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Are all religions just really a sect?

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posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 05:08 PM
Mate I respect your faith, and your believe in it. I really do.

But you see, even Christianity, is a religion based on fear, like so many. One of the signs of a cult or sect. Using fear to control your subordinates. You sin, you go to hell. You will be judged, you will be punished. It instills fear, and can therefore be used to control.]


posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Wonders

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
There is much truth per the Sect theme. However, the Masons seem to have all the books of the varied sects on their altar of Oaths, and if you follow their Stone Mason Theme you discover these ancient blocks that are 50 tons large that no science today can explain. If you follow those steps to higher learning, then you find that we are all one, and the varied sects were a little less complete of the understanding needed for the Whole.

Such a broader mind, not content with one book or the other, provides the great wisdoms and the higher knowledge gained via a climb into the constellations via a Jacob's ladder of raising steps and we then find a vastly higher knowledge than we know now.

No one needs to fall for always having a little piece of the higher truths and thinking they have it all on their single book.
edit on 11-3-2013 by MagnumOpus because: Finding the pathways into the heavens and the higher knowledge from the ancient parables

Are you saying that in other words that it's better to embrace all religions yet remain faithful to none?
That it's acceptable to have the bible on display but God forbid your sect take it seriously?
Here's what I agree with.
New World Order ramifications

What the Masons appear to do is show respect toward all the books of religion, yet don't emphasize only one.

What they appear to teach is there is more to the story for each religion, which is the theme for their Raisings, and their quest for knowledge going up the Jacob's ladder into the Constellations. When the roots for these religions then become as one, then each book has part of the message and the various messages only become clear via the added knowledge of their Degrees working toward 33rd.

The Mason's theme appeared to begin with the fascinations of the huge cut stone of the temple mount and several other large ancient works in that region that nobody can explain using Earth Science or even present technology.

The answer then becomes you have to consider the regions of Abraham and the City of Ur, the City of Eridu, and the fertile crescent region and the amazing things that happened back then with building methods.

With such greater knowledge, each person rises above the limited knowledge of the one book they began with and consider that each book imparts more knowledge toward the whole of understanding.

Do this, means any Mason around the world can get along with the other, irrespective of their religious orientations, yet still be respective of each other's regional religion.

You just have to study Masons and how much attention they pay to religion, the Solomon Temple themes, and the craft of Masonry or stone cutting, and the greatest arts for this are fertile crescent area.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

What the Masons appear to do is show respect toward all the books of religion, yet don't emphasize only one.

What they appear to teach is there is more to the story for each religion, which is the theme for their Raisings, and their quest for knowledge going up the Jacob's ladder into the Constellations. When the roots for these religions then become as one, then each book has part of the message and the various messages only become clear via the added knowledge of their Degrees working toward 33rd.

The Mason's theme appeared to begin with the fascinations of the huge cut stone of the temple mount and several other large ancient works in that region that nobody can explain using Earth Science or even present technology.

The answer then becomes you have to consider the regions of Abraham and the City of Ur, the City of Eridu, and the fertile crescent region and the amazing things that happened back then with building methods.

With such greater knowledge, each person rises above the limited knowledge of the one book they began with and consider that each book imparts more knowledge toward the whole of understanding.

Do this, means any Mason around the world can get along with the other, irrespective of their religious orientations, yet still be respective of each other's regional religion.

You just have to study Masons and how much attention they pay to religion, the Solomon Temple themes, and the craft of Masonry or stone cutting, and the greatest arts for this are fertile crescent area.

I have done a bit of study of the Masons, and yes, they do like tradition and ritual and to be literally threatened with gore should they recant their vows, how thrilling.

I've read more about it than you'd like, I suppose,
Noone lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, instead they put it on a stand where the light can be seen by all who enter the house.
And if the light you think you have is really darkness, how deep that darkness is!

Here's one Mason who pays much attention to religion:
Aleister Crowley EXPOSED!
edit on 10/01/11 by Wonders because: Fix it.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep
Mate I respect your faith, and your believe in it. I really do.

But you see, even Christianity, is a religion based on fear, like so many. One of the signs of a cult or sect. Using fear to control your subordinates. You sin, you go to hell. You will be judged, you will be punished. It instills fear, and can therefore be used to control.]


