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Rise of Government Dependence

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posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Until the public becomes disturbed enough by this information, it will not change, improve, or stop.

OP, I think you’re missing the point.

For many people in America, this (handouts) is exactly what they wanted and voted for. They are happy as hell, hence the reelection in November. The country is divided between takers and providers and the “taker” mindset has been nurtured by those in power who wish to remain in power.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Our current economic "illusion" is just that.

We're going to crash and crash hard under the weight of entitlements.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:59 AM
Who are the GOVERNMENT but only the ELECTED representives of the PEOPLE - US?

NONE of us could have ruled alone, simply because by ourselves, we would not have the means to open mines, build roads, set up schools, create business, provide 24/7 security.

We survived AS A SOCIETY, where each pitches in to progress and evolve.

There will always be some whom have the ability to reach for the stars, and some will be left way behind, as each have different gifts and opportunity starting points in life.

Thus, we form and elect representatives, to represent our views, or at least the majority's views so that all different people may co-exist in peace and prosper, to legislate laws for all to agree upon to abide by them, to regulate businesses so that all may at least have a level playing field in their own pursuits, and to get taxes so as to ensure social functions in education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc are shared and given to all for none to be left behind as the nation excels.

So who are WE really being dependent on?

Only ourselves, our community, to rise as one People, for no one is without any need at some point in the journey of life. Being utilitarian and apathetic will only result in one man left alive on this planet.

edit on 10-3-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Blame the poor all you want but it's the top 1% that are mostly to blame.

They are the ones outsourcing jobs.
They are the ones not putting back their millions back in circulation.
They are the ones not creating jobs.
They are the ones pulling the government's strings.
They are the ones that end up decreeing laws.
They are the ones creating money out of thin air while the poor suffer the consequences.

It's sad to see all those people "dependent" on the government but the poor and not the ones to blame first. Also, I rather see those people have help than be homeless and starving to death.

Anyway, what could they do? Create new farms? Start new businesses?
With capitalism being on it's end phase, they are barely such opportunities even for the high/middle class.
edit on 10-3-2013 by theMediator because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:05 PM
My opinion is that the government needed to research cures for illnesses instead of letting the FDA "work" to with the pharmaceutical companies get things that they say can manage illnesses.

An example: Look at all the people that have disabilities from other illnesses that could have been cured YEARS ago, had the government devoted funds to those sorts of things! Diabetes creates nerve damage over years of people having it, and even the people who have it in "good control". Instead of letting the pharmaceutical companies make profits off of people with illnesses, maybe the government could have hired scientists to figure out cures for diseases??? And let's not even get into the suppressed cures....

I think that entitlements for health have cost this country a lot, but what have the entitlements for war cost? Right now about 600 billion a year for that. What if they devoted 600 billion a year to curing diabetes, cancer, MS, arthritis, and others. Need I say more?

I have watched over the years as different doctors have found cures to illnesses that can cause disabilities down the road. Look on ATS for the threads talking about what happened to Dr. Burzynski from Texas. The fact of the matter is that a lot of Americans are disabled, and I think the government should have done a lot more to develop cures for diseases. When was the last time Big-Pharma cured anything and it got out to the mainstream on a MASS scale?

Edit to add: People that have diabetes cannot join the military or other armed forces of the USA. If they cured that, think of how many more soldiers they would have!

edit on 3/10/2013 by InFriNiTee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Until the public becomes disturbed enough by this information, it will not change, improve, or stop.

OP, I think you’re missing the point.

For many people in America, this (handouts) is exactly what they wanted and voted for. They are happy as hell, hence the reelection in November. The country is divided between takers and providers and the “taker” mindset has been nurtured by those in power who wish to remain in power.

Everyone is living on entitlements. Why not the poor people who need it more than failed business? You didn't differentiate at all so I can only assume to attack the poor. Sure some people make bad decisions(are lazy, gamblers, overspend) but they only affect themselves, whereas business affects hundreds or thousands.

Have you seen the derivatives bubble? It is in $1.5 quadrillion range. Sooner or later these toxic assets will completly debase not only the dollar but euro and other powerful currencies.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:36 PM
The more people on government assistance the less people to fight against a corrupted government.

