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North Korea Watch 2013-2019

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

South Korea


Mongolia? It has only 2 borders: Russia and China. It is their puppet since dekades.
Brunei is in Himalay and is a 3rd world country with no infranstructure...
Indonesia? I dont know... Its islamic. Can switch sides but is quite strong and a damn large nation.
Philipines? South is in flames - muslim rebels.
SK without US would be overrun.
Thailand is bordering Burma and Cambodia and is far from any serious danger. Its close to straight of Malakka but thats not enough considering its hostile neighbours. Its a good ally but depends on situation.
India... Its part of BRICS and... it has a serious problem with Pakistan. Both nuclear. India-China borders are mountains.
Japan is the strongest and most reliable US ally there (+Aus and NZ)
The whole region is a mess. Noone knows how would they react. Im sure some would wait to see what is in their best interest and break their alliances.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Japan ok
South Korea Not really - only when they feel they're about to be annihilated.
Mongolia - irrelevant
Brunei - irrelevant
Indonesia - not really
Philippines - not really
Thailand - irrelevant
India - in check by pakistan - in the end, only when they feel they're about to be annihilated

something like that

India can be a strong card in this game.
Depends who will take it.
OTOH both Pakis and India would be glad to annihilate each other. Its a serious problem for all. Both are China-Russia allies (both BRICS and Shanghai Coop). It must be carefully played.
edit on 16-4-2013 by heretic013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Japan ok
South Korea Not really - only when they feel they're about to be annihilated.
Mongolia - irrelevant
Brunei - irrelevant
Indonesia - not really
Philippines - not really
Thailand - irrelevant
India - in check by pakistan - in the end, only when they feel they're about to be annihilated

South Korea doesn't like U.S. influence in their politics. But they aren't distant or using the U.S. only when they need it. At the moment it looks that way, but when things are calmer, SK actually cooperates and helps the U.S. in a lot of things. South Korea is where it is today mostly due to U.S. influence.

Same applies to Japan. They are on the same boat, except Japan could actually flip on the U.S. (in theory) faster than South Korea.

The U.S. has the policy of treating very well those that matter in terms of strategic defense and political influence. South Korea is one of those cases.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Thanks Gazrok for replying on my behalf. I had actually wanted to ignore the one who enquired, for that ignoramus will only believe his own views and nothing else, nor appreciate any enlightenment except delusions from his own warped mind.

I had hoped that by my usual ignorance of his post, he and more critically the readers, will attempt to find out on their own over the question posed, as very often, spoonfed info is never trusted or appreciated and even denigrated, as happened to your efforts to respond to him. It is only when they use their own efforts, to seek, to source, then only will they begin the journey on the quest for truth.

After WW2, many of the pacific asian states that were once colonised by the brits and then the brutal imperial japanese army of the '40s, sought to gain their own independence through UN, and succeeded and helped by many well meaning and enlightened western intellectuals in power.

One organisation that aroused and benefitted is the existing forum for peaceful co-existance in Asia that saw its rise in prosperity while China was wrecked with chaos and slaughter under Mao - was ASEAN organisation which is made up of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore in 1967 to todays inclusion of Vietnam, Myanmar, Brunei, Laos and even China's puppet Cambodia of a market of 660 MILLION people, twice of USA, and is focus upon ECONOMIC DEVELOPEMENT for its people to progress and evolve, and did successfully, with USA as a trade partner and security ally to share and learn better techniques.

They have harbours that welcome US troops and even conducted air, land and sea operations regularly every year.

Taiwan and Japan have security treaties with the US for pepertuaity and all sides including ASEAN had benefitted from the peace and security US brought since WW2.

New Zealand and the lucky country Australia had been friends and allies of USA for ages, and have bases there.

Combined, those nations formed almost half the world geographically, and had welcomed USA for decades and will continue for more. So too will China - a rising power if it can sort its own mess - be welcomed one day when it gives up its Maoist ways and become trusted. The world is big enough for all, and it is only through trade and economics that will uplift and prospers mankind, not wars.

Therefore, may the China PRESS end its vitrol, and focus back on the subject matter - NK. It has to be stopped on its nuke programme or the peace that had been built up for decades will be destroyed by fatboy and the delusional china press, for there is more at stake than the simpletons in the press realizes, and President Xi is no fool for sure.

As for India and the middle east - that's another story and another part of the world, which China has little influence nor the desire for, as India is a competitor to its rise, and China would rather focus on Africa for its lower costing resources need, one way or another, to create products and sell to the world..
edit on 16-4-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Oh... Australia and New Zealand are "Asian countries"...? I see.

Then you do well to "ignore the one who enquired" and I do well to "refuse any kind of enlightenment". Specially THAT kind of enlightenment. Thats actually George W. Bush's level of enlightenment.

