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What would you do: advice sought on a controversial topic

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posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by tetra50

If someone actually had that sort of attack (as such an invasion can be honestly labeled in no other fashion), then I would look to spiritual causes, as much as physical ones. yes, it is theoretically possible for such a thing to be done with technology, but I am not certain we are there yet. I did read, recently, about some new way they have to, sort of, determine what subjects are in dreams. Basically, as well as I can recall, they monitor brain activity, having the (awake) subject focus on various things, people, and so forth. Then, they monitor during dreams. The idea is that each subject causes a somewhat different brain pattern, and the claim is that they can thus know the subject of the dream. I don't know how accurate those claims are, but the idea is interesting. I do know that there are ways to study things people do, and determine quite a lot about them; their personality, their likes and dislikes, and so forth. Just check what they can do with information many share on social media sites for some ideas on that.

I will agree that assuming there would be "no reason" to target this or that person is flat out silly. There could be any number of reasons that the person might not understand. Check out a very old thread of mine, about the "white trucks". There was a time that I and my oldest were followed, and I have NO IDEA why. Details are there, and I won't post here and get too far off topic.

In any case, a spiritual attack could easily do what you discuss. Spiritual entities that a person cannot see would be able to observe them, and learn quite a lot, then play on their fears. They would do such a thing just for "kicks". The government might do such a thing just to experiment. It's no secret that they have done experiments on unsuspecting people in the past.

What to do? Documentation would be a start. I didn't have a camera (or even a cell phone) at the time posted about in my thread. If I had, there would be video. Getting pictures and video, logging dates and times, and so forth, is always a good start. One would have to be careful not to see a problem where there isn't one, however. I don't mean some mental issue, but rather, someone who does have a real issue assuming that people who aren't involved are part of the problem. I watched one "gang stalking" video where the guy claimed every single person in a Walmart lot was "after him". I am talking little old ladies, women with babies, anyone. If someone entered the lot, he claimed they were part of it. I don't know if the guy ever had any real stalking problems or not, bu tin that video, there wasn't anything to indicate he was being targeted. I do know a bit about that. My hubby has done counter-intel training, and is very aware of different methods used. in my case, even he agreed (though he was skeptical at first), that too much was happening that was suspicious. What we did was simple. We paid attention. I am pretty good at evading people, as it turns out. We did that, were cautious, and after a few months, it stopped. The key in such a case is to not allow those playing such "games" to win. If a person succumbs to fear, they lost the game. Again, though, gathering hard evidence is always a good plan, if at all possible. Video, sound recordings, pictures. Convincing someone there IS a problem is always a good place to start.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes
Thanks so much for reading and relating your personal experiences.
As I said earlier in the thread, I now regret even mentioning gang stalking, as it was meant only as a tangential, because it is related to environmental harrassment, whereas the thread was supposed to focus on attacks on the mind. Thought propagation, EMF induction, etc. I supplied quite a few links to sources for how far this tech has come, and how many different ways it is being employed, or rather, deployed against people, for whatever reason.
A good part of the thread became about why it would be done, and so forth.

I do not disagree at all that this could be coming from sources other than government, or even mankind. but I also think it could very well be both, working in concert, for whatever reason.
Again, I wished to make a thread where people felt safe from the usual schizophrenia, mental issues, paranoia that get thrown at them every time they try to address this topic.

But your time and attention, and relating your story are greatly appreciated. I also tried in this thread to elucidate
how deep this can go in terms of life changing for a human being, and what that level of control over human beings truly means and can and will lead to, down the road.
Take care.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by tetra50
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes
Thanks so much for reading and relating your personal experiences.
As I said earlier in the thread, I now regret even mentioning gang stalking, as it was meant only as a tangential, because it is related to environmental harrassment, whereas the thread was supposed to focus on attacks on the mind. Thought propagation, EMF induction, etc. I supplied quite a few links to sources for how far this tech has come, and how many different ways it is being employed, or rather, deployed against people, for whatever reason.
A good part of the thread became about why it would be done, and so forth.

I do not disagree at all that this could be coming from sources other than government, or even mankind. but I also think it could very well be both, working in concert, for whatever reason.
Again, I wished to make a thread where people felt safe from the usual schizophrenia, mental issues, paranoia that get thrown at them every time they try to address this topic.

