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Lets talk about 'nature spirits'.

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posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by St Udio

I want to talk about the subject in all its forms.
That is really interesting,

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

Don't be so down. Sometimes its hard to be positive when there is so much negativity in the world and I know when I'm down and someone tells me to smile and be happy I just want to smack them upside the head.

My grandmother told me something once a long time ago that I will always remember. She said, "You have to see the light at the end of the tunnel for there to ever really be one."

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 11:43 PM
I found myself blessed as a child, as I have a Taurus mother. She always sent my brother and I outside to play.
From the time I was tiny, I understood there were spirits that lived in the woods outside my home.
I spent a great part of my childhood in the loving arms of trees. We had a wonderful maple that loved to be climbed and would offer me shelter among its knobby roots. If I pressed my ear to his trunk, I could hear a dull, distant, ebbing thud. I was listening to his heartbeat. I almost never climbed him with shoes on. Instead I could pull myself up with ease using my hands and bare feet. I would rest in his branches like a leopard..legs hanging on either side.

In the woods, I would delight to walk barefoot on the moss and fallen leaves, although shoes were a must under the stately holly tree. I would call to birds and they would answer. The squirrels would chatter at me as I climbed up into the boughs near them. I think now, how at that young age, I always knew that "every rock and tree and creature had a life, had a spirit, had a name..".
In those days, cats would flock to our home as if they knew I would be there to take them in.
At the beach, I would drift in the sighing of the waves. Resting on the shore, I could always take notice of every little creature and spirit..from the sandpiper to the sand crab, to the sideways crab, eyeing me wearily from afar. I would always call out to any creature, reassuring them I meant them no harm.

I could stand out in the rain for hours, hypnotically watching the rivers of rain coming down off the silty roof, and splashing onto the green clovers below. It was healing to see my bare feet under the pooling water, standing on the lush blanket of green.

Storms were always special..I would watch from inside, morbidly fascinated with the power unleashed..the stabbing lightning flashes, the drum rolls of thunder, and the roaring wind as it whipped the trees into a frenzy.

We used to camp, and I could sit all evening amongst the bullfrogs and fireflies putting on their light show. Ever spring, just as the chilly nights started to show a slight sign of warmth, my mother would wake us out of sleep and take us down the road to hear the first calls of the spring peepers.

At some point, I do not know when it was exactly..I began to stop feeling the spirits so much. Life got tough, and I no longer felt happy. We ended up moving across the country a decade ago and that is when it almost stopped altogether.

I visited my old home last year and realized that I had been all but cut off from the nature spirits when we moved to California. Back in Virginia, I choked back tears as my old friends called out to me when I walked into my old yard.

Then one day, back here in California, I was in a market, and I looked in at some Lobsters in a holding tank. One was waving his antennae at me, almost like he was trying to make me understand. I looked down and saw the barnacles stuck to his side, with their filters up. In one awful movement, I suddenly had an epiphany. This lobster was soon going to be steamed. The barnacles, too..and they were in this awful fate together. Then it hit me even more..NO, WE ARE ALL in this together. Tears fell on my cheeks as I put my hand to the glass and the lobster put his banded claw to the other side. We regarded each other the same way and I knew then we both understood one another. We are all in this together. Us real humans, the animals, the nature spirits. For better or worse. If we could find a way to help each other, we stand a chance. If we keep allowing ourselves to be separated into groups, well..divided we fall. I don't feel so alone now..and I can hear the spirits again.

edit on 14-4-2013 by bastet11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:32 AM
I don't know what I believe. I am going through a phase of my life where I am confronted by skepticism of all things. In many respects this has been a good thing, because there were beliefs I had that have proven to be self-deluding, and which needed to be cast aside. Perhaps they served a purpose before, but I needed to see through them. But in other respects it is a negative thing, because it causes me great depression as I am unable to truly believe in anything anymore. I have discussed this in other topics.

I mention that only because nature spirits, faeries, etc. used to be among my beliefs. I honestly don't know where I stand on the issue today. I am open minded to the possibility, as I am to all possibilities. But I am skeptical. That said, I would like to share two experiences I have had in the event they might be of benefit or interest to others.

The first is a series of lifelong coincidences that at one time I would have definitely seen as more than that, but today am unsure of. I have always loved the rain. To an abnormal degree. As a child I would sit for hours and hold my hand out the window, just to feel it. I would run around in it with my arms out, as though flying, and feel the rain surrounding me. I wanted to be immersed in it. I wanted to be a part of it. I still feel this pull to this day.

