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6 Sneaky Ways the Christian Right Foists Its Biblical Agenda on America

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by colbe

Your title alone reads anti-Christian. Why would you start such a thread, don't you care about your soul

Do you think that Christians are above criticism? Do you think that all Christians always do the right things?

Don't you think that people have the right to criticize and condemn motives and actions that they deem to be heavy handed and immoral, even dangerous, especially when they hide behind their supposed moral high ground?

Do you think that people who criticize Christians are in danger of loosing their mortal soul? Is that why you passive aggressively threatened Wildtimes' soul?

You wouldn't be one of those Christians who wants to stifle free speech when it comes to exposing Christians and their sneaky agendas, would you? Kinda like the way you sneak into threads, derailing the topic by posting off topic and unrelated comments, turning the topic to what you want to discuss, the way you want to discuss it. You appear to be the JUST the type of Christian that we're talking about here, one who wants to foist their religious view on others, whether they like it or not!

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
In any case, stuff and nonsense! It is MOST interesting that those issues you mention are all things the communists have pushed for, to subvert the nation.
edit on 16-4-2013 by LadyGreenEyes because: (no reason given)

Yeah......... the evil communists. Let me guess, you grew up during the McCarthy era?

The article is not talking about all Christians. Mainly the Christian right conservatives. And if you live anywhere in the deep South where almost everyone is Methodist or southern Baptist you would see that it rings true. Even for people that do not follow politics.

Pat Robertson and all those guys have a smugness about them and don't mind pushing any kind of agenda like this on folks because in their eyes they are right and everyone else is wrong. They see the world as entirely black and white when its just not so.
edit on 16-4-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

Nope, before my time. The simple fact is that you can see these very agenda items listed in communist writings. In 1992, at a meeting of the Communist Party USA, several methods were discussed which they wanted to use to destroy America as a free nation, and turn it to a communist one. These methods have been discussed as far back as the 1930's. Some mentioned were:

1. Cohabitation instead of marriage.
2. Control of children at the earliest possible age, by use of state-run programs.
3. The feminist movement, in order to make women discontent with marriage and motherhood, thus making the first two goals easier to reach.
4. The environmental movement, to destroy businesses, and with them, free enterprise.
5. An acceptance of homosexuality as normal, in order to destroy the culture.

All those things can be traced back to prominent communists. All those things are being done. People that value America as a free nation, and are intelligent enough to remember the real history, understand the threat, and thus push for legal ways to prevent the further destruction of the nation. Many of those people may be Christian, but that doesn't mean that's the reason for their concern, nor does it mean that what concerns them, and what they fight for, is a bad thing.

I actually was born in the South, and am very familiar with the culture. While some might be "smug" as you describe, and some go too far, most aren't anything like that. You should not judge an entire section of the nation based on the actions of a couple of people that got into the limelight for whatever reason. That is no more reasonable that someone assuming that all New Yorkers agree with Mayor Bloomberg. For the record, I was raised Southern Baptist, and if you knew anything about that, really, you would know there is a LOT of variety among the SB churches. There isn't some set hierarchy, as in some denominations. Some, as with ANY group of people, can be pushy. Most aren't. Black and white? Yes, there are some things that are absolutes. Christian conservatives aren't evil because they want to protect the freedoms that were so dearly paid for to create this nation.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

do you really not see how the article is saying that these very issues, that you keep stating (accurately) are communist, are the very ones that the Religious Far-Right is wanting?
They are fighting FOR these things. Not against them.

I don't understand how you are not getting it.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Shouldn't this be in rants, or conspiracies in religion? In any case, stuff and nonsense! It is MOST interesting that those issues you mention are all things the communists have pushed for, to subvert the nation. Every single point. So, twist it and claim that those in opposition are part of some "Christian Right" agenda? Clever move, there, on the part of whoever wrote that mess, but I see right through it.

I don't think you 'see it' at all, Eyes. You must have been rushing and already being emotional and thinking how 'wrong' it was, without actually comprehending what was being said.

Those issues mentioned in the article are things that the Christian Coalition DOES want...
have another look at it again, please. Those in FAVOR of those things, every single one of them, are the "Christian Right", hard-line conservatives.

