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Argentina President seeks Pope's intervention over Falklands.

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:35 PM
Argentina President seeks Pope's intervention over Falklands.Argentina President seeks Pope's intervention over Falklands.

During the Falklands war, the current pope was only an argentinian cardinal, to protect his flock. He may had supported argentina, but times change and people change, according to their calling..

Today, the Pope is no longer the cardinal of argentina, but the spiritual leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics, and his responsibillity to all is immense, not just to argentina alone.

It is good that the Argentinian President acknowledges the religious leader, the Pope. That she now seeks the Pope for intervention, then the Pope, as the moral representative of catholics, will have to be impartial and responsible. The President equally must respect the authority of the Pope and not expect for favors, for if such was given, then she has wrong beliefs and expectations on religion, and thinks religion can be manipulated for her own selfish agendas.

The Pope will have to ask her to answer 3 questions in order that the falklands issue be resolved:-

1. Will the President accept that God is our common Creator and owns all lands and Earth?

If she does not, then the Pope will have to reject her request, for she has no belief in God in the first place, and any decisions or advice given by the Pope will not be accepted. But the Pope will pray for her and hope that one day, on her own free will, will accept God and His teachings.

But she is accepts, then the next question will be:=

2. Why did Argentina failed to protect its land in 1833 and ended up as England's colony since then?

She will give all kinds of lame and pathetic excuses to justify the reasons but not the truth nor acceptance of the reality of defeat. The truth is that they had failed to progress and evolved and thus lost to England since then, a fault of their own way of life that resulted in their society's stagnation in the face of more progessive nations.

But the Pope will pray for her and hope that one day, on her own free will, will accept God and His teachings. Instead of intervention, the Pope will give this advice:-

3. That for the sake of peace and prosperity of all mankind, Argentina and UK seek justice through the Internatinal Courts of Justice - the rational and objective interpretation of human laws and standards, to come to a decision and accept that decision, as it was representatively made by all peaceful humanity sharing this planet, the children of our common Creator.

The kingdom of heaven is not on Earth, but children of our common Creator can still make the best of what they can in every way to ensure mankind lives up to its full potential and in peace with one another sharing this world and learning, progress from it, without hurting or harming each other, with the gift of life, love and free will given.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:38 PM
Which is like the manager of a football team asking that his trainer - who had previously argued with the ref on the issue - is the independant arbitrator in the issue of whether one of his players committed a foul

Bit of a faux pas from the increasingly desperate and isolated wannable colonial imperilalist!

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:41 PM
pope or no pope they just voted on sovereignty and decided to stay British (the original first people to settle it unless the french were there first?) so Argentina can keep complaining but the pope has very little global power and what with the UK being protestant i see the Brits telling the pope to stick it where the sun dont shine if he decides to butt in

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Didn't the residents of the Falkland Islands recently (like within the last couple of weeks) DEMOCRATIClALLY vote to remain under British rule? If so, why does Pres. Kirchner persist in claiming the Islands?

And I ask that with NO disrespect as I know very little of the total history of the lands in question.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

What does the Falklands have to do with the Pope?

The British have controlled the Falklands for over 150 years. If the Argies think land claims can go back that far, have they considered giving Argentina back to the native Indians?

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:46 PM
That didn't take long did it?

The Pope has spoken out over the Falklands on a number of occasions and now he actually has a voice at the top table, how much pressure will the U.N put on the U.K?

If they wanted it that badly they would have fought for it when we first colonised it.

I can't see that we are going to let go of the Falklands in a hurry and rightly so. I've a feeling this is going to go on and ond ond on!!

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:50 PM
She can ask all she wants.

Of the 1,517 valid votes cast, only 3 islanders voted "no" to the question: "Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?" One vote was somehow lost, officials said Monday.

this speaks volumes.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Glinda

The colonists whom had lived there for more than a century had most certainly voiced their choice to remain with UK.

But it is only one aspect of the issue. The major issue is that after the falklands war in the 80's, both UK and Argentina agreed to resort to peaceful means to settle the issue of sovereignity between the 2 states.

Thus the islanders' vote count for nothing, but in these time and age, I believe most humans, ( except some greedy and selfish argentinas), would agree that the islanders should have a say over whom they belong to, more so as Falklands had been protected and cared for over a century by UK when no one else bothered about that piece of rock or humans living there in the ocean.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:19 PM
If I was President Fernández de Whatshernose, I would be looking to get the ear of Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury (from 21 March) and the leader of the Anglican Communion as it seems to me that God has shown he favours Protestants over Catholics more often than not.

History has shown that God is on the side of the army with the biggest guns.

To topic. This is just popularist claptrap. The Pope has more on his plate than embroiling himself in a dispute over which he will have no influence.


posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:28 PM
Pope Francis and this Argentinian President have not always gotten along in these types of matters. And this pope seems much more interested in the spiritual, rather than the political. I predict he'll do nothing for her in this situation. (we'll see what happens!)

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:29 PM
I hope the UK government refuse to discuss it with him, I can't see what a religious organisation with it's own questionable history has to do with international relations between two sovereign nations.
Perhaps we should get involved with the RC church and discuss their failings regarding bans on birth control even for people who cannot afford more kids, or exclusion of women in any managerial role in their hierarchy. Or cover-ups for rapist priests.
Keep out of it Francis, you will not like the backlash.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Argentina President seeks Pope's intervention over Falklands

Saw this earlier on other news sites.

If you need some historical perspective... this would be like Hitler asking the Pope to intervene and legitimize his move into... the Sudetenland or Czechoslovakia. Argentina's quasi-fascist regime is playing fun and games hoping that nationalism will mean more to the new Pontiff than God or right.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:38 PM
Only 8% of the UK population are of the Catholic faith. Queen Elizabeth II is head of The Church Of England (protestant faith) This being the case i would assume The Pope would have very little influence on the UK Government (if any at all)

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by grainofsand
I hope the UK government refuse to discuss it with him, I can't see what a religious organisation with it's own questionable history has to do with international relations between two sovereign nations.
Perhaps we should get involved with the RC church and discuss their failings regarding bans on birth control even for people who cannot afford more kids, or exclusion of women in any managerial role in their hierarchy. Or cover-ups for rapist priests.
Keep out of it Francis, you will not like the backlash.

Cameron wouldn't dare risk further ire from the British. He's already on the back foot over the Leveson inquiry. His u-turn today to prevent a Commons vote speaks volumes. I had money on him resigning by next week as well (presuming of course, he lost the vote).

If he entered into dialogue with the Argentinians over the Falklands his own party would slaughter him.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

The Pope would be laughed off the islands if he dared to bring Argentinian politics into any discussions here.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

Although Atheist Clegg is sending his son to a Catholic School, sooo.....

Who am I kidding, what influence does he hold within Government?

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by PW229

True, and most of the population would object to any dialogue with an Argentinian religious leader for even thinking they have any influence in UK disputes over claimed territories.
As I said, stay out of it Francis, there are enough terrible things which need fixing in your own organisation before looking at foreign relations which have nothing to do with your faith based pseudo-nation.

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