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The New Pope, Prophecy, and One World Religion

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posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:04 PM

I'll try to make this concise and easy to follow while at the same time providing enough information for you all to mull-over. I want to preface this thread by stating: NO OFFENSE IS INTENDED TO ANY RELIGIOUSLY-MINDED ATS MEMBERS! This thread is simply my point of view and has nothing to do at all, really, with God or Jesus, Allah, Shiva, Vishnu, or YHWH.

First: The Prophecy

Another point Weiss raises is the line between the prediction for No. 111 "glory of olive" and No. 112 Petrus Romanus. "It reads, 'In the extreme persecution in the Holy Roman Church there will sit...' It's an incomplete sentence," Weiss said. "Apparently a lot of scholars believe that line is an incomplete sentence indicating that there will be unidentified popes between the ["glory of olives"] and Peter the Roman."

2 things:
1.) While it does say that the 'end' Pope will be 'Peter The Roman'.. my thoughts are, is it possible that it represents the antithesis of the first Pope, Peter? And thus, all Popes are technically 'Peter the Roman', as they're the head of the Church and are based in Rome [Vatican City]?
2.) There is, indeed, controversy between the 111 Pope and the 112 list, some scholars saying there will be perhaps several popes between them that are unidentified. Well, we know there is a Peter from Africa that was waiting in the wings for his papal inauguration. Could it be that Francis I will be a short-lived Pope to be replaced by Peter? Hmm.. interesting..

Second: There is a theory [presumably based off of St. Malachy's prophecy] that the last Pope of the Catholic Church will also be the one who institutes a One World Religion.

Okay, so he doesn't have the name Peter (which may be just a nominal title for 'Pope' in the prophecy).. but he certainly took the name Francis I, after St Francis of Assisi, a socio-religious REFORMER.

Though the reform which Francis and the Church accomplished conjointly was above all religious, based on the Gospel and aimed at the conversion and salvation of man, it was never theless all-comprehensive, including the natural as well as the supernatural, the material as well as the spiritual in man. It aimed, not at the destruction of existing principles and institutions, but at the repression of abuses com mitted by individuals, and the triumph of charity and justice among men.

St Francis

So, if we now have a potentially Reformist Pope and there is a fringe idea that he may be the one to bring about a movement to One World Religion.. then the fact that the prophecy calls for 'Peter the Roman' may very well be inter-changeable with 'The Roman Pope'.

Yes, before anyone can say it.. I myself will: I know it's a stretch! It's WAY out there. Way. Left field? Psh, it's parking-lot material! But how interesting are the connected dots.. and what if? WHAT IF?

Thanks, ATS, for reading and letting me be a complete conspiracy nut when I feel the urge. Have a great rest of your day!

- Fim

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:35 PM
THIS POST just freaked me out... I've been following the pope and the whole prophecies. Today, my friend and I turned on the news and saw they were covering the event. Anyways, on my way back home from dropping a friend off, I got word that a new pope was elected. Also that he was from South America. Then I was thinking exactly was you wrote about if this would be a short-lived pope! The reference to Peter the Roman being a title also went through my mind. So when I clicked on this, I was like WTF! lol i was thinking the same thing! WHAT IF!!!???

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Fimbulvetr
Okay, so he doesn't have the name Peter (which may be just a nominal title for 'Pope' in the prophecy).. but he certainly took the name Francis I, after St Francis of Assisi, a socio-religious REFORMER.
Are you sure he didn't name himself after St. Francis de Sales, a Jesuit?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Fimbulvetr
Okay, so he doesn't have the name Peter (which may be just a nominal title for 'Pope' in the prophecy).. but he certainly took the name Francis I, after St Francis of Assisi, a socio-religious REFORMER.
Are you sure he didn't name himself after St. Francis de Sales, a Jesuit?

During his years as bishop, Sales acquired a reputation as a spellbinding preacher and something of an ascetic. He was equally known as a friend of the poor, a man of almost supernatural affability and understanding.

You used a quick wiki link the same as I for the de Sales argument. All good, my friend! However, even IF he did use the Jesuit instead of Francis of Assisi, apparently they're more alike than not. Ascetic, allowed women more room in the Church..

These last qualities come through in Sales' books, the most famous of which was "Introduction to the Devout Life", which - unusual for the time - was written especially for laypeople. In it he counseled charity over penance as a means of progressing in the spiritual life.

If this is his name-sake, then he too would be considered a Reformist to what is currently the RC Church, yes?

- Fim

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by ValentinoG

That's exactly it, VG! "What if.." -- I admit it's out there, it's 'fringe'.

But to completely ignore it without at least an investigation when there ARE INDEED so many dots to connect.. would be, IMHO, irresponsible. So, I provide a trail to follow.. and as you see, apparently there is another Francis to contend with (as opposed to Assisi), but still... ODDLY ENOUGH!
this other Francis, too, was of a different stock than your standard Churchmen of the time!

