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Atheism vs. God-Belief (the final debate).

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posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

reply to post by vethumanbeing

You guys are both also very funny yourselves. Hats off to you guys (it's a Santa Hat in case you didn't notice, the hat of a Magus..).

Best Regards,


posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I think back sometimes and just keep wondering, how do I(or anyone) just not get it like ever. It's rather sobering to realize that "I" probably had very little if anything to do with who "I" am. Still perplexed, still scratching head, still laughing.

What a rollercoaster ride worth the price of admission. "Love" could it be any more free than that?

We will be free when all choose to pursue the ticket.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Ha! That post was meant to include sacgamer25's but on a glitchy copy-paste i flubbed it. Howevere, according to you vethumanbeing, it's a sign when these kinds of thing happen so I was forced to leave it as is so it looks like you're going to have to work this one out on your own buddy!

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by sacgamer25

All that's needed is an inkling or a taste, then it's a quantum bolt of lightning, then it's time to eat my muffin and then go outside for a cigarette (oh dead God help me and bless me and forgive me my sins).

"Sin with courage," (my own mother said that - and she was VERY wise and very very powerful as a helper of people).

Yes, once the treasure is found or the pearl acquired with everything else "sold off" and given away, it's found!

The key here at this point is to watch out for the strategem of Narcissus, which will tell you that who you think you are being or trying to be is who you REALLY are.

We won't get fooled again!

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Here is a thought I have about salvation. I was thinking about love and everyone being saved and I came up with this. Or it came to me sometimes I don't really know.

If we can accept that everything has happened according to God's will than we must also then accept that he put us in the positions we were in knowing the outcome but allowing it to occur. We still have accountability, we didn't have to choose what we did, God simply knew what we would choose.

So if only God's will can happen, and God is love, than he never would have put something in front of someone that he was unwilling to forgive them for. So when we choose sin we received punishment, walking in the dark. But eventually all have to be saved, because all have to be forgiven, anything less is not love.

This is what I am putting together from several biblical concepts. Still maybe raw, what do you think?

edit on 20-3-2013 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

You don't need my approval but yes, it groks.

I would add to that only that the cross is just as efficacious whether anyone believes in it or not the only distinction being that the treasure to be enjoyed, received and appropriated or "grokked" cannot be accessed unless simultaneously understood and received (eaten or integrated as spiritual food and enjoyment and everlasting satisfaction).

In other words it simply MUST be received (with sense of urgency), this all-inclusive understanding of the love of God in Jesus Christ - but, in a wholly (holy) unconditional and absolutely non-coercive, invitational manner, like from the Spirit and the Bride, making you the Bride as I am the Bride (I know I could be a better "wife" of the Spirit we all can).

It's a free invitation for free living water let all who wish come and let all who HEAR in turn say come along and freely drink, and of course it simply MUST extend to everyone, don't be absurd, that's Jesus through and through all the way there's no doubt about that either, so it's right, YES. The all-inclusive love of God in person you might say (transparent).

Run with it!

Make a thread, play with the idea, make it your inquiry your pradhana or practice.

This thread rocks - just had to say it. We rock!

We all do. Yes. It's true.

What are ya gonna do now?

That's the question that life puts to us, but we were unaware of the domain of freedom from which the inquiry is being made of us, and the invitation presented..

edit on 21-3-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

But all the evil nonsense that was our fault, and if it was necessary for a time, who knows, but it does get tossed in the end anyway, everything that doesn't make any sense nor have any real value like most of most of our own ego's if the truth be told. Many of us have a lot of dying and resurrecting to do, but it needn't be painful, I could practically baptize you right now if you like.

Be baptised into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - be thrown off balance, and brought forth from the waters of the collective unconsciousness (washing away of sin) into the light of life and of life meeting life eternal. In the name of Jesus Christ, for those who will.. amen.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:14 AM
Originally posted by sacgamer25
reply to post by vethumanbeing


Do you really believe that a highly intelligent creature could have any understanding of love without understanding evil? We our born with minds that understand good and bad, right and wrong. We are born knowing that the loving solution is the best solution. What we do not fully understand at birth is love and evil. These we learn and then we choose. I choose love. Therefore God is love, because love is the only logical concept for God.

