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US kills 30 innocent at Afghan wedding...3 killed in Boston. Why is this more important?

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by TheRealTruth84

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by TheRealTruth84

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by pheonix358
The US claims the 30 dead at the wedding was a mistake they made.

As far as I have read, they have not said sorry as yet.

What the US did today in Afghanistan today is to create another hundred or so 'freedom fighters' that hate them with passion.

It is a never ending story.

I am not surprised that bombs went off in the US, there are so many people with so many different reasons all of whom would want to do the same.

Undoubtedly some organization or country will likely get the blame and yet the truth is that it could be a lone wolf citizen from the US or abroad just getting some payback for the US killing his children / wife / family.


It always amazes me how the US claims to have the most advanced tech and info gathering capabilities but are always ...OOPS...Casualties of War.

Yet, it's no big deal about innocent deaths until a few die on US soil. And then it's all about "How Can This Happen To Us?"


How about you give some people a day to grieve before you start ridiculing how morally obtuse they may or may not be. The 3 dead and 100+ injured today were also innocents Jude, lets not forget that. Oh and don't forget to read one of my reply's above because it is sad how many people can not cognitively read an article and realize it is 11 years old.

Think about one thing...

The only reason there is an explosion of sentiment on the net right now is to garner sympathy for a few while 1,000's are dieing at the hands of Westerners as we speak. Where is that outrage? Where is the coverage?

Do I feel for the few? Of course I do. But I also feel for the numerous other nameless and countless around the World. The few will be honored by a Nation while the many will fall into obscurity.

And that's how hatred is stirred, anger is directed and Wars get justified. Rinse and repeat.


I will not discount what you say here. But are we any better than those in power if we choose to use a tragedy to push our opinion. There is something to be said for showing a little class in the wake of a tragedy, if we are supposed to be the "good guys" lets attempt to show some.

'Supposed to be' is not even the issue here because it isn't even close to reality. The uncaring attitude of the West for their crimes has been exposed for a long time now.

It doesn't matter when events happen because 'a few years ago' doesn't make the event any less tragic does it?

Too many of these mass killings get swept under the rug and passed off as casualties of War while a few on home soil are the most tragic thing to happen in the World this day. Meanwhile overseas...

It doesn't mean that any are more important or deserving of note but look at the MSM exploding right now because of Boston. What about the 1000's dieing at this moment who will never even be remembered by tomorrow.


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by jude11
US kills 30 innocent people at a wedding...1 thread

US bomb kills 30 at Afghan wedding

Bombs in US kill 3...I lost count of the threads.

Anyone else see what's wrong with this picture? 30 dead overseas...another business day. 3 dead in the US...TERROR!!!!

No need to go further as the sentiments speak louder than I can shout. MSM doesn't even think it's important so why should anyone else?


edit on 15-4-2013 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

Why is it more important? Easy, ratings...and the fact people really don't care what happens to foreigners on their land.

Since you are into counting many threads talk about the genocide that happens everyday in Africa...

...point made.

Death by any means is bad-no need to lessen any groups death by saying your 'group' is more important... And by your group I'm guessing it's a 'religion of peace.'

Edit-I understand your frustration, but sadly MSM really is good about provoking a response from sheeple. I do feel for the 3 killed in Boston. I also agree that the 30 wedding people getting killed and the US only said 'Oops' is jacked up.
edit on 16-4-2013 by ChuckNasty because: as above

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Warchief666
there was 50 people killed in Iraq today and 300 injured also.

Not even one word. I saw Julia Gilliard the Aussie PM issue a statement of condolensce to the American people whihc is fair enough but should she not be doing the same for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan? Why is one persons life more important than another? I cant see the correlation

It's BS. You see the same here when a massacre or something happens in the Middle East. Barely get a response if innocent Muslims are getting their limbs blown off but when it's a Westerner, it's the hottest topic on the planet. I understand the bombings are the act of a coward but it's got to the point where I couldn't really give a toss anymore. Stiff sh*t, it just means we are all getting blown up now.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy

Originally posted by Warchief666
there was 50 people killed in Iraq today and 300 injured also.

Not even one word. I saw Julia Gilliard the Aussie PM issue a statement of condolensce to the American people whihc is fair enough but should she not be doing the same for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan? Why is one persons life more important than another? I cant see the correlation

It's BS. You see the same here when a massacre or something happens in the Middle East. Barely get a response if innocent Muslims are getting their limbs blown off but when it's a Westerner, it's the hottest topic on the planet. I understand the bombings are the act of a coward but it's got to the point where I couldn't really give a toss anymore. Stiff sh*t, it just means we are all getting blown up now.

Labeling a group of people by their religion makes others who don't care about that religion care even less. When you stated Westerner why didn't you include the 3 people that got killed religion? Why don't Westerners immediately label people by their religion...because Westerners are made up of All religions. Westerners really don't care much for what god a person prays too...unless that attack is aimed at that religion. Westerners are more visual based vs religious based...white vs black for simplicity.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by ChuckNasty

It's got nothing to do with religion. It's more to do with people jumping into a frenzy when these acts occur in their country yet when it happens somewhere else where innocents are being butchered, no-one gives a sh*t.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:43 PM
If I remember that Afghan wedding story from years ago, it was a way to get a large number of identified terrorists at one event. In the end, this event likely saved more innocent lives in the future (or past, as it were), as a terrorist's relatives may not be so keen on them coming to the next family event, or having an uninvited drone crash the party.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:09 PM
If some one from the families that could Not
get to the wedding starts bombing americans.

would you blame them?
I would join them...

