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H*DD3N MEAN*NG3S. How Opening Your Mind Can Change YOU!

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posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 11:57 PM
On the Grey Matter of 10% versus 100%;

The outside squidgy bit we know as 'The Brain' has been mapped, no question!
The inner workings have also been mapped and are easily observed, working in all their glory, when a person thinks or moves or does anything related to a physical or psychological human or non-human interaction/function.

That is your 100%. We know what 100% of the bits we've studied do for us - there are only so many things a Human is capable of...

The 10% is as follows;

It's not about the tangible grey matter that makes up your stuffing ball. Even if we measure every single bit of energy passing through your Pineal gland and then on through your neurological connections that's still only what we can measure.
The misunderstanding is that people think that 10% refers to using 10% of the 100% we already know about.

If you understand what I mean you are already using 100% of your "10%".


posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 12:54 AM
I don't see what this person says means to much of anything, it is all up to ones own understanding, I am a student of all Religions, but in asking question no one would ever give me a answer, it is up to each person to find their way and not for someone to, them the way, the way is simply the way, if you search for it you may find it.
It is very hard to tell someone else where the way is, or how to get there.

It seems most all of the belief systems around the world get back to the Tree of Life, to me it is more over coming ego.

From the Zohar the different degree's and realization's, as you go threw The Tree of Life, there is no Satan or Devil, It's Elohim or AElohim, upon reaching the Absolute there is nothing, only that which is, always was and will always be..

edit on 13-4-2013 by OOOOOO because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by crzayfool

you know christianity (not sure if other religions teach this as well since the one i'm mentioning is the one i'm well versed in) teaches that everyone can go to heaven pedophile,murders,rapists etc. as long as they repent wholeheartedly so let's say for example some guy ties you up and guts your family in front of you,years pass by and he truely repents and you find him in prison (or wherever the hell such scum would be that's irrelevant to the point) and you kill him and never repent for your own actions against him you'd be the one burning in hell not him hahaha it's something that always struck me as bizarre but of course religion is a topic that is very subjective to the individual's perspective they themselves don't know if they're right or wrong it's blind faith and part of the reason why there are so many branches of the same religions with small details they disagree upon.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by crzayfool

Originally posted by OleMB
I just saw the video and was might impressed.

If anybody here feels ready to endeavor rising above the egoic mind (the beast), activate the chakras and the kundalini within, rise up to unity (christ) consciousness of oneness with all that is, you are welcome to contact me and I WILL help you to the best of my knowledge. I say this to the seekers, not those merely curious. Light and love to everybody, regardless.

Even pedophiles, murderers & thieves etc?

I don't want to 'Light and love everybody, regardless!'



Everybody is designed for enlightenment, we are all coming back to the source at one point or another. It is just that pedophiles or murdered are at a totally different point in their learning right now. I couldn't muster any love for 'these kind' of people before, but as you go about trying to align your consciousness to that of god (source), sooner or later you understand that everybody is forgiven by god, always. You are as UN-conditionally loved as any rapists out there.

There is always cause and effect, always cause and effect. Shall we blame the rapist, or the father who raped him when he was a young boy? Maybe his father again, which would beat him regularly in his upbringing?

Listen friend, I have brought much darkness into this world to myself, to others, to animals and to this planet. Maybe it was not rape or murder, but it was darkness nevertheless. In our spiritual journey, we must observe our own darkness. We are already forgiven by god, but we must come to forgive ourselves. And after you have forgiven every aspect of your own being, it will be hard not to forgive every other soul out there, no matter where they find their self in their journey back to the source.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:58 AM
i just wanna know if i can learn how to fly with this information,

I've come to realize, in the end we are all merely flesh and bone with an advanced brain, or in the case of some just brain matter and flesh splayed on the street, witnessing a man get his head crushed by a truck trying to cross the street last week has humbled me greatly and brought me to this grim realization, and i must say im fine with it, you live you die, sometimes not how you expect, but it is what it is, maybe your soul/energy comes back into a newborn, or maybe your brain is all you really are, who knows. Just remember with everything that we know we actually know NOTHING.