There is/was No clue as to what either evil or do-goodedness is or its machinations. We are not born understanding those concepts; the only one for survival. We are not born knowing love other than the nurturing from the parent. We are not born understanding God conceptual; this is where the basic underlying premise of "YEARNING FOR A DOGMATIC UNANSWERABLE" comes from.

He did not create us to be completely unaware of his presence, that is why we know love. Because he loved us even before we loved him. Everyone understands love and evil, now can we get rid of indifference because allowing evil is just as bad. Even our own judges will try a man for even just knowing of a crime.
You see all you have to do is "DO LOVE", if you don't know how turn to Jesus and do what he says. Doing what Jesus said is called "FAITH", saying I believe in Jesus is indifference. See the difference. God is calling us to be men of faith not men of indifference. He even promises that if we are acting in love no one can stand against us.

What is this Love thing? Love is a force, not an emotion as translated by you. Love force can just as well be hate. What god loved you? I know the one I retransitioned to the retirement home (for the time being). It was not a loving god. No one understands the dynamics of good and evil; Love has no place here its compatriate is Hate. The achieving of a dance/balance between the two is the goal; nuetralizing each other into what you might call indifference, not correct. One wins usually and by doing so furthers the arguement. Jesus is not here, God IS.
Doomsday guy, ME? I am here to stop it no one saves me, I save all, starting with killing all of the Panda Bears.

edit on 21-3-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Be sure not to take this guy TOO seriously now sacgamer25 don't let him get your goat.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan


posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Ha! That post was meant to include sacgamer25's but on a glitchy copy-paste i flubbed it. Howevere, according to you vethumanbeing, it's a sign when these kinds of thing happen so I was forced to leave it as is so it looks like you're going to have to work this one out on your own buddy!

No it actually was not. There are two of me as one so it made complete sense to the two uv 's frequencies us. Just wait for the fast stuff part sneak up funster attack.
edit on 21-3-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Although I disagree, I don't believe you could know indeference without love and hate.
edit on 21-3-2013 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

Hate? You know it doesn't serve a purpose and doesn't justify love as if love needs hatred to be known c'mon you know better than to fall into that duality, what are you transmitting now? Only the evil one (don't worry I don't mean that in a truly demonic sense, but the one at emity with love) would propose that hate is the equal and opposite necessity of love and is needed for loves warmth by comparison to be felt. You know in the domain of the love that this isn't true.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:46 AM
Just laying out some more puzzle pieces for Part Two of the evidence phase, don't mind me.. (this is but a piece of a larger puzzle)

Curious though isn't how the moon perfectly eclipses the sun (from the POV of an earth-based observer) while the shadow of the earth also perfectly eclipses the moon, and this isn't the half of it either.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
There are two principal aspects of the argument I'm going to make (when time permits). The first will argue that the manifest reality, including consciousness (as a tangled hierarchy), has arisen as a result of an intelligent subtraction from, the absolute formless potential as a first/last cause or as a downward causation emanating from the Godhead aka Creative Agency, whereby the phenomenon of consciousness is not and cannot simply arise as an epiphenomenon of matter, and the second, to "join the circle" will aim to show a manifest example of superintelligent design embedded by anticipation and with intent, into the geometrical relationships and integers of our own earth-moon-sun system/configuration as a precursor to earth's evolutionary development including that of the human being as self aware observer, and even as a marker or a "sign" or signature intended for our own recognition, by the Creative Agency, but done in such a way that it cannot be dismissed either as pure coincidence or nullified as meaningless by the strong anthropic principal.

Just wanted to offer a head's up, out of fairness, due to the delay.

Best Regards,


bump for page 15.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Yes but only when we can laugh along with God have we all learned our lesson.

God laughs and he makes me laugh by virtue of confounding me and then informing me of something that I'd never considered before for the life of me, like a secret joke shared from the domain of real knowledge and understanding, which involves simply being who we really ARE but without any pretense or prior ego-condition, just stupified at how stupid we are or WERE - thank GOD it wasn't too late! We were dead but are alive again, both to ourselves and to God within whom we are immersed. God is capable of informing us when at last we are still, open-minded, and willing and aware but not lacking in reason or logic. It's supra-rational or ultralogical - beyond reason in the humor of true understanding and recognition at the end of the ego's reason including even it's reason to live, in the face of this love and knowledge the ego throws itself forward into the loving arms of a forgiving God because he loves us AS and even WHO we are, even though we were just pretending to be somebody special for all the wrong reasons I'm pretty sure God gets that. lol:

So like I said before we have all eternity to worry about just who God really is (now that God is in the house - received and accepted) no the only question becomes - what do we do NOW?!

