engineering our own fleets and weapons to fight back. Thus we have to hide under the government.

Taking who they want underground, and leaving everyone else above. That is their great plan. Keep everyone distracted well they complete all of these things.

edit on 18-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:41 PM
what is your take on the teaching Jesus gives us of eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by preludefanguy

Yeah, really. What's the deal with the cannibalistic rituals? It's creepy and totally unnecessary.
edit on 18-4-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I believe Christ wasn't meant to be taken literal. You are ingesting Christ soul and Divinity.

edit on 18-4-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by preludefanguy

Yeah, really. What's the deal with the cannibalistic rituals? It's creepy and totally unnecessary.
edit on 18-4-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

Haahahha i know. it totally is.

Check this relivant video.


hahahhaha what a tool.
edit on 18-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
just be wary of all the events you will see on the upcoming news. It will be used to strip your rights and any methods of fighting back.

They will stage a false flag alien invasion. But the invasion is REAL. These beings control many aspects of governments controlling the flow of technology.

Which cripples us, does not allow us to sacvenge from ufo crashes. The military locks down on it.

And if the military is controlled by reptillians. It prevents us from creating/backwards engineering our own fleets and weapons to fight back. Thus we have to hide under the government.

Taking who they want underground, and leaving everyone else above. That is their great plan. Keep everyone distracted well they complete all of these things.

edit on 18-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

I find your symbolism of Cringer from He-Man to be rather disturbing and indicative of the passive-aggressive take over by the patriarchal Christian Right. The one that is nothing and is afraid until Prince Adam turns him into BattleCat. At first, I was making fun but it's actually pretty cool when you think about it.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by kimish

Even taking it metaphorically is pretty creepy. Why would you want to imagine partaking of another human being's flesh and blood?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

I found this to be very helpful and interesting, what keeps coming to mind is the Michael Jackson video Black or White, when he turns into a panther, some one had made a point that before Michael died he went through a kind of cleansing ritual and put it all in that music video, and I remember it being explained as if Micheal was a not only transformed into a new life, but that he was also protected by the powers that the panther represented....very interesting for sure. Do you know any thing about this?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:19 PM
my question was not answered

so I will ask the same question in a different manner

why do you think gene manipulation and blood is so sacred to the 'dark' ones?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by On7a7higher7plane

And you may be right, but that doesn't mean I can't learn a thing or two, after all we are adults here and I believe I can think for my Thanks for the look out though

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by preludefanguy
my question was not answered

so I will ask the same question in a different manner

why do you think gene manipulation and blood is so sacred to the 'dark' ones?

which dark ones are you refering to? are you referring to the ones made of dark matter or just the dark ones as in the ones that seek sacrifise.

The ones that seek sacrifise would be the feathered serpents. Who want blood as i explained. They want the human soul so they create hybrids with us and try to extract it from us through genetics.

Interesting question tho thanks for asking.

reply to post by greenfox86

edit on 18-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Yes, but then, theres another reason isnt there.

Why is it that the 'good' guys also want you to drink their blood?

What is it with blood/dna?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by preludefanguy
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Yes, but then, theres another reason isnt there.

Why is it that the 'good' guys also want you to drink their blood?

What is it with blood/dna?

If you are referring to the lions drinking and eating of the flesh, Its in reference to eating the impuirty and negativity carried. Since those beings are mortal flesh, they are unlike the beings of the 5th dimension.

So at a time, blood drinking would of been used when achived an enlightened and accended state. One can drink in the essence of other beings.

The owls can do this as well. But still i am not referring to which ones you mean. There were many dynasties that rose and fell that * thought* they understood the concepts. But just because someone translates something does not mean they understand the meaning behind it.

But feel free to explain im curious as to what you are exactly referring to other than what i mentioned. No person of valor and of heart will be eaten by lions don't worry about that.

Interesting if that is actually a ship from this thread.
Down sank Atlantis beneath the dark waves.
Shattered the gateway that had been opened;
shattered the doorway that led down below.
All of the islands were shattered except UNAL,
and part of the island of the sons of the DWELLER.