Just live your life, be merry and be kind to others

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:16 PM
Great stuff stars and flags. The disciples new how to harness the powers. Thats prob. Why they were all scared the hell out of the powers that be. Even though they used it for the good. But i have to ask why didnt any of there followers gain the power of there minds. Or where there killings not as important because they werent as well known? Im sure there is some truth in your thread. Maybe the key is in living our lives according to christ teachings. And our minds will evolve in time due to our pureness?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:03 PM
Very nice thread, I enjoy reading the OP and the following pages. There are a few comments that I feel need to be made, especially with people talking about situations that they've never been in. As a rape survivor, I had to learn to really accept the idea that everyone is unconditionally loved by the creator. There are so many levels other than what happened. There is a level of social indoctrination that builds rules in people's minds - naked woman = sexy. Breasts = porn. These problems have many symptoms such as racism, sexism, imperialism, colonialism, and areas like that which chains the brain and prevents it from accepting truth - simply because it prevents us from thinking about anything other than what we think, or what is told or shown to us. This prevents the true self in us from reaching a higher place in life. There is a point where the human brain, simply because how it's designed, is going to be stuck. When you think and act the same way for years and years and years, you will not change unless forced to. Some humans will not spiritually grow in their current birth because entitlement, privilege, and social rules will prevent them from doing so. My rapist doesn't know he is a rapist; most of them don't. They think what they're doing is okay because women are made to be sex objects. Just as crackers back then got away with having slaves and being inhumane because, well the reasons that were the laws back then. Those slave owners were doing bad things, didn't think it was bad at all, so they're not going to grow at all. Some people just won't grow because they will never be punished for doing bad things, or will not accept when people tell them they're being disrespectful. They will use words like "over offended" and "crazy" and "emotional" to excuse their ignorance.

The bible was never meant to be taken literally. But, Jesus himself was violent to the money changers, for they played on people's ignorance, and controlled them because of it. This is a theme that exists now with social manipulation. [well, still with money hahaha which the irony in that is so great...] This is a very hard thing to point out because, unless you experience what it's like to be a woman in a man's world, or autistic, or disabled, or not white - you're going to have a hard time really believing 100% what people experience. There is systematic oppression that is designed to harness people's power and undermine their success. To make it so certain people have to try that much harder. So that certain people have to feel like something is wrong with them because the system doesn't find their brain chemistry to be efficient or effective. If we don't work together to get rid of that, how could we work together for us all to reach global enlightenment? Therefore, if someone is being sexist to me, or racist to a friend of mine, I will recognize their soul as one not worthy of much of my energy. Not because I don't love them, but because they don't love me. That's not safe.

It's so important to know information and true information. It's so important to spread awareness and open your mind into hidden meanings, to get messages people have to send in secrecy. It's also important to be aware of the various other hidden meaning which are meant to mentally bind us to our ego, body, and trap our souls and prevent them from growing. That man, my mother, other people - this is not their birth to be liberated. Do not waste time on people who are mentally stuck in indoctrination. You will have more energy for your true purpose.

Sorry if this post is not that great. I'm new and relatively shy. I just feel like there's a lot that get's over looked but I feel it's just as important since it effects everything mentioned in this thread.
Also when talking about rape cases please PLEASE refrain from talking more about it unless it's happened to you. I see levels of victim blaming in those who call themselves spiritual and it makes me feel very isolated. No one raped my rapist. Nothing bad happened to him ever. He hates women, lives in a culture where women are over sexualized and seen as sex objects for men, sees women catering to men in media, and that's why he is a rapist. If you're not going to talk about rape culture and sexism when mentioning rape, you have no understanding of the subject. It triggers victims. It's painful and disinformation.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by prometheus2033
i just wanna know if i can learn how to fly with this information,

I've come to realize, in the end we are all merely flesh and bone with an advanced brain, or in the case of some just brain matter and flesh splayed on the street, witnessing a man get his head crushed by a truck trying to cross the street last week has humbled me greatly and brought me to this grim realization, and i must say im fine with it, you live you die, sometimes not how you expect, but it is what it is, maybe your soul/energy comes back into a newborn, or maybe your brain is all you really are, who knows. Just remember with everything that we know we actually know NOTHING.