Why fighting the system when is easy to get fat and lazy waiting for a miserable free check in the mail.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
The more people on government assistance the less people to fight against a corrupted government.

Why fighting the system when is easy to get fat and lazy waiting for a miserable free check in the mail.

Because no one looks forward to bloodshed. Besides most folks know something is terribly rotten with washington but they don't have the time, energy to find out why. I personally do not look forward to any revolution unless people become aware. Replacing one broken system with another broken system is the epitomy of stupidity, yet this is exactly what has happened the last 3000 years of human history. One empire collapses and a new one begins.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:16 AM
I am trying a new tactic around here. Instead of trying to share serious thoughts and information, only to get P O and docked points by one of the Hall Monitors when one of the many "Closet Geniuses" and "Dwarfs" chime-in, I am going to try using the "Saturday Morning Cartoon" approach, which I am sure will help to reach a wider audience. Here it goes:

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Someday robots will take all of our jobs.

Im supprised your views are so narrow minded and ignorant.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:16 AM
Ya, but think of how many people are old and living on SS. Once you subtract that, there is nothing left to this argument. The people living on SS, who make up the majority of that number, which in itself is wrong but that is another thing, have paid into the system. They are not the ones who invented the system, it was politicians who worked it out. So this aspect of the argument, once you get to the core of it, falls apart.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:40 AM
Every time this topic is touched upon whether from news organisations, politicians usually for point scoring or from the general public in threads like this one. It is always done with an overtone of the peoples fault, hinting they are scroungers or blatant name calling. The fact is that ALL blame must be put firmly at the feet of the elected politicians, for creating the circumstances that caused this to happen.
I can only speak of what i see in the UK, but i see similarities with the US and how manufacturing has declined, companies moving operations abroad to China or India,further education becoming too expensive for working class people unless they borrow from banks and are in debt for the next ten years, leaving them with a worthless piece of paper telling them how clever they are being in debt with no job or a poorly paid job.
Then we have these highly paid politicians dividing the nation on issues such as benefits, they demonise the people who have nothing due to the failure of Government to create an economic system that encourages growth and employment. Corporations and Banks are held in such high esteem that the people are forgotten and are simply pawns to be used as they please, we saw this very clearly when banks/corporations were saved with the peoples money because they were too big to fail which is just nonsense in a capitalist society.
Governments will continue with this same agenda unless we the people change our mindset and hold politicians accountable, in my opinion the two party system should be abolished but that is for another thread. People must ask themselves do they want cheap toys or goods which break after one month? or do they want manufacturing done at home with better quality goods and well paid jobs back to the people who now desperately need it.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:59 AM
Damn those those old people on social security they should be out working instead of sitting in hospitals living the good life on medicaid/care. And damn those silly college students they need to get out of school and get low paying jobs. Really people? The US like most western nation have a large baby boom population. You know the people who built the nation into a super power and you people call them bums. Nice, how about you get a clue.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 08:36 AM
Sadly I live in southern Ga and the bulk of the welfare recipients are not old people in SS but young able breeders that actually and truthfully can not find jobs to support their increasing Dependants, because is easier to breed than work at Walmart.

Still in the last 15 years + that I have lived in GA things has not gotten better, in the last ten years we lost several manufacturing plants and now Obama cuts is killing more welfare supported jobs in the city within our military base Depot.

This is reality, plain simple and ugly, anybody can sugar coat what they want but I live within and among plenty of welfare dependence younger generation and growing.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Sadly I live in southern Ga and the bulk of the welfare recipients are not old people in SS but young able breeders that actually and truthfully can not find jobs to support their increasing Dependants, because is easier to breed than work at Walmart.

Yeah! Let's all go out and get ourselves one of those good jobs that Walmart has to offer. Surely, that will turn us into proud, productive americans who don't need welfare, right?

Walmart and companies like them are a huge part of the problem!!! It's corporations like Walmart who are stiffing the taxpayers into subsidizing their employee base while they rake in record profits and sit on cash assets in excess of 1.7 trillion collectively.

I think that congressman Alan Grayson hit the nail on the head with respect to calling out the "real" welfare queens here in America.

Walmart employees are paid so little, he argued, they often seek government programs for help.