But your time and attention, and relating your story are greatly appreciated. I also tried in this thread to elucidate
how deep this can go in terms of life changing for a human being, and what that level of control over human beings truly means and can and will lead to, down the road.
Take care.

Oh, I understand what you are looking for. That was mostly just an example, to show understanding that someone can be a target of something odd, and have no clue as to why. Maybe there isn't a real reason, directly related to them.

For that level of mental manipulation, the effects can be profound. For all we know, many suspected of mental illness are actually targets of such behavior. I have long speculated that some considered "crazy" could in fact be subject to some real manipulation, that most people could not understand, and won't accept as even possible. How would a person feel, if they KNEW something was actually happening, and no one believed them? Confused, abandoned, misunderstood, targeted, and so forth. Something like that could quite literally ruin lives, and might have.

The long term goals for such could be (I would say "are") quite chilling. Not only could people be made to seem "crazy", but they could be affected in other ways as well. People could through such means, be made to believe all sorts of things, and even be influenced to DO all sorts of things that they would normally never consider. Such power, in the wrong hands, could be used to quite literally control the world.

I would definitely agree about governments working with other forces. All the evidence indicates such a thing.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 09:54 AM

Oh, I understand what you are looking for. That was mostly just an example, to show understanding that someone can be a target of something odd, and have no clue as to why. Maybe there isn't a real reason, directly related to them.

For that level of mental manipulation, the effects can be profound. For all we know, many suspected of mental illness are actually targets of such behavior. I have long speculated that some considered "crazy" could in fact be subject to some real manipulation, that most people could not understand, and won't accept as even possible. How would a person feel, if they KNEW something was actually happening, and no one believed them? Confused, abandoned, misunderstood, targeted, and so forth. Something like that could quite literally ruin lives, and might have.

The long term goals for such could be (I would say "are") quite chilling. Not only could people be made to seem "crazy", but they could be affected in other ways as well. People could through such means, be made to believe all sorts of things, and even be influenced to DO all sorts of things that they would normally never consider. Such power, in the wrong hands, could be used to quite literally control the world.

I would definitely agree about governments working with other forces. All the evidence indicates such a thing.

reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Thank you LadyGreenEyes, for understanding exactly what I've been trying to say. The goal would absolutely, ultimately, be world domination. What I have tried to describe is how it would effect an individual, and effectively silence them. It could also, perhaps, be used to kill.

Give this a look, if you have the time and/or inclincation: electromagnetic weaponry for military uses

Your recognition of how profound, this could be to the individual is the "walking in someone else's shoes who is suffering" was exactly what I was looking for here. The isolation the victim or target of such would suffer would
be almost impossible to sustain any normalcy in living a life. And another thing, if the brain is subject to such interference, not only might people DO or act uncharacteristically for them, but they also might have their memory interfered with......can you imagine not knowing, until the memory returns to you, in a flash of horror....
and because of all that interference in your conscious thought processes and perceptions of reality, you wouldn't even know if this memory was true or not. That, and the nature of remote manipulation, by several different technologies, would render an individual helpless, not even knowing eventually who they really were or what their life had been. And others' around them then would also perceive them differently. So though we think we live in a place where if we work hard and follow the fules, live ethically, etc., one could easily end up being perceived wholly differently by the social community, ruining in them this way, as well.....

As far as environmental manipulation, all of us are bombarded by it daily, inculcation through television, radio, advertising, surrounded by symbology. This is evidence of what is done in our environment.
And then we have this internal manipulation.....
Deepthought, newsvine is a good source for some explanations of different technologies applied, and looking for ways to fight it or stop it. But, even the military has been attempting to build better and better fairaday cages for bivouac situations on the battlefield, looking for impenetrable security for communications in war situations.
That they continue in this effort means even they have a difficult time protecting from such invasive technology.

Thanks again for your participation in this thread, and "going there with me," in a compassionate, understanding manner. We must all fight as best we can. Be safe and be well.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 05:32 PM
Interesting link I found, and certainly worth a look. I don't know about the source, the story and the science there, with some of the history is a good read:

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:55 PM
Going to chime in. I've had childhood amnesia for the majority of my life. Over a year ago, I started finally regaining my childhood memories. In an effort to keep stimulating those recollections, I did what was logical and started looking through all of my mother's stores of things from my childhood to try to trigger more recollection. It was during these hunts for memory triggering objects that I found a tape that sent a very cold chill through me. Why? Because I remembered a period of time that I had chosen to avoid thinking about as it was a truly horrible period in my life where I was being drugged by my mother and bombarded with subliminal and hypnosis tapes. I had talked very rarely to those closest to me about this time period so it wasn't like I totally forgot it. I chose to forget it to be absolutely clear so no "false memory". The tape was not a mass manufactured tape. To prove that, here's a picture of it:

