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The principles of my perception

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posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:48 PM
THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM. - “THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.”
THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE - “As above, so below; as below, so above.”
THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION. - “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY. - “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM. - “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT - “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”
THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER - “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”

I would like to share my thoughts on this which can be either considered or rejected by anyone who so chooses to read. This is only the way I chose to understand these principles and as such with all these principles, they cannot be explained and only experienced first hand from the point of observation if one wants complete understanding.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM. - “THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.”
So to help me understand this principle I had to break down my reality to the simplest truth which I can only describe rather crudely. Here is me I represent an empty box. I fill this this box with my own mental image construct of who I am and have done so starting from the moment I was able to communicate. The moment I was able to imagine something other than myself would represent me communicating with myself which happens before I learn to communicate with others through speech or any other five sense perceptions. Then I would recognize someone or something else that is not me or “my box”. This would represent an empty box also, so I use my own self-created construct of reality at the time to create a construct of another reality in order to fill the “other box” so that I can perceive an exchange of information either through my imagination or my five sense perceptions (I cannot know everything about anything given that while knowledge itself is infinite, it will always be finite from the point of observation). Then I compare this reality construct I have created for the “other box” with my own self-created reality construct that I have imagined for myself or “my box”. I call these spheres of reality and the difference between the two "spheres of reality" or “reality constructs” represents my internal or external judgement. Since this is all my own “mental” creation it represents what I need to understand about myself or “my box”. I can really only be looking at myself and picking at what I like or don't like. This process of learning will continue until I have understood this principle. This is not my "fate", this is not my "karma" but these will manifest into my current perceivable reality while this principle is being understood. This principle applies to every single thing (not just people) that I am able to perceive from my point of observation (current perceivable reality).

THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE - “As above, so below; as below, so above."
To help myself understand this principle, again I broke it down to a very simple truth. I can only perceive my "sphere of reality" through my five senses and my imagination which lead me to conclude they both play an equal roll in my development. The imagination (I cannot touch, taste, smell, hear or feel this part with my five senses) is what I use to shape my five sense perception experience and then my five sense perception experience shapes my imagination and this paradox of development continues until this principle is understood. To understand this principle better I looked into the Yin Yang and surmised that one side of it would represents what I would perceive as the “physical perception experience” and the other the "non-physical perception experience”. Since my perceived reality from any point of observation within my complete “physical” and “non-physical” perception experience is vibrational, even the "non-physical" would still represent my very own “created illusion” in the "THE ALL is MIND" principle. This is a paradox because what I perceive here (physical) shapes what I will perceive once my body has expired (non-physical) which in turn helps shape the collective physical construct of the universe which we are all inside now, not limited to this just planet but everything inside this created perceivable universe.

THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION. - “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates"
To understand this principle I investigated the "atom". I was interested in how I could perceive myself as being “solid” when all the information I gathered suggested I was not. The very structure of the atom, which is how I manifest into a perceivable "physical mind-body” and “non-physical mind-body”, indicated that positive, negative and neutral charges were required for a vibrational perception within my complete reality construct (both physical and non-physical perception experience). The proton (positive) and neutron (neutral) charges form the nucleus with the electrons (negative) charges swirling around the outside of the nucleus fighting for balance but never able to achieve it, forcing perpetual motion for the duration of the charge. I can see this same perpetual motion manifesting in the "physical universe” by observing the planets being caught in a symbiotic type gravitational pull with the sun, and the sun is in the same perpetual gravitational relationship with something else, which I just simply label "the central star/black hole" (I haven't really decided what I’m going to call it yet in my reality construct but I’m leaning towards the "black hole". I see this as a paradox of pushing and pulling the same force to create never-ending momentum.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY. - “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
To understand this principle I thought to myself one day I want to be free. Then I wondered how I would even know what "free" was without some context to give me perspective. How would I know what anything was for that matter without the opposite polarity experience? My driving motivator was to learn and understand my own existence so I concluded that it would not be possible for me to understand or perceive anything without context and "duality" (opposites of polarity) seemed like the perfect perpetual driving force for my own "Sphere of reality" and existence. This also taught me that if I created a “highly positive" situation for my "sphere of reality” then there would also be an experience of the “highly negative", which would be identical in nature but different in degree. By following this principle I was able to understand that "truth" was relative to the polarity. I then identified four potential truths, but not limited to in my experience. There was the first truth, that if I actively and consistently tried to polarize to a perceived “positive" experience (love/acceptance) I would then be “following” my own self-created "Sphere of reality" and as a result of shutting out the perceived “negative" experience, I would look for truth in what I call a "positive collective mind truth" to try and protect me from that which I didn’t want to experience. This would cause me to manipulate a specific "truth" so that I could attempt to maintain the perceived “positive experience”. The second truth would be polarizing to the perceived “negative” experience (fear/control) where I would think that I know what’s best for someone else's "reality construct" and exorcise control to then try and "better" my own experience or "perceived reality". This would again form a "Negative collective mind truth" in my "perceived reality" to protect me from that which I did not wish to experience. This would again cause me to manipulate a specific "truth" so that I could attempt to maintain the perceived “negative experience”. The third truth is the most common truth as it’s the total "collective truth" of what I would call "society". This is what I refer to as the average or “mean truth" and as such is the easiest to perceive from my point of observation. This created a “collective mind truth” with a combination of both polarities for me. This is where I would perceive the majority of my current life’s point of observation up to the point I was able to identify this. The fourth truth is my "own truth" which is the only real truth I can rely on since all other truths are my very own manipulated creation that I would have to then "follow" (I cannot lead myself then follow myself without it creating a paradox). Without polarizing to any specific experience and observing neutrally, I could see that all my own "created truths" were easily consolidated around the middle or what would I would perceived as a "neutral experience". Once I had reconciled my truths I found I did not need to “follow” any truth other than “my truth” and I was in fact completely responsible for my own "sphere of reality" that I am constructing. I understood that if I looked for truth outside my own "sphere of reality" it would create a paradox of seeking truth and never really believing what I am seeking, perpetually driving me to keep seeking "my truth".