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by buddha

That's fine, you just have to consider the retribution ratios.

Israel typically kills about 10 for every 1 they lose.
We kill about 100 for every 1 we lose.
As long as you're ok with those stats, bomb away.

Is it "fair"? No. Too bad.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:14 PM
This whole thread is a good example of how callous we as humans have become about death unless ofcourse it is in the U.S. then if it bleeds it leads.The fact that when something like this does happen in the U.S. we have media that thrives on death because it means RATINGS and the political people use this horror for political agendas with no reguard for what they say or who hears it. On the other hand in countrys like Iraq and Afganistan they just seem to morn and move on...............sad, don't you think?

What ever happen to the stratigic strick like ben laden(or who ever)?? now we just send in a drone and kill everyone in the area. Are we so righteous that we can do this without any concern for the innocent?

We argue about dates as if the people 11 years ago are no longer important, we make excuses that it was right after 911 as if to say kill them all tell we get the right one.................shills do have a tendency to take there talking points a little to literal and harp on one thing a date.

I was impressed about one thing, it did not take 24 hours for people to tell everyone where they could send money.Sorry, just being much death........everywhere.
edit on 16-4-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Battleline

Think its more of the OP thinking the 30 being killed happened on the same day as the Boston thing... He was upset because there was only one other post at that time for the 30 being killed and assumed we all didn't care.

Even after the rabbit told the OP that his info was outdated, the OP failed to retract and use logic in this argument. The logic being - there is only 1 post to the 30dead vs the 30posts to the 3dead due to the fact they didn't happen on the same day.

edit on 16-4-2013 by ChuckNasty because: just cause

edit-I vote to call this thread dead...Wed 17 Apr 0138 Zulu
edit on 16-4-2013 by ChuckNasty because: edit as above

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by ChuckNasty
reply to post by Battleline

Think its more of the OP thinking the 30 being killed happened on the same day as the Boston thing... He was upset because there was only one other post at that time for the 30 being killed and assumed we all didn't care.

Even after the rabbit told the OP that he info was outdated, the OP failed to retract and use logic in this argument. The logic being - there is only 1 post to the 30dead vs the 30posts to the 3dead is due to the fact they didn't happen on the same day.

" the info was out dated" do you "outdate" death?

I can't speak for the OP and what he is thinking like you so eagerly do for"the rabbit" but I would think the OP to be a little smarter then you give him credit for. It could be the OP had a special interest for bring up the wedding but that is still not the point, you and your rabbit know what the OP was getting at and all you have to ridicule him, for what ever your reason are dates, what is the expiration date on death???????????
edit on 16-4-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Battleline

Did you even look at the OP's post and link to his proof?

How about Christians screaming and hollering about the churches being fire bombed in Libya... How many deaths there? Lots I'm sure - but like I posted above...what happens to foreigners on foreign land rarely gets MSM attention in the US of A.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:30 PM
Oh i no how you feel N.Ireland was the same sure the Main Land hated us apart from maybe Scotland, if we went to England on holiday we where treated like dirt and why because of this..............We used to get this in N.Ireland are news was 7 soldiers blown up and killed in a terror attack could people please reroute going home as the blah blah road will be closed :/
Next "a known IRA man blah blah blah died to-day in a hunger strike and we are going to plaster it all over the news and talk about it for months and have a great big funeral for him cos he's a hero!!!! Give me a break!

This was the kind of news that came out of Britain about there lands in Ulster, usually the bad news came out about the poor IRA guy shot and murdered while trying to plant a bomb in some shop that 100's of people would be going into to do christmas shopping yes some news stations used to say murdered lol!!! but never the news about the murders of UDR soldiers fighting for there country and RUC men so why did this happen?

I had to check under my car every morning before i took my kids to school in case there was a bomb under it they didn't care if your kids were in it as they say well then you shouldn't have been a soldier for the British government!!

My cousin in Canada used to think we ran about Catholic estates with sub machine guns killing women and children, for crying out loud tut she didn't hear anything about anybody being kill apart from Catholic's!

Thank goodness those days are behind us and we can all move on but when countries start hating each other well that's another story, hate starts in the home if your children start hearing there parent saying oh those Americans are this and that, well that child will liking go on and say the same things, the good thing is my kids never heard hate in there home and have friends from all religious back grounds but mostly Catholic friends.

Bigots should be wiped of the earth so the rest of us can live in peace, wouldn't that be a wonderful place to live in
ohhhhhhh i had a wee rant there myself opps lol, but you got my drift, right?

Well i say God Bless America cos my great great great uncle's kids are there somewhere

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by jude11

There's another thread regarding this incident, which is now closed because it was apparently actually a story from 2002. So yes, this incident did happen, but it was 11 years ago. Haven't seen any news elsewhere regarding there being a recent US/NATO bombing of an Afghan wedding, which would seem to corroborate this being an old story.