Some members have tried to separate the two, but when you have men like Pat Robertson calling for an Iwo Jima against a secular society and referring to those who want to keep things calm and open as Demons, there is a problem. You don't seem to see that the Christian Coalition are the ones who want these things - which means you are saying THEY are acting like "Communists" (to use your phraseology).

EDIT: NuT has kindly pointed out to me that Pat Robertson is not a Congressman (whew!). I constantly mix up his name with Pat Roberts. Please excuse my blip.

edit on 16-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

No, I comprehended quite well what was being said; probably better than you did, since you seem to have come into this with a certain bias against Christianity. Maybe you have a reason. I know some churches and some calling themselves Christian don't always behave as well as they should.

The point I am making is that it's anti-Christians and communists, among others, that have been pushing an agenda in this country. Do some research. The information is available. Here is one source, and I am sure you can locate others:
I am also listing some of the points found there:

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Any of that look familiar to you? The article your OP is about is backwards. The writer seeks to blame those fighting an agenda, by making them out to be the bad guys, when the reality is they are trying to protect a nation.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by StalkerSolent

Originally posted by StalkerSolent
Christians are worried not only that homosexual marriage will become mainstream, but also that it will be forced down their throats.

The only thing being forced down their throats is legal equality. The idea that they will have to live side-by-side with people who don't share their views. We all have to do that. The only way that homosexual marriage could be "forced" is to make them marry a homosexual. THAT would be force. Forcing them to share the planet with others who hold different views is something we all must do. It's part of living in an advanced society.

That is flat out wrong. People have every right to NOT approve of homosexuality, and to NOT support it in their business or church or home. Lawsuits have been brought against business owners and churches that refuse, because of their RIGHTS, to not support a homosexual marriage. That is FORCE.

Originally posted by StalkerSolent
Now, we can debate all day about whether this is good or bad, but I think we should understand that American Christians believe, with at least some justification, that their way of life is being ripped away from them.

It's good to see that some understand this.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Prohibiting Christians from attending church - THAT would be ripping their way of life from them.
Making prayer against the law - THAT would be ripping their way of life from them.
Making churches illegal - THAT would be ripping their way of life from them.
Equal treatment under the secular laws does, IN NO WAY, rip their way of life from them. It doesn't affect their way of life in the least. They think they have the right to control others' behavior, and they simply don't. The fact that they believe they have the right to dictate morals is what is causing the problem. They don't. They can live according to their morals all they want, but they cannot and should not legally try to FORCE others to live according to their beliefs.

Forcing a church to perform a homosexual wedding is ripping their way of life from them. Hate speech laws that prevent pastors from preaching what the Bible states about homosexuality (which they already have in Canada, and many want here) rip their way of life from them. Prayer is ALREADY prohibited in many PUBLIC places, which, yet again, rips their way of life from them. Anti-Christian zealots have NO RIGHT to dictate the behavior of Christians, or tell Christians that they must live according to homosexual beliefs. See how that works? You don't want Christian lessons in school, but you have no issue with pro-homosexual lessons. Legally forcing Christians to accept something that goes against their beliefs is wrong.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Let me be clear that I don't mean all Christians. I'm talking about the religious right, who feel they have a mission to save the world through force. They are not unlike the Muslims they hate so much.

Let ME be clear that I don't mean all homosexuals. I am talking about the activists, who feel they have a mission to convert the world through force. They are experts on hate. The things that some have done to churches aren't fit to be repeated here.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

No, I comprehended quite well what was being said; probably better than you did, since you seem to have come into this with a certain bias against Christianity. Maybe you have a reason. I know some churches and some calling themselves Christian don't always behave as well as they should.

No, probably not 'better than [I] did'.
I posted an article that made some points I thought were worth discussing.

I'm glad you "know some churches and some calling themselves Christian don't always behave as well as they should."

Are you admitting that the sort of so-called Christian who DOES behave this way are supporting so-called communist agendae?

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by StalkerSolent

Originally posted by StalkerSolent
Christians are worried not only that homosexual marriage will become mainstream, but also that it will be forced down their throats.

