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"We don’t spy on Americans, just anti-government Americans"

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posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by wondermost

If everyone in america said on their cellphone once a month "I'm going to kill that bitch - that would be the ultimate solution" The computers would go haywire.

But, I know people that talk like that every single day on their cellphones.

Force yourself to watch trutv every now and then. The gov't #s with us, so we must continue to # with the gov't.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 04:47 AM
hi lee jeffries, yeah Google Earth is very helpful software which can be used to search out any location through internet. In my opinion, Google Earth and many other tracking softwares may provide special privilege to security companies to trace out crimes or to collect necessary information.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

Seems these people would have likewise spied on the first American patriots as well.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 05:35 AM
Ya should probably clarify the definition of government and name it rogue groups within the government. Most politicians, gov officials, and so called insiders still believe in their heart of hearts that its all conspiracy theory nonsense.

Hard to fight something that cannot be positively identified. May harm your cause more so assuming who make up these groups.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 06:20 AM
What bothers me is the fact that statements like this are UNREPORTED! Not Under reported. The Lamestream Media keeps us in the dark with news about who is slandering who in Hollywood or which left or right wing politician we should like or dislike today all the while neglecting to tell the American public "Oh by the way if your Government don't like you they plan to spy on you, But hey its ok lady ya ya slipped her dress today and we have the hot scoop!""

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

That is some seriously diluted logic on his part. As the old saying goes you are only guilty until proven guilty. My guess there are tons of Americans that are automatically flagged by some computer algorithm that tags you as subversive. In my research every American is being spied on. There have very good articles written on that topic specifically. Perhaps my favorite wired article ever. I have been looking into these things for awhile for work I do on a blog. It is scary to see what has been implemented directly under our noses and no one seemed to notice or care.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 06:35 AM
It will get worse before it gets better.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
So let me get this straight.

If some guy is walking around saying hes going to blow up the Empire State Building, says he has the bomb making material, and has a would think its inappropriate for federal officials to dig into his life because of his first amendment rights?

What about the rights of the thousands of people he may kill?

I guess the government should leave people like this alone. Kinda like they did with Timothy Mcveigh?

Every post i see of you makes me think that you are willingly blind,deaf and dumb.

Since when where people who let it be known or get found out about wanting to blow buildings and people up be let run free without consequence ? They didn't so what justifies the statements made here then ?

Laws against such crimes already exist and are enforced so that excuse of yours and theirs goes straight out of the window.

The fact that you or anyone else commits a crime does not make them a non-american, the fact that you do not agree with your current government does not strip you of your nationality , the fact that you may not like your government does also not mean you will blow things up, people who blows things up and kill people do usually not do this because they do not like the government.

Get it?

We are allowed not to like/agree or be against our government without being stripped of our nationality,officially or non-officially !

Otherwise you might as well move and start living in North-Korea OR rename this U.S of A "Guantanamo Bay II". -_-

edit on 3-4-2013 by Rubic0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Meaningless
reply to post by winofiend
Ever heard of the internet? What ever device connects to a server gets logged and tracked constantly. Your phones, consoles (especially the up-coming ones) computers, laptops, tablets, etc.... even some appliances and in some cases they can even listen to your conversations. This is how they'll track citizens, with the devices they make for us.

Yup, just look at the new TV's and game consoles with built in WIFI. The other thing I'm very leery of are these sites that offer to backup your hard drives. What's stopping the government from going into those sites?

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 09:08 AM
GOOD! The government puts all Americans barely critical of the Feds up against them. That'll put a lotta people on the other side of its frontline!
edit on 3/4/13 by Echtelion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 10:08 AM
Makes me wonder how far away we are from internment camps and gestapo practices! When I told some of my friends of this several years ago they laughed but today are as worried as I am! Even though they still don't want to hear about it they no longer laugh when I bring up some of the more outrageous events of the here and now!
Today they just tell me to shut up cause they don't want to hear such depressing news but by the looks on their faces they no longer find my statements amusing! Strange How many of us who are first amused, then in denial about reality, then afraid and ignorant about these events! I wonder when we can no longer deny or ignore the reality of the present what will we do then? Cause I don't know if we are ready for another revolution! More then likely we will be quietly complacent with big brother and live the best lives we can in a deeper fear then any we have known! God help our very souls if we give up on the freedoms we have strived for many millennia!

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 10:46 AM
I have not posted for awhile because i have been being watched.

These are the actions of TRAITORS .. plain and simple .. When will the discussion turn to that.. How many actions against the people of this great country will be committed until we can start calling it that.

I am not scared of the government ..
I am not going to watch as this happens.. Nor will other Americans

The decendants of the greatest generation are being beckoned by fate to once again.. battle the forces of tyranny.

Are you ready.

edit on 3-4-2013 by LeoStarchild because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 11:05 AM
Well,.... this certainly reminds me of when I lived in Communism and the equivalent to the CIA would come visit my father at work and at home, watching him and accusing him of trying to start a revolution. They'd check our guns and make sure we didn't have anything more than air rifles. Years later after we defected and after the Commies finally fell, he found himself on their "enemy of the State" list...literally a list of names on the watch list. How did he get there? All he did was casually speak against the actions of the Government to his friends, refused to join the Communist Party and refused to turn in his friends, co-workers and acquaintances for speaking against the Government. Is that where we are headed? Will we end up on the "bad guy" list for stating our opinions? These information-collecting centers are just plain wrong. I don't like where this is going.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
So let me get this straight.

If some guy is walking around saying hes going to blow up the Empire State Building, says he has the bomb making material, and has a would think its inappropriate for federal officials to dig into his life because of his first amendment rights?