That's by and large the way that most organizations work imo. Take the healthcare industry for example. I'm against vaccinations and I don't appreciate their scare tactics to rake in more money and the damage they cause.
I'm against sodium fluoride in foods and water, yet people fall for it because they are hoping for whiter teeth and are undeterred by the fact that it lowers IQ by 20%. I could go on but by mentioning that the heart of your message in this thread, which imo is this post that I'm replying to, is applicable towards many organizations and not just religion, it would make sense to me, to expose and denounce them as well.
I believe that it is very much safe to assume that even if all the religious were killed off, that those left would still own some fear..Is that a reasonable guess? So then, what other measures would you take to eliminate the fears of others? Are you sure you'd be up to that task?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep
Mate I respect your faith, and your believe in it. I really do.

But you see, even Christianity, is a religion based on fear, like so many. One of the signs of a cult or sect. Using fear to control your subordinates. You sin, you go to hell. You will be judged, you will be punished. It instills fear, and can therefore be used to control.]


I'm not saying these things to detract the importance of the truth of what you've said, because I do believe that Organized Christianity is manipulative. It is not only apparent to many athiests, but it is also apparent to those who read the bible and take it seriously.
According to the bible, EVERYONE is going to be judged, and the first to be judged are those of God's household. The bible also says that God punishes those whom he loves while they are still alive, it's like refining gold, when under the smelting process (trials and tribulations tests) what we hide beneath the surface rises to the surface, and ultimately we ourselves need to make the decision to remove the impurities from our lives lest the leaven of hypocrisy leaven the whole lump and we become like these guys:
Ezekiel 22:18 "Son of man, the people of Israel have become dross to me; all of them are the copper, tin, iron and lead left inside a furnace. They are but the dross of silver.

You see, through the bible we are warned and not kept ignorant, we are taught and not kept unclean by it.
Psalm 19:9-11 Reverence for the LORD is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the LORD are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb. By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

God's love for us can be likened to a parent who disciplines their child because the child is loved and needs to know that there are negative consequences to certain actions, that there is a cause and effect, for we do not live in a wolrld inundated by butterflies and rainbows, negative effects are indeed possible, sure it does not help to be fearful of the negative, but it does not help to be ignorant of the negative either, of this I'm sure you're aware. God puts his teachings in terms we can understand, a fruit tree that was MADE to bear fruit is to be chopped down if it remains utterly barren, here's how Jesus explained it:

Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’

“‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’”
Luke 13:1-9

Here is a warning to priests:
Malachi 2:1-3 "Listen, you priests--this command is for you! Listen to me and make up your minds to honor my name," says the LORD of Heaven's Armies, "or I will bring a terrible curse against you. I will curse even the blessings you receive. Indeed, I have already cursed them, because you have not taken my warning to heart. I will punish your descendants and smear on your faces the manure from your festival sacrifices, and I will throw you on the manure pile.

It is interesting to me that God tells them beforehand that he'd smear manure on their faces, fertilizer.

IMO everyone was meant to have some form of control, namely Self-control.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

There is no law against self-control, yet many folk appoint people over them to create laws for them to live by, but this earthly system is corrupt.
edit on 10/01/11 by Wonders because: To add.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 08:13 AM
Crowley is not the typical Mason. Most of them are sincere about seeking to become better persons.

Some Mason's tend to learn much about religions and the workings of the world's various religions, and there are some Masons that seek the NWO views.

But, the big theme is learning how to supplement one religion book with a broader view of all religions, looking for the roots of religions down in Egypt, the pyramid at Ur and why there has been this fascination with a heaven in the sky.

Mason have people think, in place of follow a singular view, or walk to a single book's view.

Originally posted by Wonders

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

What the Masons appear to do is show respect toward all the books of religion, yet don't emphasize only one.

What they appear to teach is there is more to the story for each religion, which is the theme for their Raisings, and their quest for knowledge going up the Jacob's ladder into the Constellations. When the roots for these religions then become as one, then each book has part of the message and the various messages only become clear via the added knowledge of their Degrees working toward 33rd.