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM. - “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
How I understood this principle was by investigating the very nature of the "torus field". This was the field I understood to be the electromagnetic field surrounding all "living things". The planet has this field surrounding it as well so I surmised that it was also a "living" intelligence (surmising my “sphere of reality” was inside another’s “sphere of reality). I saw this torus field as the "event horizon" for my perceived “sphere of reality" and all my created “illusions" exist only within the structure of this field. The very nature of the torus field is to flow outside of itself and then back into itself perpetually recycling the same "source flow". I thought of this as a doughnut with a skin moving either outward or inward (reversing the polarities) to help me perceive how the flow works. I then considered if I am recycling my energy to create my "sphere of reality" I could only ever get back what I put out to begin with. Because my "reality construct" is vibrational in nature and the very nature of vibration is a "perceived wavelength", I concluded that it was natural for my experience to be perceived in a rhythmic up and down motion (the same as how I perceive a wavelength). How far my "perceived reality" rises up and down the "pendulum" is of my own creation so if I were to manipulate it to the extremes I would have to experience the opposite to that which I wanted to experience. I found this to be another paradox where the harder I pushed the experience one way the harder it pushed back the other way. This became a tiring process so I stopped pushing the "pendulum" so hard in either direction and came to realize I could move the "pendulum" either way without losing control of the momentum. This would then manifest in my "sphere of reality" as being able to control my emotions rather than having them control me thus preventing my created “sphere of reality" from obscuring my "own truth". I can see this uncontrolled momentum manifesting in the “group mind truths” of religious institutions, Governments and Corporations to name a few.

THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT - “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”
How I am able to understand this principle is to apply the understanding of the previous principles. The "vibrational frequency" I put out to create my "sphere of reality" I am solely responsible for. This will manifest into my perceived reality as events and situations that I can choose to either enjoy or not enjoy. If I swing the "pendulum" either way to manipulate my "perceived reality" then that is my "cause" and this will result in the “effect” being my perceived reality experience from my current point of observation. I found this to be another paradox and the nature of the "torus field" itself. I see it as kind of like a dog chasing its tail until it gets tired and stops doing it. This is a law than no one can enforce as the law enforces itself through the principles of reality and perception. Trying to enforce this “law” from my point of observation would only create a paradox for my “sphere of reality” until I have understood this principle. Nothing in my entire “physical” or “non-physical” perception created universe is exempt from this principle. If I do not recognise this principle I will perceive manifestations in the form of “coincidence” or “chance” (lucky/unlucky).

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER - “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”
For me to understand this principle I applied the understanding of the previous principles. The polarities, which are the very nature of vibration of which allows me to perceive my own "sphere of reality", will manifest itself within my perceived reality. Vibration is what allows me to perceive anything at all which in turn keeps the perpetual driving force of my existence in motion. This will manifest in my "physical perception experience" as opposites in everything. To create the experience of perception in my "physical perception experience", a male (-) and female (+) would have a child and create new life. I see this as a manifestation of a principle "law" and how one needs the other in order for "the perception experience" to continue. I see this manifestation going deeper so that within both the male and female physical body they contain both the masculine and feminine energies which are manifest by a left and right brain. The two sides of the brain develop separate from each other attached only by an “umbilical cord” for information transfer. I see the left side as the masculine and the right side as the feminine energy manifestations. I think of it kind of like a battery to power my heart which generates my torus field which contains my "sphere of reality", which in turn then charges my battery. This is another paradoxical manifestation of the perpetual nature of my "complete reality construct"

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:17 AM
Just some science related thoughts that seem related to your ideas:

I wonder if some of your principles aren't further reducible to even fewer principles. When you look at the science of music for example, rhythm and harmony (virbration) are basically the same thing. A (440 hz) and E (660 hz) which together make harmonious perfect 5th, have a ration of 2/3 or 3/2 vibrations of the one for vibrations of the other. In a rhythm, this is "triplets". Beat and harmony are different time scale manifestations of the same core thing: cycles in time.