I didn't have a tape player anymore so the very first thing that I did though was track down the doctor was whose name was on the tape. You can read it in the image. I will not put his name on the net simply out of fear and request that you don't either because I don't know what the hell it is that I found. It took a whole lot of digging but it turned out that the doctor on that tape was a neuropsychiatrist and former associate dean for a major medical university. His one published research paper that I could find was experimenting on live cats monitoring spontaneous and "evoked" brain activity. With that information, both my SO and I realized that this tape might be iffy on gut and chose to buy one of those tape players that convert an old tape to mp3. I cannot even begin to describe how it felt to actually hear what was on that tape after so long. This was in my mother's possession, no less. She subjected me to this when I was a kid. Betrayal doesn't even begin and the funny/horrible thing was that when I tried to talk to my friends about it, almost all of them ran like hell. When I sought help on trying to isolate the doctor's voice, I had people telling me that they were scared that somebody was going to show up on their doorstep. With the exception of my father, my SO, my children and my best friend, I was utterly abandoned by the rest of society. And I wasn't even alleging conspiracy. All it was my having a scary tape which was made by a former associate dean/neuropsychiatrist

When I presented it here, I wanted to share it because, even though I don't know and, most of the time, think that I'm not one of these people that have been hit with an "extra dose of something". My own story, at least to me, is more about the potential personal abuse of military power. My mother was nobody and should not have been able to influence an associate dean to make a tape that would've been considered to be unethical at the time. My grandfather, as a former NAF chief of staff had that kind of power. However, I also understood that there are others out there who have made claim to psychological abuse via the government whether it MK-ULTRA or unknown. The reality of the tape is proof that these things were actually attempted even in the late 80's--well past the MK program's demise. The response I received? A good number of supportive posts but this was also one of the responses:

Are you pretending to be Jason Bourne? From the movies? Or are you implying you are an MK Ultra Victim?

And another from a different poster:

Maybe you just really want to be special?

From the same poster in another post:

This just seems the normal socially akward teenage ramblings who tries to make sense of his being "different".

And a third that was removed by a mod....

I was a victim of significant and extreme child abuse of a physical, mental, and emotional nature. I found something abhorrent, shared it and this was the response I received for the sharing of my experience. The people who post these kind of things should be ashamed of themselves. What happened to me, the tape, everything--that was absolutely real. I cannot even begin to describe how much it damaged my psyche just to find and listen to that tape. It turned my life into bitter wasteland where I can't even trust my own flesh and blood. And I wasn't even alleging that the government was targeting me. Just the abuse of power by an individual with power. If people who have been abused in such ways exist, I can only imagine the dual hell they must exist in--the one that they go through and the one that we put them through. I choose to be very pragmatic because I know my family is and was monstrous but they obviously got their hands something that an associate dean knew how to do. That has a whole lot of implication--not necessarily for me, but for them.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

And thank you so much, WhiteAlice, for feeling safe enough in this thread to share your story. This is the point of the thread, and your story is an example of exactly what I was trying to explain happens to people in this situation, both the trauma, and then the isolation and then the inability to get help--and almost a "shunning."

I want to highlight something you say here:

I cannot even begin to describe how it felt to actually hear what was on that tape after so long. This was in my mother's possession, no less. She subjected me to this when I was a kid. Betrayal doesn't even begin and the funny/horrible thing was that when I tried to talk to my friends about it, almost all of them ran like hell. When I sought help on trying to isolate the doctor's voice, I had people telling me that they were scared that somebody was going to show up on their doorstep. With the exception of my father, my SO, my children and my best friend, I was utterly abandoned by the rest of society. And I wasn't even alleging conspiracy. All it was my having a scary tape which was made by a former associate dean/neuropsychiatrist

Reliving the memories is beyond describing, the pain, betrayal, and then the abandonment.....
And then this:

I was a victim of significant and extreme child abuse of a physical, mental, and emotional nature. I found something abhorrent, shared it and this was the response I received for the sharing of my experience. The people who post these kind of things should be ashamed of themselves. What happened to me, the tape, everything--that was absolutely real. I cannot even begin to describe how much it damaged my psyche just to find and listen to that tape. It turned my life into bitter wasteland where I can't even trust my own flesh and blood.