The only thing being forced down their throats is legal equality. The idea that they will have to live side-by-side with people who don't share their views. We all have to do that. The only way that homosexual marriage could be "forced" is to make them marry a homosexual. THAT would be force. Forcing them to share the planet with others who hold different views is something we all must do. It's part of living in an advanced society.

Now, we can debate all day about whether this is good or bad, but I think we should understand that American Christians believe, with at least some justification, that their way of life is being ripped away from them.

Prohibiting Christians from attending church - THAT would be ripping their way of life from them.
Making prayer against the law - THAT would be ripping their way of life from them.
Making churches illegal - THAT would be ripping their way of life from them.
Equal treatment under the secular laws does, IN NO WAY, rip their way of life from them. It doesn't affect their way of life in the least. They think they have the right to control others' behavior, and they simply don't. The fact that they believe they have the right to dictate morals is what is causing the problem. They don't. They can live according to their morals all they want, but they cannot and should not legally try to FORCE others to live according to their beliefs.

Let me be clear that I don't mean all Christians. I'm talking about the religious right, who feel they have a mission to save the world through force. They are not unlike the Muslims they hate so much.

Hey there, Heretic

If you are forcing churches to marry people they do not believe they should be married, or forcing businesses to serve people they don't want to serve, you're forcing something down their throats. As unpopular as it may be, I think that PRIVATE businesses and churches should be able to discriminate if they want to. This cuts both ways. That whole "not forcing your morals on other people" thing is a two-way street.

I agree that "forcing someone to live on the same planet as someone else" is a pretty stupid definition of force. But forcing a pastor to marry a homosexual couple, well...that's more serious. I'm not certain that attempts to do this have been made at this point in time, but that's the sort of thing that I think is a legitimate worry.

Now, as far as the "ripping away their form of life" goes, that's a bit more subjective. Like it or not, America has been so soaked in Christianity that our current culture is in many ways an aberration from the past, and I think people are worried about that. When the culture changes, it affects EVERYONE, and many Christians today do not like where the culture is going. Think about it: if the culture is unfavorable to homosexuals, does it change the way they behave? Sure. If the culture changes in ways that are not beneficial to Christianity, it WILL affect Christians.
Personally, I think attempts to control the culture by political force are generally mistaken. But you have to understand the opposite point of view, even if you disagree with it.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Do you understand that the list of "Communist" goals that you presented wasn't written by communists, but by a conservative United States author and faith-based political theorist, during a time of fear and paranoia based on cold war propaganda? It's no more reliable as truth than the Protocols of Zion. It was a document used as a which hunt diving rod to divide and persecute Americans didn't adhere to fundamental Christian morality.

The Naked Communist is a book written in 1958 by conservative United States author and faith-based political theorist Cleon Skousen.[1] The book posits and seeks to describe a geopolitical strategy by which the Marxist–Leninist Soviet Union was attempting to overcome and control all the governments of the world that were not members of the Communist bloc. At the time that the book was published, during the Cold War, fear of communism was common among people in non-communist nations. The list of communist goals contained in the book was read into the Congressional Record by U.S. Congressman Albert S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida, on January 10, 1963.

The Christian right and the Christian Coalition is using this list as a play book today. Check and Point, right down the list!
edit on 16-4-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by windword

The Naked Communist is a book written in 1958 by conservative United States author and faith-based political theorist Cleon Skousen.

I have an autographed first edition of that book around here someplace!

Never read it, though. I already knew enough Soviet Union history, at the point in my life when I came across that baby, to know that it was mostly propaganda.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by ignorant_ape

That's the problem, long as it's NOT in there, women can be paid less and degraded, devalued and hushed. If it were in there, they couldn't do that.

It's shameful how men and women are being turned against each other. I used to think feminism was a good thing that granted me the right to vote and own property. Now I just view it as a commie tactic to turn the men into sniveling wimps and the women into screeching harpies who cry victim all the time. Such a shame something that had so much potential for society has been ruined.

If someone is treating their employees like crap that person is a jerk. Doesn't matter if they are a man doing it to a woman or vice versa.