What do you do at the end of time from the unconditioned (absolutely forgiven unconditionally and thus reintegrated) ground of all being and becoming?

We love, and create with the desire to please ourselves and others - there's nothing else worth doing that's the funny part about it.

It has it's own reason, and logic and my God is it ever capable of vast amounts of ecstatic humor in the surrender of the egoic structures built on largely inauthentic fabrications for no reason at all, or even worse still because of a lack of self acceptance and self love - that's FUNNY!

He loved us first. Who cares! Now that we've finally found each other at last it doesn't matter any more, and I am sure grateful but without any sense of indebtedness (because it's absolutely free).

I grok! LOL!

It's a joke you see that contains imbedded within itself an onion of jokes, to the core, maybe even to the moon and back again.. but that in the end we must come to recognize if only for the enjoyment of getting to actually be ourselves again at last, and relax with all the pressure off.

And boy oh boy did we ever get it wrong, we screwed up, what can ya do no biggie in the end provided we find and then begin to explore the domain of freedom and liberation that God has had in mind for us all from the very beginning, which leaves neither God out, as the all in all self aware universe, nor any part thereof with ONE REALITY, ONE CONDITION, ONE GOD, ONE SPIRIT (sorry for yelling, but it was important to make clear lol).

In fact, the human being is or was supposed to be the very crown jewel in his creation!

Yes it's both very very sad and, very very funny (thank God!).

Going backwards, the human is its crown jewel, just does not get the joke.
Human gets it wrong because of a miscommunication error.
The all is self apparent but refuses to speak ITS mind.
God likes to avoid confrontation and enjoys its anonymity; wonders why no one will FLESH IT OUT.
God would like to imagine the human would work together to sort ITSELF out (themselves) with no external HELP at all.
Enjoy yourselves, IF YOU CAN--its within the rules but you make the acheivement of happiness such a chore (weekly allowance needed?).
The irony, the satire of both God and Human bound together for eternity is not lost in metaphor or empty vacillations of doubt, it is what it is. How deep is this abyss and who has the extension ladder?
Tragic/comedy meant to further both in soul growth. It was not meant to be a chocolate cake walk.

edit on 21-3-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I call it like I see it. Somehow evil is justified so it too must be from God. And anything from God must be necessary. Even if the only purpose is teach that thier is no wisdom apart from love.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by HumansEh

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by HumansEh

The Flower of Life set in stone at the Temple of Osiris at Abydos.

Thanks for the link, I enjoyed that. Studies in my youth encompassed sacred geometry and symbolism in art history and archaeology.

Keep goin OP, you are doing well.
Usually people start these threads to insult and shout down the opposing point of view.
You are striving for debate.
I respect that.


Here we have the G for generative principal because it's a principal of life meeting life as the flower of life having arisen from the original seed and egg of life, which emerged from the void as a thought-form even as a soundwave of sorts.

bump post - for the upcoming evidence Part Two of my argument, there's a little bit of homework that I need everyone to do, which is to become fully acquainted with the Phi Ratio Golden Mean in the natural world as as the design of beauty - it's not proof of intelligent design in and of itself, only of a fractal universe which follows certain patterns of sacred geometry, but it IS a design we must consider if we're to prove or disprove as the case may be, the argument for intelligent or what I call superintelligent design.

Again that's

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

Your right that it must be possible and included therefore in the entire domain of all possibility, as a possibility, but it's not a necessity or needed (do you get that humor?). God doesn't play both sides of the fence and then utter that evil maniacal laugh of the devil, now it's all good and God's love is all good, and the love is for us in SPITE of ourselves. (more funny).

Or are you just worried about yourself and masturbation - the unspoken elephant in the room?

edit on 21-3-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Good translation and humorous! You grok.

The joke was on >me<

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
I think I will answer the post with this video. It seem fitting;

Note that he still didn't get the joke with the Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sung at the end, then he bows out! Perfect.

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