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It's Over: CBS News Poll 50% of Americans want Gun Control Laws Less Strict or Kept As They Are

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posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 12:26 PM
Like Proposition 8 that failed in California as the people voted against it. Yet it was overturned by their state supreme court and is now at SCOTUS. They don't give up. they just change strategies. More than likely they see an upcoming Congressional election and plan to take the House and Senate, then they can pass all the laws they want to.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 12:27 PM
I'd be happy if the they just enforced the federal laws that are already on the books.

Chicago as an example of piss poor enforcement...

“Do you know where Chicago ranks in terms of enforcement of the federal gun laws? Out of 90 jurisdictions in the country, they ranked 90th,” Mr. LaPierre continued.

“Why doesn’t NBC News start with: ‘Shocking news on Chicago. Of all the jurisdictions in the country, Chicago’s dead last on enforcement of the federal gun laws?’” he asked. “Why doesn’t the national press corps, when they’re sitting down there with Jay Carney and the president and the vice president, why don’t they say, ‘Why is Chicago dead last in enforcement of the gun laws against gangs with guns, felons with guns, drug dealers with guns?’”

Mr. Gregory then asked Mr. Pierre the peculiar question about whether he supports those criminals being charged with felonies.

“Absolutely,” Mr. Pierre affirmed. “And we want them taken off the street. I mean, if you’re the president and the vice president, and the attorney general, and your job is to enforce these laws against the — I’m talking about drug dealers, gangs and felons that are walking around with guns in the street, and you don’t do it? You bear some responsibility. It is a tragedy.”

Read more:

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by jibeho

It's kind of hard to enforce the current gun laws when Republicans with the help of the NRA have passed other laws making it illegal to do so.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by xedocodex

Jon Stewart? Huffington Post? PFFT. nuf said.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by jimmiec
reply to post by xedocodex

Jon Stewart? Huffington Post? PFFT. nuf said.

Maybe we will be treated to Jim Carrey's lame joke of an antigun song next.
If we are really lucky!

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:13 PM
It's not just time passing is the reason for waning gun control support. News from the world also shapes public opinion as in: Certain countries saying they are going to invade us. Governments taking money out of private bank accounts. DHS buying way too many bullets and armored vehicles. We are reminded daily of the reason for the 2nd amendment and why it is still very important.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TauCetixeta

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by xedocodex
The NRA has spent a lot of money to drum up fear and paranoia.

Mass shootings will continue to happen...slowly but surely public opinion will change as more and more gun supporters loved ones are gunned down by psychos.

The NRA is only preaching to the choir. Nobody supporting gun laws is going to be convinced by the NRA to change their mind.

I can honestly say I havent seen one NRA commercial or mailing in at least a year. What I have seen is anti-gun politicians on MSNBC and CNN running their mouths. If they want support the best thing they could do is STFU about their positions.

As far as "until their supporters are gunned down" goes. The vast, I mean VAST majority of deaths by gun are in inner city areas and of people who could stereotypically be classed as Democrats.

MSNBC and CNN tried to teach the American people how to think and failed.

Calmer heads prevailed.

I watched MSNBC for years, and agreed with the majority of the programming.

Until the anti-gun crusade hit in full force after the Newtown shooting, and their constant anti-gun rhetoric full of BS angered me so much that I couldn't take it, so I stopped watching it altogether.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by jimmiec
reply to post by xedocodex

Jon Stewart? Huffington Post? PFFT. nuf said.

Can you refute what was said? you can' you will choose to remain willfully ignorant.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by jibeho

The new gun laws were just a stepping stone to their true goal.


That is all that i can see when i look into the eyes of Senator Dianne Feinstein.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by xedocodex

They should be reigned in. They were caught running guns to drug cartels in Mexico. They can't be trusted.

Weapons recovered by Mexican military in Naco, Sonora, Mexico on November 20, 2009. They include weapons bought two weeks earlier by Operation Fast and Furious suspect Uriel Patino, who would buy 723 guns during the operation.[1]

The Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ran a series of "gunwalking" sting operations[2][3] between 2006[4] and 2011.[2][5] These operations were done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United States.[6] "Gun walking" or "letting guns walk" was a tactic whereby the ATF "purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex
The NRA has spent a lot of money to drum up fear and paranoia.

Mass shootings will continue to happen...slowly but surely public opinion will change as more and more gun supporters loved ones are gunned down by psychos.