"In state after state, the largest group of Medicaid recipients is Walmart employees. I'm sure that the same thing is true of food stamp recipients. Each Walmart ‘associate’ costs the taxpayers an average of more than $1,000 in public assistance," Grayson wrote in a Huffington Post column on Nov. 24, 2012.

In nearly all 24 states in which a study was completed, Grayson’s point proved accurate, according to a list from Good Jobs First, a labor-funded group that has criticized government support for Wal-Mart.

We should note not every study examined Medicaid, the joint state-federal partnership that insures the poor and disabled. Many reports focused on state-run programs aimed at people with low-paying jobs who don’t qualify for Medicaid and don’t make enough to provide insurance their families (these are often called SCHIP).

Here's a short video that pretty much explains who's making/holding the vast majority of this nation's assets.

Those assets, via the "Citizen's United" SCOTUS decision, are the tool by which they control our elected officials and lobby for legislation that further enables them to privatize profits and socialize cost. By the way, I think it also kinda, sorta proves that "trickle down economics" is a big load of cow patties.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 10:20 AM
I think most of you are missing the point.

Why are we not discussing the issues that force people to become dependent on a government check?

Low wages
overbearing tax policies
skyrocketing prices on everything

and on and on..........

Sadly, we blame the people that get assistance, but fail to recognize that most people on welfare are the WORKING POOR! These are not lazy people that will not work. These are people that do work but can't feed a family on what the American labor market will pay them.

We pay more attention to, and place blame on, the people that need help feeding their families rather than the corrupt system that has placed more value on the appearance of capitalistic integrity than it does the value of life and value of a hard days work.

Entitlements will not be the downfall of America's economy. Our inability to place people before the political hogwash we are fed is what has and will bring this country down.
edit on 11-3-2013 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

You are so right is not funny, the truth is that I make a mockery of Walmart because their low wages and don't even think that their health care is going to help you if you are not full time, welcome to medicaid lines under Obamacare.

But at the same time, we need to remember that breeding more welfare babies is not going to make this young generation any better when it comes to quality of life for them and their children and that is exactly what goes on, just have more children to add to the burden of the tax payer that actually is also losing their welfare supporting jobs in the city.

Who will be supporting all those babies? less taxes less money for welfare programs within the state.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

The Richistanis corrupted elected trash in Washington have no clue how the "other side" live, pay taxes and survive, because they never been in that class and never will.

That is why political leaders can no associate themselves with the working poor to know how they live.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

I couldn't agree with you more!

When I was a kid, which wasn't that long ago, a family here in America only needed one full time bread winner in order to sustain itself. My dad worked full time and my mom stayed home and raised myself and my 3 siblings and everything was good.

Today, a family needs at least 2 full time bread winners and most of the time, that won't keep them out of poverty. Not to mention our children, who are also suffering via their lack of appropriate adult supervision while both parents work, which results in a whole other class of social problems like truancy, bullying, gang violence, etc...

The whole time, those at the top of the economic scale get richer and richer, faster and faster. I think we're at the point of breaking the camel's back and I feel confident that the new paradigm will more closely resemble the visions of the Occupy Movement than that of the Tea Party Movement. Especially in light of the fact that the conservative movement has apparently decided to double-down on their failed austerity/ trickle down ideology which is really designed to trickle on, not down.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by marg6043

While I agree that it's probably not wise to bear more children than one can support, I'm not sure what an acceptable solution to that problem would look like. Would we put birth restrictions in place like those found in China? Would we enact an economic threshold that couples would have to meet in order to be given permission to reproduce? Would we end up in a situation where only the rich can reproduce?

No having answers to any of those questions, I feel compelled to doing what I think will make the biggest difference at this time which is to insure that employers are required to pay a "living wage" including healthcare to their employees. This one step would significantly reduce the welfare burden on the rest of the taxpayers here in America.

Instead of bearing the true cost of employing someone, big corporations like Walmart pay poverty level wages and then tell their employees to apply for public assistance. Then they take the money that should have been spent on their employees and push it over into the profit column. Go figure!

It's the big corporations like Walmart who are riding on the back of the taxpayers and NOT the other way around.

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