Especially the last part of turning your life into that bitter wasteland where you can't even trust your own flesh and blood. And this, at the end of realizing the physical and mental and emotional trauma by those you expect to take care of you, and then the response when telling your story---all this does is further fracture, break the individual.

You have my tears, my compassion, my understanding and sincere hopes and prayers, WhiteAlice. And thanks for feeling safe here to tell us all your story. I am here, as you know through U2U's at any time to talk.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by tetra50

Thanks, tetra50. I appreciate it and honestly, I trust strangers more than I do my own family, lol, sad to say. I can't say that my experience is the same as what I've seen others claim. Yet, what I experienced was the same though none of my friends said I was nuts after hearing the tape. They were just scared. I think that's the fundamental problem with this kind of subject matter. It's scary when you're confronted with something that can't be readily explained. I have a tape in my possession that is a subliminal tape with all sorts of weird sounds layered into all below Fleetwood Mac for god's sakes. And it was made by an associate dean.

We basically are raised to trust the systems that we have and I think it's far more comfortable for some people to just simply write off things that don't fit their particular paradigm than to consider the alternative. I don't have that luxury anymore even though I do not think that what happened to me was a governmental conspiracy but a personal one that happened to use something that was probably governmental research. Because it's a deeply held paradigm that gets shaken, it can be frightening, make the person angry and defensive, or they'll just refuse to believe that our country may have done some bad research that may have trickled out and been used in unauthorized ways, which is most likely my case, because what I've got is straight out of a conspiracy theory but I can physically touch it.

There's a quote from Nils Olson, the son of Frank Olson who was the only known fatality of MK-ULTRA, that really struck home for me from Jon Ronson's Men Who Stare at Goats. (Interesting book, not sure how accurate but interesting and very unlike the movie, btw.)

"America fundamentally wants to think of itself as being good, and that we're fundamentally right in what we're doing, and we have a very compelling responsibility for the free world. And looking at some of these issues is troubling, because if America does have a darker side it threatens your hold on your view of America and it's kind of like, 'Gee, if I pull out this one underpinning of the American consciousness, is this a house of cards? Does it really threaten the fundamental nature of America?'"

And that's a scary place to be. I think that, at the end of the day, a lot of people just find it far more comfortable to label someone delusional than to consider the alternatives. If I get attacked for saying I suffered from some really serious mental abuse of a subliminal nature by my family because of something uncomfortable, then I can't even imagine if one doesn't have direct physical evidence of significant wrongdoing. Even with the tape, I don't know what effect or lack thereof that it had on me because it can't be broken down to just the doctor's voice. That's scary, too, especially considering the manufacturer of it. So, I can totally relate to the people who may have experienced something "odd". It turns you into a mess.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice
well, but at least you had something plus the will and bavery to back you up, to insist what you knew is what you knew. That takes a lot more than you are giving yourself for.

Again, thank you for your participation here. Feel free to tell more of your story, if you feel like it, or remember more--when such memories return they can be extremely traumatic. This is thread is for that. You should not get the responses, that you have gotten in alll the other places you tried to tell your story. Oh, I can't guanatee that, of course, but that was the spirit and nature in which the thread was written, and I have tried to stick by that whilst keeping an open mind.

One thing, you may find interesting information in the form of links, if you get through the whole thread. They're buried in there off and on, and some quite informative, plus much helpful literature which was recommended, as well.
Thanks again. Tell more or talk more if you ever feel like it.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

Everybody invovled in your situation deserved jail time for what they did to you at the very least....

I would say at this point most people with even half a brain realize that some maybe only a few have been targeted with different types of gas lighting tactics be it gang stalking electronic harassment, most people are willing to concede some of this has happen to some people, well i interject that it doesn't mater if it was 10 people or 10 million this crap has got to stop....

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 11:21 PM

Microwave Technology And Its Use Against Humanity

We've been telling you that advanced microwave technology is being used against the human race. We've taken many beatings from skeptics but things are finally coming to light on this subject. We're including material here which should make the subject clearer.

In the book, "Cross Currents", by Robert O. Becker, M.D. (Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA, 90036), the author covers the perils of electromagnetic radiation, as well as the promises of electro-medicine.

His appendix is: "The Hidden Hand on the Switch: Military Uses of the Electromagnetic Spectrum".