I went to the link to the Daily Telegraph, which the OP in the other ATS thread provided. Originally it just had the current date, i.e. Apr 14, 2013. But checking it today, there is a date of March (?) 2002.

As an aside, there WAS a magnitude 7.8 EQ in Iran that happened in the last day or two and killed at least 5 people, and yet the MS 'Muriken Media hasn't bothered mentioning it. Why talk about a massive, killer EQ in an Axis-of-Evil country when you can devote all news coverage to the Boston Marathon bombing instead?

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by jude11

I'm glad you're paying attention.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive
reply to post by jude11

There's another thread regarding this incident, which is now closed because it was apparently actually a story from 2002. So yes, this incident did happen, but it was 11 years ago. Haven't seen any news elsewhere regarding there being a recent US/NATO bombing of an Afghan wedding, which would seem to corroborate this being an old story.

I went to the link to the Daily Telegraph, which the OP in the other ATS thread provided. Originally it just had the current date, i.e. Apr 14, 2013. But checking it today, there is a date of March (?) 2002.

As an aside, there WAS a magnitude 7.8 EQ in Iran that happened in the last day or two and killed at least 5 people, and yet the MS 'Muriken Media hasn't bothered mentioning it. Why talk about a massive, killer EQ in an Axis-of-Evil country when you can devote all news coverage to the Boston Marathon bombing instead?

Isn't some of the Muriken Media owned by Muslims? Maybe you should ask your bretheren why they don't demand more coverage... Maybe because they aren't extremists. But at least Murikens don't pass out info packets praising when people get killed. Muslims Celebrate

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by ChuckNasty

Isn't some of the Muriken Media owned by Muslims? Maybe you should ask your bretheren why they don't demand more coverage... Maybe because they aren't extremists. But at least Murikens don't pass out info packets praising when people get killed.

Why you replied to what I said isn't really clear, but since you did:

Perhaps you didn't know this, but actually a whole lot of news media is owned or ran by Jews, who aren't generally known for covering the Muslim/Arab angle on news stories. Al Jazeera did buy Current T.V., but doesn't seem to be doing squat with it.

Don't know about 'Murikens passing out info packets praising when people get killed, but it sure does spawn a lot of chest thumping and t.v. coverage, to wit: the Killing of an unarmed Osama Bin Laden, the Shock and Awe of the initial saturation bombing of Baghdad during Operation "Iraqi Liberation," and the 24/7 cable coverage of Operation Desert Storm. 'Muriken media also like playing the video of the airplane crashing into the WTC tower over and over again. It also celebrates its bushwhackers -- whoops, I mean snipers -- with multiple war-porn shows about them.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
If I remember that Afghan wedding story from years ago, it was a way to get a large number of identified terrorists at one event. In the end, this event likely saved more innocent lives in the future (or past, as it were), as a terrorist's relatives may not be so keen on them coming to the next family event, or having an uninvited drone crash the party.

No, you don't remember right. It was just a wedding with attendant customary shooting into the air, and so some of NATO's finest called in an airstrike, thinking it was evil doers up to no good. Months later NATO admitted that it was its bad.

So you are what makes for a Supermoderator at ATS, huh?

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 10:46 AM
I think (sadly) that most Americans have a mentality that anything outside America isn't real life.

Most are self centered and don't care what happens outside the US. When something like the Boston Marathon bombing happens, it hits home a lot harder than anything else they see on the idiot box.

It's a shame though, innocents dying anywhere on our planet is unacceptable! If it's the MSM's job to sweep these horror stories under the rug, then it's our job to bring them to light!

Thank you for your post Jude11.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:38 PM
Your post is illogical. The OP is comparing an Event that Happened Recently to an Event that happened 11 years ago, and is then outraged that there are Countless threads from the Recent event compared to the 1 thread for the old event.

The OP then goes and claims that the main reason for the Boston Event having More threads is because it Happened in AMERICA. That is just plain retarded. If you want to make a comparison like that then you need a Snapshot/Picture of what the ATS website looked like 11 years ago to determine any "media injustice" or "uncaring american" hypocrisy. For all we know there were 40 threads about that bombing which would be more than there are about the Marathon.

The OP made a mistake because they didn't fact check and make sure that Afghan Bombing happened recently, then tried to pretend like they did actually know by using a Red Herring (fallacy) by saying "Well there are thousands dieing elsewhere in the world right now by American hands, where is the outrage/threads?" Now if the OP had started with the deaths in Iraq/elsewhere and posted the article/ATS thread talking about it then you could logically back the OPs post. But they didn't, in fact at this point there is no Article talking about the events in Iraq or elsewhere in the Middle East that involves the U.S military killing people, not even from a non U.S media like AJ, so how about some proof as to what is happening there?

Secondly all these Hasty Generalizations about any country has to go. We are all Humans and we should treat each other as such. We need to Unite as a species. Whether its Americans killing Afghans, or Afghans blowing themselves up to kill each other/Britain it is ridiculous and retarded and needs to Stop.

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