Preserved HE them to be the teachers,
Lights on the path for those to come after,
Lights for the lesser children of men.

Called HE then, I THOTH, before him,
gave me commands for all I should do, saying;
"Take thou, O THOTH, all of your wisdom.

Take all your records, Take all your magic.
Go thou forth as a teacher of men.
Go thou forth reserving the records
until in time LIGHT grows among men.
LIGHT shalt thou be all through the ages,
hidden yet found by enlightened men.
Over all Earth, give WE ye power,
free thou to give or take it away.

Gather thou now the sons of Atlantis.
Take them and flee to the people of the rock caves.
Fly to the land of the Children of KHEM."
Then gathered I the sons of Atlantis.
Into the spaceship I brought all my records,
brought the records of sunken Atlantis.
Gathered I all of my powers,
instruments many of mighty magic.

Up then we rose on wings of the morning.
High we arose above the Temple,
leaving behind the Three and DWELLER,
deep in the HALLS 'neath the Temple,
closing the pathway to the LORDS of the Cycles.

Yet ever to him who has knowing,
open shall be the path to AMENTI.
Fast fled we then on the wings of the morning,
fled to the land of the children of KHEM.
There by my power,
I conquered and ruled them.

Raised I to LIGHT,
the children of KHEM.
Deep 'neath the rocks,
I buried my spaceship,
waiting the time when man might be free.

Over the spaceship,
erected a marker in the form
of a lion yet like unto man.
There 'neath the image rests yet my spaceship,
forth to be brought when need shall arise.

Know ye, O man, that far in the future,
invaders shall come from out of the deep.
Then awake, ye who have wisdom.
Bring forth my ship and conquer with ease.
Deep 'neath the image lies my secret.
Search and find in the pyramid I built.

Each to the other is the Keystone;
each the gateway that leads into LIFE.
Follow the KEY I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to LIFE shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall.

Use thou the KEY of the SEVEN,
and open to thee the pathway will fall.
Now unto thee I have given my wisdom.
Now unto thee I have given my way.

Follow the pathway.
Solve thou my secrets.
Unto thee I have shown the way.

edit on 18-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

The ones who control this planet at the moment want to keep their cattle dumb and ignorant of their slaughter. What better way than to cut them off from spirituality than by cutting the gate that allows us to transform? They can never have what we have, so they wont let us have it either, at least, just enough so we can grow and be used, but not enough so we can become awake and see the walls built around us.

You see, DNA is a multidimensional tool, that carries all of our code here in the physical, and all of it in the spiritual as well. Or the 'etheric' or whatever you want to call it. Quantum field, higgs field, m theory brane which all other branes are part of. The body, the chakras within the body, they are all the same thing, your consciousness, its the same field expression. They are just a system of hierarchies, and what makes them different is that the same algorithm allows the math to have small deviations, or expressions, to separate it from the whole in a branching system. But this is just the consciousness collapsing that same expression differently by expressing/looking at the same thing from a different perspective.

Jesus, buddha, all these figures are just the higher mind. That is why they say, through me you will find the way to God.

When we meditate, and still our mind, we can connect to spirit, and through much work, we can unlock or seven seals, or CHAKRAS. Man and all the kingdom was created in 7 days, and on the 7th day God rested, because it was complete. This is the creation story of the awakening of man.

We learn to breathe, and move the breath through our entire bodies, entirely awake, why? Simply because once we find the way to our higher self, that higher self will resonate with you, and if you are still and accepting, it will transform you. It will literally transform you on a physical(dna) and spiritual level.

When we are reborn, we change, we are the same, but not, our 'egos' or physical manifestation die(transformed)

This is the mixing of your physical earthly dna with the cleansing of the higher self. You literally bring into existence a new being, from you man-made self, meeting with higher self, to the push and recreation under creative infinity. This is why we see Gold, and then all the spectrums of light or minds are familiar with. A lot of people that reach this connection see rainbows or different colors.