As far as addressing unequal pay, if you were a business owner and you needed to hire an employee to lift 60 lb. bags all day for a job would you hire a woman? SOME women are built like linebackers and could toss around heavy boxes all day for 6- 12 hrs (depending on shift length) but most women aren't built like that. Blame nature if you must, but don't blame the business who just wants to hire someone who can get the job done efficiently. Oftentimes a business hires someone who isn't qualified (or may just barely qualify) for the job because they are forced to by law. It's a waste of the business's time and money to hire people who shouldn't even be considered for the job. In those cases of course the business is going to try to minimize the damage done to it, keeping the pay lower for the inappropriately hired employee is one way of doing that.

If it is a job that could be done equally by a woman or a man than pay should be scaled by experience and job performance. No one should be getting special treatment in that case, although we all know people play favorites and it does happen since we live in an imperfect world. More laws or amendments won't change the games that people play though.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Let ME be clear that I don't mean all homosexuals. I am talking about the activists, who feel they have a mission to convert the world through force.

Well, you have not made that clear at all, Eyes. Which homosexuals are okay with you, then?
Which homosexuals are trying to 'convert the world' to anything?

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by FaithandArms

If someone is treating their employees like crap that person is a jerk. Doesn't matter if they are a man doing it to a woman or vice versa.

Right, Exactly that.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

1. Cohabitation instead of marriage.
2. Control of children at the earliest possible age, by use of state-run programs.
3. The feminist movement, in order to make women discontent with marriage and motherhood, thus making the first two goals easier to reach.
4. The environmental movement, to destroy businesses, and with them, free enterprise.
5. An acceptance of homosexuality as normal, in order to destroy the culture.

All those things can be traced back to prominent communists. All those things are being done.

Seems to me you are saying everything they have listed in the article and the communists have the same agenda. So are they working together? Or have the evil Communists infiltrated the Conservative Christians?
Or maybe they have the same agenda?

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
I actually was born in the South, and am very familiar with the culture. While some might be "smug" as you describe, and some go too far, most aren't anything like that. You should not judge an entire section of the nation based on the actions of a couple of people that got into the limelight for whatever reason.

I realize not everyone is exactly the same. But as far as generalizations go its safe to say that if you've been to one SB church, the rest are not much different. Its like comparing Macintosh apples to Red delicious apples. Little bit different of a flavor but still just an apple.

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
There isn't some set hierarchy, as in some denominations. Some, as with ANY group of people, can be pushy. Most aren't. Black and white? Yes, there are some things that are absolutes. Christian conservatives aren't evil because they want to protect the freedoms that were so dearly paid for to create this nation.

That's funny, I thought SB churches had preachers and deacons. So yes, there is a bit of a heirarchy. Not like in the military or anything. But you can't tell me that the parishioners of a church don't pay just a little bit more attention to their opinions and attitudes. I have had contacts with many different denominations. I find all of them to be judgmental and hypocritical to some degree. Southern baptists are the worst IMO. Or at least definately the most stubborn when it comes to relinquishing outdated views.

Last years census revealed there are now a higher percentage of people that claim atheist or simply "none" as a religion than people who do. And it is not the communists that have done it. The people that own this country have much better circus' to keep people occupied with so religion is not needed as it once was. But that is for a whole nother thread.

a few things I don't understand though about your list above:

How exactly is the environmental movement destroying free enterprise?

Control of children from an early age could fit into the agenda of many different groups. So why do you think the communists in particular are behind it?

How exactly is an acceptance of Homosexuality going to destroy American culture?

Over half of the marriages end in divorce in this country, do you not think people being aware of that fact alone is responsible for number 1 instead of a communist agenda?

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

I find all of them to be judgmental and hypocritical to some degree. Southern baptists are the worst IMO. Or at least definately the most stubborn when it comes to relinquishing outdated views.

Thanks for pitching in here, Cw.

I don't get it either, how the Conservative right-wing folks don't see the hypocrisy.
I wish they would explain it, but.... kinda recalcitrant. Taciturn.
Oh well.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Forcing a church to perform a homosexual wedding is ripping their way of life from them.

Then how about just letting the churches that don't mind doing it? Nobody has to be forced.

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Hate speech laws that prevent pastors from preaching what the Bible states about homosexuality (which they already have in Canada, and many want here) rip their way of life from them.

