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The Official term is called Normalcy Bias, & Leaked memo on hidden trillions$$$

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posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 11:01 AM
Dear ATS Readers, Writers,

Finally found the correct terminology for the "What? Me Worry?" mind set.

It is called normalcy bias.


The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.


The above is a snip from Wikipedia on Normalcy Bias

I think people in the USA have suffered from it for quite some time.

Another group of people in the headlines recently suffering from it are SOUTH KOREANS. Let us pray that the mess in Korea settles down. USA has finally figured it out that sending B-2 bombers, and other tactical first strike type stuff to the region is a form of provocation, even though they may have meant it to be to be the JUST IN CASE N KOREA goes rabid thing.

And of course, it could mean BOTH, that it WAS done for provocation, make N Korea do something FIRST, so they got an excuse to bomb the living beegeezus out of another small country. WHO KNOWS, but it isn't good, no matter what reasoning formed it all.

German citizens suffered from it as Hitlers power became more and more unstoppable too.

It can be called the IT CANT HAPPEN TO US, OR HERE syndrome.

It is also human nature... herd mentality.

It is the undying head in the sand optimism when faced with HUGE RED LETTERS in Writings on the wall in front of your face thing!!

Could be referred to the HELLO MCFLY thing too. Then everyone gets whacked on the head with the business end of a walking cane!

It is ignoring the reality in front of your face. That reality is gonna bite you in the arse big time if you don't pay attention to it!!

I think it even applies to hidden TRILLIONS of dollars by wealthy elites recently leaked and posted on ATS recently.

Joey of ATS LIVE, pointed out this fact. Out of 145 Canadians who were on the list, and IF they alone had PAID the taxes due on their hidden gazillion canookian bucks, CANADA WOULD NOT HAVE ANY NATIONAL DEBT! It would pay it ALL OFF!

What comes of this disclosure is anyones guess. And will there be any seriously good fallout from remains to be seen. MY GUESS IS:

1.) It may get confiscated somehow, and given to some corrupt government entity.

2.) Some one will say/demand it be given to the banks to pay off debt.

3.) A few fall guys, will get in trouble, or lose positions of power, money never gets taxed.

But, I think it is a safe bet, it won't get given to the people it got taken from. And MOST on the leaked dirty dog list will escape scott free.

Normalcy bias will/can KILL YOU, just as suredly as a loaded gun to your head with the safety off.

All someone has to do is "pull the trigger", whether it be another Korean provocation, or just one more country bombed, or invaded and occupied. Or China dumping the US Bonds it bought. Or another crazy "haircut" or pension plan robbery scheme put forward.

We are slipping rapidly into a world wide shooting war soon. Currency wars are ongoing. And most all are still asleep at the wheel.

I think the elite are at the point they don't care if they kill the golden goose, because the 1% have about 99% of the wealth, so eff IT , kill the geese off.

They got DNA in cold storage to bring the geese back later worries.

If you can, get your poop prepared for SHTF moment in the near future. "Their" deadline was 2000.. a bit way behind schedule here folks, hence the recent ramp up and amp up of some serious warmongering.

Too many of the sheep are raising their heads from the pasture to see how many other sheep are fleeced, or missing from the herd; too many are bleating the facts and getting the herd ready to stampede.



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