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What is this?: Forcing sensations down spine to make goosebumps

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posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: DiogoBras108
I don't really find that to be the case. It doesn't make me feel tired unless I do it a lot in a row; it gets tired on its own too, like it has its own separate energy reserve, and I reach a point where I can't even trigger it any more. It's like lifting weights; no matter how much you can bench-press, you get to where you can't even lift ten pounds after hours of wearing yourself out. Does a runner jog to his car after finishing a 26-mile marathon?
But just one or two "pushes" doesn't make me tired or yawn-y. Nor does it seem to do much of anything else. It's just there. I assume I'll be shown how to use it when the time comes (probably some time this week)...

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: CrypticSouthpaw

It's Tinnitus, not tetanus.Cryptic, I got your back here. I have tinnitus also, further more I am able to control these spinal shivers as well. I'm positive this is the ability of the Baresarks (Historical Berserkers). Do it long enough you get the sweats and goosebumps. You're able to trigger a neurochemical reaction to dump dopamine into your body. I am also 99% positive this is what Kriya yoga calls the Prana because of it's ability to connect mind to body and redirect blood flow. How is all of this possible you ask? Well the beauty of western intelligence has finally caught up to the knowledge of eastern wisdom ... E=mc^2. This states that Energy is the equivalent to mass reacting at the speed of light squared. Or in otherwords Mass is the equivalent of Energy condensed by the speed of light squared. The matter (atoms) that makes up mass corresponds directly to specific energy signatures. Hydrogen being a type of energy, helium being another, all the way through the periodic table of elements. We are energy, and in 1982 Alain Aspect preformed an experiment: hope that helps you out man. Also, I have been diagnosed with atypical ASD. Don't worry it's not a disability, it's a gift as I'm able to devour a subject with extreme intensity, I'm not so good at juggling the rest of my life though.

edit on 20-4-2017 by SamuelDaugherty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 12:40 AM
Not quite like that for me. Tingling starts at the bottom of my spine. Or totally in my brain and doesnt necessarily travel.but it can even to my arms if starting in brain.

Or sometimes it starts in my legs certain parts of legs or sides of my body. My back is most of the timw as my complite back torso not just spine, like it is facing wind or sun or rain sometimes strong sometimes weaker.
edit on 20-4-2017 by xbeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 12:16 PM
I don't know , so I will guess since I don't know. Lol
It does sound like you may have tennitis.
The other symptoms?
I would suggest finding a Tai Chi & or A Qigong Master. Sounds like your Chi flowing to me.

posted on Oct, 4 2017 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: CrypticSouthpaw

i didnt know anyone could do this. i can do all of the things you mentioned since probably middle school when i got into meditating. its like i feel like i can activate spiritual energy or something. even on high temperature days during the summer for example, if i focus hard enough, i can cool my whole body down by concentrating a certain energy down my back starting from the spinal cord. i can hear electronic frequencies as well, even sound frequencies right above what a television would put out. i can tap into my whole consciousness and feel everything that is me...its hard to explain. its like, complete awareness of self. most times while in this conscious state i feel like i can sense other peoples energy too, like i can literally close my eyes and ears and sense that someone is within a few feet of me; ive done it on special occasions. i never tell anyone this because ive always feared that id be made fun of for being a weirdo, and for the simple fact that no one would understand. i also have what id consider a perfected sense of self. this one is hard to explain as well. its like i'm aware of everything i do and say, and its hard for me to deny anything because i see things for exactly what they are and whats shown to me.

posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: melz1989

Hey Melz, Look up enlightenment if you haven't already. It's real and you've entered the continuum. A better term would be called awakening. I'm assuming you don't really "suffer"? Like things go on in life but they don't really bother this consistent sense of contentment?

If you want resources or to learn more about it I'm happy to chat. You're not alone and there have been a significantly increasing number of us waking up in the last few decades ( coinciding with the spread of the internet). It's the source of true power and can dramatically enliven every part of your life if you learn what this means for you and what you're capable of now.

For others:

The Mind and Body are completely integrated. Whatever you feel is actually happening.

The electrical feeling is a large pulse of energy being sent out through the nervous system. The nervous system runs completely on electricity and all the "normal" sensations you feel are made up of those tiny little vibrations but are normally smoothed over by our minds. Through meditation we learn to see things "as they are" and one can start to demand the raw data rather than the mental abstraction.

The taoists call it qi or chi. With practice you can eventually feel it throughout your entire body on a whim. As others have mentioned you can learn to direct it.

Modern human bodies tend to have a bunch of tensions and inefficiencies as a result of our unhealthy societies. Practices that integrate the mind with the body restore health to the body. As health is restored the ability for your body to create energy efficiently increases and through the harmony of multiple systems in your body such as your brain waves, your heart rate variability and your breathe rate one can start to produce significantly more than typically found in "typical" humans. As your use your mind to run the energy around you stimulate the nerves to grow and develop so that they increase their energy sensitivity, capacity and how smoothly it can run through.

This is the basis for the more supernatural effects of mediators, yogis and internal martial arts.

It's starting to become strikingly clear that the mind is very much a part of the "real" world and it seems it exists in the electromagnetic spectrum. The energetic spectrum is more fundamental than and gives rise to our physical reality. There is nothing that happens "out there" without an energetic correlate. How else does our internal experience seem to be so intimately in tune with every sensation of our bodies simultaneously if we let it? How else does this non material mind have real effects on our bodies?

With this understanding we can see that our bodies are extensions of our minds rather than our minds being an extension of our bodies.. Awareness allows for one to map our minds into the unknown or neglected parts of our bodies to revitalize them and gain control. A still mind and meditation are often recommended so there's minimal interference or noise in the brain's electromagnetic field (central processing unit) as we do our exploration.

Eventually one can extend their awareness into something even more fundamental then the electromagnetic spectrum and tap into the raw data of reality itself. But one would never know such a thing by always extending awareness into the "external" world which is why only those who explore "inside" see these kinds of things.

Most of the things described in this thread are precisely this. Awareness of parts of the electromagnetic spectrum which other people haven't developed. Hence things some can see feel and hear while the untrained or too constrained can't experience because their not tuned in. I'm really starting to doubt "crazy" exists and that what we've known as mental disorders are the inability of those who are experiencing or interacting with things outside the normal range to interpret or express them clearly enough to be of any help to themselves.

edit on 12-3-2018 by Flowfall because: Providing more information

edit on 12-3-2018 by Flowfall because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2018 by Flowfall because: (no reason given)

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