OK fair enough, but if preachers are going to harp on that. Then they should also preach about what the bible says to do with someone who works on the Sabbath. The Bible is quite clear on this. They should be taken to the city gates and put to death. Same with an adulterous woman. There is a whole lot of things punishable by death in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

Don't get me wrong, there is wisdom in the bible and there are several books that I can read over and over and find new meanings that I had not thought of before. Christians always seem to pick and choose what they want to follow according to the bible so why not leave the whole homosexuality thing right there with all the other crap rules that Christians only follow when it is convenient for them.

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Prayer is ALREADY prohibited in many PUBLIC places, which, yet again, rips their way of life from them. Anti-Christian zealots have NO RIGHT to dictate the behavior of Christians, or tell Christians that they must live according to homosexual beliefs. See how that works? You don't want Christian lessons in school, but you have no issue with pro-homosexual lessons. Legally forcing Christians to accept something that goes against their beliefs is wrong.

How is anyone going to know you are praying in public? Unless you are someone who is making a big scene of praying instead of in your heart. Which even Jesus himself says in Luke is for show offs and people trying to make themselves look good.

Nobody is forcing people to live according to homosexual beliefs. Personally I don't really understand how another man could be attracted to another man especially when women are just so beautiful, but I don't have to understand it because I am straight. Nobody could "force" me to practice homosexuality if I did not want to. And just what pro-homosexual lessons are they teaching in school?

One of my best friends was gay. I never even knew it until I was friends with him for about 3 years. He went to the same Lutheran church as I did back when I was a churchgoer. We watched football, drank beer, played cards, he acted just like a normal fella. We even argued a few times over who was the hottest chick on certain movies, (He liked Selma Hayek and was all about Milla Jovovich.) It was 3 years after I started hanging out with him when I met his "roommate" who worked on a merchant ship (the roommate was obviously gay unlike Bryan) and was gone all the time. I was shocked because I was kind of naive back then. I knew he never had girlfriends or anything. I just figured the guy was a loner. Bryan passed away from a heart attack in 2006 at the age of 38. His partner and he had been together over 15 years. Bryans life insurance and stocks that he had purchased gradually over the years went to his alcoholic hermit mother who lived 5 states away because that was his closest next of kin when he died. Even though she had not even spoken to him in several years. His partner should have been able to collect on that life insurance policy.

From what I understand they just want the legal benefits of being married. They want access to their partners medical records, life insurance, tax breaks etc. Not because they want everyone to be gay or whatever.

edit on 16-4-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: added more

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

Last years census revealed there are now a higher percentage of people that claim atheist or simply "none" as a religion than people who do.


That's ridiculous, not even remotely close to being true.

First of all, there is no census in 2012, it's every ten years, so the last one was in 2010. Secondly, the census doesn't ask what religion you are... I imagine the Supreme Court would frown on such a question

Third, the actual statistics, collected by the Pew Forum, show your statement to be completely inaccurate:

Religious Affiliations

16% "atheist/agnostic/unaffiliated" is quite a bit short of the 74% Christian population.

Do yourself a favour and check the facts before posting such foolish statements.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:34 PM
Excellent post. I particularly like the points about education. If you look at the madness that is being taught in Louisiana you will see the insanity perfectly. Teaching creationism in school is just wrong in my personal opinion. We have a separation of church and state for a reason. Start bringing in creationism into schools, I say its time to start taxing the churches. And distortion of history is just appalling. (Watering down slavery) or (The true beliefs of the Founding Fathers) to fix their "story"...its crazy but it is happening in Texas and Louisiana when these school boards vote to change the curriculum or the text books.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Do you understand that the list of "Communist" goals that you presented wasn't written by communists, but by a conservative United States author and faith-based political theorist, during a time of fear and paranoia based on cold war propaganda? *snip*

So you need another source?