Psychological projection was first conceptualized by Sigmund Freud as a defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own negative attributes by ascribing them to objects or persons in the outside world instead. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting faults onto others.[1] The original idea was that projection would allow for reduced anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

Pyschological Projection

"I'm afraid of guns and psychos. I'm afraid of violence. It must be the NRA instilling fear or else guns would be banned".

On Topic - clad to see the some people are waking up to the tactics of manufactured consent that the gov uses and resisting the emotional draw. However, it is clear, some people are so ingrained to this manipulation that they will never think with the organ that is designed for that purpose.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex
The NRA has spent a lot of money to drum up fear and paranoia.

Mass shootings will continue to happen...slowly but surely public opinion will change as more and more gun supporters loved ones are gunned down by psychos.

The NRA? I think you have it ass backwards. It's the government creating the paranoia, the NRA is a foundation dedicated to protecting our rights and our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. Since when does freedom make you paranoid?

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

It is still a poll of what, 1000 people or so.

This poll was conducted by telephone from March 20-24, 2013 among 1,181 adults nationwide. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points.

Sales of firearms, NRA membership and sales of firearm related items speaks higher truth then that of a poll.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by macman

Yes, if you read the entire poll you will see that there was an emotional swing for

more gun laws but then the American people simply returned to their senses.

Harry Reid will switch to background checks BUT as always the devil is in the

details. I think i can already see another filibuster on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Cruz / Rubio / Paul will once again rise to the occasion.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:08 PM
This is the same company that makes a spectacle out of rampage shootings. Of course they want the people to have their guns so they have more news to report when these one off wacko's go crazy. Then after it happens again they can recycle the whole thing.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by TauCetixeta

Obviously, *something* has to change - there are too many people getting access to guns that shouldn't have access to them. I don't discount the fact that current laws aren't being enforced properly - but that still means that something has to change so they do get enforced! How do we go about getting those laws enforced properly? The bottom line is that way too many people have access to guns who shouldn't, be they mentally ill or gang bangers.. do you agree that something has to change? Or is everything hunky-dory in the gun world?

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by redtic
reply to post by TauCetixeta

Obviously, *something* has to change - there are too many people getting access to guns that shouldn't have access to them. I don't discount the fact that current laws aren't being enforced properly - but that still means that something has to change so they do get enforced! How do we go about getting those laws enforced properly? The bottom line is that way too many people have access to guns who shouldn't, be they mentally ill or gang bangers.. do you agree that something has to change? Or is everything hunky-dory in the gun world?

Sorry but the bad guys ignore ALL GUN LAWS.

The progressives already know this but do not care.

The progressives have their eye on the prize........-confiscation-.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:33 PM
BULL !!!

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by TauCetixeta
Sorry but the bad guys ignore ALL GUN LAWS.

The progressives already know this but do not care.

The progressives have their eye on the prize........-confiscation-.

Riiight - so we just throw our hands up and say "oh well"?? I'm pretty sure the "prize" in this case is less people getting killed. It just so happens that people have different opinions on how to go about achieving that "prize". But to say "well, the bad guys ignore the laws, so even though 1000s of kids are dying every year, we can't do anything about it" is irresponsible at best.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex
reply to post by jibeho

It's kind of hard to enforce the current gun laws when Republicans with the help of the NRA have passed other laws making it illegal to do so.

Sure they blame the NRA for underfunding of the ATF. They blame the NRA for the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act etc etc... Blame Congress for that!! Most of the legislation being debated applies to dealers specifically and not the thugs on the street who are committing crimes with guns. Most of whom should not be owning guns in the first place. Then there is the lack of prosecution for the violations of the federal gun laws as they apply to the criminals directly.

Then they whine about the fact the ATF has not had a permanent director since 2006, the same year the Congress passed a bill to require the head of the ATF to be confirmed by the Senate like their counterparts in the FBI. God Forbid Senate properly Vets a candidate for a job like that. Guess a Czar would be so much easier. But, they Blame the NRA anyway. The blame the NRA if a candidate is blocked in the process. Regardless of the issues that resulted in the block. That's what our system of checks and balances is supposed to accomplish.

Gimme a Break and get back down to reality. Blame the NRA for Fast and Furious too? ATF violated their own flippin' laws without a care in the world.

edit on 26-3-2013 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2013 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

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