EDIT: Btw, as you have read on my previous posts, I've treated you with respect. Respect that you showed within that post you do not deserve. Respect which you shall not have. Like I said before, respect is earned, not given and you should have at least showed some sign of common courtesy as I bothered to answer your ignorant geo-political nonsense and complete lack of knowledge as you proved once again by classifying Australia as an Asian country.

So... from now on, I'll just let your crap slide and no matter how ignorant it may be I will say nothing for I will gladly help someone who doesnt understand an issue as well as I do as well as I expect do be helped by someone who clearly has an advantage about something I understand little to nothing - like what happens with Zaphod and other members. But I hate to try to explain things to people and get a kick in the nuts as a token of gratitude. So, keep your ignorance.
edit on 16-4-2013 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:42 PM
Came across this on my twitter feed.

The document is dated yesterday.

Not 100% as to the actual translation, however, it appears that it's from DPRK to China, detailing why they are doing what they are doing. Which to me, is kind of a big deal.


Putting it into Google Translate, this is what I get:

The DPRK Embassy induced Xinhua views and principled stand against the recent situation on the Korean Peninsula, "the fax 1 (Korean language version).

The DPRK Embassy induced Xinhua views and principled stand against the recent situation on the Korean Peninsula, "the fax 1 (Chinese Edition).

由于美国疯狂的核战争挑衅阴谋,如今朝鲜半岛局势陷入了最坏的局面。 Provocative conspiracy the crazy nuclear war in the U.S., and now the situation on the Korean peninsula into a worst situation.

最近美国有计划地向南朝鲜投入核动力超大型航空母舰舰队、B-52核战略轰炸机、B-2A隐形战略轰炸机、F-22隐形战斗 机、宙斯盾驱逐舰等装有核弹、实弹的最尖端核武装装备,疯狂地进行侵略我们共和国的核战争演习,有目的地加 剧紧张局势的进一步升级。 Recently, the United States to South Korea have plans to invest a very large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet, the B-52 nuclear strategic bombers, B-2A stealth bombers, F-22 stealth fighter, the Aegis destroyer equipped with nuclear bombs, live ammunition, the most state-of-the-art nuclear-armed equipment, crazy nuclear war exercises to carry out aggression against our Republic, purposefully to aggravate further escalation of tensions.

美国还为了掩盖住要在朝鲜半岛发动核战争而造成危险局势的丑态,并要把事态的责任推卸给朝鲜,不但就对他们 狂乱的军事演习诡辩称是针对“对朝防卫态势”和“防卫同盟国”的,而且在国际舞台上大肆鼓吹所谓“朝鲜的挑 衅和威胁”,误导舆论说因为朝鲜的自卫措施而造成局势恶化。 The United States in order to conceal the want to launch a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula and ugly cause dangerous situation, and should the situation shift the responsibility to the DPRK, not only on the frenzy of their military exercises is sophistry said is for "toward the defense posture" and "defense allies, but also in the international arena trumpeted the so-called "North Korea's provocations and threats" misleading the public opinion that the result of the deterioration of the situation because of North Korea's self-defense measures.

一切事实证明美国执意要在朝鲜半岛点燃核战争火苗的阴谋正在万分危险的阶段付诸实行,造成今天或明天爆发最 恶劣的物理冲突、争分夺秒的危险事态的责任完全在于美国。 All the facts prove that the U.S. is bent on igniting the flames of nuclear war on the Korean peninsula the conspiracy being extremely dangerous phase implemented, resulting in the worst physical conflict broke out today or tomorrow, and the responsibility of the race against time dangerous situation is entirely in the United States.

朝鲜位于战略上的重要位置,美国企图以军事力量侵略我们共和国做最后挣扎,以便在亚太地区霸占支配地位,实 现他们的侵略野心。 North Korea is located in a strategically important position, the United States attempted invasion of our Republic by military force, to do the final struggle, in order to occupy a dominant position in the Asia-Pacific region to achieve their aggressive ambitions.

鉴于当前的严重事态,我们做出判断同美国进行总决算的时刻到来,朝鲜人民军最高司令部和外务省发表声明,向 国内外严肃地阐明了将以实际性军事行动显示朝鲜军民捍卫国家主权和最高尊严的果断应对意志的最终决心。 Given the current serious situation, we judge with the United States the total accounts time has come, the Supreme Headquarters of the Korean People's Army and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement to the domestic and foreign seriously stated will be the actual military operations in the Korean army and people to defend national sovereignty and the highest dignity decisively respond to the will of the final determination.

这是为永远结束美国变本加厉的敌对朝鲜核恐吓阴谋活动,并维护民族尊严和国家自主权而采取的正确的自卫对应 措施。 It is the right of self-defense taken corresponding measures to forever end the conspiracy of the United States intensified hostile North Korean nuclear intimidation, and safeguarding national dignity and national autonomy.