The New Killing Fields: Electromagnetic Weapons

While the military was vigorously denying the very existence of bioeffects from electromagnetic-field exposure, such bioeffects were actually being explored as potential weapons -- weapons with the enormous advantage of being totally silent and imperceptible.

The EMP [electromagnetic pulse] concept has been extended through the development of devices that generate EMP pulses without the need for nuclear explosions. Such devices could be deployed for use against enemy command and control centers and against aircraft in order to produce failure of electronic equipment. A derivative of this program is HPM (high-power pulsed microwave), a system producing intense, extremely short pulses of microwave. Several types, ranging in frequency from 1200 MHz to 35 GHz with powers up to 1000 megawatts, are being tested. These are also considered for potential use as weapons against human beings.

A recent report derived from the testing program of the Microwave Research Department of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research states, "Microwave energy in the range 1 to 5 GHz, a militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the body and thus puts all organ systems at risk." Effects on the central nervous system are considered very important. The testing program, begun in 1986, is divided into four parts: (1) prompt debilitation effects; (2) prompt stimulation through auditory effects; (3) work interference/stoppage effects; and (4) effects on stimulus-controlled behavior. The report goes on to state, "Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation unrelated to heat." It appears that HPM is capable of altering behavior in the same fashion as Delgado's electrical stimulation.

The production of cognitive and behavioral alteration by HPM [high-power pulsed microwave] is a sledgehammer effect in comparison to the subtle alterations produced by ELF [extra low frequency] fields. According to a 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology, ELF has a number of potential military uses, including "dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches in security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare." The same report states, "[Electromagnetic] systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual disruption or disorientation. They are silent, and countermeasures to them may be difficult to develop.

Anthony Lake, National Security Advisor-Elect

Madeleine Albright, U.N. Ambassador-Elect

Judy Abdo, Mayor of Santa Monica, CA; SM is hit by the planes.

Timothy Walsh, manager, Santa Monica Airport

Ron Dellums, Chairman, House Armed Services Committee.

PS: I heard on our listener sponsored station that the Los Alamos national laboratories said it could make electromagnetic weapons to stun or kill people. Also that FEMA has a martial law plan, and a lot of unmarked black helicopters which have been sighted, especially in Colorado etc.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 11:47 PM
Okay, so I thought I would add some more of what I found available about this....there are many I am sure who will dismiss it, but I'm going to excerpt it anyway. It's too important, and for those who suffer, maybe very important to read. Not only that, it has some scientifically based conclusions that I think are extermely important for "how things work," and what's going on, and even perhaps clues for how to stop it. I will be excerpting more.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 11:49 PM

I discovered these references in Cross Currents:

Tyler, Paul E: "The Electromagnetic spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict." In Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, edited by Lt. Col. David J. Dean, U.S.A.F. Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Air University Press, 1986. This article discusses the direct use of electromagnetic fields against personnel.

"Walter Reed's Microwave Research Department: Its History and Mission [Part I of two parts]." In Bioelectromagnetics Society Newsletter, January- February 1989. Discusses high-power pulsed microwave as it relates to antipersonnel use. The Bioelectromagnetics Society has strong links to the military establishment and is considered to be an authoritative source.

Steneck, Nicholas H. The Microwave Debate. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1984. History of military microwave technology. Details of secret projects presenting radiation hazards.

same link as above, which I will be linking more info from. This just gives some other sources from which this info is gleaned.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 11:52 PM

Military Implanting Humans and Microwave Technology

[If the above file isn't enough there's more to this than most ever thought possible. Along with ETs implanting people it appears the military has their own program. Read on.]

There is currently an electronic mind control system extremely effective and very difficult to detect. It is definitely being used on at least one person in California and probably many more in America. It is most likely being used by members of the U.S. Government (Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Department of Defense), The Illuminate, Freemasons, The Brotherhood, or the secret "Greek Society." Essentially, the above groups overlap and may be viewed as the "The Organization." They are experts at secrecy, cover-up, terrorism and mind control. They view themselves as "enlightened." They are essentially organized criminals who commit massive abuses, terrorism, torture, mind control, slavery, and murder.