- Fim

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 04:00 PM
todays date 13.3.13

from bbc
1818: White smoke has appeared from the chimney on the Vatican's Sistine Chapel, indicating a new pope has been chosen

from terminator 3
The attack began at 6:18 PM, just as he said it would. Judgment Day

the church have clearly decided to go to war by electing a Jesuit (their military wing) rough times ahead

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 05:10 PM
Being a Jesuit is sketchy enough but I'm sure it would be more obvious if he had anything to do with Peter the Roman. The Fox News guy mentioned somethig about Peter and I thought here we go but the only connection I can find is his Italian background.. Still would be worth keeping a close eye on though, see how he goes about his business but by the sounds of it, A Christian preaching/teaching war is on the way..

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by DarknStormy

I don't know..

If you look at Francis of Assisi and the tenants he adhered to, maybe the Christians could use a teaching/preaching to get them back on track. Talk about in-fighting!

Muslims have the Shia and Sunni, correct? Yes, there is in-fighting between the two parties but.....

Christians have the.. oh.. can we even COUNT the number of demoninations there are, most of which point the finger at each other saying 'WE love more, you're wrong!' and are willing to fight over it? Send 'em back to the classroom!! And if it takes a Jesuit Pope named Frank to say 'WAKE UP AND LOVE', well then.. yay for the Vatican.

Is that reality? I highly doubt it, but.. you just never know.

IMO, a One World Religion is just another control-mechanism regardless of the fact that it may (emphasis MAY) end religious wars or at least their use as an excuse for economic wars. Hmm.. the plot thickens..

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Fimbulvetr
Okay, so he doesn't have the name Peter (which may be just a nominal title for 'Pope' in the prophecy).. but he certainly took the name Francis I, after St Francis of Assisi, a socio-religious REFORMER.
Are you sure he didn't name himself after St. Francis de Sales, a Jesuit?

According to the mainstream media, the new Pope is taking his name in honor of St. Francis of Assisi.

The 76-year-old Bergoglio, who served as the archbishop of Buenos Aires, is the first pope to take the name in honor of St. Francis of Assisi,

Here's our "Peter" connection:

St. Francis of Assisi (Italian: San Francesco d'Assisi, baptized Giovanni, born Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone

Evil People Pietro di Bernardone AKA Francis of Assisi

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by windword

Bazinga! Nicely done, Wind.

As it's entirely theoretical, I was up for the possibility that there was a Jesuit namesake-connection and thus the research and potential reasoning for it. Pietro, hm!

Oh, and for a random bit of flavor adding to the 'punch' this new pope may have for 2013:

Because of how the prophet Daniel divided the prophetic week in half, Flynn believes the original founding date for the empire of the prophecy, Rome, would follow this pattern and be bisected. Therefore, correcting Newton’s date, the year 753 B.C. designates the founding of the physical Rome while A.D. 753 establishes the rebirth of spiritual Rome. Counting 1,260 years forward from A.D. 753, one arrives at the year 2013.

Here we go, again..!

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 07:07 AM
I was going to start a new thread but I saw you mention the One World Religion in yours, well I hope people see this.

Two articles on Vatican Insider show the new pope as a bridfge builder between denominations. Of course being a Jesuit his whole life is devoted to bringing all the world under the rulership of the pope. It seems he has lost no time in getting on with the job.

It was the first time since 1054, that the Patriarch of Constantinople attended a Pope’s inauguration
Giacomo Galeazzi
vatican city
It’s the challenge that could make his name immortal and it’s the wound he has set out to heal: Francis’ dream is to end the schism that for a thousand years has divided the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. “If he succeeds, he will go down in history as the greatest pope that ever was,” say members of the Curia.the rest of the article

And the second one particularly shows the growth of the interfaith movement:

Alessandro Speciale
vatican city
They waited for him for almost half an hour, sat in a circle, like brothers, in the Clementine Hall, in the Vatican. But the representatives of Christian Churches and other religions, in Rome for the Pope’s inaugural mass on Tuesday, did not find the wait burdensome
Representatives of Christian Churches and world faiths heard the words they had wanted to hear from the new Pope: "For my part, I want to assure you of my firm commitment to continuing the journey of ecumenical dialogue in the footsteps of my predecessors," following the path of the Second Vatican Council, which Francis mentioned a number of times in his speech.
There were 34 non-Catholic Christian representatives present in the Clementine Hall, 7 representatives of the Jewish faith across the world and 5 representatives of other religions: Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism and Hinduism. Non Catholic Christian denominations such as the Orthodox Church (with 15 representatives of ecumenical patriarchates and national Churches) and the “reformed” Churches (Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists and Pentecostals) were particularly well represented.
the rest of this article

edit on 21/3/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by Cinrad

So far, the few that have posted/viewed this thread have contributed some very interesting content. It went up around the same time as another 'Pope/End Times' thread that got stuffed into the Alt Breaking News board..

So, yes.. I'd love for more people to see this and add some commentary. It's really mindblowing stuff!

Thanks for sharing.

- Fim

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