Just live your life, be merry and be kind to others

You could indeed fly and this information WILL help you get there. You could morph into anything you want. Walk on water. Control the weather. Walk through walls. Breathe underwater. Teleport... Anything you can think of!

You are so intricately linked to everything around you because effectively you ARE the surroundings too - whether you choose to believe it or not that's just how the universe puzzle is pieced  together no matter what anyone or any thing says.

Every teeny tiny photon (energy wave/particle) fixed in a specific place in space-time at the moment that makes up the flesh and bone in you, the metal in your car, the plastic in your mouse & keyboard, the liquid in your drink, the glass windows in your house, the oxygen that keeps life thriving initially came from the EXACT SAME (The Big Bang) source and is actually the very same one just in different places at the same time, an uncountable amount of times, but slightly modified by becoming its own effector by being in its own presence.  It's a bit like how we are ALL decedents of Adam and Eve (just as an example I do not believe the actual myth).

The only thing that stops you doing any of the above is acceptance - which is not to be mistaken for belief! 

Walking on water is possible but you'd have to be aware of the individual photons that make up your feet and the water. You'd then have to consciously align the photons in your feet with the water by accepting that it is possible to do so and that's it... You don't have to actually move them, just understanding and accepting that the possibility of them doing it anyway without you being there will allow them to fulfil the possibility of it happening whilst you ARE there. 
Accepting that you CAN walk on water however is not possible because as a race, for about 100,000 years, we humans have drummed it into our heads that it's impossible - so to succeed you'd have to battle 100,000 years of genetic memory and education with a maximum of about 100 years of trying to accept the "impossible" by the time you reach the end of your life cycle (if you make it to 100 years).

100,000 vs 100 - not gonna happen! 

Of course there may be a quicker way but I'm yet to find it. 

I'll make a thread one day, maybe, that explains those teeny tiny photons and the big bang/the rapid building theory as I like to call it. It'll clear up any questions you may have on how I explained the above.

Everything is possible!


posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Foundryman

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
Please read the entire thread before responding.

I hate these lame instructions. Just a self serving attempt to force my continued attention on to your writings.

I do not need to consume an entire hard boiled egg to determine if it's rotten or not. Nor did I need to read an entire post...

That makes sense. 'Yeah I don't need to read what someone says, to be able to tell him he is wrong.'

Why are you here in the first place then? Why should anyone read any of your posts in their entirety before telling you you are wrong?

Oh I don't know, maybe because it is the civil and respectful way to engage in debate or conversation that most normal people have enough consideration to do?

I really dislike how this site rewards meaningless one liners that add nothing to the discussion because they happen to agree with peoples opinion. Whatever happened to meaningful dialogue? It's all one ups-manship on this site sometimes, which i find sort of deflating and disheartening.

If you know a hard boiled egg is rotten (according to you) why take any bite out of it at all in the first place?

So you can have the self righteous satisfaction of proclaiming to everyone how rotten it is?

Otherwise why are you in this rotten thread in the first place if it is so displeasing to you? Does it threaten you in some way?

edit on 14-4-2013 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Great to see more about the esotericism of Christianity - thank you for the thread. I think that the more Christians understand both the exoteric and the esoteric teachings of Jesus, the better the chances Christianity will stop its current decline.

Jesus clearly taught his disciples to commune with God through him. Through Jesus' realization of communion/oneness with the Divine, the disciple would directly receive Jesus' Blessing and directly commune with the Divine. Via such communion, Jesus moved his disciples into the Divine Spirit Light above the body-mind, demonstrating to the disciple that they are not just of the flesh.