Marx also detailed the 10 essential tenets of communism, namely:
Central banking system
Government controlled education
Government controlled labor
Government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles
Government ownership of agricultural means and factories
Total abolition of private property
Property rights confiscation
Heavy income tax on everyone
Elimination of rights of inheritance
Regional planning

...or you could try the Congressional record...
Just because a conservative guy listed these points in a book doesn't mean they aren't tactics used by Communists, and stated by them.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
Seems to me you are saying everything they have listed in the article and the communists have the same agenda. So are they working together? Or have the evil Communists infiltrated the Conservative Christians?
Or maybe they have the same agenda?

Are you being deliberately obtuse? The goals are totally opposed to one another.

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
I realize not everyone is exactly the same. But as far as generalizations go its safe to say that if you've been to one SB church, the rest are not much different. Its like comparing Macintosh apples to Red delicious apples. Little bit different of a flavor but still just an apple.

That isn't accurate at all. I have been to quite a few; several as a member (I have moved a lot), and many more to visit. There are TONS of difference. There are some basics that are usually, though not always, the same, such as a belief that Jesus is God, that He died for our sins, and rose again. There are also many things quite different, such as types of music and worship, preaching styles and topics, how business matters are handled, and so forth. Anyone that's seen or heard of the debates at the SBC knows there are differences!

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
That's funny, I thought SB churches had preachers and deacons. So yes, there is a bit of a heirarchy. Not like in the military or anything. But you can't tell me that the parishioners of a church don't pay just a little bit more attention to their opinions and attitudes. I have had contacts with many different denominations. I find all of them to be judgmental and hypocritical to some degree. Southern baptists are the worst IMO. Or at least definately the most stubborn when it comes to relinquishing outdated views.

Preachers/pastors and deacons, sure. That's in a single church. Each chooses their own. There isn't some larger organization of priests, bishops, or whatever, telling these locals and pastors what to do. Even the SBC isn't in that position. There are people in ANY group, church or otherwise, that are judgmental and hypocritical. People are people, and sinful creatures. Christians aren't perfect, you know. Forgiven, yes, but we can still mess up. That's rather the whole point of the Savior. Stubborn? Again, that could apply to people in any group. Now, if you mean "unwilling to compromise on their faith", yes, most would be pretty stubborn there. Those views aren't outdated, though. God doesn't change.

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
Last years census revealed there are now a higher percentage of people that claim atheist or simply "none" as a religion than people who do. And it is not the communists that have done it. The people that own this country have much better circus' to keep people occupied with so religion is not needed as it once was. But that is for a whole nother thread.

That's not even close to accurate. According to the official US Census site, the numbers for Christians are far higher than for atheists. You can see the .pdf here:

US Census data on self-described religious identification of adult population

Christian, total 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151,225 159,514 173,402

No religion specified, total 2. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 14,331 29,481 34,169

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
a few things I don't understand though about your list above:

How exactly is the environmental movement destroying free enterprise?

When the environment is used as a control tool, to punish businesses, limit growth, remove the rights of landowners, and so forth, then it causes problems for capitalism, and for basic freedom. There is a huge difference in common sense precautions and in scare tactics and excess control.

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
Control of children from an early age could fit into the agenda of many different groups. So why do you think the communists in particular are behind it?

Because it's been stated. Read the sources.

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
How exactly is an acceptance of Homosexuality going to destroy American culture?

In MY lifetime, I have seen a major decline in the culture, that directly correlates to a moral decline. Acceptance of an immoral behavior is never good for society. Now, we can debate whether that's immoral some other place, but many believe it is, and that is what multiple religious works teach as well.

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
Over half of the marriages end in divorce in this country, do you not think people being aware of that fact alone is responsible for number 1 instead of a communist agenda?

More marriages end in divorce since the start of feminism, lax morals, etc.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

No, I comprehended quite well what was being said; probably better than you did, since you seem to have come into this with a certain bias against Christianity. Maybe you have a reason. I know some churches and some calling themselves Christian don't always behave as well as they should.

No, probably not 'better than [I] did'.
I posted an article that made some points I thought were worth discussing.

I'm glad you "know some churches and some calling themselves Christian don't always behave as well as they should."

Are you admitting that the sort of so-called Christian who DOES behave this way are supporting so-called communist agendae?

If a Christian is working AGAINST the stated goals of the Communists, then, no, I would not say they were supporting them. Please, pay attention. The goals are in direct opposition to one another, as I have stated.

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