The Mason's theme appeared to begin with the fascinations of the huge cut stone of the temple mount and several other large ancient works in that region that nobody can explain using Earth Science or even present technology.

The answer then becomes you have to consider the regions of Abraham and the City of Ur, the City of Eridu, and the fertile crescent region and the amazing things that happened back then with building methods.

With such greater knowledge, each person rises above the limited knowledge of the one book they began with and consider that each book imparts more knowledge toward the whole of understanding.

Do this, means any Mason around the world can get along with the other, irrespective of their religious orientations, yet still be respective of each other's regional religion.

You just have to study Masons and how much attention they pay to religion, the Solomon Temple themes, and the craft of Masonry or stone cutting, and the greatest arts for this are fertile crescent area.

I have done a bit of study of the Masons, and yes, they do like tradition and ritual and to be literally threatened with gore should they recant their vows, how thrilling.

I've read more about it than you'd like, I suppose,
Noone lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, instead they put it on a stand where the light can be seen by all who enter the house.
And if the light you think you have is really darkness, how deep that darkness is!

Here's one Mason who pays much attention to religion:
Aleister Crowley EXPOSED!
edit on 10/01/11 by Wonders because: Fix it.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Thus, granting others power and control over them, instilling fear in them, and ultimately succumbing to the greatest of all control systems ever. Organized religion . . .
Making that personal choice is one thing, what we need to constantly work at to avoid is state sponsored religion.
Today, in the US, there is a state religion that we are all subjected to and forced to support, and that is Zionism, which goes directly against all the American ideals that theoretically we are supposed to stand for, such as not discriminating against people based on race, creed, or color.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
Crowley is not the typical Mason. Most of them are sincere about seeking to become better persons.

Some Mason's tend to learn much about religions and the workings of the world's various religions, and there are some Masons that seek the NWO views.

But, the big theme is learning how to supplement one religion book with a broader view of all religions, looking for the roots of religions down in Egypt, the pyramid at Ur and why there has been this fascination with a heaven in the sky.

Mason have people think, in place of follow a singular view, or walk to a single book's view.

IMO that's kind of like telling a prostitute to harlot herself out to every possible customer in order to learn more about true love.
I did not say that Crowley was a typical mason, your typical solomnly illiterate mason would never get honors like Crowley did.
I'm not sure if you are already aware of this:
Freemasonry, the worship of Lucifer.
Mason's have people think huh, well what an accomplishment, especially since everyone thinks, Ev-ery-one. But you seem to think that Masons are the guys who think clearly, and yet new books are being written every day. It's a wild goose chase.
You think well of yourself for being so "broad" well you obviously draw the line somewhere, I mean, I don't expect you to "supplement" your understanding with the links I've shared, because it goes against your authority whom you have allowed to dispense your version of wisdom like a time release capsule.
There is plenty of literature warning others of Freemasonry, just saying "Most Masons are sincere about seeking to become better persons", does not make them better than others because most people in general are sincere about seeking to become better persons, and that all depends on their personal perception on what a better person would be, I personally do not believe that I need to get myself entrenched in such a murky organization just to FEEL like a "better person".

posted on Mar, 16 2013 @ 07:13 PM
Well, do read up on the Bible sometime and take note they do appear to call Jesus as Lucifer. Plus, the word just means light bearer, nothing to get so worked up about.

Everyone should be seeking the light or truth or illumination. Religions are supposed to do that, but they get stuck on a rut and don't bother to read and understand other books.

Masons don't get stuck in the rut and they do bother to read and understand other book, history, archaeology, and so on.

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
Well, do read up on the Bible sometime and take note they do appear to call Jesus as Lucifer. Plus, the word just means light bearer, nothing to get so worked up about.

Everyone should be seeking the light or truth or illumination. Religions are supposed to do that, but they get stuck on a rut and don't bother to read and understand other books.

Masons don't get stuck in the rut and they do bother to read and understand other book, history, archaeology, and so on.

I do read the bible, and have read up about you folk a long time ago that you masons seriously have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed into thinking that Jesus is really lucifer and that you yourselfs are Gods.. It would be laughable if it weren't so disturbing.
Religions are not responsible for teaching people, we ourselves need to go forth and learn for ourselves.

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