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And then I got upset at the human race

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posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 02:09 PM
What a rude thing to do, could have just taken the stuff down and left it for the owner to get, but people have to go out of their way to be arselochs sometimes. I noticed the same 100 yards bit, but oddly enough the cop who saw me reading the sign didnt bother to do anything about my very bold Badnarik shirt I was wearing in plain view of the wating voters (was actually waiting for a friend to finish his voting). Before this bit I walked unchallenged into my own polling place to vote wearing the shirt and nobody batted an eye, either they didnt care or more scary they had no clue who Micheal Badnarik was

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
you have 4 years ahead of you to continue your campaign and get the Libertarian name out there. Take advantage of the time to educate people so that in '08 you aren't fighting an up hill battle and the Libertarian candidate can be part of the Presidential debates and can be a serious contender in the next election.

I know, and thats what I plan on doing... I'd rather take advantage of these four years to educate people then do it last minute like this year... THis is the first time I ever heard about the lp's and when I did my heart just went out to them and I felt I had to do what I could to help the platform.

What was that thing you were saying to me about your husband and you helping?? I would love that more then anything...

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by alternateheaven
What a rude thing to do, could have just taken the stuff down and left it for the owner to get, but people have to go out of their way to be arselochs sometimes.

I know, as soon as I saw my signs in her hands all crumpled up I immediately thought it was quite rude. And what bothered me even more was when I told her she didn't have to crumple them up she looked at me and said sorry, but it far from being sincere..

My husband had problems with her this morning, she told him he had to go to his old place to vote even though he was registered to vote at that precint.
The voter's card was mailed here, not at the old place, so he called some offical and he said it was bs and to go back there, so he's really pissed at her, hope the karma police pull her ass over...

you know and it's n ot like i'm trying to infringe my ideology on other people, I was quiet, and respectful of others, didn't harrass them or even hand any brochures out, I just put them in eyesight so if people were interested they could take them...

like kj says, the humanity of humanity... And thats the # that makes me upset.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 03:03 PM
In New Hampshire we do not have that 100 yard rule. On each side of the sidewalk up to the door of the building stand workers from all campaigns holding their signs. Usually they try to catch your eye as you walk through this forest. Everyone is usually in an up mood and pleasant. If they get your eye they will try to say something about their candidate. I don't find it intimidating because all candidates are represented. There are no tables with materials on them....just the signs. And I believe they only have the one place where they can stand.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 03:27 PM
True lies

I just wanted to drop you a note to say I am so happy to see the seeds I have planted growing so well.

You, Jethro, my daughter, Cav Scout, and some others have taken the ball and ran with it and people like yall will drag this country kicking and screaming back to its roots. We shall make freedom a good thing again

As I grow older I am getting tired of fighting to take the shackles off of people who seem to like them but I can rest assured that the future is in good hands.

People say the country is going to hell in a basket but they are wrong, there is a grass roots wave of Libertarians coming at them and I think we will see a better tommorow.

I just wanted to say thanks

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 03:45 PM
If it wasn't for this Board, I don't know if I would of ever met you and your passion for libertarianism.

I'm glad I did because it's helped me realise that this political arena needs a fine tuning. Many people know there is something wrong with the political system, but they don't know what it is or they do and just continue being part of the problem

I don't ever want to go back to the way I thought before, and I don't ever want to go back and partake in the status quo of the political arena, it sickens me.

You helped shed light on the difference between a republic and a democracy, what once was and what we have now, what could be or what may not be.
it kind of reminds of the book of revelations... It warns you of the dangers of the future BUT it pretty much tells you if you work hard for change you can avoid going down that path.

I will always work to restore the foundations of this country and to make sure that our founding father's ideas are not forgotten, that's what set a precidence across the world, not democracy. Democracy here is a farce.
The elected r's and d's always make mention of "democracy" that's not what the point was of this country.

You've lit a fire within me and I won't ever go back.
I respect the founding fathers, their principles, and the constitution WAY MORE then what we have now.