以毫不留情的核攻击对应美帝的核恐吓、以正义的全面战争对应侵略战争,这就是朝鲜的斩钉截铁的回应、坚定不 移的立场。 Corresponding to the nuclear attack mercilessly U.S. imperialism's nuclear intimidation, corresponding to full-scale war of justice to a war of aggression, this is North Korea's emphatic response, unswerving stance.

朝鲜人民军官兵和全体人民进一步紧握正义的核武器,奋起投入同敌人进行全面决死抗战的斗争,—旦发现美国任 何形式的挑衅,将不会错过其瞬间,同美国进行总决算。 The officers and soldiers of the Korean People's Army and all the people further clenched justice nuclear weapons, comprehensive Daredevil War of Resistance struggle rise to be put into the same enemy - once found any form of provocation in the United States, will not miss the moment, with the United States total accounts.

朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 Democratic People's Republic of Korea

驻中华人民共和国特命全权大使 In the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

池在龙 In Long Pond


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Juston

So....they've gone to mega ultra, super duper, supreme alert with cheese, and stand ready to stand up to the US's radical call for nuclear war? Is that about it? They are sounding like a broken record....

Note for previous post. I based this list on many factors including opinion polls about the US, treaties with the US, presence of bases, and known economic and political ties (who wants us in Asia).

To another:

both Pakis and India would be glad to annihilate each other

Most likely, probably come to blows in the next decade or so....though MAD seems to keep them in check so far.
edit on 16-4-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

I agree with you, and yeah, perhaps it’s only even more blustering. But with this they just may completely alienate the closet thing they have to an ally even more.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Juston

They really already have. I mean, when China is agreeing with the US, point for point, it's time to probably call the game.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Good point. Just seems odd to me that they would send an official notice to China.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by Juston

They really already have. I mean, when China is agreeing with the US, point for point, it's time to probably call the game.


Nothing is really simple with China...

BEIJING | Tue Apr 16

(Reuters) - China's defense ministry made a thinly veiled attack on the United States on Tuesday for increasing tensions in the Asia-Pacific by ramping up its military presence and alliances in the region, days after the top U.S. diplomat visited Beijing. RE93F03P20130416

Actually right now they're blaming the US for the rising of tensions there...

Like I said... I dont know if they have anyone at the World Poker Series, but damn they would be good at it

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Juston


Doesn't look too promising does it? Given that the translation my be off by a mile maybe, but it sounds like they are serious about going to war.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Juston
Though you might like this , ran it through Micro to translate it basically says the same thing as your translation no need to re post it. good find BTW, It is there honor bound thinking that makes them do this kind of thing a pre warning you might say, if they do not say that enough.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Juston

North Korea is like a little kid - I just can't stand! First They say that They are going to Bomb the Main Land of USA - Then They say They are going to Bomb Japan etal.. The US puts into position it's War Ship because of said Threat made By NK.... and then They go crying to China saying the US started it

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:30 PM
North Korea's UK ambassador defends Pyongyang's stance in rare speech

Hyon told his audience: "The western media, including the UK … Reuters, the BBC, the Telegraph, the Guardian … all are talking about tensions on the Korean peninsula. The problem is that they are describing it as if the DPRK [North Korea] is provoking [it]. That is not true. We are being provoked by the US and South Korea and are only responding to that provocation and their military threats."

He defended the country's third nuclear test in February, which led to a new United Nations security council resolution tightening sanctions, telling listeners: "Our nuclear weapons have served as a strong war deterrent to defend our national security and sovereignty."

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:37 PM
Well the North Korean channels i watch are quiet. It seems not much is happening.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Juston

In your video the North Korean speaker/ambassador is saying that its the South Koreans and USA's fault. Hmm
edit on 16-4-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Like I said... I dont know if they have anyone at the World Poker Series, but damn they would be good at it

No doubt....nobody really ever knows what China is up to. However, I think we can agree that their main motivation is to maintain a communist NK as a buffer to the US presence in SK. In addition, they are motivated to a nuke free NK. (if they weren't, NK would already have a few Chinese ICBMs...of course, who says they don't?).

I do think China doesn't want to see hostilities start, and be put to the test of which side (if any) to support. I personally think they'll stay out of it....because if we attack first, it will only be after getting a wink from China.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:23 PM
Sounds like they are cooling down a little ...

SEOUL - North Korea issued new threats against South Korea on Tuesday, vowing "sledge-hammer blows" of retaliation if South Korea did not apologize for anti-North Korean protests the previous day when the North was celebrating the birth of its founding leader. | Video

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:03 PM
It's actually not hard to see the North Korean point and method here.

From their POV they are imitating the USA... They are saying, You put Nukes by us, point them, test them, threaten retaliation etc etc yada yada...


This is all without accounting for the reason which is a small family keeping an entire population in misery and mental oppression... but they don't see it that way of course despite the fact that virtually the whole rest of the world does...

It all sounds like threats coming from their mouths and partially it is... but the reality is they are saying they are tired of being scared and HA this is how it feels huh?

None the less... They are risking a terrible event with this game and it's making everyone mad.

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