As discussed on this thread, there are many references to esoteric processes in the Bible, including the ascension beyond the physical body-mind, which when Jesus gifted his closest disciples with, they were reborn "to here from above" - and this was their salvation, because they inherently understood that they were beyond the mortality of the physical body-mind.

Jesus' two great commandments of love (his exoteric teaching) are the required moral, self-transcending preparation of the body-mind to be selflessly lived - before being able to fully receive his Blessing esoterically from Above, as this Blessing calls for transcendence of the body-mind into the the Divine Spirit Light Above.

So both Jesus' exoteric teachings (his two great commandments of love) and his esoteric teachings (ascension, salvation, etc.) are necessary for understanding Jesus' way.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by crzayfool

I've known a few ways. But I was already warned about talking about them on here so best of luxk on your journey

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by tinyDAWK

Im really curious to know what these ways are, for whatever reason I cant send you a U2U

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 04:51 PM

My rapist doesn't know he is a rapist; most of them don't. They think what they're doing is okay because women are made to be sex objects. Just as crackers back then got away with having slaves and being inhumane because, well the reasons that were the laws back then.
reply to post by Kroshka

First of all I am so so sorry for what you went through, (sends love)

The problem I have with "my rapist doesnt know he is a rapist" is firstly on some level everone knows fundamental rights/wrongs. Dont buy into this psychiatric clap trap where Criminal Acts are rendered and relabled "disease" and downplayed once the perpetrator is "undergoing therapy" and in the control of the therapist. I have little time for how psychiatry first redefines acts/behaviours as a condition and then conveniently offers a medico/pharmacological solution or segregation to a mental facility.

In the relativistic post ethical/moral brave new world society we live in we have done ourselves a disservice.
You see when a perp does something like this its not only the physical they violate but the very essence of ones soul/being.
Forgiveness though needs to be practised otherwise you never heal.

There is systematic oppression that is designed to harness people's power and undermine their success

Couldnt agree more!

Sorry if this post is not that great. I'm new and relatively shy

You have given of your pain, you have down well, we are shy at times at other times we need to speak!

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
Bill Donahue is a master at mysticism and decodes the bible in a much better light than any church. All they seem to do is drill the "Jesus died for our sins" crap. Not explaining the allegory or mataphores, which leaves me wondering do they even know what they are doing?

Astrology, phsycology, physics, mysticism, syncretism, and spiritualism all rolled into one.

SnF op, nice one.

The churches are presenting the Bible poorly. So poorly that it makes many reasonable people wary of their presentation. But they are not 100% wrong. No one is 100% right or wrong. All denominations think they have the correct intended interpretation of the Bible and that they themselves are the one and only true church. And because the different churches disagree among themselves they cannot possibly be right. The Protestant Reformation was a revolt against the non biblical teachings of the Catholic church. The result is that we now have Baptist, Presbyterian and all the rest.
History repeats itself. What this thread amounts to is to call for the formation a new church. It calls for a reform movement led by the ideas of the new profit Donahue. You may gain some converts. But remember, the fastest growing religion in the world is Muslim.
Look at it this way. Suppose ATS member Zaris Brouder is the high priest of his own church (called the Above Top Secret Alien Bible Decoders) and has led the loyal followers of his convincing teachings to the pearly gate. Suppose you are one in his congregation. What if the guard says sorry no admittance. Your religion has been judged wrong and therefore banned. You followed the wrong man.

I would like to make my own suggestion. Each of us must make his or her own peace with the Bible. If you take someone else's advice you are probably following the wrong man.
Some member of Zaris Brouder's congregation may get into heaven. But it was not because he was a member of the congregation.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by tinyDAWK

That's probably the most alarming thing anyone has ever said to me.

I don't care if you get in trouble - tell everyone. Don't keep it a secret!

We'll all meet up on the other side where those people who ban other people from ATS aren't there...


posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 09:07 AM
TinyDawk, please share with use those ways that you talk about!

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 10:11 AM
I cringed when he compared mental illness to "evil".
Are mentally handicapped individuals doomed to never be enlightened???

Prophet of the Dining Room Table.

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