So from the depth's of my heart, thank you.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by bet555
Rules are set up for a reason ... no matter what they are and the STUPID LIBERALS ... are the reason that people got your # and started moving it. The same reason that McDonalds is doing commercials saying my Chicken Strips Select has Blank .. grams of fat ... in them .. WHO THE # CARES !@!@ STUPID LIBERALS ... The same reason .. who cares about 100 ft within the voting place ... The liberals will use it before the election is over with ESPECIALLY IF THEY LOSE !!! ..
They sore losers .. =-0 .. peace

Wow! Learn to speak english moron. You definitely aren't making your GOP brethen look good w/an idiotic post like that.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:30 PM
You've got to be willing to fight peacefully as long as you can. Bar the system, stand in their way, and make people understand that they are playing with MY life too. If they have a deathwish, fine, but leave me out of it.

After that peaceful stuff begins to be ineffective, we have to move from King to X. Get your guns.

ADVICE: For all those at ATS I certainly care about this place. My advise is to obtain two things however you can.

1) Guns

2) Gold

The guns are to protect you, and the gold is the currency no one has when the fiat system falls to it's pitiful knees.

Revolution can happen if we try. We only want to curtail rebellion, but will be there swinging if it happens never-the-less.

Libertarians:This is the begining. We need to continue to exploit the divide in this country regardless of it's damage.

Shortsighted thinking is what has us in this mess in the first place. The long range survival is the only thing that matters.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:36 PM
Good comments Krazy.. Guns and Gold are important... I am a shortwave listener and I always hear the political talk show hosts on various stations always insist on buying guns and gold.

An AK-47 is handy too.. as well as a nice radio transmitter.

And if you know of any militia groups nearby.. rally behind them.

[edit on 2-11-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by RedOctober90
Good comments Krazy.. Guns and Gold are important... I am a shortwave listener and I always hear the political talk show hosts on various stations always insist on buying guns and gold.

An AK-47 is handy too.. as well as a nice radio transmitter.

And if you know of any militia groups nearby.. rally behind them.

[edit on 2-11-2004 by RedOctober90]

Mock all you want until the Government gets completely out of control. As many know around here, I am a reasonably non-violent person.

I do not WANT revolt, but revolution. We need to get back to our roots before we move on.

But please, continue with the lies and arrogance that America can continue on with unfetted growth both economically and politically with no repercussions.

That is a bold faced lie. We will slip our seems at some point, and with the current trends, it looks sooner than later.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:45 PM

I am not mocking you.. I am serious about this. Trust me.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by RedOctober90

I am not mocking you.. I am serious about this. Trust me.

Well, we are certainly on the same side with these damn wars. It's pure genius to tinker around in other people's countries for decades (growing serious distaste for America alone), then bomb them every so often, help other people bomb them, then when they get pissed and retaliate, to package it as a defesive manuver.

Brilliant, but deadly for us.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:58 PM
Or say "what about us" on 9-11.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:59 PM
Or say "what about us" on 9-11.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:59 PM
Whoah sorry for the triple post.. my internet is lagging (must be the election traffic)

[edit on 3-11-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 12:32 AM
what would be the grand solution once our succesful campaing of revolution has been completed???

internet neo-rebels rejoice! all lobbyist should be put in jail or shot. destroy media marketing. any such devise with a profound impact such as TV needs to air programing benificial to mankind. oblitoration for the lack of respect is important. as ralph nader puts it.... "its over, its all mythology and brain draining material" we shall march the expose of our fascist democracy through the streets with honor!

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 07:52 AM
People can pick up real money here:

I agree with you totally jethro about everything you said. It's going to happen sooner or later, and I have a feeling sooner, way too many people aren't going to be able to swallow a second term so easily... He's made himself perfectly clear.

The world is a stake and so are our lives. He has a list of countries and a list of demands. We're going to find ourselves in smitherenes the longer the days go on with bush in office.. I'm scared. And if your not, you haven't been paying attention.

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