This is literally the doorway opening up in yourself to God, this is what people talk about when they see themselves baptized(immersed in the field), or they see the drop of water fall into the vast ocean. You are the drop, the vast ocean is everything(God). You are transformed.

You drink the blood of christ, and it mixes with yours, and you change. They cant reproduce it, because the catches to accept that kind of information is only found within us, and then we have to link to God, which is something they will never do.
edit on 18-4-2013 by preludefanguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 08:17 PM

to answer more of the blood eating

Triumph of the Sun God

Rival Cults--Ptah as a Giant--His Mountain "Seat--Paradise of Osiris--Paradise of Sun Worshippers--Ideas of Hades--The Devil Serpent--The Great Worm of the Bible--The Nine Gods of Heliopolis--Stone and Sun Worship--The Horus Cult--Various Conceptions of the God--Union with other Deities--Legend of the Winged Disk--Ra's Enemies slain--Set as the "Roaring Serpent"----Sun Worshippers as Kings--Ptah Worshippers as Grand Viziers--Unas the Eater of Gods--The Egyptian Orion.

THE rise of the sun god had both theological and political significance. Ra was elevated as the Great Father of a group of cosmic and human deities, and his high priest, who was evidently of royal descent, sat upon the throne of united Egypt. The folk tale about the prophecy of Dedi and the birth of three children who were to become kings appears to have been invented in later times to give divine origin to the revolution which abruptly terminated the succession of Khufu's descendants.

An interesting contrast is afforded by the two great rival religions of this period of transition. While the theology of Heliopolis was based upon sun worship, that of Memphis was based upon earth worship. Ptah, the creation elf of the latter city, had been united with Tanen (or Tatûnen), the earth giant, 1 who resembles Seb. The dwarfish deity then assumed gigantic proportions, and became a "world god" or Great Father. A hymn addressed to Ptah Tanen declares that his head is in

the heavens while his feet are on the earth or in Duat, the underworld. "The wind", declared the priestly poet, "issues from thy nostrils and the waters from thy mouth. Upon thy back grows the grain. The sun and the moon are thine eyes. When thou dost sleep it is dark, and when thou dost open thine eyes it is bright again."

Ptah Tanen was lauded as "a perfect god" who came forth "perfect in all his parts". At the beginning he was all alone. He built up his body and shaped his limbs ere the sky was fashioned and the world was set in order, and ere the waters issued forth. Unlike Ra, he did not rise from the primordial deep. "Thou didst discover thyself", sang the Memphite poet, "in the circumstance of one who made for himself a seat and shaped the Two Lands" (Upper and Lower Egypt). The suggestion is that, therefore, of a mountain giant with his 'seat' or 'chair' upon some lofty peak, an idea which only a hill folk could have imported.

"No father begot thee and no mother gave thee birth," the poet declared; "thou didst fashion thyself without the aid of any other being." The further union of Ptah with Osiris is reflected in the conception of a material Paradise) where the souls of the dead were employed in much the same manner as the workers in Egypt. Ethical beliefs pervaded this religious system, as we have seen; men were judged after death; their future happiness was the reward of right conduct and good living. Thus we find men declaring in tomb inscriptions: "I have constructed this tomb by honest means. I have never stolen from another . . . . I have never seized by force what belonged to another . . . . I was never scourged before an official (for law breaking) since I was born. My conduct was admired by all men. . . . I p. 157 gave food to those who hungered, and those who were destitute I did clothe. . . . No man ever cried out to the god complaining against me as an oppressor." Men died believing that Osiris would justify their actions. "I shall live like Osiris. He perished not when he died, neither shall I perish when I die." These professions continued to be recorded after the rise of the sun god. The new religion was embraced mainly by the royal and aristocratic families and the Asiatic element in the population. It was infused by magical rather than ethical beliefs; a man's future happiness depended wholly on his knowledge of magical formulae and his devotion to religious rites.