Their most common techniques are to use behavior modification and hypnosis on a person under ether gas or another general anesthetic. It causes a person to be extremely under their mind control when given an auditory or visual posthypnotic signal. They call this creating a "slave" or putting them into a "Greek sleep." Because of the techniques and drugs the person has complete amnesia for the conditioning. As well, frequently the victim has complete amnesia for the behaviors they are instructed to do while in the hypnotic trance. Then members of The Organization financially, mentally, physically, and sexually abuse the victim or "slave." If a person begins to recall the conditioning or abuses they are told "It was only a dream," or "you are crazy, it didn't happen." Often the victim is also given memory blocking drugs and electric shock to the head to erase the memories.

The Organization extensively uses the above techniques. Unfortunately, several extremely sophisticated advanced techniques have been developed and have been in use for several years:

1. A person is taken under a general anesthetic to a surgery location. This is usually done at night while the victim is sleeping. Ether gas is injected into his or her bedroom and the victim is drugged and taken away.

The above involuntary sedation is also how other conditioning, torture, and abuses are often done. Alternately, the victim is simply told lies about the need for surgery.

2. An incision is made just behind the ear or inside the ear canal with cosmetic surgery techniques. When healed it just looks like a fold in the skin. The entire procedure is often done without the person realizing it.

3. Incredibly, a miniaturized electrode plate is inserted under the skull and next to the brain near the pre-speech area of the brain. It has the latest extremely small and powerful microchip sensors, battery, and transmitter.

4. The sensors-transmitter, which is EEG micro technology, read the brain waves and transmit a digital signal. The signal is extraordinarily strong for such a small device. The signal can travel several miles. It is picked up by a relay receiver and transmitted to a computer, where instantaneously the software reads the digits and converts them into language. This is all done at radio wave speed, or the speed of light.

5. Effectively, A PERSON WITH THE INVOLUNTARY IMPLANT HAS EVERY THOUGHT READ WITHOUT KNOWING IT. It sounds like science fiction or paranoia doesn't it? It is not fiction and it is not the product of a psychosis. It is absolutely true. The technology is this advanced, and the criminal organization is this psychopathic. The Organization relies on it sounding so bizarre and heinous that no one would believe it. It is extremely cruel high technology reality. ANY ONE WHO DISCLOSES THEIR DIABOLICAL METHODS IS EASILY DISCREDITED, TERRORIZED, MIND CONTROLLED, OR MURDERED by The Organization.

6. Accompanying the above "thought reading" technique are the "thought inserting" techniques. Very low frequency subliminal sound has been used for years for "inserting" ideas into one's mind. Basically, very low frequency subliminal sound is perceived by the victim as one's own thinking. It bypasses the normal auditory system, but the content of the words is perceived. Because it is so subtle, if a broadcast is in first person language, an unaware person finds it impossible to discriminate the subliminal broadcast from one's own thoughts.

One disadvantage of the above "low frequency subliminal sound" technique is that others in the area also experience the same broadcast. Sometimes people have simultaneous thoughts with another person in a situation, it may reflect that someone in the area is using a "low frequency subliminal sound" technique.

7. The mind control "sound" broadcast is now accompanied by an incredible "radio" broadcast technique. They make use of another surgery technique for this "thought inserting." Cosmetic surgery is used to insert a microchip receiver-speaker under the skin near the ear drum. Essentially, it is a very tiny radio receiver with a tiny battery and speaker. Usually one is placed near each ear drum, and behind the ear canals so they won't be detected. A very low volume broadcast is used so the person does not perceive it as sound, but as one's own thoughts. Effectively, A PERSON WITH THE INVOLUNTARY IMPLANTS HAS THOUGHTS INSERTED WITHOUT KNOWING IT.

8. Summarizing, there are two basic advanced techniques: 1.) Thought reading implant 2.) Thought inserting implants. Along with the standard mind control techniques there is a complete grievous human slave technology. The surgeries are done under general anesthetics, which often includes time for the incisions to heal. The person is told he or she had a severe flu or some other illness to account for the time of unconsciousness. Alternately, the victim is simply lied to about the surgery. The victim unknowingly has involuntary implants that "read" thoughts and "insert" thoughts electronically. The person is not even aware they have the implants.

9. Most people unfamiliar with The Organization's methods find it difficult to believe the above. I have found that many people with whom I have discussed the above are also victims of basic terrorism or mind control. Part of the mind control process is to strongly condition people to the idea that you are psychotic or in danger for thinking such things happen.