Whenever I am sad, or lonely - profoundly so - especially if a tragic event has just happened in my life, it seems to start raining. Sometimes I feel almost like the rain is a living thing. When I was younger, I could even imagine that I sensed love emanating toward me from it. At times, I would send love back, and the wind would pick up and blow in my face, as if in response. I know that sounds crazy, but I was much younger. Though, I still feel an inclination to think in this way at times, and the rain still brings me great comfort. Part of me does like to believe that there is something to it. Storm systems always being me peace and revitalization no matter what is happening in my life.

The second is a more specific incident. I had read that if you left milk and honey out in a small container such as a thimble, spirits or faeries might accept it as a gift. It was raining at the time and I thought, why not? I'll offer it to the rain. I did this once at a time when we were extremely tight financially, as in down to our last five dollars, and had to get through the next week. It didn't even occur to me that there might be some benefit to us in doing so. I just did it to see what if anything would happen and, in the event there was something to it, to thank the rain. (Again, I know that sounds crazy.) When I went to see how much my last five dollars could buy and what might be the wisest way to spend it to get through the week, to my amazement I discovered that there were now inexplicably thirty dollar bills.

As I said, I am very skeptical today, so this could all be mere coincidence. Perhaps I miscounted. Perhaps out of loneliness and isolation I imagined companionship in the kind of weather that puts me most at ease and that's all there is to it. I don't know what to believe these days. It sounds vaguely delusional lol.

But I thought I'd share, anyway. Who knows? Not I, and I have no evidence, which is why I delineate between beliefs and knowledge, because I wish to leave open the door of possibility.


posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

I am not being down cancer - I am telling like it is IMO. Our world is dying in many places - thanks to us.
Nothing negative - just the truth

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by bastet11

wow thanks for sharing bastet - I undersatnd.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:48 AM
Thank you for such a beautiful and enchanting thread!
In a way, I can't seem to wrap my mind around faeries being real, but I want to believe so badly, I will leave myself open to the idea.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

I am not being down cancer - I am telling like it is IMO. Our world is dying in many places - thanks to us.
Nothing negative - just the truth

You are right. I used to work as a pipeline surveyor for almost 3 years in east Texas on the KXL project before Obama scrapped it. There was a fella I worked with whose wife was pretty upset about her husband losing his job kinda like we all were.

So I told her some of the details about this pipeline, how it carries dirty thick bitumen oil that is difficult to process and how it runs directly over the Ogalla Aquifer and numerous wetlands, canals, creeks and how they were skimping on the steel being used for the pipe getting it cheaper from overseas. I was basically just trying to let her know the reasons behind why it was not being completed all the way to Texas and in the long run its probably a good decision.

This woman looked me straight in the eye and said, "I don't give a f*** about the environment, I just want my husband to make some money!" Who the hell says something like that?

Sometimes I think an EMP blast taking out all of the electronics and forcing people to live like its the 19th century again would be a good thing. Sure people would freak out if they did not have their Iphones, Ipads, TV shows, PS3's, laptops, facebooks and whatever. Too many people think that our modern electrified way of life is the best and only way of life but I think all of this overconsumption we have in America especially is bad for people and the planet.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 09:10 AM
Hey OP, what about Sylphs, the Air Elementals?

I'd consider them one of the most important nature spirits. They are the guardians of the sky and are very intelligent. Very highly evolved etheric beings. They can be called upon with gratitude and appreciation and can dance for you if you pay attention. Ancient Tribes have many teachings of Sylphs that go back thousands of years. This is where Faeries originally came from.

In the skies you can notice them apart from your regular clouds. They often take on the shape of wings, birds, faces with hair, animals, dragons, people, or angels. If some of you believe in chemtrails, they are often found neutralizing them.

Chemtrails and Sylphs
Air Elementals

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 10:34 AM
I am a Mohawk(Kanienkehaka) living in Akwesasne. I once lived near the St. Lawrence river, on the side of a hill. One morning I was sitting in my living room and noticed some kind of wave type form going by the house, up the hill. Another day I noticed the same wave type form going down the hill. I asked a friend of mine what he thought they might be and he thought for a minute or so and said, "They have to be water spirits." I believe that could be the answer, so I burned tobacco and gave thanks to the Creator. In the area that I lived in, there were wood ducks and large flocks of geese would stop off there in the spring and fall.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by HelenConway

I wanted to talk about nature spirits. I am interested to hear of anyones experience with them.

Does seeing a 1-foot ugly little man running in your house count?? I saw that once. It was late at night. Maybe it was a dream... but it felt too real. I remember being awestruck at seeing this ugly little thing.

Originally posted by alonzo730
I am a Mohawk(Kanienkehaka) living in Akwesasne. I once lived near the St. Lawrence river, on the side of a hill.