What about the rights of the thousands of people he may kill?

I guess the government should leave people like this alone. Kinda like they did with Timothy Mcveigh?

why is it that you do this in EVERY thread i see you participating in?

you say some dumbass statist idiocy, that defies all logic, and then you get all surprised when people call you on it, and flame you.....

if someone is dumb enough to talk about doing something like that in public, or on facebook, then they DESERVE to be caught...and they should be, because they're dangerous. this was true BEFORE 9/11, and will continue to be true until the end of time....NONE of the new "security" measures have successfully stopped any legitimate terrorist threat against the united states...they HAVE, however, done wonders for those who were hampered by the 4th amendment, and it's pesky decree that you have a RIGHT to they can just use blanket surveillance to circumvent that, and nobody is the wiser, because nobody knows they're doing it..

and if you were possessed of a healthy level of skepticism, and curiosity, you would have done your homework, and you'd know that Oklahoma City was a staged event..

why do you buy into this ridiculous myth that there are terrorists hiding under ever rock, and around every corner? do you really love the government so much, that you believe they are above the law, and no longer subservient to you?

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

Anti-Government OF WHAT?

I am from Yugoslavia, and, if I should listen to that government, shall I get a citisenship of country of which it is government?
Or, I should stay here where that government wants to rule, without the citisenship of country of which it is government?
Do you think that is logical?

And, if you want to plunge to me the uniform different from JNA uniform, why doesn't that government offer their uniform to me, instead of chetnic's or similar one?
That would be correct offer, anyway, but, this is not correct.

edit on 4/3/2013 by dragnik because: additional text

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
Is that where we are headed? Will we end up on the "bad guy" list for stating our opinions? These information-collecting centers are just plain wrong. I don't like where this is going.

I think we are already there now. Why should my private information be investigated just because I make a few comments? I don't use my real name here. What right does anyone have right to track my IP and make a file on me?

As I said before, an experience that happened a few years ago changed my mind completely about how far some agencies will go to invade the privacy of anyone critical of their actions.

It has happened and will continue to happen again. Government cannot be trusted with unchecked power. There needs to be a real checks in place and the government workers who purposely invade privacy need to go to jail.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by sulaw

Its not apples and oranges. Do you really think the federal government has the resources to put 300 million people under surveillance or do you think they prioritize people who have said or done something that makes them a larger threat than the rest of society?

Actually, yes, they do...

between camera systems in major cities, police cruisers with plate scanners, backbone-linked data mining systems like carnivore and echelon, that intercept things like email, text messages, and phone calls, data centers storing ALL intercepted communications, companies like google, facebook, yahoo, microsoft, and others performing datamining, and reporting things like search terms, habbits, associations, and whatever else they can get, cell phones with GPS that never turns off, and has the ability to be used as a surveillance device even when powered down, the domestic drone fleet....between all of those sources, and more, all going back to fusion centers using the right technologies, i'd say they can pretty well watch everyone most of the time..

I'm sorry but if a government is not keeping an eye on what some extreme people are up to they are not doing their job of protecting society as a whole. I'm sure they have an entire file on me simply because of the kind of forums I hang out in and some of the comments I post and I would expect that.

If there weren't I would be mighty disappointed. Now do I see a black van parked outside my house or people in raincoats following me around?

and what constitutes "extreme people"?...who decides what the definition of "extreme" is? can you not understand that this is not the way it ought to be?'re sure they have a file on you, and you're ok with that? what is wrong with you?

Nope, but I'm also probably not considered a threat. Now if I were to make some outrageous claims about something I plan to do I would expect that to raise flags and stronger more appropriate action to begin. If my neighbor is saying he want's to build and release a chemical weapon in my neighborhood I fully expect the government to find out about it and smash down his door. Its for my protection and something I can't do on my own.

if you KNOW for a fact that someone is doing something to harm others, you have an OBLIGATION as a citizen to contact law enforcement. that's not to say that i agree with the absolutely absurd "see something, say something" doctrine of the napalitano DHS, that has neighbors spying on each other...but if you hear someone talk about doing something dastardly, or you see someone in the act of doing harm to others, or about to do harm to others, you have a duty as a human being to do something about it.

we do not need the federal government intruding upon our homes, and our privacy to be safe....we need an educated, aware, vigilant, patriotic citizenry that cares about keeping themselves safe. the job of the federal government is to protect our rights, and protect us from foreign aggressors, among other things.....their job does not include manufacturing terror to scare the citizens into submission, or trampling upon our rights in the name of "national/homeland security"

why is this so hard to understand?

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

that's funny...i know who Sibel Edmonds, so i know she doesn't write a humor blog....this has to be some kind of joke though...NOBODY is that's just not possible...they'd forget to breathe...

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Cabin
reply to post by BrokenCircles

It depends. When somebody truly is talking on the phone about bombing some place or doing something highly illegal, how else would it be possible to prevent it?

There is a difference between tapping and tapping. Probably simply some computer program overhears the talk without even saving it and when somebody talks too much about some illegal acts, like bombings or nukes or something more specific, and it happens a lot, then surveillance might start.

I personally had no problem with something like that, if it existed. I have nothing to hide.
edit on 2-4-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

"there's a difference between tapping and tapping"? that has got to be the most idiotic thing i've read in a while....

invasion of privacy is invasion of privacy....what the hell is wrong with everyone? have they REALLY been teaching newspeak, and doublethink in schools for so long that it's the norm?


posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie

I didn't see Democrats or Liberals on that list...


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