There are firemen, police, military, lawyers, doctors, engineers, clergy, teachers, journalists, and other members of communities who conspire to commit atrocities. Unsuspecting victims are kept defenseless. The Organization is without conscience and their acts are so evil it is difficult to believe. They are very secretive, well organized, and have the latest technology. Members of The Organization are extremely proficient at lying, deceit, impersonation, and mind control.

God as my witness, I give you my word the above is true and accurate to the very best of my ability.

Name and address withheld

[We were so impressed with Mr. --'s account we called California and had a long talk with him. He said that as a psychologist he worked with people that went over the edge or had emotional problems relating to their jobs or work assignments. We feel the man is very intelligent and sincere in his efforts to educate the public about this technology and its use on an unsuspecting public. What you have just read is but a very small portion of what we have amassed with Glenda Stocks unfaltering help on this diabolical approach to enslaving humanity.]


posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 11:53 PM
Please visit this link for more information. I cannot seem to find the information behind the website to determine its origination....but it is sourced information, well sourced, and I think very important for people to read.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 11:57 PM
I post this information because I want everyone to know the scope of what we are dealing with here goes way, way beyond the symptoms of schizophrenia: we are talking about the "physical" control of our bodies, stimulating us sexually at someone else's will, while putting whatever in our brains, simultaneously. With fMRI, we are then talking about visualizing that via computer interface to "see" into the subject's mind.

Encapsulating, it means you can be made to "appear" to be whatever kind of person the marionette, puppetmaster wishes you to be.....

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 12:05 AM

How Psychetronic Weapons Work

By the '60s, weapon research had split into two distinctly different fields. The first of these fields involved weapons operation on frequencies in the same range as the human brain's electrical activity of 14 Hertz (or 14 cycles old values). These were and still are called E(L)F, standing for Extraordinarily (L)ow Frequency. Design was intended to induce illness by upsetting the electrical patterns in specific areas of the brain, resulting in nausea, faintness, panic attack and possible unconsciousness at short range; depression and other symptoms at long range. The ambition was to identify which precise frequency was needed for each individual human reaction. Under the Reagan administration's top secret Project Sleeping Beauty, Dr. Michael Persinger, chief neurologist at Laurentian University's Environmental Physiology Laboratory in Ontario, was "quietly" funded to find the answers. Using what are called time-varying fields of low intensity in the extraordinary low frequency range from one to ten hertz, Persinger was consistently able to make a cage of rats sick. The E(L)F field he generated had stimulated the MAST histamine-producing brain cells into inducing instant nausea. Specific research on E(L)F weapons was continued by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, a nuclear physicist and boss of the Technic Research Laboratory in San Leandro, California. Rauscher had already identified specific frequency effects to induce not only nausea but also happiness, for example. Clearly, Dr. Rauscher was an enthusiast: "Give me the money and three months", she boasted, "and I'll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy or at least they'll think they're happy. Or aggressive." Much later, in March 1984, Captain Paul Tyler, a U.S. Navy doctor responsible for all research into the effects of radiation on humans, presented a paper at the Air University Centre for Aerospace Doctrine. Tyler confirmed that "specific biological effects can be achieved" with electromagnetic fields. He made it very clear that the required fields had already been identified for operational use. Massive power generation required for E(L)F transmission is still a problem, apparently. So far the U.S. "underground" is not aware of any proven incidents where E(L)F has been used against the general public in a hostile manner. Examples do exist (on both sides) where massive transmitters have been bombarding specific areas of the U.S. and USSR for decades. Those areas are so large that if data exists on long term effects, the "underground" has no known access to it. Unsubstantiated rumors persist that the U.S. F117A "stealth" fighter bomber can be fitted with E(L)F weaponry inside its internal bomb bay. Whether or not the equipment was used against specific targets in Iraq during the U.S. attack is unknown. It should be remembered that E(L)F waves are invasive. Unlike EHF, which reflects off hard surfaces, E(L)F can and does penetrate extremely dense substances, including reinforced concrete etc. Defensive measures remain unknown at the general level against this kind of radiation though, presumably, lead (Pb) would act as an effective barrier.