Hm, I'm in Quebec and I got algonquin blood.
edit on 15-4-2013 by swan001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Lovely post!

My Grandmother would speak of 'the wee people', completely matter-of-factly, and leave them saucers of fresh milk at the spring house.....she would always leave the patches of moss that grew in her garden because 'that was where the fairies lived'......I grew up with a real belief in these 'nature spirits' and still try to live in something of a balance with them.....That feeling you have for the rain, I have experienced with wind....I can feel it respond when spoken to.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

"When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the Earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you, it is you who belong to this land."
edit on 15-4-2013 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by HelenConway
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

I believe her - and I would love to see dragon flies - it is years since I have seen them.

One day, long ago, when I was about seventeen, I was fishing in a little trout pond and a nice dragonfly landed on my hand. I was watching it peacefully and it took a chunk out of my hand and flew away, talk about a painful and bleeding bite
They got sharp teeth or whatever they have for chomping. I still like dragon flies but am now a little more leery of them. They fly around by my house and eat a lot of bugs flying around.

I've got bit by a harvestor spider, my finger tip turned into a red ball from that. Serves me right for ripping his legs off like pedals on a flower.....She loves me, she loves me not. Anyone remember doing that?

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:17 PM
Do animals have spirits? Funny but as I was reading this thread I looked at the clock and thought it was a year ago today, down to the hour that I had to put my dog to sleep. I've been thinking about her all morning but how coincidental is it that I'm reading a thread on nature spirits and realize this was the exact time a year ago?

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Me too - I love rain, heavy rain, especially when it is hot, like in the tropics or the summer. I love mist and I get positively excited by thunder and lightning - it energises me.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by clairvoyantrose
Hey OP, what about Sylphs, the Air Elementals?

I'd consider them one of the most important nature spirits. They are the guardians of the sky and are very intelligent. Very highly evolved etheric beings. They can be called upon with gratitude and appreciation and can dance for you if you pay attention. Ancient Tribes have many teachings of Sylphs that go back thousands of years. This is where Faeries originally came from.

In the skies you can notice them apart from your regular clouds. They often take on the shape of wings, birds, faces with hair, animals, dragons, people, or angels. If some of you believe in chemtrails, they are often found neutralizing them.

Chemtrails and Sylphs
Air Elementals

that is interesting - in the summer I love to lay on my back in the grass in the fields and watch the sky and clouds. I can definitely see faces and animals.

I remember once when I was walking in the Cape Point National Park - and as i was walking I could see elephants and rhino and buffalo in the shapes on the ground. It was so obvious and so not European in the shapes, it was amazing.

As if the animal spirits had impregnated the ground .. existing with not just on the earth in that part of the world.
edit on 15-4-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:26 PM
I had a friend who adamantly believed in the fairies I never really have put too much thought into them myself though, she told me stories galore and wholeheartedly wanted me to believe. I suppose it's possible that they exist in fairy form.

I do believe in the spirit of nature though. I live in NY and when Sandy was on it's way and the dark clouds were just starting I went outside on my deck and asked the trees, the big beautiful trees that surround our house to please stay strong and if they must fall then please stay clear of me and my family.
One by one the smaller ones and a few larger ones fell around our house like dominoes and my favorite yet formidable one the one that would have killed us had it fallen on us broke in half instead of falling over like the rest did the top just sort of slid off. It was so scary to hear while we were huddled up and then when the storm left and I went out for the first time and saw I was so grateful and so deeply saddened by the loss of trees. Maybe it was just luck but I'd like to think it was more than that.

I agree with what you say about some places feeling and looking dead. I wish more people were aware that this earth does not belong to just humans.
edit on 15-4-2013 by brandiwine14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by alonzo730
I am a Mohawk(Kanienkehaka) living in Akwesasne. I once lived near the St. Lawrence river, on the side of a hill. One morning I was sitting in my living room and noticed some kind of wave type form going by the house, up the hill. Another day I noticed the same wave type form going down the hill. I asked a friend of mine what he thought they might be and he thought for a minute or so and said, "They have to be water spirits." I believe that could be the answer, so I burned tobacco and gave thanks to the Creator. In the area that I lived in, there were wood ducks and large flocks of geese would stop off there in the spring and fall.

Was the wave in the air or in the water ?
Were you seeing a wave sort of move through the air?
I believe in water spirits - I also think they have been destroyed by us, we have tortured them and bespoiled them, we should be ashamed , because they give life to the water. Do you agree ?

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by swan001

swan and frayed - OMG I would love to meet a wee person .. they are meant to tend the woodlands aren't they in the British Isles and Island and Iceland.

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