Have you ever looked at Fourier transform (FT)? Basically any signal, anything, can be expressed by adding up different sine waves, or constituent frequencies. Its freaking profound, a mathematical expression of so many of these mystical ideas.
An FT encodes parts about the whole into each part. Holgrams are rooted in FTs, so when you cut up a hologram into smaller pieces with scissors, each piece has the whole image in it.
The universe is like this, and so is mind. Genius scientist, quantum pioneer David Bohm believed the mind was holographic, because memory in the human mind is stored the same way:

I was poking around looking at this for an application to record musicians with different mics, and sort out from the mics which sound was coming from which musician. I noticed a funny thing: When two musicians are in perfect harmony, information about their location vanishes. So when two people are vibrating on the same frequency, its as if their in the same place at once. Its something about the universe... I believe you see it reflected in quantum mechanics with that whole spooky action at a distance entanglement thing too. A weird idea there, that in some way we can move beyond our physical selves by vibrating at a certain frequency.


posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

Dear ThePhysicalExperience,

What causes the vibrations if everything is one and one is merely a reflection of itself?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:23 AM

Its very coincidental with this post I made just the other day

It parallels my thoughts very well!


posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

Thought causes vibration as indicated by an electroencephalogram (EEG). I can surmise there is an architect for this universe for which my experience is to observe and understand.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by ThePhysicalExperience
reply to post by AQuestion

Thought causes vibration as indicated by an electroencephalogram (EEG). I can surmise there is an architect for this universe for which my experience is to observe and understand.

What inspires/creates thought though? Without perception/experience would there be thought?

Or does vibration cause thought? Which came first the vibrations or thought?

I find it interesting that when we perceive light waves or hear sound waves or feel vibrational waves...those waves in turn create waves in the brain. The waves propagate from one form to the next from light to thought. We analyze all of our perceptions (which come from vibration or waves) with yet more waves...

edit on 11-3-2013 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

Some questions lead to answers and others lead to paradoxes. My experience is to navigate these to find my own truth.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

I also used this Map by David Hawkins to help me understand a bit more about the manifestations into my emotional state. If i were to go into the negative too far my body would secrete "adrenalin" and if i went into the positive too far i would secrete "serotonin". This is just a guide and i do not ascribe any of these labels to my own understanding of "my truth". However for the purpose of communicating by with the five senses this is where one can find the "perspective".

" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">http://

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

Chance is but a name for Law not recognized.
What is this? Please go on.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

When i understood this principle i could perceive my reality and see all things connecting and flowing into one another. From this i could use "probability" to work out the cause and effect of things i had set in motion after they had occurred in my perceived reality. This process caused me to not see anything as "chance" but "cause and effect". That is how i saw this

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by ThePhysicalExperience
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

When i understood this principle i could perceive my reality and see all things connecting and flowing into one another. From this i could use "probability" to work out the cause and effect of things i had set in motion after they had occurred in my perceived reality. This process caused me to not see anything as "chance" but "cause and effect". That is how i saw this

Before you ask i did try to reverse this process to see "forward" and i created a paradox for myself doing that. For me understanding comes from looking into the "past" and "arrogance" comes from looking into the future.
I do not perceive "past or future" as singular "events" to perceive as they only exist in either my memory (past) or my imagination (future). All i have ever perceived is the never ending perception of the "present". Once i understood this i could use all three at once to navigate the paradoxes.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by ThePhysicalExperience

Originally posted by ThePhysicalExperience
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

When i understood this principle i could perceive my reality and see all things connecting and flowing into one another. From this i could use "probability" to work out the cause and effect of things i had set in motion after they had occurred in my perceived reality. This process caused me to not see anything as "chance" but "cause and effect". That is how i saw this

Before you ask

This is my arrogance reflecting back at me but i have identified it.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

. Once i understood this i could use all three at once to navigate the paradoxes.
What paradoxes?
And why do you speak about things in the past tense so much?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

. Once i understood this i could use all three at once to navigate the paradoxes.
What paradoxes?
And why do you speak about things in the past tense so much?

I am moving forward and this is in my memory.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by ThePhysicalExperience

. Once i understood this i could use all three at once to navigate the paradoxes.
What paradoxes?
And why do you speak about things in the past tense so much?

The paradoxes you are seeking to understand are your own created ones. I cannot tell you what these are without causing a serious cause and effect on my own "pendulum". I really look at my principles of perception to understand this for myself in my own way, the only way i can really understand something.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:49 AM

I noticed a funny thing: When two musicians are in perfect harmony, information about their location vanishes. So when two people are vibrating on the same frequency, its as if their in the same place at once. Its something about the universe... I believe you see it reflected in quantum mechanics with that whole spooky action at a distance entanglement thing too. A weird idea there, that in some way we can move beyond our physical selves by vibrating at a certain frequency.

Fascinating. I've noticed that when I play a note on my keyboard while singing the same note, it's as if the music is going right through me, a bit like an electric current. It would be interesting if a musical instrument could be used to connect to different frequencies or realities.

Overall, this is a mind-blowing thread. So many ideas shared, each opening a door to a new way of looking at the universe. Thanks for sharing.

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