The legend continues in this strain, and relates that Horus pursued the enemies of the god Ra downstream. Apparently Egypt was full of them. We then learn that they were the followers of Set, who was driven towards the frontier. He was afterwards taken prisoner, and with manacled hands and a spear stuck in his neck he was brought before Ra. Then we find that there are two Horuses. The elder Horus is commanded by the sun god to deliver Set to Horus, son of Isis. The younger Horus cuts off the head of Set, and the slayer of Osiris becomes a roaring serpent which seeks refuge in a hole and is commanded to remain there.

Theres a whoooole lot in this link here. Should read it and it gives you a full scope of where the god eating- god comes from.


Now heaven rains, and trembles every star
With terror; bowmen scamper to escape;
And quakes old Aker, lion of the earth,
While all his worshippers betake to flight,
For Unas rises and in heaven appears
Like to a god who lived upon his sires
And on his mothers fed.

p. 169

Unas the lord
Of wisdom is; the secret of his Name
Not e'en his mother knows. . . . His rank is high
In heaven above; his power is like to Tum's,
His sire divine. . . . Greater than Tum is he.

His shadowy doubles follow him behind
As he comes forth. The uræus on his brow
Uprears; the royal serpent guides him on;
He sees his Ba 1 a flame of living fire.

The strength of Unas shields him. . . He is now
The Bull of Heaven, doing as he wills,
Feeding on what gives life unto the gods--
Their food he eats who would their bellies fill
With words of power from the pools of flame.

Against the spirits shielded by his might,
Unas arises now to take his meal--
Men he devours; he feasts upon the gods
This lord who reckons offerings: he who makes
Each one to bow his forehead, bending low.

Amkenhuu is snarer; Herthertu
Hath bound them well; and Khonsu killer is
Who cuts the throats and tears the entrails out--
'Twas he whom Unas sent to drive them in . . .
Divided by Shesemu, now behold
The portions cooking in the fiery pots.

Unas is feasting on their secret Names;
Unas devours their spirits and their souls--
At morn he eats the largest, and at eve
The ones of middle girth, the small at night:
Old bodies are the faggots for his fire.

Lo! mighty Unas makes the flames to leap
With thighs of agèd ones, and into pots
Are legs of women flung that he may feast.

p. 170

Unas, the Power, is the Power of Powers!
Unas, the mighty god, is god of gods!
Voraciously he feeds on what he finds,
And he is given protection more assured
Than all the mummies 'neath the western sky.

Unas is now the eldest over all--
Thousands he ate and hundreds he did burn;
He rules o'er Paradise. . . .Among the gods
His soul is rising up in highest heaven--
The Crown is he as the horizon lord.

He reckoned livers as he reckoned knots;
The hearts of gods he ate and they are his;
He swallowed up the White Crown and the Red,
And fat of entrails gulped; the secret Names
Are in his belly and he prospers well--
Lo! he devoured the mind of every god,
And so shall live for ever and endure
Eternally, to do as he desires.

The souls of gods are now in his great soul;
Their spirits in his spirit; he obtains
Food in abundance greater than the gods--
His fire has seized their bones, and lo! their souls
Are Unas's; their shades are with their forms.

Unas ascends. . . . Unas ascends with these--
Unas is hidden, is hidden 1 . . . . An One
For him hath ploughed . . . . The seat of every heart Is
Unas's among all living men.

There Check out the link to find out more.

edit on 18-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 08:24 PM
Yes, but these are all religions, all symbolic. You see, our brain, our interface, deals in symbols, for we live in a 3-dimensional world.

The 'bad' guys eat the blood to gain control and power.

The spiritually sound drink the spiritual blood of christ to become reborn. and as above in my last post, it is not physical blood. (doesnt have to be Christ, he is just a symbol, like Buddha, a reminder of what is, this is just basically the manifestation of our higher self in a way our brain can make sense of it and compile the information for us.