The other field of weapons research concerns those weapons operating in the micro or millimetric frequencies and also referred to as "Barrier Warfare Microwave Tech". Such weapons operate at the opposite end of the electromagnetic wave lengths from E(L)F, i.e. at Extraordinarily High Frequencies. Microwaves are those commonly used in radar sets and microwave ovens, for example. The principal advantage of EHF over E(L)F lies in the fact that its transmissions are "straight line" and can thus be beamed with ease into small or tiny areas. E(L)F, by comparison, tends to scatter widely. Microwaves are generated by a device known as a "Magnetron" in which electrons, generated by a heated cathode, are moved by the combined force of a magnetic and electrical field. The cathode is a hollow cylinder with the outside coated with barium and strontium oxide electron emitters. Arranged concentrically around the outside of the cathode is a large cylindrical anode containing a large number of "resonant cavities", normally of quarter- wavelength, on the inner surface. When switched on, the magnetron generates an electrical field radially between anode and cathode, while the magnetic field is coaxial with the cathode. The complete assembly is sealed inside a vacuum enclosure. The maximum power output is naturally limited by the size of the individual Magnetron but research indicates the largest can generate a stream of microwave "pulses" at up to ten million watts per pulse. The resulting microwave pulsed beam can be focused in much the same way as a camera lens - from ultra wide angle to telephoto - creating area or pinpoint capability. Fortunately the Magnetron is not a small device. Informed sources indicate a portable Magnetron powerful enough to harm a large group of demonstrators, for example, would require space equal to a small truck.

Amount of Injury

Walter Bowart, American author of Operation Mind Control, claims that by 1989, at least one group of female British demonstrators had been exposed to Barrier Warfare of the EHF microwave variety. Bowart's claim fell in line with covert approval from the White House to test such systems on non-American citizens. His claim was given further credibility by the savage mind control experiments funded by the CIA, and carried out by notorious psychiatrist Ewen Cameron on Canadians in Montreal - once again, non-Americans and thus expendable. Specific symptoms presented by the females, who were demonstrating against American nuclear weapons or waste in Britain, were as follows:

1. Anomalies with menstrual cycles;
2. Spontaneous abortion;
3. Other (unspecified) feminine problems;
4. Retinal burning;
5. Inner ear problems;
6. Rapidly growing tumors.
At the time the demonstrators were camped for an extended period of time in tents, indicative of "low level" wide angle bombardment designed to produce severe discomfort in the long term, rather than acute discomfort or death in the short term.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 12:07 AM
this can make you physically ill and according to this information, encourage the growth of tumors.....

Where's all that cancer coming from? It couldn't be all those emf/elf waves we are bombarded by from appliances, cell phones, and on and on.....not to mention directed to a specific individual.....

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 12:15 AM
Little sleepy now, but tomorrow I will be posting some info from this

Supplying it here first, as some late nighters might be interested in reading the link themselves, before I have the energy to post some info from it.

For the hard science inclined, this is a science, PHD sourced study...
edit on 11-4-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 12:22 AM
Some info regarding possible solutions, that is, disregarding what may or may not be directly aimed at us or even implanted:LINK[url=

Biological rhythms, physical wellbeing and mental states are dependent on our electrical brainwave system interacting with the extremely weak electromagnetic fields generated by the Earth's telluric and Cosmic radiations. In a single generation, since the evolution of humankind over millions of years, we are exposed to a wide range of powerful, artificially generated electromagnetic radiation which adversely affects the subtle balance in nature's energy fields and has become the source of so-called ‘diseases of civilisation’. This also includes electromagnetic sensitivity. Generally, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of the impact electromagnetic fields can have upon health and wellbeing.

Our ancestors were acutely aware that certain locations, were perceived to have a positive energy field which was beneficial to health and vitality. Over time, these areas are now referred to as sacred sites for spiritual ceremony and as healing centres. In contrast, there are other geographical locations that can have a negative effect upon health and these are known as geopathic stress zones. It is believed that such zones can interfere with the brain's normal function that inhibits the release of melatonin and other endocrine secretions needed to replenish the immune system. Geopathic stress can affect animals and plant life as well as human beings and significantly contributes to sick building syndrome (SBS).

Whilst there is an increasing body of opinion amongst eminent researchers and scientists who are addressing these issues, the establishment professions are slow to change. However, very gradually, modern allopathic medicine and attitudes are beginning to recognise the extraordinary wisdom and efficacy of ancient traditions such as acupuncture, light, colour and other therapies based on the understanding and treatment of the interaction of a person's electromagnetic subtle body and the immediate environment. These and many other ‘complementary’ therapies may soon become mainstream medical practice. In the meantime, we can help ourselves by learning how to detect the hazards and daily practise prudent avoidance.

edit on 11-4-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

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