The spirit says, aha! That is the higher self! The brain says, wait, what the hell is the higher self? Oh yeah, that Jesus Christ guy I learned about in church! And then the spirit(consciousness) clicks to that part of your brain and it all makes sense, but be sure that you dont get stuck on that, and realize its just a funny mirror, warping what is so we can define it and see it for ourselves.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

"SET" was his Egyptian Name. "In Every Land & Every Language the Conquering Children of SET were given a Name". His sumerian name is "An", "O-Ce-An" oh see An. He is the Father of the Reptile Branch and he is the "Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss". The "Abyss" is defined as the Negative Space ruled by a binary system Fueled by a Black Sun, and it lies as a separating barrier between realm of Heaven and the Realm of the Underworld. This Negative area is the Origin of Demons, and all Negative Life forms cast off. In his own Arc he is called Abyth Sol (saul) and the Hebrew called him "Sol-O-Mon" the wise serpent. As father of a branch, his branch is extensive. Fish, Turtle, Frog, snakes, birds, dinosaurs, all of these are among the Reptile branch.

SET had two offspring branches, the El(oheim) greys, and the Moloch(owl) Lilith "Isis", is the daughter of SET (Inanna/An) and Queen of the Moloch. The Greys in babylon, were called 'alien' and 'demon' and this is both correct. They originate from the Abyss on the 33rd degree line into our domain, and they 'glow' or 'emit light' and these were "Liliths Shining Ones". They are not mamallian man, they are reptiles and we are a food & HOST source. Their native language is Latin. It was their Coven freemason, that was taught by Alexander/Marduke as "Azazel/Massawa the great architech" to build monolithic doors into the churches which allowed the coven priest to feed their followers to the El (Sacrafice of the Mass). This is what the priest at the Chateau Le Rennes found out. That is who 'Jesus' is about. The Moloch are the "owl man of cornwall" and are represented in the movie the "4th Kind", their native language is Sumerian as is "Inanna's". Elizabeth is Lilith.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:11 PM
Instead of spending our billions on something productive lets worship fake gods!

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by JulioSanteria

everything we have built is a distraction, a very fun theme park. And that is the agenda of those that control us, keep us busy on the merry go round over and over each cycle.

This site is a distraction. It mostly deals with the suffering of man, the changes that are taking place, this site is a two edged sword. It allows us to come together, like the internet, to collaborate and remind each other of what we are, but it also keeps us distracted.

The last thing the powers that be want is for us to shut off all of our neat techno gadgets and go into our houses and be with family and meditate, be still. So they keep us very very busy, sparing no expense.

This is why they want to control the internet, and not have it a free domain, it being a free domain is bad for them, but they allow it for now, because it does keep us distracted, and they dont think there is anyone too far along to spoil their plans. They own the larger whole of us.

This is also why they fear a major collapse of the technology world. They fear a solar flare that will knock the grid out. That is why prominent figures have come out to say we need to spend billions to make sure it doesnt go out in case of such an event. And they hide behind the fact that it will uphold our civilization and will not allow it to collapse. Fear, of returning to our roots. Dont you see the many veils of lies they tell? All for power through fear.

But the objective is defined, the plan is adaptable, this is why they also have built underground bunkers, in case they need to activate that contingency. They are ready for whatever happens. What they are not ready for, is the dimensional shift, they have no power or control over that. We are changing now, because it is the time for change, do not be mislead, there are cosmic occurrences that are like that of a clock turning its wheels, unstoppable, and it is ushering the new era in. But only those that have made themselves pure will inherit this.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by preludefanguy

Don't worry about it, enough people will wake up to it that at least our voices will be heard.

We will make it through this, just seek inner wisdom. Avoid the distractions and make your voice and statements clear towards these suggestions people throw on TV

IF you see something that is against justice, Something dwelling in injustice. There needs to be a raised voice saying. That effects people negatively! ( in the case of greed no exceptions)

All should be well distributed. And technology should be utilized to increase survival rates of all wakes of life.

That is just my oppinion tho.

edit on 18-4-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

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